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World O'Crap

CNN News Executive Eason Jordan Quits
  AP   —   Permalink 
NEW YORK — CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan quit Friday amidst a furor over remarks he made in Switzerland last month about journalists killed by the U.S. military in Iraq.
Jordan said he was quitting to avoid CNN being "unfairly tarnished" by the controversy.
Digby: Chrissie? Timmie? Leslie? Watch your mouths. CNN News Executive Eason Jordan Quits Now here's a conundrum.
Acidman: So, eason jordan resigned. I LOVE the way he did it, too: [snipped quote] What the f**k does that allegedly mean?
John Hawkins: Well, now we can add another name to that list, because Eason Jordan has been overwhelmed by the swarm... "CNN chief...
Joe Gandelman: CNN's News Chief Eason Jordan Quits — Whether he said the words that got him in trouble or not, CNN's Chief News...
Jason Van Steenwyk: Bloggers bring down head of CNN! Eason Jordan resigns. [snipped quote] Well, CNN was already tarnished by his very presence.
Glenn Reynolds: EASON JORDAN HAS RESIGNED: [quote] Jordan said he was quitting to avoid CNN being "unfairly tarnished" by the controversy. . .[end quote]
Also: Jan Haugland, James Joyner, Charles Johnson, Jeff Jarvis, Tom Biro, Jay Rosen, Michelle Malkin, Deacon, Dean Esmay, Eugene Volokh, Chad The Elder, Pejman Yousefzadeh, Ed Driscoll, Bill @INDCJournal, Tom Maguire, Jayson @PoliPundit

CNN executive resigns after controversial remarks
  CNN   —   Permalink 
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan resigned Friday, saying the controversy over his remarks about the deaths of journalists in Iraq threatened to tarnish the network he helped build.
Kevin Aylward: ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan resigned Friday, saying the controversy over his remarks...
Jay Rosen: It's confirmed. Eason Jordan resigned today about an hour ago (6 pm EST). Here is an AP Story. Here is CNN's account.
Captain Ed: CNN announced the resignation of Eason Jordan this evening as CNN's chief news executive, sending "shock waves" through...
Michelle Malkin: Update III: CNN posts its story here under "Entertainment News."

CNN's Chief News Exec Resigns
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Eason Jordan resigned last night as CNN's chief news executive in an effort to quell a bubbling controversy over his remarks about U.S. soldiers killing journalists in Iraq.
Hugh Hewitt: Eason Jordan quits. The cover-up continues.
Jay Rosen: Eason Jordan Resigns — Just got off the phone with Howard Kurtz. It's confirmed. Eason Jordan resigned today about an hour ago (6 pm EST).

Eason Jordan vs. the Blogosphere
  NRO   —   Permalink 
The heat is on.
This week on CNBC's Kudlow & Cramer I asked three influential U.S. senators about the CNN scandal regarding news executive Eason Jordan. To recap, at last month's economic forum in Davos, Switzerland, Jordan publicly accused the U.S. military of deliberately targeting journalists in order to assassinate them.
Jay Rosen: I am, until more information comes in, with PowerLine's Paul Mirengoff, who writes: "I wonder whether it might have...
Greg Ransom: LARRY KUDLOW — Eason Jordan versus the blogosphere: "Seeing as the blogosphere's reporting has moved into the upper...
Michelle Malkin: Larry Kudlow's all over the story now on his cool new blog and latest NRO column. So is Scarborough.
Larry Kudlow: New NRO Column — My new column is up at NRO: Eason Jordan vs. the Blogosphere The heat is on.

Pakistan pays tribe al-Qaeda debt
  BBC   —   Permalink 
Pakistan says it has paid 32m rupees ($540,000) to help four former wanted tribal militants in South Waziristan settle debts with al-Qaeda.
Military operations chief in the region, Lt Gen Safdar Hussain, said the payments were part of a peace deal signed on Monday with tribesmen.
Joe Gandelman: Our Friend Pakistan Gives Money To Al Qaeda — Subtitle this one "Your U.S. Foreign Aid At Work": [snipped quote] Why...
Avedon Carol: Or at least this is the first time they've admitted it. That's our "friend" Pakistan, all freedom-loving and so on.
Lambert @Corrente: Hey, what are friends for? WTF? [snipped quote] Can someone explain why this would be a good idea?
Laura Rozen: Liberal Oasis points to this BBC report today that says Pakistan admits that it has paid the equivalent of half a...
Jan Haugland: Pakistan helped pay off Al-Qaeda debts — Pakistan admits it has paid $540,000 to help tribal 'militants' pay off debts...
Mathew Gross: Pakistan Pays off al Qaeda — With us, or against us? [snipped quote] Umm....
Also: Skippy

Mr. Bush's Personal Accounts
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
WHETHER SOCIAL Security is in "crisis" or not, everyone agrees that the system faces a deficit. There is less agreement, however, on whether the personal Social Security accounts advocated by President Bush in the State of the Union speech would reduce the funding problem.
DeLong: Department) What seemed to me to be the two most egregious passages in a very misleading and shameful editorial: ...
Tarek @LiquidList: I don't know why, but I'm absolutely convinced that Fred Hiatt will do anything to lipstick up the pig that America is stuck with for the next four years.
William Swann: Washington Post on Social Security — The new Washington Post editorial amounts to an endorsement of the concept of private market accounts.
Kevin Drum: I'd like to meet them someday. Today they come out in favor of private accounts for Social Security.
Matthew Yglesias: This morning's Post easily matches my low expectations.

Senate Approves Measure to Curb Big Class Actions
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 - Handing President Bush a significant victory, the Senate overwhelmingly approved a measure on Thursday that would sharply limit the ability of people to file class-action lawsuits against companies.
DavidNYC @DailyKos: Sadly - though this comes as no surprise - the bill passed the Senate by a large margin (72-26), with only Democrats voting against it.
Howard Kurtz: The Bush agenda is starting to move, as the New York Times reports: "Handing President Bush a significant victory, the...
Susan Madrak: SCREW THE LITTLE GUY — I've been remiss in not bringing this to your attention.
Jeffrey Dubner: The provision can probably best be read as of a piece with regulatory rollback, the effort to unseat the civil service...
Jacob Sullum: Class Action Action — Although I don't buy the constitutional justification for federal limits on medical malpractice...

On Message
  By / TNR   —   Permalink 
The Democrats had their rebuttal to the State of the Union address last week; yesterday Al Qaeda offered its own. Ayman Al Zawahiri, the organization's number two, broadcast a recorded message about five minutes in length on Al Jazeera around noon, eastern standard time.
Laura Rozen: Meantime, Joseph Braude, writing in The New Republic, parses the broadcast on al Jazeera yesterday by al Qaeda's #2,...
Daniel Drezner: As Reuters put it, the tape "blasted the 'U.S. concept of freedom,'" In TNR Online, Joseph Braude translates and analyzes the text of the message.
The Big Trunk: Coincidentally, the email this morning includes a message from Joseph Braude directing us to his fascinating New...
James Joyner: Al Qaeda Rebuts State of the Union Address — Joseph Braude, author of The New Iraq: Rebuilding the Country for Its...
Orrin Judd: WELCOME TO WALKER'S WORLD: On Message (Joseph Braude, 02.11.05, New Republic) [snipped quote] While the comparison to the...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: DECONSTRUCTING AL QAEDA — Joseph Braude checks out Ayman al-Zawahiri's latest rant against the United States and the general concepts of freedom and reform.

Poll Shows Drop in Bush's Job Approval
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - The public's confidence in President Bush 's job performance and the nation's direction has slipped in the opening weeks of his second term, particularly among people 50 and older, according to an Associated Press poll.
Joe Gandelman: Bush Poll Numbers Start To Erode — A new poll suggests President George Bush's support is starting to slowly erode as...
Frederick Maryland: New Poll: Good News and Bad for Bush — A new poll just released by the Associated Press has both good and bad news for President Bush.
Taegan Goddard: Bush's Approval Drops — [snipped quote] according to an Associated Press poll.
Jesse Taylor: Screw Point 2009 — Bush's approval rating: 45%. Bush's Gallup-adjusted approval rating in two weeks: 61%.
Skippy: the asspress poll sez: "the public's confidence in president bush's job performance and the nation's direction has...
Atrios: Red Alert — Uh-oh "WASHINGTON - The public's confidence in President Bush (news - web sites)'s job performance and the...

Democrats Aren't Giving Bush a Break This Term
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — In style and substance, Democrats are mounting a much more aggressive and unified opposition to President Bush than they did following his election in 2000.
Howard Kurtz: But that doesn't mean the Dems are rolling over, says the Los Angeles Times: In both style and substance, Democrats are...
Orrin Judd: PRECINCT 13: Democrats Aren't Giving Bush a Break This Term: Dean's likely rise to power is another sign the party is sharpening its differences with GOP.
James Joyner: Continued... Update (1015): In somewhat related news, LAT's Ron Brownstein argues that the Democrats are much more unified now than at this point in Bush's first term.
Steven Taylor: Brownstein on the Democrats — Writes Ron Brownstein of the LAT: Democrats Aren't Giving Bush a Break This Term "In...

Did Kim Jung Il miscalculate?
  By / Christian Science Monitor   —   Permalink 
North Korea declared itself a nuclear power on Thursday. The Stalinist state coupled a unilateral admission of possessing nuclear weapons with the assertion that it would not take part in "six-nation talks aimed at ending the [nuclear arms] crisis," on the Korean peninsula.
Daniel Drezner: The Christian Science Monitor has a round-up of global press reaction.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER . . . But oh, how painful this must have been!

Labour reveals election pledges
  Guardian   —   Permalink 
Tony Blair today unveiled Labour's six election pledges as he toured the country's key marginal constituencies by helicopter, revealing one pledge in each as he made his way to the party's spring conference in Gateshead.
Sam Rosenfeld: Kevin Drum makes all the right comparisons between the British Labour Party's nifty new branding gimmick and the U.S...
Kevin Drum: Over on the right is the unveiling of the Labor Party's 2005 "pledge card," a cheap and cheerful list of six things the Laborites say they stand for.

U.S. refuses one-on-one North Korea talks
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration said Friday that it wasn't interested in one-on-one talks with North Korea about its nuclear programs outside the six-party negotiations involving the communist nation's neighbors.
"It's not an issue between North Korea and the United States.
Steve Soto: Obviously this latest maneuver by Pyongyang was aimed at getting the Bush Administration to pull out of the multilateral talks that were underway, and to deal directly with them.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: SABER RATTLING AND ITS CONSEQUENCES — Whatever the bluster being put out by North Korea, no one in the West should bend...
Daniel Drezner: [UPDATE: Deb Riechmann reports for the AP that Scott McClellan rejected this demand at the White House press briefing.

Bush Threatens to Veto Changes in Medicare's Drug Benefit
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 - President Bush threatened today to veto any changes Congress might make in Medicare's prescription drug benefit, which becomes available in January 2006 to millions of elderly and disabled people.
Steven Taylor: The "V" Word — Via the NYT: Bush Threatens to Veto Changes in Medicare's Drug Benefit [snipped quote] He actually uttered the word in public and everything.
Oliver Willis: Hollow Man — George W. Bush Dear Leader said this today: [snipped quote] George W. Bush has never vetoed a bill in the entire time he's been President.

Under Yalta's Shadow
  By / NRO   —   Permalink 
On February 11, 1945, World War II's "Big Three" — Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin — ended their final summit in the Crimean seaside town of Yalta.
Orrin Judd: THE DAY THE WAR WAS LOST: Under Yalta's Shadow: The forgotten legacy. (Arthur Herman, 2/11/05, National Review) [snipped quote] What a waste.
Greg Ransom: CAN we ever escape from the Yalta legacy of FDR?
JoelL @SouthernAppeal: Read it here.

  By / New York Post   —   Permalink 
COLUMBIA University Presi dent Lee Bollinger has an other headache on his hands, The Post has learned.
A group of professors on campus is releasing a report today that is highly critical of the university's handling of charges of anti-Semitism and classroom intimidation — and especially of the committee that Bollinger set up to investigate.
David Bernstein: What is it with elite universities and internal investigations with preconceived results?
Glenn Reynolds: MORE DEVELOPMENTS AT COLUMBIA: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing. (Link to the report here, via Ryan Sager).
Judith Weiss: Note how no one in the audience called Scheuer on his s**t. UPDATE: The latest on the Columbia U faculty bias case.

Carter ends silence, praises Iraqi voting
  By / Washington Times   —   Permalink 
Former President Jimmy Carter, who predicted that elections in Iraq would fail and in the past year described the Bush administration's policy there as a quagmire, this week ended 10 days of silence to declare the historic Iraqi vote "a very successful effort."
James Joyner: Jimmy Carter Ends Silence, Praises Iraqi Voting — Carter ends silence, praises Iraqi voting (WaTi) "Former President...
Captain Ed: Finally, some light must have shown through, as Carter now acknowledges that he was dead wrong on Iraq's elections
Steve Bainbridge: Ten days late (and the proverbial dollar short?) breaks silence on Iraq vote. Must have been a very bitter pill for him to swallow, after predicting disaster.
Scott Sala: Jimmy Carter OK's Iraqi Elections — After 10 days of silence, Jimmy Carter finally came forward to speak on the Iraqi elections.

Give Iraq's Voters The Nobel Prize For Peace
  By / Opinion Journal   —   Permalink 
The Nobel Peace Prize Committee will announce its 2005 winner in October. I think that this year the voters of Iraq should receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
They have already won the world's peace prize by demonstrating in a single day a commitment not seen...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: DANIEL HENNINGER IS A GENIUS — Here is why: [snipped quote] Of course, it may be more appropriate to give the Iraqi voters a Nobel Freedom Prize.
Glenn Reynolds: THIS SEEMS LIKE A GREAT IDEA: Give Iraq's voters the Nobel Peace Prize: [snipped quote] Makes sense to me.

NYC Health Officials Find New, Virulent HIV Strain (Update2)
  Bloomberg   —   Permalink 
Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) — New York City doctors have discovered a previously unseen strain of HIV, which appears to be resistant to three of the four types of anti-viral drugs that combat the disease, and progresses from infection to full-blown AIDS in two or three months, the health department said.
Clayton Cramer: Why Do So Few Stories Like This Involve Straights? Especially if homosexuals aren't really that much different than heterosexuals?
Jane Galt: Double-plus ungood — Doctors have discovered a new strain of AIDS that is resistant to three out of four of the major...

Bush Vows to Veto Changes to Medicare Drug Benefits
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
In the face of mounting Congressional concern about the projected costs of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit, President Bush today vowed to veto any attempts to limit it.
"I signed Medicare reform proudly," he said.
Radley Balko: From the Washington Post: [snipped quote] Still waiting for the condemnation from limited government conservatives.
Ramesh Ponnuru: BUSH — Not exactly a profile in courage here.

Arthur Miller, Legendary American Playwright, Is Dead
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Arthur Miller, one of the great American playwrights, whose work exposed the flaws in the fabric of the American dream, died Thursday night at his home in Roxbury, Conn. He was 89. The cause was congestive heart failure, said Julia Bolus, his assistant.
James Joyner: Arthur Miller, Legendary American Playwright, Is Dead (NYT rss) "Arthur Miller, one of the great American playwrights,...

Prostitution, Rapes Run Rampant
  ABCNEWS   —   Permalink 
Didier Bourguet, a U.N. official from France, is pictured here in an image found on his hard drive, which was obtained by ABC News. Also on the hard drive were thousands of photos of him having sex with hundreds of young Congolese girls. (ABC News)
Ace: The UN: We're Not Just About Billion-Dollar Corruption Schemes. We Also Rape Children. What would we do without the UN?
Glenn Reynolds: ABC NEWS REPORTS ON U.N. SEX CRIMES IN THE CONGO: [snipped quote] There will be a story on 20/20 tonight.

CNN: Jordan 'not clear' in Iraq remarks
  By / Hollywood Reporter   —   Permalink 
NEW YORK — CNN on Thursday sought to quell the media frenzy enveloping executive Eason Jordan over remarks he made during a conference last month in Davos, Switzerland, suggesting that he believed U.S. troops were deliberately firing on journalists in Iraq.
Hugh Hewitt: The Hollywood Reporter account of Eason Jordan's Davos pratfall (HT: Instapundit) does not include any reference to his...
Glenn Reynolds: UPDATE: Looks like, as predicted, the story's broken out: [snipped quote] No, indeed.

Churchill met with Gadhafi
  Rocky Mountain News   —   Permalink 
This is not the first time Ward Churchill has disagreed with the U.S. government's idea of who is, and is not, a terrorist.
In April 1983, Churchill went to Libya to meet with Col. Moammar Gadhafi.
The U.S. government had banned travel to Libya two years earlier, saying Gadhafi supported terrorism.
Clayton Cramer: So now we have the interesting case of Professor Ward Churchill, who was hired as a professor in the ethnic studies...
Charles Johnson: Anti-American Prof Met With Gadhafi — The Ward Churchill story keeps getting more outrageous; today the Rocky Mountain...

Debt and Taxes
  By / American Prospect   —   Permalink 
The long-term insolvency of President George W. Bush's budget strategy is obscured by outrage — otherwise justified — over gratuitous and spiteful spending cuts. These cuts are real enough, but they are the battle the Bush administration would prefer to fight.
Matthew Yglesias: Writing in TAP Online Max Sawicky makes some familiar points: [snipped quote] But here's my question (inspired either by...
Max B. Sawicky: PROSPECTING — For The American Prospect, how Bush defunds Social Security. You've heard it here before.

For Dean's movement, an unlikely inspiration
  By / Boston Globe   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — As Howard Dean's presidential campaign sputtered to closure one year ago, the candidate and a half dozen trusted aides began gathering in his Burlington, Vt., office, scribbling ideas on a white board about where to channel the fierce voter and donor energy that had already become his legacy to the Democratic Party.
Howard Kurtz: Howard Dean picked himself off the mat and will claim a big prize tomorrow, and the Boston Globe says he drew...
Rickheller @Centerfield: Dean Movement Used Christian Coalition Model — The Boston Globe reports [snipped quote] At the Centrist Coalition, we...
Orrin Judd: THE PROCESS PARTY: For Dean's movement, an unlikely inspiration (Nina J. Easton, February 11, 2005, Boston Globe)...

German "gay" penguins spark protest
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
BERLIN (Reuters) - A plan by a German zoo to test the sexual appetites of a group of suspected homosexual penguins has sparked outrage among gay and lesbian groups, who fear zookeepers might force them to turn straight.
Jeff Goldstein: "I find the south pole to be FABULOUS in springtime" — From Reuters: [snipped quote] In related news, the National...
K. J. Lopez: GAY PENGUINS — I fear what Derb will do with this.

Democrats Want Investigation of Reporter Using Fake Name
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Two Democrats in Congress are pressing for investigations into how a Washington reporter who used a pseudonym managed to gain access to the White House and had access to classified documents that named Valerie Plame as a C.I.A. operative.
Tom Maguire: The NY Times, a couple of Congressional Democrats, and Josh Marshall are all relying for the inside skinny on Jeff Gannon as presented by the Daily Kos.
SLZoll: Here's an interesting bit from the NY Times article about Democratic representatives John Conyers Jr. and Louise M...
Ed Cone: The Times picks up the fake White House reporter story. CNN catches up to the story by putting a blogger on the air.
Jeff Jarvis: CNN has covered the Gannon story. Have they yet made a mention of the Jordan story? The NYTimes has covered Gannon.
Josh Marshall: The New York — Times has one of the first mainstream news pieces I've seen about 'Jeff Gannon' that takes the issue...
Kos @DailyKos: NY Times gets in on the act — And no mention of sex. Just pure substance. [snipped quote] Bingo.

Charles Calls End to the Affair: He'll Happily Wed His Camilla
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
LONDON, Feb. 10 - They have been friends for more than 30 years and lovers for most of that time. They have survived marriages to and divorces from other people; the icy disapproval of relatives; the resentment of the public; and, perhaps most excruciating of all, the publication of intimate details of their risqué pillow talk.
Ann Althouse: So said Camilla Parker Bowles when she first met Prince Charles thirty years ago. I've always been pro-Camilla.
Randy Paul: Dinosaurs — Who the hell cares? These people are inbreed dinosaurs and get far too much attention.
Cori Dauber: The Follow-Through Ain't Interesting — Look what made the front page of the Times today.

Giving "Gannon" a pass
  By / Salon   —   Permalink 
Before abruptly quitting his post this week as White House correspondent for the GOP-friendly group Talon News, Jeff Gannon enjoyed unfettered access to White House briefings.
Barbara O'Brien: Not so, as explained by Eric Boehlert in today's Salon.
Rickheller @Centerfield: Update2: Salon reports that "Gannon" is the only reporter known to have circumvented the hard pass system by getting day...
SLZoll: Per Salon: Day passes, which are picked up every day at the press office, are intended to provide flexibility for...

Shipment of radioactive equipment brings rebuke for nuclear agency
  Boston Globe   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — A container of radioactive equipment turned up at a shipping facility in Chelsea this week, prompting a Massachusetts congressman to call for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to keep better track of materials that terrorists could use to launch a ''dirty bomb" attack.
Steve M.: Here's a story from The Boston Globe: It seems that a certain American company recently imported some radioactive material.
Julia @AmStreet: Some radioactive material that went missing en route to Houston was found four and some-odd months later in Boston instead

Democrats Challenge New Ethics Panelists
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
House Democratic leaders yesterday sought the removal of two recently appointed Republicans from the House ethics committee, questioning whether their contributions to Majority Leader Tom DeLay's legal defense fund would color their judgment on issues involving him.
Steve Soto: Democrats Should Campaign Against DeLay Like Gingrich Did Against Dem Leadership In 1994 — This is one more argument...
Jesse Taylor: Political Thresholds — There is a time for remorse, a time for steadfastness, and a time to step your happy ass down...

DNC Members Optimistic About Party's Future, but Want Change
  By / Gallup   —   Permalink 
PRINCETON, NJ — The Democratic National Committee will elect a new chairman Saturday to lead the party for the next four years, with former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean the likely choice.
Chris Bowers: Dean Overwhelmingly Viewed As Strong Choice for Chair — The Republican Noise Machine will do its best to dig up...
Kos @DailyKos: DNC members heart Dean — Gallup. 1/27-2/8. 223 DNC members (out of 447). (No trend lines) [snipped quote] Looks like we're going in with a full head of optimism.

Lawyer Is Guilty of Aiding Terror
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Lynne F. Stewart, an outspoken lawyer known for representing a long list of unpopular defendants, was convicted yesterday by a federal jury in Manhattan of aiding Islamic terrorism by smuggling messages out of jail from a terrorist client.
Cori Dauber: Those rules were in place for a very, very good reason. But even now the Times coverage is fairly sympathetic.
Tim Dunlop: Speech is free — Lynne Stewart, a US attorney I hadn't heard of until yesterday, was convicted on a number of charges...
Tim Cavanaugh: Stories here, here, here, here, here, and here. Jarett Decker considered the Stewart case's ramifications last year in Reason.
James Joyner: Lawyer Found Guilty of Aiding Terrorists — Lawyer Is Guilty of Aiding Terror (NYT rss) "Lynne F. Stewart, an outspoken...
David T: Justice for Lynne Stewart — It is always disturbing when a lawyer is prosecuted and convicted for activities engaged in during the course of acting for unpopular defendants.

The cheers were all ours
  By / Guardian   —   Permalink 
Iraq is a "totalitarian state", and that's official, according to the logic of Condoleezza Rice this week. Maybe it was because she was in carefree Paris. Maybe it was because she was having breakfast with a bunch of French intellectuals.
McQ: The Guardian's logic deficit — Now first lets be fair ... the UK's Guardian is nothing to write home about to begin...
Scott Burgess: Jonathan Steele trots this out at the end of his piece in today's Guardian: "As Iraqis know, the main killers in Iraq are not the insurgents but the Americans.
Norm Geras: Falsifying the story (updated) The Guardian's Comment and Analysis pages have carried some rank stuff over the last...

Anti-Semitic attacks rise to record level
  By / Independent   —   Permalink 
British jews were subject to a record number of anti-Semitic attacks last year, including a huge increase in serious assaults. The increase has been blamed on "the Middle East factor", with a sharp rise in incidents rooted in hatred of Israel.
Damian Penny: The sickness spreads — Physical attacks and threats against British Jews hit a record high in 2004: British jews were...
Norm Geras: Further to the post below on Mayor Livingstone, in which the increase in anti-Semitic attacks in the UK is noted, see...

Darfur's Babies of Rape Are on Trial From Birth
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
GENEINA, Sudan - Fatouma spends her days under the plastic tarp covering her tent, seated on a straw mat, staring at the squirming creature in her arms.
She examines over and over again the perfectly formed fingers and toes, 10 of each, and the tiny...
Cori Dauber: Bosnia Redux — Rape is being used as a weapon of ethnic warfare in Darfur. The UN downplays that, too.
Eugene Oregon: The New York Times has this article "Fatouma spends her days under the plastic tarp covering her tent, seated on a straw mat, staring at the squirming creature in her arms.

U.S. rejects N. Korea direct talks
  CNN   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. has reaffirmed its opposition to two-way talks with North Korea in response to the communist state's recent announcement that it will abandon six-party negotiations on its nuclear weapons program and bolster its arsenal.
Daniel Drezner: As CNN points out today, there have been ample rhetorical opportunities as of late for the administration to target...
Dean Esmay: He's So Ronery by Dean So. North Korea demands unilateral talks with the United States.

Lawyers Take Uneasy Look at the Future
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Lawyers who take politically unpopular cases said yesterday that the conviction of Lynne F. Stewart was a warning that they could be prosecuted, too, though some insisted that they would not bow to what they called the intimidating message of the verdict.
Cori Dauber: By the way, there is a third article, about the response to the conviction from other defense lawyers who defend "odious" clients.
James Joyner: Continued... Update (1214): Lawyers Take Uneasy Look at the Future (NYT rss) "Lawyers who take politically unpopular...
Wretchard: This snippet from the New York Times account of the conviction of radical lawyer Lynne Stewart illustrates it clearly.

Is Milton Friedman a Utopian?
  By / TCS   —   Permalink 
Richard Parker's February 6th Boston Globe article "The Pragmatist and the Utopian" is an interesting comparison between legendary economists John Kenneth Galbraith and Milton Friedman.
Jonah Goldberg: The battle is joined by TCS.
Greg Ransom: RICHARD PARKER is "intellectually sloppy even for a Harvard professor" says economist Robert Formaini

9/11 panel: FAA warned about al-Qaida
  Newsday   —   Permalink 
In the months before Sept. 11, the Federal Aviation Administration told some of the nation's largest airports that if a terrorist wanted to hijack a plane to commit suicide in a "spectacular explosion," it would probably be a hijacking on U.S. soil rather than overseas.
Steve M.: And you know that the FAA got 52 specific warnings about bin Laden and al-Qaeda between April 1 and September 10, 2001 — more than two a week.
Kevin Aylward: More From The 9/11 Commission — From Newsday:...On 52 occasions, from April 1, 2001, to Sept. 10, 2001, the FAA's own...

Beyond 'Fair and Balanced'
  By / Rolling Stone   —   Permalink 
Last year, when conservative commentator Armstrong Williams took $240,000 in payoffs from the Bush administration to promote its education policies in the media, he needed to reach a national television audience to satisfy the terms of his lucrative deal.
Chris Bowers: The Truth About Sinclair — Rolling Stone has a must-read article on the company, which exposes just how vile it really...
Susan Madrak: DEEPER THAN DEEP, YOUR THROAT — Will is absolutely gleeful over yet another conservative hypocrite hoisted on his own...

Senate Nears Revision of Class Actions
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
President Bush and his business supporters won a large and long-sought victory yesterday with a series of Senate votes that virtually guarantee enactment of legislation restructuring rules for class-action lawsuits.
Kevin Drum: After all, if they agreed this was unfair they would have accepted Dianne Feinstein's amendment designed to clear up the procedural issues.
James Joyner: Update (2-11): Kevin Drum has less faith in the capitalist class than I do, noting, "After all, if they agreed this was...

We are the final frontier
  Guardian   —   Permalink 
Humans have always thought of themselves as special, and with good reason. As far as we know, we are alone in the universe in churning out great works of art and literature, in formulating the laws of physics, and in creating the spectacle that is morris dancing.
Norm Geras: Mysteries of the future — Ian Sample asks a number of scientists 'What's next? ' Their answers are here.
Peter Burnet: MOCK ON, MOCK ON, VOLTAIRE, ROUSSEAU — We are the final frontier (The Guardian, February 10th, 2005) [snipped quote] Is...

Democrats Demand Bush Halt Attacks on Reid
  AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democrats demanded Thursday that President Bush order a halt to personal attacks on the party's leader, Sen. Harry Reid, and expressed regret that they had failed to mount a stronger defense for his defeated predecessor.
Captain Ed: The Democrats managed to reach a nadir in their fight to remain relevant yesterday when a group of senators demanded...
Paul @Wizbang: Democrats Demand Bush Halt Personal Attacks WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democrats demanded Thursday that President Bush...
C. D. Harris: Senate Democrats are 'demanding' that President Bush tell his allies to stop attacking Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.
Betsy Newmark: How are the Democrats ever going to convince people that they are strong enough to lead the country if they are always whining about attacks by Republicans?

CNN Exec Clarifies Comment on Military
  AP   —   Permalink 
NEW YORK (AP) — Despite comments that may have left a different impression, CNN's chief news executive said Thursday that he does not believe the U.S. military intended to kill journalists in the Iraq war.
Michelle Malkin: Eason Jordan is still hiding behind CNN spin doctors. Still no transcript. Still no tape. It's not just right-wing hounds who are "baying."
Jay Rosen: (An AP story about those events finally made the New York Times today, at 8:22 pm.)
Jason Van Steenwyk: So what does the Times do? Well, on first and goal, of course, it's time to punt.
Joe Gandelman: Eason Jordan Issues A De Facto Retraction — CNN's news chief Eason Jordan has issued a clarification that also sounds a...
Captain Ed: Gray Lady Kurtzes On Eason's Fables — The New York Times finally mentions Eason's Fables, although it appears only in a...
Steve Bainbridge: Easongate — The AP is reporting that Jordan Eason is trying to retract his claim that the US military is deliberately...
Also: Cori Dauber, Betsy Newmark

Congressman: Democrat Leadership Threatening 'Retribution' for Dems Who Cooperate with White House
  By / Human Events   —   Permalink 
Rep. Paul Ryan (R. -Wis.) was asked at a CATO conference in Washington yesterday whether he had persuaded any Democrats to back his plan to rescue Social Security from its financial troubles.
Steve M.: ... —Allan Ryskind in Human Events Online No matter how many times they lose, they still want to define...
C. D. Harris: Threatening retribution against any Democrat who works with Bush on Social Security. [snipped quote] The more things change, and all that.
Betsy Newmark: Apparently, bipartisanship is not a two-way street. [snipped quote] Come on. You're the minority party in the House, for gosh sake!
Jesse Taylor: When Democrats threaten their members to keep them in line, they're doing what they need to do to push forward their ideas.
Ezra Klein: Dem-On-Dem Violence, and Why I Love It — Well this is nice to hear: [snipped quote] And any wingers who judge this...
Steve Bainbridge: Bipartisanship? Not from the Dems [snipped quote] Naturally, Kos is delighted.
Also: Kos @DailyKos

  By / Opinion Journal   —   Permalink 
Ken Taylor - Madison, Wis.
I find it interesting that after you describe it, you don't again mention Rep. Barney Frank's questioning of Mr. Jordan. Even though he is a liberal, he is obviously very troubled by what appears to be unsubstantiated attacks on our military.
Jay Rosen: Blog Storm Troopers or Pack Journalism at its Best? "A good number of PressThink readers think I am in error for tracking the Eason Jordan story as closely as I have.
Michelle Malkin: Bret Stephens' curious little account in the WSJ does not, contrary to the subtitle of the piece, settle the question of what exactly Eason Jordan said and how he said it.
Bigwig: Eason Jordan could be slowly dismantled to the Eagles "Your Lying Eyes," and animated images of Andrew Sullivan and James Carville could dance to Fishbone's "Crazy Bald Heads."
Charles Johnson: But when I read his op-ed about Easongate at OpinionJournal earlier today, I detected a faint air of "circling the wagons."
Smash: Military Targets Journalists — Reporter Targeted by "Deliberate Barrage" CNN EXECUTIVE EASON JORDAN has come under...
Barbara O'Brien: Today, Power Line blogger The Big Trunk is p.o.'d because a Wall Street Journal editorial on the matter brushed Jordan-gate off as not that big a deal.
Also: Cori Dauber, James Frederick Dwight, Joe Gandelman, Captain Ed, Jonah Goldberg, Dean Esmay, The Big Trunk, Vanderleun, Glenn Reynolds, Orrin Judd, Greg Ransom

Senate Passes Overhaul of Rules for Class-Action Lawsuits
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 - The Senate voted overwhelmingly today to shift many class-action lawsuits from state courts to federal courts, handing President Bush and his supporters in the business world a major legislative triumph.
C. D. Harris: That said, I don't see anything particularly wrong with the tort reform bill that passed the Senate yesterday.
Ezra Klein: Not necessarily in that order!), but the Senate passed a significant class-action lawsuit bill.
Dave Johnson: From a different report, "One Democrat who voted yes, Dianne Feinstein of California, said afterward that the bill was...
Kevin Drum: CLASSLESS ACTION....The Senate passed a bill on Thursday that moves many class action suits to federal court.
Julia @AmStreet: Nonetheless, the Times has discovered by the kind of investigative reporting for which they are so justly famous that...
James Joyner: Senate Passes Class-Action Reform — Se Passes Overhaul of Rules for Class-Action Lawsuits (NYT rss) "The Senate voted...
Also: Orrin Judd

Rights lawyer convicted of helping terrorists
  AP   —   Permalink 
Veteran civil rights lawyer Lynne Stewart was convicted Thursday of helping terrorists by smuggling messages of violence from one of her imprisoned clients — a radical Egyptian sheik — to his terrorist disciples on the outside.
The Big Trunk: Today the jury convicted them all: "Rights lawyer convicted of helping terrorists." I think this was a difficult but meritorious case for the government.
Jeralyn Merritt: Lawyer Lynne Stewart Found Guilty — Update (by TChris): After 13 days of deliberations, the jury found Lynne Stewart guilty of providing material support to terrorists.
Jayson @PoliPundit: Newsday whitewashes the story with gobs of liberal bias, but they do manage to let the terror-abetting conviction of...
Damian Penny: The new Mumia — Lynne Stewart, who long ago crossed the line between defending Islamofascist terror suspects and...
Michelle Malkin: GUILTY IN NYC — Back from the ice rink and catching up with the afternoon headlines... You've already seen the guilty verdict in the Lynne Stewart case.
Greg Ransom: LEFTIST attorney Lynne Stewart was convicted yesterday of working as an accomplice with Islamic terrorists, inspiring...
Also: Glenn Reynolds

The Blogs Beat the Bigs Again
  By / Weekly Standard   —   Permalink 
"CHRIS MATTHEWS looked at you like you were Grover Norquist," a very senior Democratic operative commented on my appearance at Matthews' weekend show. During the segment where Matthews asks his panel to tell them something he doesn't know, I predicted a...
Jeff Jarvis: On l'affaire Jordan (I agree with Jay Rosen that we shouldn't be ----gating everything until we know it's a ----gate),...
Oliver Willis: Hugh Hewitt's Bipartisan Coalition — Right-Wing Stupidity Continuing his descent into stupidity, Hugh Hewitt writes the...
Michelle Malkin: Easongate and TKS are live with the latest. Hugh Hewitt on the blogs vs. the bigs.
Jay Rosen: Am I enabling his agenda? Comparison: Here is a journalist writing about the "Jeff Gannon" storm, and devoting to it quite a lot of space.
Kevin Hayden: I accuse… and raise the call for impeachment — The Conservative Blunderground can persist in its pursuit of...
Hugh Hewitt: My column, "The Blogs Beat the Bigs Again," focuses on the first episode in 2005 when the blogs...
Also: Ace

Reporter Quits Amid Credential Questions
  AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - A conservative writer who attracted attention by asking President Bush a loaded question at a news conference last month has resigned amid questions about his identity and background.
Baldilocks: Mr. Gannon was allowed a daily pass to White House press briefings, as many reporters for many new services are.
Hindrocket: The first actual news story I've seen on the Gannon affair is this AP report, which quotes Scott McClellan: [snipped quote] I still don't get it.
Arthur Chrenkoff: . Ah, what the hell. For some background see here. For some blog reactions, try Powerline and Brainster's Blog.

Chaos at Ikea opening
  This Is London   —   Permalink 
Five people are in hospital today after hundreds were crushed as the opening of England's biggest Ikea store turned into a riot.
Nine ambulances were sent to the outlet in north London after reports that up to 20 people had suffered heat exhaustion when the opening at midnight descended into chaos.
Joe Gandelman: New Members Of TMV's GET A LIFE CLUB — Note to shoppers in London: GET A LIFE.
Ace: Riot Breaks Out at London IKEA, Hospitalizing Hundreds — Donald Rumsfeld Criticized For Failing to Have a "Plan" Umm, can I speak freely?
Betsy Newmark: IKEA is a nice place to get cheap furniture. But is it worth a riot? That is a bit more to the IKEA experience than I would like.
James Joyner: Riot at Ikea Opening — Chaos at Ikea opening (Evening Standard) "Five people are in hospital today after hundreds were...
Jonah Goldberg: I DON'T GET IT. Fortunately no one died. It's all so bizarre. Who riots for Ikea furniture? "I will kill or die for that cheap swivel chair!"

Senate OKs Limit on Class Action Lawsuits
  AP   —   Permalink 
Feb. 10, 2005 - The Senate approved a measure Thursday to help shield businesses from major class action lawsuits like the ones that have been brought against tobacco companies, giving President Bush the first legislative victory of his second term.
James Joyner: [Update: This AP story confirms: "The GOP-controlled Senate struck a deal with the House saying if senators passed the...
Betsy Newmark: This is a nice victory for Bush and for the American people. I wonder if there are some more low-hanging fruit of easy bills to pass out there.
Michael DeBow: For the AP story, click here. For studied reaction, see the posts from Jim Copland and Walter Olson yesterday on Point of Law.

Calling All Democrats
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
In the past week, I've received several e-mail notes from Democrats about the Iraq elections, or heard comments from various Democratic lawmakers - always along the following lines: "Remember, Vietnam also had an election, and you recall how that ended."
Ezra Klein: Bush Gets it Right — I know this question is becoming trite, but what the hell is Friedman talking about? [snipped quote] Excuse me?
Jeff Jarvis: (See Tom Friedman — a Democrat of my ilk — this morning on four things in Iraq Democrats should be excited about).
Damian Penny: For the defence, I submit this Tom Friedman column (preferably without its remarkably naive paragraph about the...
Matthew Yglesias: Thomas Friedman exhorts Democrats to "start thinking seriously about Iraq - the way Joe Biden, Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton have."
James Joyner: Democrats and Iraq — Tom Friedman (rss), when he sticks to writing about the thing that established him as a top...
Jesse Taylor: Iran Sez: "Democracy - Potentially Off The Hizzle" — A question to Tom Friedman.
Also: Pejman Yousefzadeh, Cori Dauber, Orrin Judd, Stephen Green, ArchPundit, Jonah Goldberg, Glenn Reynolds

Online Reporter Quits After Liberals' Expose
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The conservative reporter who asked President Bush a loaded question at a news conference last month resigned yesterday after liberal bloggers uncovered his real name and raised questions about his background.
Charles Johnson: And Kos is more than fine with it, laying out the strategy to Howard Kurtz:Asked if digging into someone's personal and...
Scott Sala: Lefty Blogs Take Down Right Wing Reporter — I guess score one for the Lefty blogs, as they exposed a lousy reporter for...
Joe Gandelman: Bloggers Take Down Online Conservative Reporter — The latest case of break-neck-paced blogosphere vetting makes it...
Bill @INDCJournal: And Kos is more than fine with it, laying out the strategy to Howard Kurtz: "Asked if digging into someone's personal...
Brian Montopoli: "He has been extremely anti-gay in his writings," said Markos Moulitsas, who runs the Daily Kos blog.
Max B. Sawicky: IT'S A JUNGLE OUT HERE L'affaire Gannon/Guckert leaves me uneasy, as the politics of personal destruction descend closer...
Also: Lambert @Corrente, Barbara O'Brien, Kevin Aylward, SLZoll, Kos @DailyKos, Oliver Willis, Stephen Green, Donald Sensing, Frederick Maryland, Orrin Judd

Flatpack farrago
  By / Guardian   —   Permalink 
There has been much talk about consumer greed in the wake of the Ikea riot, about the depravity of people crushing one another for a 45 sofa. But there is less talk about Ikea's greed, and in particular about the way in which this giant of a corporation...
James Joyner: Susie Steiner, who edits the Guardian's home and garden section, says Ikea treats its customers so badly, a riot is the...
Kevin Drum: PANICKY HOTNESS....There was a riot during the grand opening of an Ikea store in Britain today, and it prompted a truly bizarre reaction from Susie Steiner in the Guardian.
Ogged @Unfogged: My reaction to this is, basically: s**t happens. The Guardian's Susie Steiner has a rather different reaction.
Orrin Judd: Flatpack farrago: Ikea treats its customers so badly, a riot is the least it might have expected (Susie Steiner,...

Columnists' errors, CNN's treason
  By /   —   Permalink 
A journalistic scandal involving payment of thousands of dollars has received massive attention in the mainstream media. One concerning the exchange of 30 pieces of silver has not, so far.
Michelle Malkin: Marvin Olasky with Creators Syndicate: "Bloggers have reported the story extensively, often accusing Jordan of giving aid and comfort to terrorists and their appeasers.
Barbara O'Brien: Other than that, the Jordan story is still mostly limited to Town Hall ("Columnists' Errors, CNN's Treason"), Cybercast...
Betsy Newmark: There are also at least two, syndicated columnists, Michelle Malkin and Martin Olasky, writing about this so the story is spreading to the newspapers where there columns appear.
Cori Dauber: But if you can't prove that Jordan, with clear and specific intent, set out to help the other side, that is, that he...
Captain Ed: Today, Marvin Olasky contrasts the wan efforts of Bret Stephens by checking Lexis-Nexis instead of Google and...
Ace: Best bit comes from Marvin Olasky: [snipped quote] And, interestingly enough, you ought to know that as blog-readers, you're better-connected than Chris Matthews and Judy Woodruff.
Also: Steve Bainbridge

Are U.S. Troops Targeting Journalists in Iraq?
  Fox News   —   Permalink 
This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes ," Feb. 8, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.
Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: A chief news executive at CNN, Eason Jordan, has placed himself in the center of another controversy.
Jay Rosen: (Audio from Hannity and Colmes; transcript.) I asked him whether it was easier to get ideas like that onto Fox News Channel, as compared to the other networks.
Barbara O'Brien: The most visible television exposure given to Jordan-gate probably came from Tuesday's Hannity & Colmes on Faux News.

Court of First Resort
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
TEN years ago, I asked Bosnian civilians under siege in Sarajevo where they would go if they could escape. Most chose one of the sand or pebble beaches along the Adriatic.
Randy Paul: I don't believe that at all, but I do believe that it can have a positive impact on the situation and so does Samantha...
Laura Rozen: Read Samantha Power and Mark Goldberg on the Bush administration blocking of the ICC's efforts to try to hold individuals accountable for war crimes in Darfur.
Peter Burnet: HARLEQUIN ROMANCES FOR TRANZIS — Court of First Resort (Samantha Power, New York Times, February 10th, 2005) [snipped quote] Right.
Eugene Oregon: Darfur and the ICC — I don't normally disagree with Samantha Power, but she has an op-ed in the New York Times today on...
Mark Leon Goldberg: For those following the current row over the International Criminal Court and Darfur, Samantha Power's New York Times op-ed is not to be missed.

Detainees accuse female interrogators
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
Female interrogators repeatedly used sexually suggestive tactics to try to humiliate and pry information from devout Muslim men held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a military investigation not yet public and newly declassified accounts from detainees.
Ace: Separate them out for yourselves: "Female interrogators repeatedly used sexually suggestive tactics to try to humiliate...
Max @Centerfield: Today, only after being pushed, The Pentagon admitted to using sexual tactics in order to 'break' Guantanamo Bay detainees.
Digby: We find out today that the tales of sexual depravity at Gitmo that everyone dismissed earlier are true.I wrote about...

Fake news, fake reporter
  By / Salon   —   Permalink 
When President Bush bypassed dozens of eager reporters from nationally and internationally recognized news outlets and selected Jeff Gannon to pose a question at his Jan. 26 news conference, Bush's recognition bestowed instant credibility on the apparently...
John Hawkins: This is a hot story on the left side of the blogosphere, Media Matters has written multiple articles about him, Salon is...
Scott Rosenberg: (For instance, the story of the ringer reporter from Talon News was sitting right under the eyes of the entire Washington press corps.
Giblets: A partisan hack gets planted in the White House press corps and the verdict of the mainstream press is that this is AWESOME!
Scott Sala: Salon asks the above question, which sums up the other angle of this story.
Howard Kurtz: Salon's Eric Boehlert frames the Gannon episode this way: "The Talon News fiasco raises serious questions about who the...
Avedon Carol: And, PR being the priority, it's good to have Eric Boehlert around to comment on the state of the media - and, in this case, Fake news, fake reporter.
Also: Tom Tomorrow, Rickheller @Centerfield, Joe Gandelman, Kos @DailyKos, Joe Carter, ArchPundit

Officials: Abbas Fires Gaza Commanders
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas fired top Gaza security commanders Thursday, Palestinian officials said, hours after militants fired dozens of mortar shells and homemade rockets at Jewish settlements there, breaking a 2-day-old cease-fire.
Jan Haugland: Abu Mazen has responded by firing his top security officials in Gaza as a "punitive" reaction to their failure to prevent the attacks.
Charles Johnson: Holocaust-denying Palestinian president Abu Mazen is disciplining the usual suspects.
Captain Ed: In retaliation, Abbas fired his Gaza commanders for their failure to prevent the attacks, but Abbas may well run out of...
The Big Trunk: We'll stay tuned. UPDATE: In a closely related story, the AP reports: "Abbas fires Gaza commanders."

North Korea says it has nuclear weapons
  CNN   —   Permalink 
(CNN) — Citing what it calls U.S. threats to topple its political system, North Korea said it is dropping out of six-party nuclear talks and will "bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal," the country's official news agency KCNA said Thursday.
Kathleen: Evidently, he also has some anger issues. Comforting, yes? Duck and Cover, the Next Generation: North Korea has nukes.
Bill Hobbs: Duck and Cover — After years of diplomacy aimed at preventing it from happening, the insane leader of the world's...
David Schraub: And for my debut post on this blog...North Korea is the bomb (or has one, anyway).

Attacks on British Jews hit record high
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
LONDON (Reuters) - Violent anti-Semitic attacks in Britain have reached "alarming" record levels, according to a report released, prompting calls by Jewish leaders for more to be done to protect their community.
Judith Weiss: Yet one more official acknowledgement of the increase in attacks against Jews in the UK.
Charles Johnson: British Antisemitism Watch — Not good news, as hostility toward Jews continues rising in Britain: Attacks on British Jews hit record high.

Early Returns
  NRO   —   Permalink 
The campaign for Social Security reform has now begun in earnest. The president devoted much of his State of the Union address to making the case for the idea. He argued that the program's commitments have to be brought into line with what it can afford, and that young workers deserve a better deal.
DeLong: (National Review Edition) The National Review enters the Black Hole of total and irreversible stupidity: "The Editors...
Matthew Yglesias: The National Review runs an unsigned editorial about Social Security privatization: "The press is not making his job any easier.

CU prof's writings doubted
  Denver Post   —   Permalink 
University of Colorado officials reviewing Ward Churchill's writings and qualifications will find questions about his scholarship and accuracy dating back at least eight years.
Steven Taylor: Churchill's Scholarship Questioned — The smallpox blankets story has been in the Blogosphere for a few days, now it...
Greg Ransom: And the Denver Post reports that scholars are challenging the accuracy of Chuchill's academic writings
Ace: On the Trail of Churchill's Academic Fraud — Fraudulent Indian heritage, fraudulent military service, and now, of course, fraudulent "academic" writings.
Jeff Goldstein: In a revealing article today, The Denver Post takes a closer look at Ward Churchill's scholarship: [snipped quote] And...

North Korea Says It Has Nuclear Weapons and Rejects Talks
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
TOKYO, Feb. 10 - In a surprising admission, North Korea's hard-line Communist government declared publicly today for the first time that it has nuclear weapons.
Gregory Djerejian: In the meantime, don't miss this article on Condi's Paris trip, her Paris speech (including the Q&A), this article on...
Jane Galt: Annals of journalism — Kudoes to the New York Times for making possibly the most egregious use of the unsourced third...
Hugh Hewitt: The consequences of the Clinton-Albright policy of carrot and carrot are made clear today with North Korea' announcement.
Oliver @LiquidList: Inspectors don't find weapons. Bush administration starts pre-emptive war. North Korea says they have weapons.

Lawyer Convicted of Helping Terrorists
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
NEW YORK - A veteran civil rights lawyer was convicted Thursday of crossing the line by smuggling messages of violence from one of her jailed clients — a radical Egyptian sheik — to his terrorist disciples on the outside.
Charles Johnson: Lynne Stewart Convicted — In the latest explicit example of collaboration between the far left and Islamic fascism,...
Wind Rider: That's from Lynne Stewart, who was convicted today of aiding convicted terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (a.k.a. The Blind Sheik).

Hamas fires mortars and Kassams on Gaza settlements
  Jerusalem Post   —   Permalink 
At least twenty five mortar shells and Kassam rockets have landed on Gaza Strip settlements since 2:00 a.m. Thursday, hitting settlements in Gush Katif, southern Gaza, and northern Gaza, according to the IDF.
Jan Haugland: Hamas and Islamic Jihad have already delivered their response to the ceasefire agreement reached (informally) between...
The Big Trunk: Who's in charge? The Jerusalem Post reports: "Hamas fires mortars and Kassams at Gaza Settlement."
Captain Ed: While I had expected a few days for the newly-minted cease-fire to settle in, Hamas had already set a major mortar attack into action.

House OKs Citizenship Check for Licenses
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hoping to keep drivers licenses out of the hands of terrorists, the House voted Thursday to make states verify that applicants are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants.
Atrios: Show Your Papers — Well, it seems as if my days of mocking Yurpeans for their national ID cards and the like are just about over.
Greg Ransom: VICTORY in the House! The vote is 261-161 to ban driver's licences for illegals.

Shoot the Stupid Consumer
  By / TCS   —   Permalink 
"Now, here's the interesting part," the reader wrote. "The rebate fulfillment house will GUARANTEE IN WRITING to the manufacturer that the percentage of rebates claimed as presented in this table will not be exceeded. They will eat the cost if it is."
Kevin Drum: MAIL-IN REBATES...Over at TCS, Arnold Kling writes with appropriately dripping vitriol about the "mail-in rebate" scam...
Arnold Kling: Mail Un-Rebates Revisited — I hope this got it out of my system. [snipped quote] Anyway, for my father's computer, I went to Office Depot.

Negative Freedom
  By / TNR   —   Permalink 
Last week, Togo's President Gnassingbe Eyadema died in office, leaving power to his son. At the time of his death, he was Africa's longest serving head of state, having taken power in a 1967 coup.
Brian Doherty: In this article by Steven Kosnar, we are told [snipped quote] The "situation," by the way, is that a long-term (elected,...
David Adesnik: THIS SHOULD'VE BEEN AN EASY CALL: Why won't the United States speak out on behalf of democracy in Togo?

Abbas ousts 3 security officers after Gaza attack
  CNN   —   Permalink 
JERUSALEM (CNN) — Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas fired three key security officers Thursday after Palestinian militants fired mortars at Israeli communities in Gaza, a Palestinian official said.
James Joyner: Abbas Fires Officials after Gaza Violence — Abbas takes action after Gaza violence (CNN) [snipped quote] Arafat did...
Orrin Judd: AMAZEN' (via Bryan Francoeur): Abbas takes action after Gaza violence: Palestinians say 3 security officials to go (CNN,...