Mike Ditka won't rule out U.S. Senate run
Washington Times
Chicago, IL, Jul. 12 (UPI) — Hall of Fame football coach Mike Ditka says he's just a regular guy but that shouldn't rule him out as a replacement Illinois U.S. Senate candidate. The 66-year-old former head coach of the Chicago Bears appeared on television news shows to talk about a possible bid for Senate. |
Attaturk: In a situation just crying out of double entendres Levitra's prominant spokes-stiff, Mike Ditka, is pulsating in...
Will Collier: Da Coach is publicly mulling over the idea; he even gets in a dig at Ted Kennedy in a brief UPI story.
Steven Taylor: I heard something about this in passing yeterday: Ditka won't rule out U.S. Senate run "Hall of Fame football coach...
Steve M.: I'm just thinking about it," Ditka told WGN-TV, Chicago... —Washington Times/UPI If this happens (in the wake of Jack...
Ace: Mike Ditka Considering Senate Run — "I'm getting excited about it. I'm just thinking about it," the beloved coach says.
Kos: IL-Sen: Ditka is considering Senate run — Flattery is a powerful tool, and it seems to be working on Ditka.
DeLay's Corporate Fundraising Investigated
By R. Jeffrey Smith / WaPo
In May 2001, Enron's top lobbyists in Washington advised the company chairman that then-House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) was pressing for a $100,000 contribution to his political action committee, in addition to the $250,000 the company had already pledged to the Republican Party that year. |
Kevin Raybould: DeLay and the Appearance of Corruption — DeLay pressed Enron execs for money to help with the Texas redistricting...
Nick Confessore: Anyway, Smith's piece is long but well-worth reading. It does beg the question of where, exactly, the vaunted investigative reporters of the New York Times are on this story.
Holden: And the investigation of Enron and Ken Lay is feeding right into Earle's case: [snipped quote] Link, see also Daily Kos.
ArchPundit: Can You Say Indictment — Mr. DeLay had better live up to his last name because right now Ronnie Earle, Travis County...
Charles Kuffner: Enron funds solicited for redistricting — All I can say is wow. [snipped quote] I'm going to be in a class this week and may not have much time for blogging as a result.
Susan Madrak: ' Here comes the pesticide: "In May 2001, Enron's top lobbyists in Washington advised the company chairman that...
Byron L,
Kevin Drum,
Xan @Corrente,
Oliver Willis,
Kos |
Exclusive: Election Day Worries
July 19 issue - American counterterrorism officials, citing what they call "alarming" intelligence about a possible Qaeda strike inside the United States this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of such an attack, NEWSWEEK has learned. |
Magpie @PacificViews: And then there's this item from Newsweek that appears to started the movement of this subject from fringe paranoia to an acceptable topic for 'respectable' journalism.
John Emerson: Newsweek "U.S. officials have discussed the idea of postponing Election Day in the event of a terrorist attack on or...
Daniel Drezner: This officially scares the s*** out of me — Matt Drudge links to the following Michael Isikoff exclusive in Newsweek
Kevin Drum: Today, though, my paranoid friends are having the last laugh based on a story in Newsweek saying that the Department of...
Jack K.: Election HiJinks? ...over the last couple of years I've been listening to all of you wigged-out lefties and all your...
Mike Alissi: Protecting the Democratic Process — Newsweek: [quote] American counterterrorism officials, citing what they call "alarming"...[end quote]
Will Collier,
Stephen Green,
Steven Taylor,
James Joyner,
Tom Maguire,
Susan Madrak,
Joe Gandelman,
Meteor Blades,
Digby |
It's officially a living: Bloggers find ad boom can pay their rent
By Maureen Ryan / Chicago Tribune
A year ago, blogger Glenn Reynolds joked to the Tribune that he was making "burger-flipping" wages from the trickle of funds readers donated to his popular Web site, Instapundit.com. These days, Reynolds can afford to order steak. |
ArchPundit: Pay the Rent? Uh no, but Does pay the Bandwidth! Maureen Ryan does an article on blog ads and their explosion.
Jesse Taylor: Making A Living — The Chicago Tribune does a story on bloggers making a living from their blogs, while interviewing a...
Steve Antler: The Chicago Tribune discusses the new economics of advertising on weblogs — featuring the great Glenn Reynolds and ad-leader Instapundit.
James Joyner: Blog Ad Boom — Chicago Tribune - It's officially a living: Bloggers find ad boom can pay their rent [otbblog-jamesotb]...
Daniel Drezner: (Some) bloggers get (a little bit) rich Maureen Ryan reports in the Chicago Tribune that bloggers are starting to rake...
High Bias
By Orson Scott Card / Opinion Journal
When Fox News Channel was founded by Rupert Murdoch, the consensus was that no startup all-news cable channel could possibly compete with CNN, and if any startup had a chance, it was MSNBC, which had the combined clout of NBC's esteemed news division and Microsoft, which in those days was believed to own the future. |
Betsy Newmark: Author Orson Scott Card finds amazing bias in the mainstream media.
Steve Bainbridge: Orson Scott Card ... ... turns out not only to be a fabulous science fiction writer (see, e.g., Ender's Game), but also a perceptive media critic.
Cori Dauber: He picks a few examples at random from national stories and argues that they demonstrate a pervasive liberal bias that runs all the way through the mainstream media.
Edward Driscoll: ORSON SCOTT CARD ON MEDIA BIAS: [snipped quote] RTWT.
Jesse Taylor: Bias, Bias Everywhere, Nor Any Drop To Spare — Orson Scott Card really should have just stopped with Ender's Game.
Mike Hendrix: Fanatics — Orson Scott Card has a piece in WSJ's OpinionJournal that, as Stephen says, is indeed a must-read: [snipped quote] Amen to every word of it.
Stephen Green,
Greg Ransom |
President Bush Discusses Progress in the War on Terror
White House
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you for the warm welcome. I realize the Y-12 National Security Complex doesn't get a lot of visitors — (laughter) — so thanks for the special arrangements. I'm also glad to have the opportunity to thank each one of you for the vital work you do here. |
Matthew Yglesias: Today in Tennessee he re-iterated that it was all about a direct threat to American lives: "Although we have not found...
Zachary Roth: Here is what the president actually said today, according to the White House transcript: "In 2002, the United Nations...
Angry Bear: AB P.S. Here's the relevant part of Bush's speech today: "In fact, according to former weapons inspector David Kay,...
Holden: UPDATE: The White House postd a full transcript of Bush's speech in Tennessee today.
G.O.P. Hopes Web Sites Will Be a Link to the Small Donor
By Ken Belson / NYT
Howard Dean, move over. In a nod to the successful online fund-raising of Mr. Dean and other Democrats, the Republican National Committee will this month start paying Web site owners who raise donations for the party through their sites. |
Holden: That's It, I'm Switching Sides — EdCone informs us that the RNC is planning to pay bloggers a 30% commission on donations to Republicans that they raise through their web sites.
Ed Cone: Here's a new source of income for bloggers, as reported in the NYT: [snipped quote] — You register with a company called...
Oliver Willis: Organic vs. Store-Bought — I'm currently reading Joe Trippi's book, and now reading this story what strikes me is the difference between how the two parties operate.
Ezra Klein: Pay 'em: [snipped quote] It's not that this is a terrible idea or that it's substantively different than paying full-time fundraisers, but it changes the process for the worse.
The Great Intelligence Committee Report
Some mysteries remain unsolved. Wow, more than 520 pages. As Dan Darling and I worked through it (and don't miss his more detailed analysis at www.windsofchange.net), we were constantly entertained by big blocks of "redacted" pages. |
Betsy Newmark: Michael Ledeen has read the Senate Intelligence Committe Report and lots of penetrating observations. It's a must read.
Matthew Yglesias: Ledeen's Theories — I've got a post on one aspect of this Michael Ledeen piece going up on Tapped, but the whole thing...
Dan Darling: UPDATE: Michael Ledeen's column is up: The Great Intelligence Committee Report: some mysteries remain unsolved « ok, I'm done now
Cori Dauber: So you can take a look at this quite useful piece from Michael Ledeen, who's particularly useful on the question of Joe...
Roger L. Simon: Best Tasted Cold... But Not Bad Lukewarm — Brother Ledeen takes on Hersh, Marshall and Jay Rockefeller — among other...
Democrats give Ron Reagan prime time speaking slot
(CNN) — Ron Reagan will speak in prime time at the Democratic National Convention on the importance of stem cell research, a senior adviser to presumptive Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry told CNN on Sunday. |
James Joyner: Ron Reagan to Speak at Democratic National Convention — CNN - Democrats give Ron Reagan prime time speaking slot "Ron...
Jim D: Bruised Ego Alert — Love him or hate him, admit that Ron Reagan Jr. can at least form a coherent thought and express it...
Chris Mooney: Knock it Off — This CNN.com story about the planned appearance of Ronald Reagan's liberal son, Ron, at the Democratic...
The Big Trunk: Novak quotes Buckley talking back to RR Jr. as follows: [snipped quote] UPDATE by Hindrocket: It has now been announced...
Robert Garcia Tagorda: Junior — Readers should note three important points about this CNN article on Ron Reagan's planned speech at the Democratic National Convention.
Roger Ailes: You Can Take Zell Miller And Shove Him Up .... A fitting tribute to Ronald Reagan. Nice. Very nice. (Link via Pandagon.)
Ezra Klein |
Our Man in Niger
Exposed and discredited, Joe Wilson might consider going back. Joe Wilson's cover has been blown. For the past year, he has claimed to be a truth-teller, a whistleblower, the victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy — and most of the media have lapped it up and cheered him on. |
Glenn Reynolds: UPDATE: Clifford May writes: "Exposed and discredited, Joe Wilson might consider going back. . . . I don't think Joe Wilson is an evil man.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: UPDATE: Cliff May piles on—justifiably, I might add: "In 1991, Wilson's book jacket boasts, President George H.W. Bush...
Ace: Joe Wilson: Liar— Episode V — Clifford May. Even better, this WSJ piece (requires registration).
The Big Trunk: His reportorial and analytical skills are on display in his NRO column on the vile Joseph Wilson: "Our man in Niger."
Counterterrorism officials look to postpone elections
USA Today
WASHINGTON — Counterterrorism officials are looking into the possibility of postponing the November presidential election if there is a terrorist attack at election time, Newsweek reported Sunday. |
Magpie @PacificViews: For example, check out this report from USA Today or this one in the NY Times or this one from the BBC.
Lambert @Corrente: Department of "No! They would never do that!"
Norbizness: Perhaps I'm not as worked up about this whole postpone the election thing as I should be, and for that I'd like to thank Mr. Hookah and Mr. Serenity Now Audiotape.
Chris Bowers: Just Because You Are Joking Doesn't Mean You Aren't Serious — I let this story slide when I first noticed it, and it...
The Talkative Terrorist on Tape: Madrid Plot 'Was My Project'
MADRID, July 10 — Terrorists are not usually talkers. But the man who calls himself the mastermind of the March 11 train bombings in Madrid is an exception. For nearly three months, the Italian police have eavesdropped on Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, "Muhammad the Egyptian" as the 32-year-old Egyptian is known. |
Jan Haugland: Italian police eavesdropped on his phone conversations for nearly three months, and the records have proven a very valuable source of information about the world of terrorism.
Charles Johnson: The Talkative Terrorist — Bizarre and highly creepy revelations in the case of Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, "Muhammad the...
Hugh Hewitt: Begin the day by reading the New York Times' report on the terrorist tapes which are the results of months of wiretaps on the Madrid bombing mastermind by Italian police.
Roger L. Simon: The NYT does, however, have fascinating piece of reporting on one of the lead terrorists in the Madrid bombing known as "Mohammed the Egyptian."
Cori Dauber: The Madrid master mind turns out to be a chatty fellow. And there's information to be gleaned from just about everything he has to say.
New York Post
THE Senate Intelligence Committee report on the intelligence failures gov erning run-up to the Iraq war is a devastating document — for those who might have thought the sole reason to go to war in 2003 was Saddam Hussein's presumed stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. |
Betsy Newmark: John Podhoretz looks at who the real liars are.
Jonah Goldberg: ANOTHER EXCELLENT WALLOP — John Podhoretz is in fine form today.
Cori Dauber: Update: Here's a critical point on the argument I was making this morning (not as well, however): the fact that WMD...
Glenn Reynolds: SOME USEFUL PERSPECTIVE: [snipped quote] This doesn't get George Tenet and the CIA off the hook for a bad call, but it...
Lynne, Dick Cheney Differ on Gay Marriage
WASHINGTON July 11, 2004 — Lynne Cheney, the vice president's wife and mother of a lesbian, said Sunday that states should have the final say over the legal status of personal relationships. |
Harley: Which would explain calling Bush a 'tool of the fundamentalist right.' On the other hand, Lynne Cheney is no namby-pamby panderer.
Jesse Taylor: Cheney Vs. Cheney — I wonder when Dick will tell Lynne to go f**k herself. ...Nah, that one's way too easy.
Attaturk: Lynne Wishes to Maintain Literary License — Lynne Cheney, author of SISTERS, has bravely taken on the task of being married to "Mr. Happy" all these years.
Kash: Maybe they should start a list of Cheney's flip-flops, too.
Holden: Lynne Cheney Opposes Hate Amendment — Lynne thinks it should be left to the states to decide, agreeing with her husband circa 2000.
Byron L: Lynne Cheney Loves Her Daughter — It's good to see that Mary Cheney's mother supports her daughter: [snipped quote] Congrats to Lynne Cheney.
Andrew Sullivan |
In Oklahoma, GOP Race Not a Given
By Lois Romano / WaPo
The Republican establishment in Oklahoma had hoped to all but crown former Oklahoma City mayor Kirk Humphreys as its nominee for the Senate seat being vacated by Don Nickles (R), believing he is the best choice to keep Democratic Rep. Brad Carson at bay in this conservative state. |
Dwight Meredith: Via Charles Kuffner, I learned that Texas Senator John Cornyn spends his days in fear that if the Constitution is not amended, folks will be marrying box turtles.
Andrew Sullivan: DERBYSHIRE AWARD NOMINEE: [snipped quote] - Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), comparing gay people to animals, in a speech Thursday to the Heritage Foundation.
Charles Kuffner: Box turtles? What is it with Republican Senators and their bizarre obsession with interspecies intercourse?
Antiwar Group Says Its Ad Is Rejected
A group of antiwar advocates is accusing Clear Channel Communications, one of the nation's largest media companies, with close ties to national Republicans, of preventing the group from displaying a Times Square billboard critical of the war in Iraq. |
David Allan Pell: The group had planned a massive billboard in Times Square with the message: "Democracy Is Best Taught by Example, Not by War."
Holden: The Peaceniks at Clear Channel — They simply can't tolerate an image of a bomb on one of their New York City...
KJL: ANTIWAR GROUP CRIES CENSORSHIP, IS CARELESS — I think I am for keeping bomb imagery out of Times Square.
Steve M.: Mr. Meyer said Clear Channel had accepted a billboard that would replace the bomb with a dove... [Project Billboard...
Drudge Report
Bush Haters worldwide are still watching the famed 'Bush is Nazi' add on MOVEON.ORG — despite repeated claims by the site's founders the short had been removed more than six months ago! |
Captain Ed: Matt Drudge reports that not only was the offending file never removed, it was renamed to keep it hidden from prying...
Charles Johnson: MoveOn Still Hosting Bush/Hitler Ad — According to the Drudge Report, that infamous Bush/Hitler ad that MoveOn.org...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: Silly me.
Feds plan for disruption of elections
By Andrew Miga / Boston Herald
WASHINGTON - Two Bay State congressmen yesterday scoffed at emergency plans under review by Homeland Security to postpone the November election should al-Qaeda launch a major strike to disrupt it. |
Patrick Belton: THIS CONVERSATION seems to me to be rather silly. The question is whether elections ought to be postponed in the event of a terrorist attack.
Joe Gandelman: Two Masschusetts Congressmen pooh-poohed the idea in interviews with the Boston Herald: "''That would be the ultimate...
James Joyner: The story has caught the mass media's attention, too, not just that of the blogosphere: CNN — Officials discuss how to...
Of 'Lies' and WMD
Opinion Journal
"The Committee did not find any evidence that Administration officials attempted to coerce, influence or pressure analysts to change their judgments related to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capabilities." |
Cori Dauber: But, there in the middle (and in the headline) Joe Wilson gets his next press clipping.
Hugh Hewitt: First, in the Wall Street Journal lead editorial on the Senate Intelligence Committee's devastating report must be read.
Dean Esmay: Apologies Due — Today's Wall Street Journal reports: [snipped quote] The report also concludes that there was no...
Abstinence, Condom Controversy Erupts at AIDS Meet
By Darren Schuettler / Reuters
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A controversy erupted at a global AIDS conference on Monday over whether abstaining from sex or using condoms was more effective to prevent the disease. |
Thorley Winston: ABC versus AIDS — In a classic contest of tactics versus strategy, controversy erupts at the 2004 global AIDS...
Steve Antler: Dogma... Here's the Religious Left in full battle gear.
KJL: CONDOM BLOWUP — In the possibly most hostile forum available, Harvard's Ted Green and Uganda's Yoweri Museveni tout the ABC message re AIDS.
Out of Order
By Gregg Easterbrook / TNR
It's important to see the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 receiving wide distribution, as it is exactly the kind of political speech the First Amendment was designed to protect. |
Clayton Cramer: Gregg Easterbrook's The New Republic Column — Most of the column is sober and careful, emphasizing that Michael Moore is a liar, and this is not a recent development.
David Bernstein: Easterbrook on Moore: Gregg Easterbrook, writing in The New Republic online, states that Fahrenheit 9/11 contains...
Manila to Withdraw from Iraq 'As Soon as Possible'
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Philippines will withdraw its forces from Iraq "as soon as possible," Philippine deputy foreign minister Rafael Seguis said on Monday in a statement he read out on al Jazeera television. |
Charles Johnson: Philippines FM: "We Know Islam is the Religion of Peace and Mercy" — I'm beginning to feel as if I'm riding on a broken...
Robert Garcia Tagorda: Al-Jazeera says yes: [snipped quote] Reuters provides confirmation. If true, it would be a very tragic development indeed in this saga.
Gagging the Fuzz, Part 6
By Timothy Noah / Slate
The National Park Service formally terminated Teresa Chambers on July 9. Chambers is the Park Police chief who was canned this past December for answering truthfully some questions posed to her by a Washington Post reporter about how budget constraints had... |
Kevin Drum: Fire her, of course. Tim Noah has the whole story.
Daniel Drezner: Actually, it's worse than that — what does it say that three years after 9/11, the Bush administration's...
Lessons from Lincoln
Bear with me, friends, for this will be an unusual Impromptus. I am coming off the high of reading Benjamin P. Thomas's classic 1952 biography of Lincoln. This is not only one of the great works on that president, it is also one of the great works of American history, and one of the great works of biography. |
Betsy Newmark: Jay Nordlinger has been reading a biography of Lincoln and is so impressed with our 16th president's wisdom and eloquence that he quotes some of his favorite stories and speeches.
Ben Boychuk: Lessons from Lincoln — NRO's Jay Nordlinger just finished Benjamin Thomas's classic 1952 biography of Abraham Lincoln and offers a number of interesting thoughts.
Kerry gives foes a few openings
USA Today
Amid a series of feel-good events that would have made Cecil B. DeMille proud, Kerry said on national TV that he hadn't had time for a national security briefing on a new al-Qaeda threat. He praised celebrities who had made nasty, vulgar remarks about President Bush. |
Tom Maguire: Possible Bumper Sticker — "Remember, it's a vote FOR Kerry, not a vote AGAINST Bush." That would be a Republican bumper sticker, obviously.
Betsy Newmark: USA Today looks at mistakes that the Kerry campaign made last week so that there were a few, er, kinks in the Kerry campaign, for the Bush people to exploit.
Captain Ed: Kerry Campaign Keeps Shooting Itself In The Foot — The USA Today, in an analysis of the Kerry/Edwards campaign,...
Officials discuss how to delay Election Day
WASHINGTON (CNN) — U.S. officials have discussed the idea of postponing Election Day in the event of a terrorist attack on or about that day, a Homeland Security Department spokesman said Sunday. |
Josh Marshall: There certainly is an unseemly eagerness on the part of the White House to canvass ideas (embodied in legislation) for a...
Medium Lobster: In order to save Democracy, we have to burn it — The Medium Lobster is pleased to see that serious action is finally...
John Emerson: CNN "It was crazy to go ahead with an election a mere three days after the Madrid massacre... But I do know that...
Holden: No Longer Tin-Foil Hat Territory — It's even on freaking CNN, for crying out loud: [snipped quote] Here's the kicker:...
A new look at Bush's '16 words'
By Jeff Jacoby / Townhall.com
Last year at this time, the media were in full scandal mode over 16 words that President Bush had spoken nearly six months earlier. "The British government has learned," Bush had said in his State of the Union address in January, "that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." |
Charles Johnson: A New Look at Bush's 16 Words — Here's a good piece by Jeff Jacoby on those "16 words" that caused a media furor last...
Betsy Newmark: Jeff Jacoby revisits the "sixteen little words" from Bush's State of the Union speech last year.
Greg Ransom: MORE JEFF JACOBY — "A new look at Bush's '16 words'". Are they anti-Bush because they they are anti-war? or are they anti-Bush because they are anti-America?
Michelle Malkin: RECOMMENDED READING 1) Excellent column this morning by Jeff Jacoby, who takes a "New look at Bush's 16 words."
Afghan President Describes Militias as the Top Threat
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 11 — President Hamid Karzai said Sunday that Afghanistan's private militias had become the country's greatest danger — greater than the Taliban insurgency — and that new action was required to disarm them. |
Tim Dunlop: Afghanistan, mon amour — Further evidence that the decision to prematurely invade Iraq left Afghanistan vulnerable,...
Cori Dauber: How many other outlets can boast that?) get an interview with Hamid Karzai.
Matthew Yglesias: Today's New York Times reports that Hamid Karzai is now stating the obvious on this score: "[P]rivate militias [have]...
David Adesnik: YOU CAN'T HAVE DEMOCRACY IF IT ISN'T SAFE TO VOTE: There's trouble brewing in Afghanistan.
Urged by Right, Bush Takes On Gay Marriages
By Adam Nagourney / NYT
WASHINGTON, July 11 — Two weeks before the Democratic convention and under pressure from conservatives, President Bush is escalating his support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, moving the issue to the forefront of the campaign and underscoring what his aides said was a critical difference between the president and Senator John Kerry. |
Harley: The Prez knows a wedge issue when he sees one, and more importantly, he knows to answer "How high?" when the social conservative base tells him to jump.
Susan Madrak: After all, he's giving them this nice present he picked out just for them...
Nathan Hallford: Appeasing The Right: The Times reports that Pres.
Wayward son gets public flogging
By Robert Novak / Chicago Sun Times
Amid the spontaneous outpouring of respect and affection for Ronald Reagan after his death, a discordant note was sounded by his son. In a succession of television and newspaper interviews, Ron Reagan Jr. used the occasion to trash George W. Bush by drawing invidious comparisons between his father and the current president. |
James Joyner: In news, Robert Novak recounts a fisking by William F. Buckley, Jr. of recent remarks made by Ron Reagan, Jr. "RR Jr.:...
The Big Trunk: Now Buckley has responded with a point-by-point refuation of RR Jr., parts of which are carried verbatim in Robert Novak's column this morning: "Wayward son gets public flogging."
Buckley vs. Reagan (Jr.)
By Robert Novak / Townhall.com
WASHINGTON — Amid the spontaneous outpouring of respect and affection for Ronald Reagan following his death, a discordant note was sounded by his son. In a succession of television and newspaper interviews, Ron Reagan Jr. used the occasion to trash George W. Bush by drawing invidious comparisons between his father and the current president. |
Steven Taylor: Novack on Buckley v. Reagan — From Novack's column today: "In a succession of television and newspaper interviews, Ron...
KJL: SPEAKING OF... here's WFB vs. Ron Reagan Jr.
Betsy Newmark: Bill Buckley, an old friend of the Reagans has a point by point answer to Ron Reagan Jr. and Bob Novak quotes from the response.
Defectors' Reports on Iraq Arms Were Embellished, Exile Asserts
By Jim Dwyer / NYT
Shortly after President Bush declared war on terrorism in the fall of 2001, the Iraqi National Congress, the exile group led by Ahmad Chalabi, sent out a simple, urgent message to its network of intelligence agents: find evidence of outlawed weapons that would make Saddam Hussein a prime target for the United States. |
Steve M.: I'm sorry I never posted anything about this New York Times article from Friday, in which Muhammad al-Zubaidi, a veteran...
DeLong: How Early Was Iraq Placed on the Menu?
U.S. Mulling How to Delay Nov. Vote in Case of Attack
U.S. counterterrorism officials are looking at an emergency proposal on the legal steps needed to postpone the presidential election in case of such an attack, Newsweek reported on Sunday. |
Jesse Taylor: The more I think about this story, the more I realize that the debate over terrorism has turned wildly from the...
Mitch Berg: Chum In The Moonbat Pond — First things first: Homeland Security's reschedule the election in the event of a terrorist attack is a lousy one.
Captain Ed: Given all of that, you can understand why this idea would be inevitable — and it's still tremendously foolish (via...
Arthur Chrenkoff: Just wait for the Democrats to have a ball with this one: "U.S. counterterrorism officials are looking at an emergency...
Steven Taylor: This seems to be a growing story in the Blogosphere, and I expect the conspiracy buffs to go hog wild with it: U.S. Mulling How to Delay Nov. Vote in Case of Attack.
Joe Gandelman: According to Reuters, citing a Newsweek report,, US counterterrrorism officials want to get a plan in place that will...
Hindrocket |
Trade Pact May Undercut Inexpensive Drug Imports
WASHINGTON, July 11 — Congress is poised to approve an international trade agreement that could have the effect of thwarting a goal pursued by many lawmakers of both parties: the import of inexpensive prescription drugs to help millions of Americans without health insurance. |
Gary Farber: Not yours, unless, perhaps, you are quite well off, and own a large chunk of pharma stock, and don't give a fig about...
Lambert @Corrente: Health care: Not only do the Republicans oppose universal health insurance for us, they want to destroy if for other!
No More Troops
Heritage Foundation
America has about 3 million men and women in uniform. But we have a tough time keeping 160,000 in Afghanistan and Iraq. You do the math. The problem isn't that the military is too small. It's just structured to fight the last war in the last century. |
James Joyner: Heritage Foundation analyst James Jay Carafano, in a NY Post column called, "No More Troops" (July 9) argues "The problem isn't that the military is too small.
Phillip Carter: Update I: James Jay Carafano of the Heritage Foundation had a provocative op-ed on this subject in the New York Post over the weekend.
Ron Reagan to address Democratic convention
By Gail Shister / Knight Ridder
LOS ANGELES - In a move sure to embarrass Republicans, Ron Reagan will address the Democratic National Convention this month. Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan and an outspoken critic of the Bush administration, will be at the podium on the... |
Captain Ed: However, Knight-Ridder newspapers and some apparently young punditeers are squealing with delight to have Ron the Lesser...
Joe Gandelman: They got Ron Reagan. No, it won't be Night of the Living Dead (although an eyebrowless Richard Gephardt might give that impression).
Mary InLosGatos: And what about having Ron Reagan speak at the Democratic National Convention? The Republicans can have their Zell Miller.
Just say no?
Why? Keeping orcas in captivity Surprising as it sounds, the American brewer of Budweiser, Anheuser-Busch, also owns the SeaWorld chain, home to several performing killer whales. A British group, Born Free, has no problem with beer, but believes that it is cruel to keep animals in captivity. |
Tim Blair: BOYCOTT THE GUARDIAN — The Guardian urges its creepy readers to boycott, among other things, Budweiser ("Why?
Andrew Sullivan: SELF-PARODY WATCH: The Guardian urges readers not to buy Budwesier because ... well ...: [snipped quote] There's much more.
The Real Enemy Staring Us in the Face
By Bob Herbert / NYT
Justin Hunt, a young man from Wildomar, Calif., about 75 miles east of Los Angeles, was determined to join the Marines. When recruiters pointed out that he was grossly overweight, he spent a year losing more than 150 pounds. |
Dave Johnson: And Bob Herbert today: [quote] "A government with even a nodding acquaintance with competence and good sense would have...[end quote]
David Adesnik: IRAQ BODY COUNT: Bob Herbert mentions in passing, without reference to his source, that 10,000 civilians have died in Iraq since the US invasion began.
Cori Dauber: Case in point, Bob Herbert's column today (although you know and I know that this framing is happening throughout the straight news coverage as well.)
Justices reassert role of judicial oversight
By Bill Mears / CNN
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Just weeks after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor hinted at the legal challenges that would lie ahead in a new age of terror. |
Will Baude: The Fifth Estate — Unlearned Hand has caught CNN in an egregious (and several-days-old) error in their Supreme Court coverage.
Eugene Volokh: CNN goof on Supreme Court's military detention decision: Unlearned Hand points out this item: [snipped quote] Uh, except...
Report Says CIA Distorted Iraq Data
By Dana Priest / WaPo
In the only comprehensive assessment of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction released to the public before the war, the CIA exaggerated and distorted the evidence it had given Congress just days earlier, according to the Senate intelligence committee's report released last week. |
Matthew Yglesias: Dana Priest's article, headlined "Report Says CIA Distorted Iraq Data", contains a pretty fair summary of the Senate's...
Sylvain Galineau: In today's Washington Post, it is claimed that : [quote] Also, the words "we have little specific information on Iraq's CW...[end quote]
Kerry to Reach Out to 'People on the Right'
ALBUQUERQUE — Counting on his liberal base to stick by him, Sen. John F. Kerry plans to aggressively court more conservative voters with a message that emphasizes traditional values of service, faith and family. |
Betsy Newmark: Kerry says that he wants to appeal to those on the right. He figures they'll like him because he likes to hunt.
Howard Kurtz: The Los Angeles Times: "Counting on his liberal base to stick by him, Sen. John F. Kerry plans to aggressively court...
Who v. Saddam?
By Peter Landesman / NYT
On Dec. 14 of last year, just hours after being hauled out of a hole in the ground by American forces, Saddam Hussein received his first visitors as a prisoner of war: two Americans, L. Paul Bremer III, at the time the top United States administrator in Iraq,... |
Phillip Carter: Trying Saddam — Peter Landesman has a good write-up in the Sunday NYT Magazine on the impending criminal trial of...
Steve M.: New York Times Insert conspiracy theory here.
Anti-Semitic attack in France is condemned
By Ariane Bernard / NYT
PARIS French leaders have harshly condemned a vicious anti-Semitic assault on a 23-year-old woman with a baby, who was attacked with knives as she rode on a commuter train north of Paris, her clothing cut and her body marked with swastikas. |
Roger L. Simon: UPDATE: Last December, in the company of, among others, Nidra Poller, I rode the same train where this attack occurred,...
Wretchard: A Day on A French Train — The International Herald Tribune describes what happened to a woman on a commuter train north of Paris.
Kim du Toit: Anti-Semitism — Stories like this make me want to take a chainsaw to a French mosque.French leaders have harshly...
Kerry's (Silent) Vision
By Sebastian Mallaby / WaPo
John Kerry's political handlers want a simple message. War hero. Foreign policy grown-up. Fighter for ordinary Americans. They want voters to see him bonding genially with his running mate's small son, joking about the superior hair on the Democratic ticket, and delivering policy-free riffs about "values" and the gulf between the "two Americas." |
Matthew Yglesias: Sebastian Mallaby has a column on the fact that John Kerry's presidential campaign involves a number of serious,...
Stephen Green: Sebastian Mallaby explains how Kerry can win: "Maybe the handlers know their job, and Kerry's studious unstudiousness is great for his election prospects.
Cutting Democracy
DESPITE THE SOLEMN backdrop, the House of Representatives can often be an arbitrary, even whimsical, place — and no more so than when the topic at hand is appropriations. |
Cori Dauber: Apparently not.
David Adesnik: WaPo IMITATES BELTON: You be the judge of whether the Post is getting its editorial ideas from Patrick.
Transcript for July 11
PLEASE CREDIT ANY QUOTES OR EXCERPTS FROM THIS NBC TELEVISION PROGRAM TO "NBC NEWS' MEET THE PRESS." Guests: Senator Pat Roberts, (R-Kan.) Chairman, Intelligence Committee Senator Jay Rockefeller, (D-W.Va.) Vice Chairman, Intelligence Committee |
The Poor Man: Yesterday we had William Buckley on Meet The Press - kindly taking time away from his important work of turning into a...
Andrew Sullivan: Listen to what Republican Senator Pat Roberts said on "Meet The Press" yesterday.
New look at Bush's '16 words'
By Jeff Jacoby / Boston Globe
LAST YEAR at this time, the media were in full scandal mode over 16 words that President Bush had spoken nearly six months earlier. "The British government has learned," Bush had said in his State of the Union address in January, "that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." |
Cori Dauber: Of course, it's not a straight news piece either. But it's something. No, I mean it's really something.
Ace: Jeff Jacoby revisits the "16 words" non-scandal about Iraq's efforts to buy uranium from Africa.
Tim Blair: COLLAPSIBLE JOE — To the wealth of Joseph Wilson links collected by InstaPundit here, add this from Jeff Jacoby...
Some Key Conservatives Uneasy About Bush
By Scott Lindlaw / AP
WASHINGTON - When an influential group of conservatives gathers in downtown Washington each week, they often get a political pep talk from a senior Bush administration official or campaign aide. They don't expect a fellow Republican to deliver a blistering critique of President Bush 's handling of the Iraq war. |
Whiskey: Stefan who? The AP jubilantly reports that key conservatives have become critical of the Bush administration.
Pessimist: Even Conservatives Are Uneasy About Bush UPDATED Some Key Conservatives Uneasy About Bush "WASHINGTON - When an...
Conservatively Speaking
Q When you founded National Review in 1955, being a high-IQ conservative was a lonely job in America. But now that you are finally leaving the magazine, neoconservatives are running the country. What do you make of them? |
Joe Carter: Take, for example, his response to a question by the New York Times.
KJL: WFB IN THE NYT a 11 questions interview.
Libertarian: CONSERVATIVELY SPEAKING William F. Buckley answers a few questions for The New York Times Magazine: "When you founded...
Edwards Makes Little Difference in Polls
By Will Lester / AP
WASHINGTON (AP) - John Kerry's choice of John Edwards as his running mate was received favorably by the public, polls suggest, but it has made little difference so far in the race with President Bush. |
Mitch Berg: Diminishing Returns — Kerry received, in effect, no bounce in the polls from picking John Edwards.
Betsy Newmark: It is a duel over downplaying expectations about poll results. The GOP is putting out the spin that they expect Kerry to be up by double after the Democratic convention.
Alexander Hamilton's Last Stand
By Ron Chernow / NYT
Two hundred years ago today, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton squared off in a sunrise duel on a wooded ledge in Weehawken, N.J., above the Hudson River. Burr was vice president when he leveled his fatal shot at Hamilton, the former Treasury secretary, who died the next day in what is now the West Village of Manhattan. |
Matthew Yglesias: The Op-Ed You Actually Need To Read Rod Chernow on Alexander Hamilton and the politics of personal destruction.
Will Baude: Ron Chernow has much more in the New York Times.
The New Pamphleteers
By Alan Wolfe / NYT
Whether or not you can tell a book by its cover, you can generally tell a country by its books. If most political books are any indication, the way we argue now has been shaped by cable news and Weblogs; it's all ''gotcha'' commentary and attributions of bad faith. |
Steve M.: PEOPLE WITH DEEPLY HELD POLITICAL OPINIONS: NOT OUR KIND, MUFFY — In this weekend's New York Times Book Review, Alan...
Daniel Drezner: The new pamphleteers — Alan Wolfe has a long essay in the New York Times Book Review about the rise of the überpartisan political book.
Mother, baby attacked on Paris train after mistaken for Jews
VERSAILLES, France - A young woman and her baby were attacked in a suburban train near Paris on Saturday by unidentified men who drew swastikas on her stomach with a pen in what police said was an anti-Semitic assault. |
Ace: Sunday News Dump — Paris woman & thirteen-month-old infant attacked by Muslim thugs. The attack was motivated by antisemitism.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: "ANTI-SEMITISM SCARCELY EXISTS IN THE WEST" — Apparently, even if one looks Jewish, that is a concern: "A young woman...
Christopher Kanis: CHIRAQ CONDEMNS MISTAKEN ANTISEMITIC ATTACK AFP: [snipped quote] Well, that's what he wanted to say, anyway.
Edwards' Life Clashes With Campaign Message
By David Gelernter / LAT
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina seems like a decent and likable man, the political equivalent of a handsome, slightly under-ripe bunch of bananas, just the thing if you are looking for bananas and can't find any ripe ones, or don't know the difference. |
Deacon: After you are done enjoying Mark Steyn's piece on John Edwards' two Americas (see the post below), savor this dissection...
Kevin Drum: It's from the Weekly Standard's David Gelernter: [snipped quote] Is this what they teach in conservative writing school these days?
Key Revisions Were Made to CIA Document
By Mark Mazzetti / LAT
WASHINGTON — In a classified National Intelligence Estimate prepared before the Iraq war, the CIA hedged its judgments about Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction, pointing up the limits of its knowledge. |
Digby: Today's LA Times notes that the SSIC report points to the fact that key revisions were made to the public version of this NIE, which is interesting because nobody knows who did it.
Attaturk: "In the Los Angeles Times we read: (emphasis added) In a classified National Intelligence Estimate prepared before the..."
Let Them Eat Wedding Cake
By Barbara Ehrenreich / NYT
Commitment isn't easy for guys — we all know that — but the Bush administration is taking the traditional male ambivalence about marriage to giddy new heights. On the one hand, it wants to ban gays from marrying, through a constitutional amendment that the Senate will vote on this week. |
Matthew Yglesias: Postmodern parenthetical conclusions are wrecking America's opinion-column output. Barbara Ehrenreich. Why do conservatives love polygamy?
Holden: OK for Poor Women, But Not for Gays — Ehrenreich examines the administration's views on marriage.
Ezra Klein: You Can't Have It Both Ways — Either Of You — This column by Ehrenreich is terrifically written, wonderfully entertaining, and utterly obtuse about its central point.
Demons Attack Kiboga Pupils
Primary school in Kiboga district was closed in May after parents reported that their children were being attacked by demons. Bisika Primary School, located in Butemba sub-county, was later re-opened but the pupils continued to live in fear. |
Joanne Jacobs: Not enough virgins — or cows — "This is what happens when you cancel Buffy and Angel," says Jonah Goldberg on The...
Josh Chafetz: WHEN DEMONS ATTACK: [snipped quote] The story also notes that Ben Ggulu, the "national chairman for traditional healers,"...
Joe Gandelman: African School Closed When Parents Say It Was Attacked By Demons — Your first reaction may be: so THAT'S where all the...
Jonah Goldberg: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CANCEL BUFFY & ANGEL — School closed on account of demon attack.
Spidey Crushes 'Fahrenheit' in 2004
By Frank Rich / NYT
THE Michael Moore explosion is now officially unbearable. It's not just that you can't pick up a Time Warner magazine without seeing his mug on the cover. Or turn on a TV news show without hearing another tedious debate about the accuracy of "Fahrenheit 9/11"... |
Jeff Jarvis: Meanwhile, elsewhere in The Times, Frank Rich twists himself up like a critical pretzel trying to make sense of Fahrenheit and Spiderman in the same breath of hot air.
Cori Dauber: Of course, while that's nice for folks who turn to the oped section online, it doesn't really give much of a disclaimer for anyone turning to the Arts and Leisure section.
'The Dots Never Existed'
By Michael Isikoff / Newsweek
July 19 issue - The more he read, the more uneasy he became. In early February 2003 Colin Powell was putting the finishing touches on his speech to the United Nations spelling out the case for war in Iraq. |
Lambert @Corrente: Taken together, the facts in the report show that virtually every major claim President George W. Bush used to justify...
Laura Rozen: Meantime, Newsweek reports on Curve Ball showing up hungover for a meeting with the lone US official who ever debriefed him.
Annan asks Israel to respect ICJ wall ruling
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says Israel should abide by international law after the world court ruled that the controversial West Bank separation barrier is illegal. Speaking to reporters in Bangkok on Friday, Annan said Israel is responsible for complying with the decision. |
Rajiv Singh: vote now - urgent — On Al Jazeera there is a poll asking whether the UN should pass a resolution against Israel-...
Fred Lapides: Wake up and smell the Kofi — Annan asks Israel to respect ICJ wall rulingUN Secretary General Kofi Annan says Israel...
Edwards to Iraq?
By Robert Novak / Townhall.com
WASHINGTON — Tentative plans are being discussed inside the Kerry-Edwards campaign to send vice-presidential candidate John Edwards to Iraq as soon as possible. Edwards has not gone to Iraq since the U.S. invasion last year. |
Andrew Sullivan: THE RESISTANCE: One good sign that the targeted moderates in the GOP are beginning to fight back against the...
James Joyner: Robert Novak reports an interesting development: "Tentative plans are being discussed inside the Kerry-Edwards campaign...
The tearjerker
By Mark Steyn / Telegraph
'We've got better vision. We've got better ideas. We've got real plans. And we've got better hair," said John Kerry, introducing his running mate. The Kerry-Edwards vision, ideas, etc don't look so good in the cold light of day, but John Edwards's hair does. |
Michael DeBow: Mark Steyn on John Edwards and yellowcake/Joseph Wilson. The latter ends with this explanation of today's Left: "This isn't an anti-war movement.
Edward Driscoll: UNCORK BARREL. INSERT FISH. BEGIN SHOOTING: Mark Steyn profiles John Edwards.
Deacon: Coatless in America — Mark Steyn is at his best in this piece on John Edwards.
Mike Hendrix: Two shots, two kills — And two good 'uns from Steyn over the weekend too; first, this one: "There are two Americas,...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: But to the extent that they might, Democrats ought to look at John Edwards's actual success—or lack thereof—during the...
Greg Ransom: Sen. Edwards — the son of MANAGEMENT. Read all about it .. Mark Steyn on "The tearjerker." .
Betsy Newmark |
Kerry Vows To Restore 'Truth' to Presidency
ALBUQUERQUE, July 10 — President Bush has governed in a dishonest fashion, trampling values on every issue except fighting terrorism and leaving voters "clamoring for restoration of credibility and trust in the White House again," John F. Kerry and John Edwards said in an interview. |
Jesse Taylor: God Bless This Mess — Tim Graham: [snipped quote] Of course, there's no such thing as believing that the guy did lie,...
Athenae: Small Time — In their Washington Post interview the Johns bring up a point that hasn't been talked about enough: how...
Brian Crouch: Kerry Vows To Restore Truth to Presidency "ALBUQUERQUE— President Bush has governed in a dishonest fashion, trampling...
Tim Graham: THE PRO-LYING-UNDER-OATH TICKET — The Washington Post front page was extremely silly yesterday with a story on how...
Hindrocket: Not Even the Post Can Swallow That One — The Washington Post conducted an airborne interview with John Kerry and John Edwards.
KJL: From the Washington Post: "Kerry, who recently said he agrees with the Roman Catholic Church that life begins at...
Captain Ed,
DemFromCT |
President's Radio Address
White House
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. The United States Senate this past week began an important discussion about the meaning of marriage. Senators are considering a constitutional amendment to protect the most fundamental institution of civilization, and to prevent it from being fundamentally redefined. |
Matt Welch: Hyperbole and Absolutism: Italicized. [snipped quote] Hyperbole and absolutism are bad enough when used in everyday political argument and hack weblogging.
The Poor Man: Remember Who The Base Is — [snipped quote] Gotta keep Kaye happy.
Roger Ailes: The Marriage of Bigotry and Electoral Politics — From Bush's Saturday radio address: [snipped quote] Paradigm?
Jan Haugland: Bush still pushes anti-gay marriage amendment — President Bush chose to use his weekly radio address to promote a constitutional amendment to "protect" marriage from gays.
In Iraq, Silencing Memory
By Lawrence F. Kaplan / WaPo
The moment lasts only a few seconds, yet from Kanan Makiya's balcony above the sunlit Tigris, Baghdad seems at peace. Then comes the roar of an Apache helicopter gunship passing overhead. A warning to get off the balcony, lest a visitor draw fire from the opposite bank of the river, ends the illusion for good. |
Andrew Sullivan: WASHINGTON VERSUS MAKIYA: Another betrayal of the forces for good in Iraq.
Michael Young: Republic of Forgetfulness — In the Washington Post today, Lawrence Kaplan has a useful piece on the fate of Iraqi...
Mother, baby attacked on train
A YOUNG woman and her baby have been attacked in a suburban train near Paris by unidentified men who drew swastikas on the mother's stomach. Police today said it was an anti-Semitic assault. |
Deacon: An honest mistake — Via Little Green Footballs comes this story about the attack upon a young woman and her baby in a train near Paris by anti-Semitic men of North African origin.
Charles Johnson: French Antisemitism Watch — Mother, baby attacked on train.
Michele Catalano: And then there's this lovely story (via LGF) about a young mother traveling with her baby in France and being attacked by anti-Semites.
How to Make a Guerrilla Documentary
By Robert S. Boynton / NYT
The offices of Robert Greenwald Productions occupy a slightly rundown, horseshoe-shaped building in Los Angeles, just down the street from Culver Studios, the legendary movie facility where ''Gone With the Wind'' and ''Citizen Kane'' were filmed. |
Nick Confessore: The New York Times' article comes at things more neutrally.) But I'm not about to argue against people being held to higher standards of accuracy.
Dan Gillmor: Guerrilla News Network — NY Times: How to Make a Guerilla Documentary. ''Outfoxed'' was made in an unusually collaborative fashion.
DemFromCT: The full story should be up on the NY Times site after 8 p.m. as per their policy on Magazine articles (try this link later).
Daniel Drezner: Hey, in fact, Robert Boynton makes this very point in a New York Times Magazine story on an upcoming documentary about Fox News.
Oliver Willis: Rupert's Propaganda Factory — How to Make a Guerrilla Documentary It is not exactly earth-shattering, of course, to learn that Fox is more conservative than other news networks.
Ex-chief of Park Police denounces firing
WASHINGTON (CNN) — One day after she was fired, former U.S. Park Police Chief Teresa Chambers accused the Bush administration Saturday of silencing dissenting views in the rank and file. |
Susan Madrak: "It happened to Paul O'Neill, it happened to Larry Lindsey, and now it happened to National Park Service police chief Teresa Chambers."
PGL: Bush Administration fires another critic — OK, this is just a new twist on an old theme on how this White House tries...
Thomas Leavitt: Thomas] Ex-chief of Park Police denounces firing Chambers: Administration 'silencing' dissenting views Saturday, July...
NAACP Head Asks Bush to Rethink Convention Snub
By Jon Hurdle / Reuters
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The head of the largest and oldest U.S. civil rights group criticized President Bush on Saturday for once again refusing to speak at its convention this year and urged him to reconsider. |
Captain Ed: Bush, so far, isn't biting at the bait: [snipped quote] Mfume sees his organization losing its relevance in electoral politics under his leadership, and he's panicking.
Jesse Taylor: The NAACP re-invited Bush to their convention, and he's again refused to go.
Pessimist: Just as we here on The Left Coaster attempted the other day to extend the olive branch with an eye toward calming the...
Kerry promises, if elected, to lift ban on immigrants with AIDS as lead over Bush grows
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry promised to lift a ban on immigration to the United Stated by people with AIDS and vowed to double US assistance to a worldwide campaign to combat the deadly and contagious disease. |
Andrew Sullivan: KERRY ON AIDS DISCRIMINATION: My hat is off to John Kerry for taking the obvious and long-overdue position that people...
Michelle Malkin: FLIP... [quote] Kerry 2004 announced Saturday: "I will work with Congress to lift the immigration ban on HIV-positive people...[end quote]
Ohio candidates, parties explore Web logs
By Malia Rulon / AP
WASHINGTON — Political newcomer Jeff Seemann didn't have a campaign phone number, office or staff when he started his House race three months ago against longtime Republican incumbent Ralph Regula. |
Roger Ailes: A glance at News paper terms — News paper - A form of advertising on paper, often accompanied by brief items on current events used to fill space between advertisements.
Jesse Taylor: The AP Shows Me Some Love — I have a bit quote in this AP article.