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Friendly Fire: The Birth of an Anti-Kerry Ad
  NYT   —   Permalink 
After weeks of taking fire over veterans' accusations that he had lied about his Vietnam service record to win medals and build a political career, Senator John Kerry shot back yesterday, calling those statements categorically false and branding the people behind them tools of the Bush campaign.
Roger Ailes: Sure, fiction usually has a bigger audience, but there's got to be an audience for well-written non-fiction.
Joe Gandelman: How The Media Works — Now the New York Times has entered the fray with a major story on the Swift Boat Veterans For...
Robert Cox: Sean Hannity is covering The New York Times entry into the SwiftVets debate. Meanwhile, the White House denies The Times story.
Camille Roy: Is that going to defeat Bush? Look at the 'Swift Veterans' campaign, especially at its network of advisors.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: That having been said, it is clear that the New York Times is now engaged in providing John Kerry with (pardon the military pun) covering fire.
Arthur Chrenkoff: Then again, maybe Reuters doesn't need to wait for the Commission to reach its decisions, now that the "New York Times"...
Also: Sylvain Galineau, Frederick Maryland, Thomas Lang, Donald Sensing, McQ, Susan Q. Stranahan, Von @ObsidianWings, Venkat @BeggingToDiffer, David Allan Pell, Charles Johnson, Steve Gilliard, Dale Franks, C. D. Harris, Kevin Raybould, Ted Barlow, Hugh Hewitt, Matthew Yglesias, Jeffrey Dubner, Dan Gillmor, Nick Gillespie, James Joyner, Ezra Klein, Steve M., Barbara O'Brien, Jon Henke, John Cole, The Big Trunk, Richard TPD, Oliver Willis, Mike Rappaport, Patterico, Tbogg, Kos, DeLong, Kevin Drum, The Poor Man, Ace, Orrin Judd, Captain Ed, Greg Ransom, Roger L. Simon, Betsy Newmark

  By / New York Post   —   Permalink 
THERE'S now some real angst in Dem ocratic circles be cause of the growing evidence that Democrat John Kerry's claim to have a memory "seared in me" of spending Christmas 1968 in Cambodia was false — and just didn't happen.
Jesse Taylor: Unnamed people within the Democratic Party are "fretting", apparently, over Kerry's "exaggeration problem".
Ace: The non-media wing of the Democratic Party, meanwhile, has "angst" over these allegations. They ought to. They really, really ought to.
Roger L. Simon: One of the most important elections of modern times hangs in the balance and we are in the middle of it. Who'd a thunk it?
Josh Marshall: When they put together the anthology or college class source book of early 21st century popular political discourse they...
Hugh Hewitt: Despite indifference from the major media —with some key exceptions like Deborah Orin who, in today's New York Post...
Also: Betsy Newmark, James Joyner, McQ, Greg Ransom, The Big Trunk, Captain Ed, Glenn Reynolds

'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for August 19
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Tonight, political war breaks out over the swift boat ad, and John Kerry come out swinging against the president.
SEN. JOHN KERRY (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Well, if he wants to have a debate about our service in Vietnam, here is my answer: Bring it on!
Duckman GR: Does that mean that any Republican, like Michelle Malkin is equivalent to any Democrat, like Vice President Gore or General Wesley Clark?
Atrios: More Malkin Funnies — From Hardball: MATTHEWS: This is not a show for this kind of talk.
Michelle Malkin: (There are quite a few people who are hung up on this.) "Are you sure you are old enough to be on the show? What are you?
Dale Franks: Matthews v. Malkin — Judging from the transcript, Michelle Malkin didn't do as well on Chris Matthews as some of her defenders are trying to say.
Jesse Taylor: She Needs A Golden Calculator — Michelle Malkin is full of angry internment rage over an embarassing appearance on Hardball last night.
Joe Gandelman: But we DID "read the show" — and in the interest to our friends on the right, left, center (and even those on the moon...
Also: David Neiwert, Steve Soto, Greg Ransom

Kerry Files Suit Vs. Ads Challenging His War Record
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
FORT MYERS, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry asked the Federal Election Commission on Friday to force Republican critics to withdraw ads challenging his military service, and accused the Bush campaign of illegally helping coordinate the attacks.
Captain Ed: However, Kerry has usurped the role that his Hollywood handlers strove to hang on George Bush and John Ashcroft,...
Laura Rozen: From Reuters: [snipped quote] MORE: Evidence the Bush campaign is coordinating with the Swift Boats [via Atrios. ]
Arthur Chrenkoff: Forget the investigation, media already knows the answers — This is how the mainstream media - Reuters in this case -...
Hindrocket: Shut Up, He Explained — More crushing of dissent: John Kerry has filed a complaint with the Federal Elections...

John Kerry's Mysterious Combat "V"
  Front Page Magazine   —   Permalink 
As the authors of Fake Warriors: Identifying, Exposing and Punishing Those Who Falsify Their Military Service, we receive scores of emails on our website either asking questions about the Fake Warrior phenomenon (which has reached epidemic proportions), or reporting sightings which sometimes lead to exposure and even fines or jail terms.
Sadly @SadlyNo: FrontPage Article with a "D" for Dumb — Over at the always hooty FrontPage Magazine, the ambiguously accurate duo of...
C. D. Harris: There's more... » * Here, for instance, is an easy one the media could investigate: Erika and Henry Mark Holzer,...
Ace: This guy says that Silver Stars are never awarded with the additional specification "for V" (valor), because that's a redudancy.
John Cole: Citation Language — What is going on with this: [snipped quote] If Kerry were a republican, this accusation alone would be enough for a front page NY Times story.

Veteran shares perspective on Kerry story
  Augusta Free Press   —   Permalink 
The new version of Sen. John Kerry's Cambodia experience is also not true.
Sen. Kerry patrolled from An Thoi on the 94 boat and also from Cat Lo on the 44 boat. There was no way to enter Cambodia from the An Thoi patrol area.
John Cole: I hear he is also especially cruel to the little creatures: [snipped quote] Liar. Kerry hater.
Greg Ransom: A swift boat vet unaffilliated with "Swift Boat Vets for Truth" speaks out: [snipped quote] — Doug Regelin, in the Augusta Free Press. (via Powerline.)
The Big Trunk: Enter Doug Regelin — A reader has sent us the link to this guest column by Doug Regelin in the Augusta Free Press: "Veteran shares perspective on Kerry story."
Betsy Newmark: One Swift Boat Veteran who is not part of SBVT explains why Kerry's whole Cambodia story is just not true.
Roger L. Simon: And that's the problem. UPDATE: More on the Cambodia story from The Augusta Free Press.

Kerry Aims to Counter Impact of Criticism
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Democratic Party launched a costly round of ads Friday to buttress John Kerry's credentials to be commander in chief as the White House accused the Massachusetts senator of "losing his cool" over attacks on his war record.
Joel Foreman: Kerry Aims to Counter Impact of Criticism I love this quote: "John Kerry is a fighter and he doesn't tolerate lies from others."
Roger L. Simon: I certainly don't know... and I don't think the story is written yet, El 'Awrence... but this report would from the AP would indicate they are beginning to.

What Went Wrong in Iraq
  By / Foreign Affairs   —   Permalink 
Summary: Although the early U.S. blunders in the occupation of Iraq are well known, their consequences are just now becoming clear. The Bush administration was never willing to commit the resources necessary to secure the country and did not make the most of the resources it had.
Gary Farber: Larry Diamond in Foreign Affairs comprehensively explains: [snipped quote] I have no problem understanding why many people supported the invasion of Iraq.
Daniel Drezner: Diamond has articulated that dissatisfaction into a lengthy essay in the September/October issue of Foreign Affairs...
Matthew Yglesias: I note that by no means should anyone read Larry Diamond's devastating account of the catastrophic mismanagement of the occupation of Iraq.
Phillip Carter: The article is titled "What Went Wrong in Iraq," and covers some interesting ground relating to the nexus between security and nation-building.

Press Gaggle by Scott Mcclellan
  White House   —   Permalink 
MR. McCLELLAN: All right, good afternoon. The President participated in his usual briefings this morning. Following that, he spoke with Secretary Rumsfeld. They discussed Iraq, including the latest developments on the ground in Najaf, and they also talked about Monday's defense meeting here in Crawford.
Lambert @Corrente: Department of How Stupid Do They Think We Are?"—Putting the W in "sWift Boat" — Of course the Republicans are in bed with the "Swift Boat Veterans for [cough] Truth."
Atrios: McClellan said.'s the gaggle where the quote is from, courtesy of holden.
Duckman GR: No wonder — Reading Spinnin Scotty's gaggle from this mornng this afternoon, it suddenly struck me.

Kerry takes legal action against Vietnam critics
  AFP   —   Permalink 
FORT MYERS, United States (AFP) - Democratic White House hopeful John Kerry 's campaign formally alleged that a group attacking his Vietnam war record had illegal ties to US President George W. Bush 's reelection bid.
John Hawkins: The Kerry campaign immediately filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission and to block the ads and the book.
Allah: Panic — UPDATE: Reason.
Robert Cox: Meanwhile, the White House denies The Times story. Kerry has filed an FEC complaint.

Kerry, Bush Escalate Battle Over Vietnam Ads
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
Kerry escalated the battle over the Swift Boat ads on Thursday by charging that the group was "a front for the Bush campaign" funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Republican contributor in Texas, Bush's home state.
Lambert @Corrente: In both Florida, and Minnesota (not to talk about the fact that the guy who's funding them is the largest Republican donor in Texas).
Bill Hobbs: UPDATE: Kerry is showing his commitment to freedom of speech, while his campaign shows its disdain for censorship of dissent.

Saudi Armed Forces Journal on the Jews: 'The Fabricated Torah, Talmud, and Protocols of the Elders of Zion Command Destruction of All Non-Jews for World Domination'
  MEMRI   —   Permalink 
A journal titled "Al-Jundi Al-Muslim" (The Muslim Soldier), which is published by the Religious Affairs Department of the Saudi armed forces, published an antisemitic article in its "Know Your Enemy" section. The article was written by Ma'ashu Muhammad and was titled "The Jews in the Modern Era."
Pejman Yousefzadeh: OUR FRIENDS THE SAUDIS — I trust that this speaks for itself.
Allah: Or this, in which growing Arab anti-Americanism is attributed to a lack of aggressive P.R. Because, you see, the main...
Gary Farber: Of course, classic insane Jew-hatred continues to roll along as well as ever; it's always useful to glance at MEMRI now...
Roger L. Simon: Something You Don't Want to Read if You're Jewish... The Saudi Armed Forces Journal.

U.S. Struggles to Win Hearts, Minds in the Muslim World
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The Bush administration is facing growing criticism from both inside and outside its ranks that it has failed to move aggressively enough in the war of ideas against Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda and other Islamic extremist groups over the three years since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
David Allan Pell: I'm not the only one who isn't seeing a plan being acted upon. Are we even fighting a battle over hearts and minds?
MWS @Centerfield: An article in the Washington Post by Robin Wright today talks about how the Administration has undefunded programs designed to influence opinion about the US in the Muslim world.
Talking Dog: It seems that the lip service we have been giving to efforts to improve our standing among residents of the Arab and...

The Real Deal:
  By / National Catholic Reporter   —   Permalink 
This past March 17, having paid tribute to the saint who drove the snakes from Ireland, George W. Bush — first lady to his left, Irish prime minister to his right — bounded off the Roosevelt Room podium.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: SO NOW WE KNOW . . . That there are alleged perverts on both sides of the fence. May we get back to the issues, please?
Ayelish McGarvey: The backstory: Hudson's departure came a day in advance of the publication of a damning profile by Joe Feuerherd in the National Catholic Reporter, a moderate Catholic newsweekly.
Charles Kuffner: Personally, after reading this story about him, I'd say he's a jerk, and then some.
Matthew Yglesias: Ah, Tortilla Flats — It's always amusing when little spots from your youth resurface as part of a nice, juicy scandal.
Kevin Drum: Anyhoo, turns out that Hudson was forced to leave Fordham University ten years ago after getting a freshman co-ed drunk...
Jeanne D'Arc: Karma — I know it isn't good for my soul to take any pleasure in someone else's pain, but after watching two religious...
Also: Kos

Anti-Americanism a Hit With Egyptian Audiences
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
CAIRO — A ballad drifted from the movie screen. The lyrics mourned a lost love, not an unusual climax for an Egyptian film. But this lost love was a place across the sea.
"New York," the singer asked, "why do you resist tenderness?"
Virginia Postrel: Spinning Egyptian Anti-Americanism The incomparable Chuck Freund, who has seen more Arabic-language movies than most...
Allah: One nice thing about the lack of Kerry/Cambodia coverage is that it frees up valuable space for stories like this, in...
Charles Paul Freund: New York Today's Washington Post has a front-page story about anti-Americanism in Arab pop culture, leading with a...

CIA Study on Iraq Weapons Is Off Course, Officials Say
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — Having failed to find banned weapons in Iraq, the CIA is preparing a final report on its search that will speculate on what the deposed regime's capabilities might have looked like years from now if left unchecked, according to congressional and intelligence officials.
Meteor Blades: What's next? Séances? An excerpt: [snipped quote] Political pressure? What an insult.
Jeanne D'Arc: Redefining chutzpah — Gosh, this makes so much sense: Having failed to find banned weapons in Iraq, the CIA is...
Kevin Drum: WOULDA COULDA SHOULDA....Here's the latest brainstorm from the politically independent and free-of-pressure Central Intelligence Agency: [snipped quote] Due next month, eh?
Laura Rozen: The CIA is a sucker for punishment. Get this, from the LA Times' Greg Miller.

An angry dispute over a rescue in the river
  Washington Times   —   Permalink 
A number of the combat commanders, fellow officers and other men who served with Sen. John Kerry in Vietnam challenge his accounts of combat heroism in a new book, "Unfit for Command" (Regnery Publishing), by John E. O'Neill, who took over command of Swift...
John Hawkins: However, Kerry been already been caught in a lie about going to Cambodia and in my personal opinion, it looks to be...
Greg Ransom: "UNFIT FOR COMMAND" EXCERPTS — "'Sampan incident' belies heroic image." "An angry dispute over a rescue in the river."
Vox Day: Kerry is dead in the water — From "Unfit For Command", via the Washington Times: [snipped quote] Make that Swift vets 4, Kerry 0.
Nick Gillespie: Kerry vs. the Vets — As the Washington Times runs its third and final excerpt from the anti-Kerry tome Unfit for...
Betsy Newmark: Here is the Washington Times' excerpt from Unfit for Command about the Rassman incident and how Kerry reported his injury for winning the third Purple Heart.

The Kerry Wars
  By / Weekly Standard   —   Permalink 
JOHN KERRY, fresh from a three-day vacation at his retreat in Ketchum, Idaho, addressed the annual convention of the International Association of Fire Fighters in Boston last week, and it was quite a speech—combative, fiery, personal.
Hugh Hewitt: Here is Matthew Continetti's new summary piece on the Cambodia deception. Here's my review, with the key links, of the meltdown.
The Big Trunk: Whispers getting louder — The Standard Online has posted Matthew Continetti's article recounting the Kurtz chronicles,...

Kerry comrades have credibility on their side
  By / Boston Globe   —   Permalink 
YESTERDAY John Kerry decided to take the offensive over his Vietnam War record. It's about time. For the last week or so, one has hardly been able to turn on the television without encountering John O'Neill, the public face of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,...
Digby: And, I'm hoping that somebody is working hard to verify where that asshole William Schachte really was on the day he...
Barbara O'Brien: Today, by coincidence, one of the Globe's regular columnists, Scott Lehigh, weighs in with an op ed called "Kerry Comrades Have Credibility on Their Side."
Atrios: From the Boston Globe: [snipped quote] So, she came up with the names of the guys who stand by Kerry's account, to the...
Mary @PacificViews: According to this article, no. Here it is clear that John O'Neill has added one more person as an "eye-witness" to back...

Voting While Black
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
The smell of voter suppression coming out of Florida is getting stronger. It turns out that a Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation, in which state troopers have gone into the homes of elderly black voters in Orlando in a bizarre hunt for...
Bob @Unfogged: The right man for the job — Who's heading the Florida agency that's sending armed cops into elderly black voters'...
Stuart Buck: Or Fraud? The New York Times' Bob Herbert is especially exercised over what he deems "voter suppression" in Florida.
Jeanne D'Arc: More on Jeb's Voter Intimidation Project — Bob Herbert has a follow-up to his Monday column on the intimidation of elderly black voters in Florida.

Audit Shows $8.8B Missing in Iraq
  Fox News   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — A soon-to-be-released audit will show that at least $8.8 billion in Iraqi money that was given to Iraqi ministries by the former U.S.-led authority there cannot be accounted for, FOX News has confirmed.
And three senators want to know where the cash is.
Matthew Yglesias: Speaking of accountants it seems that the Coalition Provisional Authority somehow lost "at least" $8.8 billion that had been appropriated for Iraq reconstruction efforts.
Brian Doherty: Fox News pulls together some of the brewing controversy about a forthcoming report from the inspector general of Iraq's...

Can Kerry make a case that Bush broke the law?
  By / MSNBC   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Can Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry prove his allegation that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group airing ads denigrating his service as a Navy officer in Vietnam, are nothing more than "a front for the Bush campaign"?
Baldilocks: I just heard on Hugh Hewitt's radio show that the Kerry Campaign is filing suit with the Federal Election Commission...
Charles Johnson: Kerry Files FEC Action to Muzzle SwiftVets — Rather than dealing factually with the ever-expanding allegations of...

Senators Ask Where $8.8 Bln in Iraq Funds Went
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At least $8.8 billion in Iraqi funds that was given to Iraqi ministries by the former U.S.-led authority there cannot be accounted for, according to a draft U.S. audit set for release soon.
Jeanne D'Arc: Latest tally: $8.8 billion. Part of that money, by the way, came from the U.N. Oil for Food Program — you know, the one Saddam looted.
Steve Soto: It is reported late yesterday that $8.8 billion (that's billion with a "b") in Iraqi oil revenue just since we have been in charge cannot be accounted for.
Jo Brooks: Senators Ask Where $8.8 Bln in Iraq Funds Went [snipped quote] getting funding for 74,000 guards, but only being able to...
Tom @Corrente: Chump Change: $8.8 Billion In Iraq Funds Missing — Where did it go? [snipped quote] I mean, heck folks, why should you and I be concerned?

Flashback: In 1999, media virtually ignored anti-Bush book -- except to report on author's credibility
  Media Matters for America   —   Permalink 
In light of the relentless media coverage of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth [sic] and their thinly sourced, consistently contradicted-by-official-documents attacks on Senator John Kerry (D-MA) — most notably in the new book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat...
Camille Roy: Swift Slime — MediaMatters has posted an analysis of the current brouhaha about "Unfit for Command", comparing it to an earlier book on Bush.
Atrios: Sharp Contrast — Fortunate Son vs. Swift Boat Liars.

GOP lukewarm toward Keyes
  Chicago Tribune   —   Permalink 
SPRINGFIELD — Republican U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes finished a booming stemwinder of a speech to his party's State Central Committee here on Thursday, then stepped away from the podium to find only a couple of people in the group rising to shake his hand.
Josh Marshall: According to the Chicago Tribune, Edgar told the GOP State Central Committee: "I think Alan Keyes, he'll be fun.
Orrin Judd: KEYES 6, OBAMA 0: GOP lukewarm toward Keyes (Ray Long and Christi Parsons, August 20, 2004, Chicago Tribune)...
ArchPundit: One Theory Down the Toilet — From the Trib "Keyes swept through the fairgrounds in a green shirt, tan slacks, tennis...

Kerry files FEC complaint against critical veterans group
  CNN   —   Permalink 
(CNN) — The Kerry presidential campaign on Friday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, alleging ads from an anti-Kerry veterans' group are inaccurate and "illegally coordinated" with Republicans and the Bush-Cheney campaign.
Tbogg: Context: Not shown on the ad is Kerry's preface to those comments, in which he said he is reporting what others said at a conference of Vietnam veterans in Detroit.
Orrin Judd: STUCK IN '68: Swift boat group launches new anti-Kerry ad: Survey finds earlier spot reaching wide audience (CNN,...

Abu Ghraib Probe Points to Top Brass
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
An Army investigation into the role of military intelligence personnel in the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison reports that the scandal was not just caused by a small circle of rogue military police soldiers but resulted from failures of leadership rising to the highest levels of the U.S. command in Iraq, senior defense officials said.
Laura Rozen: Seymour Hersh has a book coming out about Abu Ghraib, appropriately titled Chain of Command. UPDATE: More.
Cori Dauber: But look at the way the Post reports this: An Army investigation into the role of military intelligence personnel in the...
Lambert @Corrente: It is a deliberate policy meant to give those in authority "plausible deniability." "... from high-ranking officials...

Hardball's Matthews took Michelle Malkin to task for outrageous claims
  Media Matters for America   —   Permalink 
Michelle Malkin, syndicated right-wing columnist and author of In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War II and the War on Terror, appeared on August 19 on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews.
John Cole: Regardless, the lying whores at Media Matters have their story, and they are sticking to it.
Robert Cox: Oliver Willis is quite pleased and has posted on it at Media Matters for America with a video clip. Malkin just told her story on Limbaugh.

Control of Shrine in Najaf Is Uncertain
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
NAJAF, Iraq, Aug. 20 — The ongoing confrontation in the holy city of Najaf appeared to be reaching some sort of climax Friday as a spokesman for Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr said the keys to the embattled shrine of Imam Ali had been turned over to representatives of Iraq's most influential cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani.
Donald Sensing: The Washington Post also reports such an agreement, saying that "... a spokesman for Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr said...
Von @ObsidianWings: All this aside, it does seem that the blogosphere is strangely silent about the continuing fighting in Najaf.

CBS Poll: Kerry Leads Bush, 46-45%
  CBS News   —   Permalink 
(CBS) The race for the presidency is now essentially tied, with a gap between the two major party candidates within this poll's margin of error. Voters are paying more attention to this campaign now than at this point four years ago, and their overall opinions about each candidate's strengths and weaknesses remain relatively stable.
Steve Soto: But what does it say about BC04 and their chances this fall when Karl blows through $45 million in one month and only...
Captain Ed: CBS Poll: Kerry Losing Ground In August — The new CBS poll shows that support for John Kerry in the weeks following the...
Taegan Goddard: New Polls — According to the latest CBS News poll, the race for the presidency [snipped quote] In a three-way race, Kerry would get 46%, Bush 45% and Nader 1%.
EDM: CBS poll shows Kerry/Edwards 46%-45% vs. Bush/Cheney — An Aug. 15-18 CBS poll gives Kerry/Edwards a one-point lead over Bush/Cheney.
Greg Ransom: The fact of conflicting stories that cannot be reconciled is out there.
Betsy Newmark: Given that the CBS poll often skews pro-Democratic and that polls of registered voters often skew pro-Democratic, it...

Death and Sorrow Stalk Sudanese Across Border
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
BAHAI, Chad, Aug. 18 - Under the wide arms of an acacia tree, Khadija Adam Ahmed, 47, recounted the events that drove her to search for refuge: how Sudanese soldiers stole her herd of 75 cows during an attack six weeks ago at her village's well; how they shot...
Sam Rosenfeld: While the UN sounded a cautiously optimistic note yesterday, it seems rather clear that the Janjaweed's attacks on...
Eugene Oregon: The New York Times ran an article entitled "Death and Sorrow Stalk Sudanese Across Border."

U.S. Uses Secret Evidence In Secrecy Fight With ACLU
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The Justice Department is using secret evidence in its ongoing legal battles over secrecy with the American Civil Liberties Union, submitting material to two federal judges that cannot be seen by the public or even the plaintiffs, according to documents released yesterday.
Garance Franke-Ruta: Today, reports The Washington Post, comes new evidence of government efforts to secure power for itself through secrecy...
Tarek @LiquidList: Politics: Ashcroft Must Be Stopped — I'm hoarse from shouting at all my colleagues about this unspeakable idiocy: "The...

Deal Hudson resigns as RNC outreach chair
  By / National Catholic Reporter   —   Permalink 
Deal Hudson, chair of the Republican National Committee's "Catholic Outreach" effort, resigned that post Aug. 18, citing a forthcoming article in a "liberal Catholic publication" which, Hudson said, would reveal "allegations from over a decade ago involving a female student at the college [Fordham University] where I then taught."
Ayelish McGarvey: But according to Feuerherd, Hudson had been quite complimentary of his work prior to this piece.
Charles Kuffner: On the subject of living and dying by the sword: [snipped quote] The story behind the story is here. Via Kos.
Kevin Drum: UPDATE: The reporter who broke this story, Joe Feuerherd of the National Catholic Reporter, has some more background here.
Jeanne D'Arc: UPDATE: Joe Feuerherd, the NCR reporter who broke the story, responds to the accusation that his article was a...

Anarchists Emerge as the Convention's Wild Card
  NYT   —   Permalink 
"These guys are pretty sophisticated and just wait for opportunities,'' said Chief Timoney, who as a ranking officer with the New York police confronted anarchist demonstrations during the 1992 Democratic convention. " They are going to look to provoke the cops.
Rob Anderson: Today The New York Times rang the opening bell with its coverage of the ever-menacing anarchist community still high off their Battle in Seattle media victory in 1999.
Cori Dauber: And so the anarchists get their moment in the sun (well, the front page of the Times.)
Stefan Beck: PostedThe Times today features an unintentionally amusing piece on the threat that "anarchists" pose to a smoothly-running Republican National Convention.
Jeralyn Merritt: The New York Times reports on the anarchists—and on the tactics police will use to try and prevent violence.

Wheat-allergic girl denied Communion
  AP   —   Permalink 
BRIELLE, New Jersey (AP) — An 8-year-old girl who suffers from a rare digestive disorder and cannot eat wheat has had her first Holy Communion declared invalid because the wafer contained no wheat, violating Roman Catholic doctrine.
Steve Gilliard: Bad Catholic, bad Wheat-allergic girl denied Communion Friday, August 20, 2004 Posted: 8:07 AM EDT (1207 GMT) [snipped quote] Jen All I can say
Steve Dillard: Wheat-allergic girl denied Communion: This breaks my heart.

His Stem-Cell Moderation Hurts Bush
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
On Aug. 9, 2001, President Bush announced he would fund research only on those stem-cell lines taken from human embryos before that date. Bush's critics claimed he had sold out to the religious extremists in his party.
Critics have said his funding policy is too restrictive.
Chris Mooney: Ponnuru on Stem Cells and Intellectual Consistency — Ramesh Ponnuru, a pro-life conservative who usually writes very...
KJL: I SURRENDER — Clone Ramesh. Here he is on stem cells.

Bush and Kerry in Tie Nationwide, CBS News Poll Finds (Update1)
  Bloomberg   —   Permalink 
Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) — Democratic challenger John Kerry has fallen into a statistical tie with President George W. Bush among voters nationwide, relinquishing a lead Kerry had after the Democratic National Convention last month, a CBS poll found.
Orrin Judd: Bush and Kerry in Tie Nationwide, CBS News Poll Finds (Bloomberg, 8/19/04) "Democratic challenger John Kerry has...
Betsy Newmark: The message is getting out there. The new CBS poll shows the erosion in Kerry's support among veterans.

Kerry Calls Ad Group a 'Front for the Bush Campaign'
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
BOSTON, Aug. 19 - Escalating the debate over attacks on his military record by a Republican-financed group of Vietnam veterans, Senator John Kerry on Thursday called the group "a front for the Bush campaign."
Susan Q. Stranahan: The New York Times' Jodi Wilgoren also tops her story with Kerry's claim that the Swift Boat vets are "a front for the Bush campaign."
Greg Ransom: The NEW DEMOCRAT TIMES also has this, "Kerry Calls Ad Group a 'Front for the Bush Campaign'."
Patterico: P.S. The Times also runs an article titled Kerry Calls Ad Group a 'Front for the Bush Campaign'.
David Adesnik: Kerry accused the Swift Vets of distorting the truth and being a Republican front.

A journey into the epicenter of the Sadr standoff
  By / Christian Science Monitor   —   Permalink 
NAJAF, IRAQ - Technically speaking, what we were about to do was more than risky. It was foolish. But we told ourselves that it was a risk for a cause.
Thursday, several journalists and I began organizing a delegation to enter the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf.
Ed Cone: A report from the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf by the Christian Science Monitor's Scott Baldauf: The mood inside is...
Jeff Jarvis: See Christian Science Monitor reporter Scott Baldauf's account of a caravan of journalists who dared to go to ground zero in Najaf.

Triumph of the W.
  By / Salon   —   Permalink 
The next salvo in the cinematic campaign war of 2004 is "The Big Picture," a documentary film attacking John Kerry sponsored by David Bossie's Citizens United, the right-wing group that unsuccessfully sued to stop national advertising of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11."
Atrios: While Conason is right to ask whether this Bossie-Chetwynd production is already in violation of campaign finance rules,...
Jeralyn Merritt: Bush Goes to Hollywood — Joe Conason in Salon: "Trying to counter the success of Michael Moore, Karl Rove's men in...
Steve Gilliard: The bad picture — This new Bush movie will stink like this compost heap Triumph of the W. Trying to counter the success...
Digby: Razzie Winner 2004 [quote] The next salvo in the cinematic campaign war of 2004 is "The Big Picture," a documentary film...[end quote]

A Better Defense
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
For 60 years, American troops in the tens of thousands have been sitting in Germany essentially where Eisenhower left them at the end of World War II. For 50 years, American troops in the tens of thousands have been sitting where Matthew Ridgway left them at the end of the Korean War.
Matthew Yglesias: Charles Krauthammer makes some good points in praise of the president's recent proposal to reorganize America's global...
Stephen Green: And Charles Krauthammer finds the Democrats' opposition a little suspect: "Democrats accuse the administration of...
Cori Dauber: But this paragraph is too good to miss: The New York Times editorial page offered this reason for maintaining the status...

  By / New York Post   —   Permalink 
SO we're told that hun dreds of thousands of protesters will be de scending on New York next weekend to take a stand against the Republican National Convention. Let me be the first to say: Welcome!
Mike Hendrix: John Podhoretz: [snipped quote] Well, what other kind of blessing could this confluence of the cockeyed possibly be?
Betsy Newmark: John Podhoretz welcomes the protesters to New York for the convention. "Now, here's the best thing from my perspective.

Moving troops
  By /   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — For 60 years, American troops in the tens of thousands have been sitting in Germany essentially where Eisenhower left them at the end of World War II. For 50 years, American troops in the tens of thousands have been sitting where Matthew Ridgway left them at the end of the Korean War.
Orrin Judd: THE REACTIONARY PARTY: Moving troops (Charles Krauthammer, August 20, 2004, Townhall) "The Democrats' response is a...
Betsy Newmark: Charles Krauthammer explains why the redeployment plan of our troops overseas makes perfect sense.

US senator Kennedy complains of falling on anti-terror no-fly list
  AFP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AFP) - He is among the most recognizable politicians in the United States, but liberal lawmaker Ted Kennedy said that even he has fallen victim to the tightened air security of the terror-conscious, post-9/11 era.
Steve Bainbridge: Kennedy and the No-Fly List — Senator Ted Kennedy is annoyed that he [snipped quote] Well, I suspect he's killed more people than most folks on that list.
Captain Ed: Drudge caught this Agence France-Presse report about Ted Kennedy making the high-risk list for the Transportation...
Orrin Judd: US senator Kennedy complains of falling on anti-terror no-fly list (AFP, 8/19/04) [snipped quote] Given his own and his...

Unwilling participants
  CNN   —   Permalink 
PATRAS, Greece — Iraqi midfielder Salih Sadir scored a goal here on Wednesday night, setting off a rousing celebration among the 1,500 Iraqi soccer supporters at Pampeloponnisiako Stadium.
Jeanne D'Arc: Yesterday, I saw the headline from Sports Illustrated about the Iraqi soccer players who objected to being exploited by...
Steve M.: Used: Iraqi midfielder Salih Sadir scored a goal here on Wednesday night, setting off a rousing celebration among the...
The Poor Man: And if you want to see how they are enjoying their freedom, why, head on over to Sports Illustrated and find out:...
James Joyner: Iraqi soccer players upset about Bush campaign ads using team (Sports Illustrated) [snipped quote] I suppose this...
Randy Paul: You Don't Bring Me Flowers, Nor Do you Welcome Me With Them — The Iraqi Olympic Soccer Team gives a major smackdown to President Bush in Sports Illustrated.
Talking Dog: It would seem that the highly visible Iraqi national soccer team— which is wowing Olympic spectators with its 2 wins,...
Also: Oliver Willis, Matthew Yglesias, Xan @Corrente, Tbogg, KJL, Kos, Ezra Klein

Disenfranchised Defenders
  NRO   —   Permalink 
Avoiding a repeat of 2000.
On November 19, 2000, we discovered that there are no limits to what Democrats will do to win an election. The same Democrats who so often and so loudly protest any real or imagined threat to a minority's right to vote had desperately worked to disenfranchise a minority group thought to be friendly to the other side.
Kim du Toit: Absentee Voting Week — Among the many pieces of voting-day chicanery practiced by the Democrats, none set my teeth on...
Betsy Newmark: Apparently, Don Rumsfeld is making sure that those in the military overseas will not be vulnerable to being disenfranchised this year.
Mike Hendrix: Making sure every vote counts — As Hugh Hewitt always says, if it ain't close, they can't cheat: [snipped quote] Heaven forfend.

The Price of Politics
  By / NRO   —   Permalink 
In late 1998, Crisis magazine, which I have the honor to publish, ran a series of articles on "the Catholic vote" which unexpectedly led to my involvement in politics. The articles caught the attention of the nascent Bush presidential campaign and I was asked, and agreed, to be part of the team advising on their outreach to Catholic voters.
Ayelish McGarvey: Hudson, publisher of ultra-conservative Crisis magazine and chair of the RNC's Catholic outreach effort, tendered his...
Kevin Drum: Yesterday, realizing that this was all about to be exposed, Hudson wrote in National Review that "No one regrets my past...

Unfit for bookstores
  By / Salon   —   Permalink 
The Kerry campaign has told Salon that the publisher of "Unfit for Command," the book that is at the center of the attack on Kerry's military record by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, is retailing a hoax and should consider withdrawing it from bookstores.
Ed Driscoll: There's a shock!), then the attempt to get Unfit For Command banned, and now the latest flash on The Drudge Report: "Kerry Files FEC Complaint Over Swift Boat Vet Ads".
Oliver Willis: Swift Boat Blowback — GOP loyalists are starting to reconsider the Swift Boat smear, and abandoning ship.
Digby: Kerry's campaign is going after Regnery, saying that they should withdraw the book because it is a hoax.

Renewed US attacks target Najaf
  BBC   —   Permalink 
US warplanes and tanks have been bombarding areas around the Imam Ali shrine in the Iraqi city of Najaf.
Radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr has continued to defy demands to end his insurgency, despite a "final call" from Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi.
Jan Haugland: US warplanes have now targeted Mehdi positions inside Najaf, and a number of loud explosions could be heard.
Joe Gandelman: UPDATE: Events are moving with break-neck pace... ----US TANKS AND BOMBINGS NEAR THE SHRINE, according to the BBC: "US...

Iran warns of preemptive strike to prevent attack on nuclear sites
  AFP   —   Permalink 
DOHA (AFP) - Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani warned that Iran might launch a preemptive strike against US forces in the region to prevent an attack on its nuclear facilities.
"We will not sit (with arms folded) to wait for what others will do to us.
Stephen Green: Bring It On — Well, here's what the European diplomacy we asked for has purchased us in Iran: "Iranian Defense...
Clayton Cramer: I thought that as evil as the mullahocracy was, that they were astute enough not to say things like this: ...
KJL: BLAME BUSH! Iran announces a preemption strategy.
Joe Gandelman: New Warnings Of A Pre-Emptive Strike — There were new warnings of a pre-emptive strike today — but this time it was...

Follow the Money
  Washington Monthly   —   Permalink 
Two decades ago, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a highly respected financial titan. In 1987, when its subsidiary helped finance a deal involving Texas oilman George W. Bush, the bank appeared to be a reputable institution, with...
Andrew D: Kerry The Terrorist Buster — Via Atrios we get this great piece from David Sirota and Jonathon Baskin on Kerry's role...
Daniel Davies: Kerry and BCCI — Gosh, I remember this from my small collection of BCCI books, but had never realised it was the same John Kerry.
Soccerdad: David Sirota and Jonathan Baskin have a really good article, Follow the Money, in the Washington Monthly.
Atrios: David Sirota has a new piece in the Washington Monthly which tells us all about it.

Porn star tells U.S. military: 'Bullets, not boobs'
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
LOS ANGELES - A group supporting natural breasts staged a small street protest in Hollywood Wednesday against a U.S. military policy offering free breast implants to female soldiers.
Donald Sensing: MSBNC reports porn star Mary Carey is trying to lead a protest against the Army because it offers free breast...
Glenn Reynolds: NOW HERE'S A PROTEST AIMED AT THE MILITARY that I might be able to get behind. Or not.

Bush Nails Kerry's Poor Attendance at Intelligence Committee Hearings   —   Permalink 
A Bush-Cheney '04 ad released Aug. 13 accuses Kerry of being absent for 76% of the Senate Intelligence Committee's public hearings during the time he served there. The Kerry campaign calls the ad "misleading," so we checked, and Bush is right.
John Cole: Bush Lies — Here is a the rundown on a Bush commercial that the Kerry campagin calls misleading: [snipped quote] The...
Betsy Newmark: Instapundit links to a story saying that the Bush ad about Kerry missing 78% of the Intelligence Committee meetings is absolutely correct.
Jonathan H. Adler: KERRY'S ABSENTEEISM — The Annenberg Center's FactCheck.Org verifies the Bush campaigns claim that Kerry's been AWOL at...
Glenn Reynolds: Here's the latest from the Annenberg outfit, "A Bush-Cheney '04 ad released Aug. 13 accuses Kerry of...

Kerry 'ex-flame' in web backlash
  BBC   —   Permalink 
A woman who claims to be an old flame of US presidential hopeful John Kerry says she plans to take down details of their relationship she put on the web.
Lee Whitnum, an aspiring novelist writing under the surname Roystone, said she had received 500 hate e-mails from Democrats and Republicans.
Taegan Goddard: Kerry's Ex-Girlfriend Takes Down Site — "A woman who claims to be an old flame of US presidential hopeful John Kerry...
Robert Cox: WITHOUT WARNING OR EXPLANATION According to the BBC, the woman with the Kerry Scrapbook, Lee Whitnum, was trying to sell books.
Hindrocket: The BBC reports; its story is titled "Kerry 'ex-flame' in web backlash": [snipped quote] I checked our link, and it appears that the Kerry scrapbook has been taken down.

Bush Campaign Adviser Quits as Sexual Misconduct Case Is Recalled
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Deal W. Hudson, the publisher of the conservative Roman Catholic journal Crisis and the architect of a Republican effort to court Catholic voters, says he is resigning as an adviser to the Bush campaign because of a Catholic newspaper's investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct involving a female student at a college where he once taught.
Kos: Bush's Catholic adviser — a hypocrite and worse — Bush's point man in his effort to woo Catholic voters, Deal Hudson, has just resigned.
Ogged @Unfogged: It's the Upbringing — This might have been a great re-branding opportunity for Catholics, who would just get down with...
Steve M.: I suppose it would be a bit childish to snicker at Deal Hudson, who's leaving his position as the Bush campaign's chief...
Taegan Goddard: Bush Loses Adviser on Catholic Vote — Deal Hudson, the "architect of a Republican effort to court Catholic voters," is...

Lessons learned in year since blog blastoff
  By / Chicago Tribune   —   Permalink 
Skeptics wondered if I'd lost my mind.
A year ago this week when I launched the Tribune's first daily Web log, they pointed out I was signing on to do lots of extra work that would reach, at best, a small fraction of those who see this column, that my...
Daniel Drezner: His column in today's Trib reflects on the past year: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing.
Jeff Jarvis: Blog bday : The Chicago Tribune's Eric Zorn has been blogging for a year and he writes a column reflecting on this change in life.
ArchPundit: Wish Eric Zorn a Happy Anniversary — His web log is one year old.

Records Counter A Critic Of Kerry
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Newly obtained military records of one of Sen. John F. Kerry's most vocal critics, who has accused the Democratic presidential candidate of lying about his wartime record to win medals, contradict his own version of events.
Thomas Lang: Yesterday, the Washington Post published a report based on the official Navy records of LTJG Larry Thurlow, which calls into question Thurlow's criticism of Sen. Kerry.
Dan Gillmor: Meanwhile, the Washington Post uncovers information about the co-author of the Swift boaters' accompanying book that...
David Neiwert: Tonight he first took apart Swift Boat Liar Larry Thurlow, who of course had been exposed earlier by the Washington Post as a lying micreant.
Matthew Yglesias: Today's New York Times has a long story confirming what The Washington Post reported yesterday — the Swift Boat Liars...
Richard TPD: Well, yesterday we had the WaPo disproving the claims of Larry Thurlow, and today was the NYT's turn.
Tom Burka: Thurlow Denies Vietnam War Ever Took Place — Also Claims Swift Boats Actually Quite Slow Challenged by Navy records...
Also: Steve Soto, David Adesnik, Donald Sensing, Richard Reeb, Barbara O'Brien, David Allan Pell, DeLong, Brian Montopoli, Joe Gandelman, Kevin Raybould, Jeffrey Dubner, Greg Ransom, Roger L. Simon, Armed Liberal, Charles Johnson, Nick Gillespie, Taegan Goddard, Aaron @LiquidList, Jon Henke, Nathan Hallford, James Joyner, Ezra Klein, Bill @INDCJournal, Soccerdad, Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Jarvis, Angry Bear, Digby, Josh Marshall, Steve M., Oliver Willis, Lambert @Corrente, Atrios, Kevin Drum

Speech to the International Association of Fire Fighters
  Kerry for President Press Room   —   Permalink 
Boston, MA - Talk about a warm welcome! It's great to see my good friend, Harold Schaitberger. As you know, Harold and I spent a lot of time together in Iowa and New Hampshire. He's a terrific campaigner, and an outstanding leader.
Shaula Evans: That's what John Kerry had to say yesterday to the International Association of Fire Fighters in Boston.
Greg Ransom: Quotable: [snipped quote] UPDATE: Here is the transcript of Kerry's speech. UPDATE II: And here is another AP story on Kerry's remarks.
Jeffrey Dubner: Meanwhile, the Kerry campaign has a new ad out and John Kerry personally slammed George W. Bush for letting SBYY "do his dirty work."
Josh Marshall: But this morning, in a speech to the International Association of Fire Fighters in Boston, he responded squarely to the attacks.
Steve Soto: Kerry's speech this morning was blunt and direct, and pointed out that Bush owes answers to the American people about...
Jesse Taylor: I think we just entered the eighth inning. (Via Atrios.)
Also: Atrios

Bear guzzles 36 beers, passes out at campground
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) — A black bear was found passed out at a campground in Washington state recently after guzzling down three dozen cans of a local beer, a campground worker said on Wednesday.
Gary Farber: THIS WOULD ALSO WORK ON HOMER SIMPSON. Beery bears. [snipped quote] "Hi! My name is 'Smokey,' and I'm an alcoholic!"
Steve @BeggingToDiffer: QUICK HIT — Computer broken... in shop... work is busy... can't blog... Still, I had to take a moment to post a link to the story about the bear who drank 35 beers.
Jan Haugland: Beer bear — A black bear was found sleeping at a campground in Washington State, after having poured down 36 cans of beer.
Blackfive: Bear guzzles 36 beers, passes out at campground SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) — A black bear was found passed out at a...
Ace: Bear Drinks 36 Beers; Passes Out — I love bears. I love beer. I love this story. Top Ten Signs a Bear May Be Drunk 10.
Joe Gandelman: Bear Guzzles 36 Beers And Passes Out At Campgrounds... And when he woke up he immediately started talking about how the...
Also: James Joyner, Clayton Cramer, Joel Foreman, Jack Cluth

Babies and Bath Water
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Maybe it's just that I'm having too many long talks with my 16-month-old these days, but I find myself sensitive to the language of "daddies" and "dummies." This is the language of toddlerhood; it's not how we should be framing a national conversation about the president.
Noam Alaska: Lithwick's last column made what seemed to me a quite reasonable point, that liberals' efforts to "characterize Mr. Bush...
Roger Ailes: I agree with the Howler on Dahlia Lithwick's lame "Bush-haters" column.
Kevin T. Keith: Bush Is Too Dumb to Hold Office Dahlia Lithwick, of, has an editorial in today's New York Times arguing that...
Jeff Jarvis: Infantile politics : Fell asleep on the couch last night before I had a chance to recommend Dahlia Lithwick's guest...
Tbogg: Couple this with some wise words from Dahlia Lithwick: One of the most enduring memories from the Bush-Gore debates in...
Matthew Yglesias: Today's Dahlia Lithwick column leaves the law behind to take on unnamed persons who've been arguing lately that George...
Also: Barbara O'Brien, Stirling Newberry, Betsy Newmark, Digby

Kerry: Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work'
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
BOSTON (AP) - John Kerry fought back Thursday against campaign allegations that he exaggerated his combat record in Vietnam, accusing President Bush of using a Republican front group "to do his dirty work" and challenging Bush to debate their wartime service records.
Susan Q. Stranahan: "Faced with unrelenting attacks on his military record, Sen. John F. Kerry on Thursday said a Republican-funded group of...
Steve Soto: And amazingly, Ron Fournier of the AP (who I trashed yesterday) covered the Kerry speech in a favorable way this morning.
Oliver Willis: Kerry: Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work' [snipped quote] The campaign also launched a new ad with Jim Rassman.
Greg Ransom: More here. Quotable: [snipped quote] UPDATE: Here is the transcript of Kerry's speech. UPDATE II: And here is another AP story on Kerry's remarks.
Dave Johnson: AP headline at My Yahoo: Kerry: Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work' [quote] "Sen. John Kerry accused President Bush on Thursday...[end quote]
James Joyner: Kerry: Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work' — Kerry: Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work' ( - AP) "Sen. John Kerry...

A Historian's Tour of Duty
  By / Weekly Standard   —   Permalink 
"KERRY WENT into Cambodian waters three or four times in January and February 1969 on clandestine missions," historian Douglas Brinkley told the London Telegraph last week. "He had a run dropping off U.S. Navy Seals, Green Berets, and CIA guys.
Greg Ransom: HUGH HEWITT — It's question time for Doug Brinkley.
Captain Ed: Brinkley Must Answer For Incompetence — Hugh Hewitt writes another of his must-read columns in today's Weekly Standard...
The Big Trunk: Hugh Hewitt goes in for a closer look in his Standard Online column this morning: "A historian's tour of duty."
Hugh Hewitt: Here's my column, "A Historian's Duty," on John Kerry's bizarre tales of Cambodia cross-border...
Michelle Malkin: Dogging the LA Times. Hugh Hewitt at The Weekly Standard online has questions for Doug Brinkley.
Betsy Newmark: Hugh Hewitt calls on Douglas Brinkley to justify his reputation as a historian.
Also: Glenn Reynolds

Kerry faces tough veteran crowd
  Chicago Tribune   —   Permalink 
CINCINNATI — Sen. John Kerry tried Wednesday to win the hearts and minds of the nation's veterans, a group that traditionally has tilted Republican, by appealing to their sense of patriotism as well as more parochial concerns about government benefits.
Joe Gandelman: Tough Audience... Comedy is easy, dying is hard — and John Kerry winning over an audience like this is harder than dying.
Hugh Hewitt: Here's what the Chicago Tribune says about Kerry's Cambodian adventures: "Also Wednesday, the Kerry campaign disputed an...
James Joyner: For background, see Kerry faces tough veteran crowd (Chicago Tribune)
Greg Ransom: Sen. Kerry addresses the VFW. Quotable: [snipped quote] UPDATE: The records story makes page one of the WaPo — and the Kerry in Cambodia story?
Orrin Judd: CAMBODIA IS THE EASY PART TO EXPLAIN: Kerry faces tough veteran crowd (Frank James and Rick Pearson, August 19, 2004,...

Was Kerry in combat on Dec. 2, 1968?
  Washington Times   —   Permalink 
One of the criteria for awarding a Purple Heart is that the person in question was involved in action against the enemy. A wound resulting from friendly fire still qualifies for a Purple Heart as long as it was incurred while engaged with the enemy.
Greg Ransom: CAPTAIN ED at Captain's Quarters makes the Washington Times.
Michelle Malkin: Ed Morrissey raised questions about Kerry's first Purple Heart claims and the Washington Times editorial board picked up on the angle, asking "Was Kerry in combat on Dec. 2, 1968?"
Betsy Newmark: The Washington Times picks up on his scoop yesterday that Kerry himself claimed not to have seen combat before on December 11, 1968 when his first Purple Heart was for December 2.
James Joyner: Related: Records Contradict Kerry Critic's Charges -Report (Reuters) Was Kerry in combat on Dec. 2, 1968?
Captain Ed: Captain's Quarters Inspires Washington Times Editorial — Reader and fellow blogger Pat Curley and also William Millan...

I was Cipel's lover...
  NY Daily News   —   Permalink 
The mystery man who claims to be Golan Cipel's ex-lover said yesterday that not only is the handsome Israeli gay - he's also still in love with Gov. Jim McGreevey.
"Golan says he's not gay?
Clayton Cramer: Who Does This Guy Work For? If he's trying to make McGreevey look like the victim of an extortion plot, he's failing.
Greg @BeggingToDiffer: Meanwhile, The New York Daily News, in fine tabloid style, has this story (via BuzzMachine) about Dr. David Miller, a...
Orrin Judd: JUST A LIFESTYLE CHOICE...: I was Cipel's lover...: ...and he's still in love with the gov, says prof (RALPH R. ORTEGA,...
Jeff Jarvis: Then, today, the Daily News printed a story about this professor.

Democrats' Legal Challenges Impede Nader
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 - Ralph Nader's efforts to get his name on presidential ballots in important swing states are becoming mired in legal challenges and charges of fraud by Democrats who have mounted an extensive campaign to keep him from becoming a factor in this year's election.
James Joyner: Counting Every Vote? Megan McArdle: [snipped quote] Of course, this is different, in that it helps Democrats.
Jane Galt: Department of Dirty Pool — I don't want to hear one more word from Democrats saying that all they really wanted in...
Taegan Goddard: Legal Challenges Stall Nader — Ralph Nader's "efforts to get his name on presidential ballots in swing states are...
Digby: Their hardball approach to the Nader problem has been excellent.
Jesse Taylor: Fighting Back — The NYT details Democratic anti-Nader efforts today.
Joe Gandelman: Note this New York Times piece: "Ralph Nader's efforts to get his name on presidential ballots in important swing...

Military records counter a Kerry critic
  By / MSNBC   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Newly obtained military records of one of Sen. John F. Kerry's most vocal critics, who has accused the Democratic presidential candidate of lying about his wartime record to win medals, contradict his own version of events.
Joe Gandelman: TO BOTH SIDES: There are some voters (like me) who could care less about the ongoing controversy over the military...
Jon Henke: The Media Plays Defense — I'm having a bit of trouble piecing this Washington Post story together...(alt: here)
Betsy Newmark: Newsweek reports that one of Kerry's critics who claims that there was no fire in the Rassman rescue event himself received a Bronze Star citing enemy fire for the same incident.
Joel Foreman: Now WaPo via MSNBC is reporting that Larry Thurlow, a swift boat commander on another vessel alongside Kerry's during the now-infamous Bay Hap mine incident.
James Joyner: Records Contradict Swifty Charges — Records Counter a Critic of Kerry (Michael Dobbs, WaPo) Military records counter a...
Ace: MSNBC actually deigned to lower itself to report, obliquely, on the Kerry allegations. The headline?

Tense Situation Surrounds Al-Sadr in Najaf
  Fox News   —   Permalink 
NAJAF, Iraq — The Iraqi military is poised to go after radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr (search) after he reportedly rejected Iraqi government demands to end the bloody uprising in Najaf.
Jeralyn Merritt: U.S. Warplanes Hit Najaf — Fox News is reporting that U.S. warplanes are bombing Najaf according to Fox ews, after al-Sadr rejected a final appeal to disarm.
Jeff Quinton: Explosions, Fighting in Najaf — Fox News Channel has video showing clouds of smoke rising over Najaf and there are...
Jeff Goldstein: I'll be damned if my last meal on earth is gonna be moldy dates and freakin' chick peas."* update: "You know what?—pass me that bottle of Coke, too.