With Friends Like These...
By Michael Isikoff / Newsweek
April 18 issue - Jack Abramoff was somber, bitter and feeling betrayed. Once a Washington superlobbyist, Abramoff is now the target of a Justice Department criminal probe of allegations that he defrauded American Indian tribes of tens of millions of dollars in fees. |
Avedon Carol: It might be news — The talk of the town is Michael Isikoff in Newsweek, With Friends Like These... , on how rats are leaving the sinking Abramoff and maybe DeLay is in trouble.
Kevin Drum: So it's worth passing along Michael Isikoff's latest scuttlebutt: [snipped quote] This probably says more about me than...
Laura Rozen: "DeLay knew everything," Abramoff tells a lunch companion interviewed by Newsweek's Michael Isikoff. "He knew all the details."
Matthew Yglesias: Kommersant on NaftaSib — Reading Newsweek's latest on DeLay, I think it's worth revisiting something I flagged on Tapped, but didn't really explain clearly.
Joe Gandelman: BUT it's going to be extremely difficult for DeLay to play the victim of a MSM and Democratic political jihad with...
Charles Kuffner: Looks like that may be even more true for Jack Abramoff. [snipped quote] How sweet that would be, and how deserving.
Josh Marshall,
Kos @DailyKos,
Atrios |
Shays: DeLay Should Quit As House Leader
By Lou Kesten / AP
WASHINGTON Apr 10, 2005 — Private GOP tensions over Tom DeLay's ethics controversy spilled into public Sunday, as a Senate leader called on DeLay to explain his actions and one House Republican demanded the majority leader's resignation. |
Joe Gandelman: With every passing day, it seems as if House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is in more political trouble — so can he counter it with "the best defense is a good offense?"
Laura Rozen: [Thx to KB and DT for the corrections. ] Late Sunday Update: Shays calls on DeLay to quit.
Josh Marshall: Shays starts a — Handful of One, calls on Delay to resign as leader.
Atrios: Shays' Rebellion (yeah, inappropriate but inevitable headline) WASHINGTON Apr 10, 2005 — Private GOP tensions over Tom...
Susan Madrak: IT BEGINS — Chris Shays is the first GOP congressman to call for DeLay's resignation: [snipped quote] Gee, I hope he hangs on.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read Not Quite Everything About It!
By Daniel Okrent / NYT
Last Wednesday, a lengthy Editors' Note on Page A2 scooped a scoop I had planned on the toxicity of scoops. The note addressed irregularities in a March 31 front-page article by Karen W. Arenson, "Columbia Panel Clears Professors of Anti-Semitism." |
Avedon Carol: Daniel Okrent says the story that jumped the gun was against the rules, a bad idea, incomplete reporting - and, alas,...
Judith Weiss: The NYTimes ombudsman Daniel Okrent finally addresses the newspaper's lapse in judgment.
Cori Dauber: Not likely. So we learn and get better. We take the advice of the Times' Public Editor. Words to live by.
Kevin Drum: An editor's note explains: [snipped quote] As Daniel Okrent writes today, this is part of the obsessive scoop driven...
Lambert @Corrente: Honestly, was there ever a more self-satisfied, complacent news organization newspaper paper than the New York Times?
Michelle Malkin: So bug off. *** Related: Outgoing public editor Daniel Okrent's latest column...it's a doozy.
John Cole |
Saddam may escape noose in deal to halt insurgency
By Adrian Blomfield / Telegraph
Saddam Hussein could avoid the gallows under a secret proposal by insurgent leaders that Iraq's new administration is "seriously considering", a senior government source said yesterday. |
Steve Soto: A day after 300,000 Iraqi Shiites protested against the US occupation in Baghdad, where demonstrators equally castigated...
Juan Cole: Are the guerrillas fighting in Iraq demanding that Saddam not be executed as one of their conditions for coming in from the cold?
Behold, the wizard of blogs
By Gina Piccalo / LAT
Xeni JARDIN arrives fashionably late, her platinum curls bobbing above the crowd as she sheds a floor-length faux fur to reveal a white silk, backless gown that so effectively evokes Marilyn Monroe, it nearly stops cocktail chatter cold. Jardin herself is no slouch. |
Matt Welch: Xeni Jardin, Mysterious Interpreter of the Future: Wow, I know the lovely and sweet-tempered Ms. Jardin and her family a...
Kevin Drum: BOING BOING...Xeni Jardin, mysterious presence behind Boing Boing, has apparently decided that today is the day to...
Kerry: Trickery Kept Voters From Polls
By Michael Kunzelman / AP
BOSTON (AP) — Many voters in last year's presidential election were denied access to the polls through trickery and intimidation, former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told a voters' group Sunday. |
John @PowerLine: Redefining "Bad Loser" — Today John Kerry whined about November's election, suggesting that Democratic voters are too...
Charles Johnson: Kerry Still Whining — How stupid does John F. Kerry think the American public is? This stupid. (Hat tip: Rayra.)
One Man's Way to Better Schools
By George F. Will / WaPo
PHOENIX — Patrick Byrne, a 42-year-old bear of a man who bristles with ideas that have made him rich and restless, has an idea that can provide a new desktop computer for every student in America without costing taxpayers a new nickel. |
Joanne Jacobs: The 65 Percent Solution — George Will touts the "65 Percent Solution" as a way to boost school funding without raising taxes.
Ken Masugi: George Will: Cutting School Bureaucracy and Budgets — George Will on an Arizona high school reformer: Spend 65% of the education budget on the classroom.
'NY Times' Unveils Expanded Opinion Section
Editor and Publisher
NEW YORK As promised, The New York Times unveiled its expanded Sunday op-ed section, a move set in motion at least partly by the decision to move the lengthy Frank Rich contributions here from Arts & Leisure. But there are several added angles, as well. |
Michelle Malkin: Via Editor and Publisher: [snipped quote] On a related note, the "Public Editor" column, the regular every-other-week...
Orrin Judd: AXIS OF BOS-WASH: 'NY Times' Unveils Expanded Opinion Section (E&P Staff, April 10, 2005) [snipped quote] They offer the...
Hey, Profs, Come Back to Earth
By Steven Roy Goodman / WaPo
College admissions decisions now arriving across the country by e-mail and snail mail are generating the annual excitement they always do. But that momentary thrill is only masking a new reality about college in America. |
Paul @PowerLine: Hey, teacher — leave those kids alone — Steven Roy Goodman is an educational consultant who advises college-bound students and their families.
Betsy Newmark: An education consultant writes in the Washington Post to say that many universities are turning off the middle class...
Arnold Kling: More on the Reformation — Steven Roy Goodman writes, [snipped quote] That's why I think that the time is ripe for a Martin Luther of higher education.
Charles Johnson: Earth to Nutty Professors — A voice cries out in the academic wilderness: Hey, Profs, Come Back to Earth. (Hat tip: Lolly.)
Ken Masugi: Message to Colleges: "Tone Down the Politics" — This high school education counselor, Steven Roy Goodman, senses the political heat is on higher education.
Glenn Reynolds: IT'S LIKE THE AUTO INDUSTRY IN 1972, I'M AFRAID: "College admissions decisions now arriving across the country by...
Neo-Nazi teenagers fight in British boxing's No 1 brand
Times of London
LONSDALE, the British sportswear label made famous by boxers and Eighties pop stars, faces creeping bans across the Netherlands because racist gangs have taken to wearing the brand. |
Hugh Hewitt: "Lonsdale youth" is a new term, and the Times of London explains its significance. Read this piece and think about the next ten years in Europe.
Ed Driscoll: "Lonsdale Youth" — Hugh Hewitt links to a disturbing London Times piece about "Lonsdale Youth": [snipped quote] As Hugh...
This one will run
Next Sunday, at around 10 in the morning, I will cross the line at Greenwich Park and, along with thousands of others, start the 26 miles and 385 yards that will take us from Greenwich, in a long loop along and across the Thames, to the Mall. |
Hugh Hewitt: "Running, particularly long-distance running, is largely middle-aged," writes novelist Nicci Gerrard in one the better reflections on putting foot to ground in a long time.
Norm Geras: Running more running — Fab article by Nicci Gerrard: [snipped quote] I've been there.
Part of the Flock Felt Abandoned by the Pope
LA MORA, El Salvador — Half a world away, millions of people came together last week to mourn Pope John Paul II, but you'll hear no tearful elegies from believers such as Nery Amaya, a Catholic for all of her 28 years. |
Hugh Hewitt: The Times continues its Roman Catholic Church bashing with today's front page story "The Legacy of John Paul II: Part of the Flock Felt Abandoned by the Pope."
Steve Bainbridge: LAT on JPII and Liberation Theology — LA Times reporters Chris Kraul and Henry Chu offer up a remarkably biased screed...
By Dan Mangan / New York Post
Susan Sachs, the New York Times reporter sacked for allegedly e-mailing colleagues' wives about their husbands' purported philandering in Baghdad, is the victim of "circumstantial" evidence and deserves her job back, a top union official said yesterday. |
Kate @OTB: Harmony In The Workplace — When assigned to cover a war zone, you'd hope that the colleagues watching your back aren't carrying knives. h/t The Corner.
Jonah Goldberg: OH MAN OH MANOSHEVITZ — Talk about the perfect recipe for a really chilly workplace environment.
Two Women Bound by Sports, War and Injuries
By Juliet Macur / NYT
WASHINGTON - For 25 days at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Specialist Danielle Green wondered if anyone could ever understand. But on the 26th day, a nurse told her: "A new female patient came in today. You have a lot in common." "Really?" |
Edward _: Anatomy of a Broken Heart — So I'm grabbing a coffee and muffin from the cafe near the gallery this morning.
Cori Dauber: Two of the three women to have lost limbs in the war in Iraq, as it happens, were not just athletes, but basketplayers,...
DeLay's Backers Launch Offense
By Mike Allen / WaPo
Allies and friends of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (Tex.) have concluded that public attention to his ethics is unlikely to abate for months to come, and they plan to try to preserve his power by launching an aggressive media strategy and calling in favors... |
Joe Gandelman: UPDATE: The Washington Post has more details on how DeLay and GOPers are planning to push the singing fat lady aside.
John Cole: Clearly the correct course of action is- a media offensive: "Allies and friends of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay...
Kos @DailyKos: And while Abramoff plans to take DeLay down with him, and the GOP establishment apparently plots his ouster, DeLay, Inc. doesn't plan on giving up without a fight.
Yuval Rubinstein: I know every other liberal blog has already weighed in on Mike Allen's article outlining Tom DeLay's rsistance, but...
Lambert @Corrente: Twisting, twisting, slowly in the wind — And it couldn't happen to a nicer fascist: [snipped quote] I love it.
Josh Marshall: DeLay's allies say the future of DeLay is the future of conservatism, reports Mike Allen in tomorrow's Post ...
Jack Kelly: At the crossroads again
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
R.C. Sproul, the prominent Protestant pastor and theologian, thinks the Terri Schiavo case marks a huge, perhaps irreversible, moral decline: "Many years ago, Harold Lindsell described America's culture after the revolution of the 1960s as 'neo-pagan... |
Scott @PowerLine: JOHN adds: Jack Kelly's column this morning is on a different subject, but these observations are pertinent: "Judicial...
Orrin Judd: BLOODY CROSSROADS: At the crossroads again: A religious people face a secular elite (Jack Kelly, 4/10/05, Pittsburgh...
The evangelical pope?
By Mark Noll / Boston Globe
DURING THE 1960 presidential campaign, leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals - including Harold John Ockenga of Boston's historic Park Street Church - joined other Protestants in warning the nation about the danger of electing a Catholic, John F. Kennedy. |
Stuart Buck: Worth Reading — Worth reading today: Mark Noll, The Evangelical Pope? Linda Greenhouse, The Evolution of a Justice.
Orrin Judd: NO FALSE HOPE: The evangelical pope? : No one would mistake John Paul II for an evangelical Protestant.
Wounded coach upset some players, parents
CANTON, Texas - A high school football coach who was shot and critically wounded — allegedly by the father of one of his players — had turned the team around in recent years, but his decisions ruffled some players and parents. |
Captain Ed: Stupid Parents Ruin Youth Sports, Part XXXVII — I haven't commented much on the shooting of football coach Gary Kinne...
Amanda Marcotte: And now this obsession has escalated to violence yet again.
Goodbye Mars, Hello Earth
By Paul Davies / NYT
WHEN I was a student in the 1960's, anyone who believed that there might be life on other planets was considered a crackpot. Now all that has changed. To claim that life is widespread in the universe is not only respectable, it also underpins NASA's ambitious astrobiology program. |
Ann Althouse: Here's a NYT op-ed (about why we should search Earth, not Mars, to find alien life forms) that brings up a question I've...
Glenn Reynolds: LOOKING FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE ON EARTH: At one level, this sounds a bit like searching for one's keys where the light is better, but on the other hand, it makes some sense.
Livid Iraq Protesters Tell U.S. to Get Out
By Edmund Sanders / LAT
BAGHDAD — Chanting "Death to America!" and burning effigies of President Bush and Saddam Hussein, tens of thousands of Iraqis flooded central Baghdad on Saturday in what police called the largest anti-American protest since the fall of Baghdad exactly two years ago. |
Barbara O'Brien: I Heard the News Today, Oh Boy — The Los Angeles Times says up to 300,000 Iraqis protested the American occupation yesterday.
Skippy: in mexico he's called the chupacabra — Example sign held by iraqis protesting us occupation.
Juan Cole: Up to 300,000 Demonstrate in Baghdad — Edmund Sanders reports that the crowds in downtown Baghdad protesting the US...
U.S. Seeks Access to Bank Records to Deter Terror
By Eric Lichtblau / NYT
WASHINGTON, April 9 - The Bush administration is developing a plan to give the government access to possibly hundreds of millions of international banking records in an effort to trace and deter terrorist financing, even as many bankers say they already feel besieged by government antiterrorism rules that they consider overly burdensome. |
Andrew Cochran: Plan to access banking records sure to spark Congressional review — Today's New York Times story (registration required...
Jeralyn Merritt: Buried in the recently passed Intelligence Reform Bill, is a provision that paves the way for the Government to ask for millions of international bank records.
John Cole: Not Just No, But Hell No — Alrighty- someone explain to me why I am wrong to instinctively oppose this
Demonstrators in Iraq Demand That U.S. Leave
By Dexter Filkins / NYT
BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 9 - Tens of thousands of Iraqis marked the second anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein by marching here in the capital on Saturday to demand the withdrawal of American forces. Meanwhile, one of the most lethal insurgent groups warned Iraqis against joining the army or the police force. |
Cori Dauber: The Times of Reuters — On the front page of today's Times: Representatives of the Association of Muslim Scholars, a...
Jeralyn Merritt: More on the protests here.
Senate Republicans' Bid to Destroy the Filibuster Option, And Push Through Ultraconservative Federal Judges:
By John W. Dean / FindLaw's Writ
A new political campaign is underway. It was launched this week. On one side are the Bush White House and Senate conservatives. The White House seeks to pack the federal judiciary with ultra-conservative judges and justices. |
Avedon Carol: I could think of a really big story the Times could cover.... John Dean says: It Seems Likely the "Nuclear Option" Actually Will Be Used.
Pessimist @LeftCoaster: Here's some samples from It Seems Likely the "Nuclear Option" Actually Will Be Used "Senator Bill Frist, in particular, should consider giving up the nuclear option.
Two Failed Terrorism Trials Raise Worry in Europe
By Mark Trevelyan / Reuters
BERLIN (Reuters) - Failed terrorism prosecutions in Germany and the Netherlands this week have highlighted Europe's patchy record in securing convictions and prompted some to ask if laws need to be tightened. |
Charles Johnson: Eurabian Holy Warriors Acquitted — Reuters "security correspondent" Mark Trevelyan says some Europeans are beginning to...
John @PowerLine: European Terror Prosecutions Foundering — Reuters reports on what could be a troubling trend: "Two Failed Terrorism...
Charles and Camilla, Married at Last, and With Hardly a Hitch
By Sarah Lyall / NYT
WINDSOR, England, April 9 - Given all the twists of fate and circumstance that have conspired against it, perhaps the most wondrous thing about the wedding on Saturday between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles is that it took place at all. |
Randy Paul: Dinosaurs — As I wrote in February, these people are dinosaurs. Basta! Can we at long last mercifully assign the royals to the scrap heap of history?
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mazel tov — All the best to Charles and Camilla. I wish these two people every happiness.
And the Verdict on Justice Kennedy Is: Guilty
By Dana Milbank / WaPo
Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy is a fairly accomplished jurist, but he might want to get himself a good lawyer — and perhaps a few more bodyguards. Conservative leaders meeting in Washington yesterday for a discussion of "Remedies to Judicial Tyranny" decided that Kennedy, a Ronald Reagan appointee, should be impeached, or worse. |
Billmon: And if he won't see the error of his ways... well, then I think Judge Horne just might make a good test candidate for...
Joe Gandelman: QUESTION:Isn't it time for President George Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney to crack down on or completely repudiate...
The Poorman: Dana Millbank of the Washington Post takes a peek at a get-together of the current Washington power-brokers: "Not to be...
Zoe Kentucky: They are calling for the impeachment of Justice Kennedy, quoting Stalin, and declaring that the most important issue in America is getting everyone to acknowledge God's existence.
Hunter @DailyKos: Yet Another Conservative Opines on Judicial Assassination — From The Washington Post: [snipped quote] As Milbank...
Lambert @Corrente: And now, The Balance Sentence! (Nice work, WaPo editors). "Presumably, Vieira had in mind something less extreme than Stalin did and was not actually advocating violence."
Josh Marshall,
Kevin Drum,
Ann Althouse,
Oliver Willis,
Matthew Yglesias,
Susan Madrak,
Roger Ailes,
Jeralyn Merritt |
G.O.P. Consultant Weds His Male Partner
By Adam Nagourney / NYT
WASHINGTON, April 8 - Arthur J. Finkelstein, a prominent Republican consultant who has directed a series of hard-edged political campaigns to elect conservatives in the United States and Israel over the last 25 years, said Friday that he had married his male partner in a civil ceremony at his home in Massachusetts. |
Amanda Marcotte: Lucky for him, those persistent liberal types kept fighting for his rights, making it possible for him to marry his long-time partner in Massachusettes.
Greg Piper: Newsworthy angle too shy to come out of the closet — The New York Times has a baffling piece on a gay Republican...
Ed Cone: How do you spell "hypocrite?"
Skippy: willyr's dkos diary directs us to the nytimes article about a gop consultant who marries his gay lover specifically to...
Jonah Goldberg: WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT — GOP consultant Arthur Finkelstein married his male partner, according to the New York Times.
Roger Ailes: There's only one thing to say about this. Mazel Tov!
Ohio agency sinks millions into rare coins
By Mike Wilkinson / Toledo Blade
Since 1998, Ohio has invested millions of dollars in the unregulated world of rare coins, buying nickels, dimes, and pennies. Controlling the money for the state? Prominent local Republican and coin dealer Tom Noe, whose firm made more than $1 million off the deal last year alone. |
Kieran Healy: Our rare coin company was entrusted with 50 (FIFTY) million dollars of public money since 1998, which we have used to...
DavidNYC @DailyKos: You just can't make this crap up: [snipped quote] I love it - a state pension fund buying freakin' Buffalo Nickels!
Lindsay Beyerstein: The smart money's in collectibles. Take your cue from the great state of Ohio and invest in rare coins.
Cookie Jill: "- the ohio blade (via atrios via americablog)" let's see...taking public funds and investing in a market where there...
Royal newlyweds vow to be faithful
WINDSOR, England (CNN) — A solemn ceremony has blessed the wedding of the heir to the British throne Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, now the Duchess of Cornwall, at which the couple each pledged to be faithful to each other. |
Talking Dog: I especially enjoy posting this analysis this the same day the prior order stages a most unrepentant "Royal Second...
Sadly, No!: It's like this every day in Puerto Rico England — It has to be, if naked men walking around are described thusly: [snipped quote] Didn't Daniel Patrick Moynihan write about this?
Jack Cluth: What happened to the real news...didn't the Pope just die or something??
Projects in Iraq to Be Reevaluated
By T. Christian Miller / LAT
WASHINGTON — The State Department has ordered a major reevaluation of the troubled $18.4-billion Iraq reconstruction effort, blaming problems on early decisions to hire U.S. firms for major infrastructure projects. |
Steve Soto: But Condi's State Department, to its credit, has admitted that the Defense Department screwed up the occupation planning...
Jim Dallas: I'm sure this will help a whole bunch (from the L.A. Times): [snipped quote] Again, as Kuff once asked, who'da thunk?
Kevin Drum: THE END OF IDEOLOGY?...Apparently the Bush administration is finally fessing up about the reconstruction mess in Iraq:...
Reining In the G.O.P.'s Parade
By David Brooks / NYT
The Republican Party is running into a problem: the conservatism of the American people. Over the past decade, the Republicans have set themselves up as the transformational party. That's fine for a party with big ideals. |
Steve M.: Yesterday David Brooks said that Republicans are becoming a tad radical these days: First, there's the Terri Schiavo...
Ezra Klein: Exhibit A in the Case Against Brooks — If you've ever wondered why I give David Brooks such a hard time, today's column...
Betsy Newmark: David Brooks thinks that the Republicans are getting out ahead of the public on issues like changing the votes on the judiciary and with the controversies surrounding Tom DeLay.
Richard Reeb: David Brooks Fears Radical Republicans — A good illustration of the media's daily distortion of politics is quondam conservative David Brooks' column today in the NYTimes.
Charles Bird: Today, David Brooks: [snipped quote] If it were one mistake or two, or a partisan witchhunt, that's one thing.
A slow rebirth for Baghdad the beautiful
It boasts alliteration but the concept seems fanciful: beautiful Baghdad. Iraq's capital is famous for violence, degradation, occupation and blackouts, not aesthetic appeal. Everywhere there are concrete blast barriers, sandbags and razor wire. |
Orrin Judd: MESOPOTAMIA AND YOU, PERFECT TOGETHER (via Tom Morin): A slow rebirth for Baghdad the beautiful (Rory Carroll, April 9,...
Brian Micklethwait: Baghdad is coming back to life — A Guardian headline spotted today: GuardHdLine.jpg The complete story is here.
Roger L. Simon: Oh, well, we're all propagandists in the end, n'est-ce pas? AND: More signs of life in Baghdad. (ht: PeterUK)
Wolf Blitzer "not so sure" liberal CNN host Begala is "a good Catholic"
Media Matters for America
On the April 8 edition of CNN's Inside Politics, CNN hosts Wolf Blitzer and Judy Woodruff discussed Pope John Paul II's funeral with Crossfire co-hosts Paul Begala and Robert Novak, both Catholics. Blitzer opened the segment by suggesting that while "I'm sure Bob is a good Catholic, I'm not so sure about Paul Begala." |
James Wolcott: First, we have Wolf Blitzer teasing Paul Begala as to whether or not he qualifies as a "good Catholic" as compared to Crossfire host and fellow Catholic, Robert Novak.
Kos @DailyKos: Blitzer, moral judge — What an asshole. [snipped quote] Can someone please put Wolf and CNN out of their misery? Plleeeaaasseee?
Atrios: Blitzed — Begala gives Blitzer a well-deserved spanking over his joking that the liberal Begala wasn't a "good Catholic."
What Can Bloggers Do That Reporters Can't?
By Jack Shafer / Slate
Not that long ago, you had to be a professional reporter to publish defective copy. Not any more. Thanks to blogs, the journalist monopoly on the wide-scale propagation of blunders, boo-boos, and bloopers has vanished. Now, complete amateurs can embarrass themselves before huge audiences. |
Paul @PowerLine: Mindless moral equivalence — Jack Shafer at Slate thinks that the lesson of the Schiavo memo is that "blogs have...
Daniel Drezner: For more on this incident, see Jack Shafer's essay in Slate about the comparative advantage of bloggers vs. journalists.
Captain Ed: Reaching Parity With The Exempt Media (Updated) Jack Shafer pens an interesting look at the similarities and differences...
The Crusaders
By Bob Moser / Rolling Stone
It's February, and 900 of America's staunchest Christian fundamentalists have gathered in Fort Lauderdale to look back on what they accomplished in last year's election — and to plan what's next. |
Jesse Taylor: Well, here's an answer to that question.
The Poorman: Via Suburban Guerrilla, comes this report on the real power behind the throne: [quote] "Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost," [D. James] Kennedy says.[end quote]
CBS News Makeover, by Four Kibitzers
By Jacques Steinberg / NYT
NO one really knows how to develop a hit television show. How else to explain how a programming afterthought - the relatively cheap summer-replacement show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" - became a huge success in 1999, heralding the reality-TV revolution,... |
Cori Dauber: Of course, not one of their "kibitzers" mentions "promise your audience that you will win back their trust with an...
Kevin Drum: Here's what Mark Burnett, the producer of Survivor, said: [snipped quote] At least he's not shy.
Prince Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles Wed
By Beth Gardiner / AP
WINDSOR, England - Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles wed in a modest town hall ceremony Saturday with the blessing of the queen and the Church of England, sealing a tangled love affair ignited at a polo match more than 30 years ago. |
Kevin Aylward: Royal Wedding Scrapbook — What did we learn today from the subdued civil wedding of Prince Charles to Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) Parker Bowles Porsche BMW Audi?
Charles Kuffner: Chuck 'n' Camilla — I just want to say that I can't think of any other couple getting married in recent memory who deserved each other more richly.
First Convicted Spammer Gets 9 Years
By Matthew Barakat / AP
LEESBURG, Va. (AP) - He was once considered among the top 10 spammers in the world, using the Internet to peddle pornography and sham products and services like the ''FedEx refunding processor,'' prosecutors say. |
Jeralyn Merritt: Prison Nation" series: A 30 year old spammer named Jeremy Jaynes from North Carolina has been sentenced to nine years by a Virginia jury.
Acidman: he got off light — Personally, I would like to see this guy and everyone like him dragged off and shot.
Woman Claiming Finger in Chili Sues Often
By Ken Ritter / AP
LAS VEGAS (AP) - The woman who claims she bit into a human finger while eating chili at a Wendy's restaurant has a history of filing lawsuits - including a claim against another fast-food restaurant. |
JoelF @SouthernAppeal: Now it seems we have to add a litigious plaintiff to the mix.
Acidman: The woman going after Wendy's because she allegedly found a severed human finger in her chili has a history of filing lawsuits.
Sadr Supporters Demand U.S. Pull Out From Iraq
Sadr had stayed out of the limelight since leading failed uprisings last year in the southern city of Najaf and in Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood. But he has stepped up criticism of the United States in recent weeks, mainly by organizing Saturday's protest, which fell far short of the 1 million people he hoped would assemble. |
Roger L. Simon: The Washington Post finally admits the truth in the 14th (!) paragraph of their coverage: Sadr had stayed out of the...
Juan Cole: Breaking News: Tens of Thousands Protest Americans in Baghdad — Tens of thousands of Shiites came out Saturday to...
The Miracle of the Bounty
It is a brilliantly sunny spring morning, the magnolia trees are in full pink bloom, and I am standing in a friend's kitchen with a number of other mothers, all drinking coffee and nattering, when I am approached by a beautiful and exquisitely-dressed woman whom I know only slightly. |
Tbogg: I can't top that... As you may have heard (it was mentioned during the Charles/Camilla coverage on all of the good news...
S.Z.: "Now, dear Reader, I don't want you to get the idea that I am some sort of frumpy troglodyte" Since TBogg is...
John Paul the Great
By Joseph Bottum / Weekly Standard
HISTORY LABORS—A WORN machine, sick with torsion, ill-meshed—and every repair of an old fault ruptures something new. Or so it seems, much of the time. Our historical choices are limited, constrained by the poverty of what appears possible at any given moment. |
Orrin Judd: SOME MEN THERE ARE WHO DO NOT CONCEDE THE WALL: John Paul the Great: Statesman and prophet, he overcame the poverty of the possible.
Scott @PowerLine: The cover story by Joseph Bottum takes the long view: "John Paul the Great."
San Francisco Chronicle
The following is the first communique from a group calling itself Unitarian Jihad. It was sent to me at The Chronicle via an anonymous spam remailer. I have no idea whether other news organizations have received this communique, and, if so, why they have not chosen to print it. |
Kevin Aylward: Unitarian Jihad Looms San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll has an amusing exclusive communique from a group he calls Unitarian Jihad, which is worth a full read.
Billmon: It looks like these people mean business: [snipped quote] (Sighs) I've been wondering how long it would be before some of...
Nielsen Hayden: For those of you ready to enroll in Jon Carroll's Unitarian Jihad: the Unitarian Jihad Name Generator. Reload until satisfied.
Jon Kay: It's Coming for YOU!! Youve been warned; it's the Unitarian Jihad! Collaborators can get their new names here.
Susan Madrak: It's the Unitarian Jihad manifesto: [snipped quote] Don't forget to get your Unitarian Jihad name.
Man's Conviction for Threatening Bush Nixed
SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court Friday overturned an inmate's conviction for writing a crude, rambling letter endorsing President Bush's death at the hands of terrorists — two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. |
Charles Johnson: A Court Gone Insane — The 9th Circuit Court has now ruled that threatening to assassinate the President of the United States is protected speech under the First Amendment.
Ace: But no. Read on: "The decision reversed a ruling by Judge James A. Redden, who tried the case without a jury.
CBS stringer arrested in Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — A CBS stringer has been arrested as a suspected insurgent, U.S. military officials said Friday. The video cameraman was wounded during a firefight in northeastern Mosul between U.S. troops and insurgents Tuesday. |
Mary Madigan: CNN's homepage links to a report that the CBS cameraman has been arrested in Iraq as a suspected insurgent.
Jan Haugland: Now it turns out the cameraman was arrested afterwards, because his behaviour strongly indicated he had been working quite closely with the terrorists.
Tom Paine: Too extreme you say? Freedom of the press vital in a democracy you say? Well what do you call this then?
Woman who claimed to find finger at Wendy's has litigious history
By Ken Ritter / AP
LAS VEGAS - The woman who claims she bit into a human finger while eating chili at a Wendy's restaurant has a history of filing lawsuits - including a claim against another fast-food restaurant in Nevada. |
Michelle Malkin: WENDY'S GOT FINGERED — The lady who says she bit into a severed human finger tip while eating chili at a Wendy's...
Kevin Aylward: Woman who claimed to find finger at Wendy's has litigious history (w/ ranting and raving video) [AP/U-T]