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World O'Crap

The 'We're Smart, You're Dumb' Principle
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
The ugly truth is that Democrats habitually treat voters like children. It's the basis of their philosophy.
Who could possibly be against cutting voter fraud on election day? You'd have to be some sort of fruitcake. They even threatened to sue.
Fontana Labs: Gelernter — David Gelernter, who appears to be far dumber than anyone on Yale's faculty has any right to be, offers up a very odd piece in the LA Times.
Steve Bainbridge: After all, while the Dems may think the people are too dumb to fend for themselves, the Dem elites are pretty bright.
Ken Masugi: More delights from David Gelernter, now once a week in the LAT. Our dissent from his view of the American Founding.
Matthew Yglesias: Certainly, today's totally inane David Gelertner column seems to bolster that theory.
Dale Franks: Professor David Gelernter writes in the Los Angeles Times that the Democratic Party's philosophy can be summed up in one sentence: You're too stupid to make your own decisions.
C. D. Harris: That About Sums It Up — The Infantile American Principle - the essential core of Democrat 'philosophy.'
Also: Jesse Taylor, Lorie Byrd, Betsy Newmark

Bush Cites Plan That Would Cut Social Security Benefits
  NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, April 28 - President Bush called Thursday night for cutting Social Security benefits for future retirees to put the system on sound financial footing, and he proposed doing so in a way that would demand the most sacrifice from higher-income people while insulating low-income workers.
Steve Bainbridge: Has Bush gone Commie? President Bush proposes social security reforms that effectively means-test it: [snipped quote] Has...
Pudentilla: sez it all "bush cites plan that would cut social security benefits -washington, april 28 - president bush called...
Riggsveda @Corrente: Bugged By The Government earwig Was the earwig as nauseating last night as I feared he would be?
James Joyner: Michelle Malkin notes that the major news outlets, notably the NYT, WaPo, and AP, are taking President Bush's statement...
Michelle Malkin: That claim is being uncritically echoed by most MSM outlets: New York Times, "Bush Cites Plan That Would Cut Social...
Steve M.: Last night, Bush told us we should accept Social Security benefit cuts for the middle class and the rich.
Also: Orrin Judd

Zoellick's Appeasement Tour
  By / American Prospect   —   Permalink 
On April 14, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick became the highest ranking U.S. envoy to set foot on Sudanese soil since Secretary of State Colin Powell's September 2004 declaration that the government of Sudan was complicit in an ongoing genocide in the Darfur region.
Phillip Carter: That article reports that the U.S. has essentially decided to work with the Sudanese government in order to get...
Laura Rozen: The American Prospect's Mark Leon Goldberg reports the depressing news that the Bush administration is rapidly...
Matthew Yglesias: Conference Kills — We've seen an awful lot of dubious antics go down in conference committees since 2001, but my...
Soccerdad @LeftCoaster: Bush changes direction on Sudan — Leon Goldberg is reporting in the Prospect that Bush has altered course with respect to the Sudan.
Eugene Oregon: Furthermore, the American Prospect's Mark Leon Goldberg reports that the Bush administration is quietly trying to kill...

Rush to Victory
  By / Opinion Journal   —   Permalink 
In 1987, Rush Limbaugh sat down at a microphone at radio station KFBK-AM in Sacramento and began broadcasting something called "The Rush Limbaugh Show."
The rest is history.
Ed Driscoll: Eric Cartman Meets The Fairness Doctrine — In his latest Wall Street Journal "Wonder Land" column, Daniel Henniger...
Orrin Judd: FREENESS TRUMPS FAIRNESS: Rush to Victory: Why is Harry Reid acting like David Koresh? Because conservatives are winning.
Steve Bainbridge: Wonderland Visits South Park — Daniel Henninger's column on Brian Anderson's book South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias is a typically excellent read.
Glenn Reynolds: SOME READERS ARE OBJECTING to Daniel Henninger's characterization of bloggers as a virtual Mongol horde, but I think it's a compliment, and dead-accurate.
Michael DeBow: Recommended reading: Robert P. George on "Judicial Activism and the Constitution," and Daniel Henninger on "Rush to Victory."

'Miracle' needed to win back Senate
  By / Washington Times   —   Permalink 
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid raised a few eyebrows yesterday on the Senate floor when he said it would take a "miracle" for Democrats to win enough races next year to take back the Senate.
James Joyner: Reid: 'Miracle' Needed for Democrats to Win Back Senate 'Miracle' needed to win back Senate (Washington Times) [snipped quote] An amusing moment of candor.
Steve Antler: So I'll take it... Yet another instance of religion in politics.
David Cohen: THE GERMANS HAVE OUTLAWED MIRACLES 'Miracle' needed to win back Senate (Charles Hurt, The Washington Times, 4/29/05)...
McQ: But in the case of Harry Reid, well, he's just not there yet: [snipped quote] Politically speaking, admissions like this are not among the brightest thing in the world.
Orrin Judd: IT'D TAKE THE GREAT DEPRESSION: 'Miracle' needed to win back Senate (Charles Hurt, 4/29/05, THE WASHINGTON TIMES) [snipped quote] If only the country were a mess they'd have a shot.
PoliPundit: A "Miracle" — Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) says it would take a "miracle" for Democrats to recapture the Senate in 2006.
Also: Taegan Goddard

Official Pariah Sudan Valuable to America's War on Terrorism
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
KHARTOUM, Sudan — The Bush administration has forged a close intelligence partnership with the Islamic regime that once welcomed Osama bin Laden here, even though Sudan continues to come under harsh U.S. and international criticism for human rights violations.
Phillip Carter: On the way into work this morning, I listened to Los Angeles Times Ken Silverstein discuss his article "Official Pariah...
Mark Leon Goldberg: Writes Silverstein: [snipped quote] It's worth pausing right here.
Laura Rozen: The LA Times' Ken Silverstein reports on the Bush administration's secret close relationship with Sudan, an intelligence...
Robert Tagorda: Sudan Aids in War on Terror — According to the Los Angeles Times, the Sudanese government serves as "an unlikely ally...
Orrin Judd: THE SENSIBLE DESIRE NOT TO BE NEXT: Official Pariah Sudan Valuable to America's War on Terrorism: Despite once harboring...
Eugene Oregon: Despite Darfur — An important report from the Los Angeles Times "The Bush administration has forged a close...

Bush Social Security Plan Would Cut Future Benefits
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
President Bush called on Congress last night to curtail future Social Security benefits for all but low-income retirees in an urgent new effort to address the popular program's shaky finances.
Patrick Ruffini: Repeat the Big Lie: [snipped quote] "Reduce future benefits for tens of millions of Americans."
Barbara O'Brien: (See, for examplle, this WaPo article, "Bush Social Security Plan Would Cut Future Benefits.")
Max B. Sawicky: That's the implication of the President's so-called "progressive price indexing" (PPI): converting a benefit that...
Noam Scheiber: THE NEW SOCIAL SECURITY STRATEGY: HIGH RISK, LOW RETURN: Two quick thoughts on the Social Security portion of last night's press conference.
Jon Henke: So, last night, Bush makes a Social Security reform proposal that would 1) help control the deficit, and 2) cut benefits...
Michelle Malkin: Washington Post, "Bush Social Security Plan Would Cut Future Benefits," "President Bush called on Congress last night to...
Also: Atrios, Armando @DailyKos, Jeralyn Merritt, Josh Marshall

School Mistakes Huge Burrito for a Weapon
  AP   —   Permalink 
CLOVIS, N.M. - A call about a possible weapon at a middle school prompted police to put armed officers on rooftops, close nearby streets and lock down the school. All over a giant burrito.
Someone called authorities Thursday after seeing a boy carrying something long and wrapped into Marshall Junior High.
James Joyner: School Mistakes Burrito for a Weapon — School Mistakes Huge Burrito for a Weapon (AP) [snipped quote] I'm doing the former.
Joe Gandelman: School Mistakes Burrito For Weapon — Be careful what you carry with you to eat: it may be hazardous to your freedom: [snipped quote] A burrito becomes a weapon after you eat it.
Digby: "They're talking about my burrito" — [snipped quote] The terrorists have won. Hat tip to senior blog research assistant, Gloria

Debate Over Gay Foster Parents Shines Light on a Dubious Stat
  By / WSJ   —   Permalink 
Last week, the Texas House of Representatives passed a child-services bill with an amendment that would make Texas the first state in the nation to prevent same-sex couples from becoming foster parents. The state Senate passed a conflicting bill without that measure, and the two bodies are debating how to proceed.
John Cole: Debunking the Bigot Brigade — Kudos to the Wall Street Journal for killing this nonsense (they also link to this...
S.Z.: The Wall Street Journal has the whole story, strangely enough: The proposed ban attracted national media attention, and...
Jesse Taylor: If It's About Sex, You Don't Need To! Ed Cone and S.Z. have entries on how a fake statistic becomes a "fact".
Tom Maguire: Good Debunking By The WSJ — The Wall Street Journal debunks a phony stat introduced by conservatives opposed to gay adoptions.
Charles Kuffner: Crazy Bob does have company, though, in the form of Cathy Adams of the Texas Eagle Forum, who cited some incredibly...
Ed Cone: Jon Stewart was right — The study misquoted on CNN by an anti-gay spokeswoman (who tried to make it say something it...

40 Christians Arrested in Saudi Arabia for Religious Activity By Saudi Religious Police: 'For Trying to Spread the Poison and their Beliefs'
  MEMRI   —   Permalink 
On April 23, 2005, Saudi newspapers reported that 40 Pakistanis were arrested by the Saudi religious police in a Riyadh apartment for conducting Christian religious activity. The following are excerpts from the reports:
Matt Welch: Like Texas, Only Without the Christians — While George Bush was expressing intimacy and friendship with Saudi Arabia...
Mark Kleiman: April 23: Crown Prince Abdullah's henchmen arrest and persecute Christians. 2. April 25: Bush welcomes Crown Prince Abdullah to Crawford.
Charles Johnson: Religious Apartheid in the Land of the Oil Ticks — In the home of the Religion of Peace and Tolerance™, 40 men,...

How the President's News Conference Ended Up Live on Four Networks
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
In a showdown that featured inside-the-Beltway lobbying and bare-knuckle boardroom negotiating, Donald J. Trump and President Bush effectively squared off yesterday in pursuit of the same parcel of real estate - a piece of the NBC-TV prime-time lineup.
Joe Gandelman: Bush Aides Battled To Get Press Conference On Four Networks — One upon a time in land called the United States there...
Riggsveda @Corrente: And then there was that bizarre pissing contest between him and Donald Trump that resulted in his being foisted on the public retina a half hour earlier than expected.
James Joyner: How the President's News Conference Ended Up Live on Four Networks (RSS) "In a showdown that featured...
Cori Dauber: So the networks negotiated a change in start time during leading to last minute calls for some of them to carry it at all.
Brian Stelter: > New York Times: "It was that timing [the first day of sweeps], as much as the White House suggestion that Mr. Bush had...
Taegan Goddard: Trump 1, Bush 0 — [snipped quote] the New York Times reports.

Text of Bush's Press Conference-Part I
  AP   —   Permalink 
"/ President Bush's press conference Thursday night, as transcribed by CQ Transcripts:
BUSH: Good evening. Tonight I will discuss two vital priorities for the American people, and then I'd be glad to answer some of your questions.
Matthew Yglesias: During yesterday's press conference, the president once again tried to allay people's fears about the risks involved in...
Brad DeLong: I read Bush's opening statement at his press conference last night: Text of Bush's Press Conference-Part I: The money...

Bush Offers New Social Security Plan
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) - After nearly 60 days on the road pitching Social Security changes, President Bush is offering a new plan to fix its finances by cutting benefits of more prosperous future retirees. Democrats still aren't buying it.
Michelle Malkin: ABC News / Associated Press, "Bush Offers New Social Security Plan," "After nearly 60 days on the road pitching Social...
Tully @Centerfield: The poor would go on with the current schedules. Naturally enough, Democrats are outraged. [snipped quote] First, an obvious point.

President touts 'progressive indexing' plan
  USA Today   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — President Bush has been touting the glories of adding individual investment accounts to Social Security since his first campaign for president. He says the proposal would allow workers to accumulate wealth and pass it on to their heirs.
James Joyner: She points to WSJ and USA Today analysis that puts a different spin on it: "Under his proposal to adjust benefit levels,...
Tully @Centerfield: Bush has finally come up the first details of Social Security reform, and they include benefit "cuts" for the rich, and a sliding progressive scale-back for those in the middle.
Michelle Malkin: See also this USA Today analysis. Yes, Bush's indexing plan is "cutting benefits" in the sense that upper-income beneficiaries would get less money than under the status quo.

The President's Preemptive Strike
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
One by one the broadcast networks caved yesterday and agreed to preempt the first night of the May ratings race to make way for President Bush's non-news conference, after ".'Sopranos'-style arm-twisting" by the White House, as one network suit described it.
Cori Dauber: It isn't quite so hard to imagine when you take a look at the decision-making process regarding whether or not to carry...
Brian Stelter: Prez Press Conference: Morning-After bushpressconf.jpg > Lisa de Moraes: "Thus can it be said that Donald Trump forced...
Joe Gandelman: The Washington Post's Lisa de Moraes:"And if the White House is hoping this news conference will win Bush back some fans, don't count on fans of the preempted shows."
Damian Penny: Update: a reader tipped me off to this Washington Post story about the scheduling nightmare, in which one of my blog posts is cited.

Bush Recasts Message on Social Security
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — President Bush, seeking support from Democrats and moderate Republicans for an overhaul of Social Security, said Thursday that he favored changing the pension system so that benefits for low-income workers would grow faster than those for wealthy retirees.
Gary Boatwright: The L.A. Times says Bush Recasts Message on Social Security: He favors a means-based approach to benefits, though he does not offer specifics.
Pudentilla: the chickenhawk squawks — [snipped quote] ignore the flag draped over that coffin. awol has spoken. "at least 24 iraqis...
Orrin Judd: "And now I'll be glad to answer some questions, starting with Terry Hunt" Bush Recasts Message on Social Security: He...
Garrett M. Graff: East Room Reax — Last night while watching the press conference we were musing about how the White House press corps...

In scathing interview, Democrat says Bush Social Security plan won't help; Dubs Cheney 'ass kisser'
  By / Raw Story   —   Permalink 
In an exclusive interview with RAW STORY, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) slammed President Bush and Congressional Republicans' attempts to take on Social Security, saying he believes Bush has surrounded himself with those who agree with him and has lost touch with America.
Eriposte @LeftCoaster: A couple of examples: [snipped quote] Click here to read the full interview.
Josh Marshall: One-time Faction member and would-be Dean, Rep. Moran (D) of Virginia talks to about President Bush and Social Security phase-out.

Survey Finds Many Have Poor Grasp of Basic Economics
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
With Washington considering whether to strengthen Social Security by giving Americans more responsibility for their own retirements, a survey released yesterday suggested that the typical American does not know enough about economics to prosper in such a system.
Barry L. Ritholtz: Here's an excerpt from the NYT: [quote] "Given recent signs that inflation might be increasing, this [survey] is quite a...[end quote]
Michael DeBow: Social Security reform: If you're interested in this subject — and you should be — don't miss William Voegeli's WSJ...

Detainee Questioning Was Faked, Book Says
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The U.S. military staged the interrogations of terrorism suspects for members of Congress and other officials visiting the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to make it appear the government was obtaining valuable intelligence, a former Army translator who worked there claims in a new book scheduled for release Monday.
Pudentilla: all the world's a stage — [snipped quote] back in the day, this kind of allegation would lead, at least to a hearing or...
Plutonium Page: Mock interrogations at Guantanamo Bay? The Washington Post reports: [snipped quote] There's more below the fold.
James Joyner: Detainee Questioning Was Faked, Book Says — Detainee Questioning Was Faked, Book Says (WaPo, A21) [snipped quote] While...

Rock, Paper, Payoff: Child's Play Wins Auction House an Art Sale
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
It may have been the most expensive game of rock, paper, scissors ever played.
Takashi Hashiyama, president of Maspro Denkoh Corporation, an electronics company based outside of Nagoya, Japan, could not decide whether Christie's or Sotheby's should sell...
Jan Haugland: With art auctions, always start with scissors — Rock, paper, scissors decide $20M art sale.
Tom Maguire: Game theory made simple - when in doubt, ask a kid: "It may have been the most expensive game of rock, paper, scissors ever played.
Daniel Drezner: That was flashing through my head when I read this Caroline Vogel article in the New York Times (thanks to J.H. for the...
JL @GrammarPolice: do not invest in this company — Guest blogger: JL of Modern Kicks From the New York Times: "Takashi Hashiyama,...

Official Says Bolton Flouted Travel Rules
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — John R. Bolton, the embattled nominee to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, regularly tried to set up meetings abroad with Russian, British and French officials without notifying the U.S. Embassy or the State Department, the outgoing head of the department's European bureau said Friday.
Laura Rozen: To us civilians, Bolton's repeated efforts to meet with foreign officials without first clearing his foreign travel with...
Steve Clemons: This from the AP report: [snipped quote] Poor Adam Ereli.

Not Exactly Must-See TV
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The television networks — and, by extension, the American viewing public — got snookered last night.
Strong-armed, beguiled and wheedled into pre-empting an hour of prime-time national programming last night for President Bush's news conference, the networks were assured they would be getting must-see TV.
Barbara O'Brien: Other links: Don't miss Dan Froomkin's Bush press conference news roundup. | bar.jpg
Michael Froomkin: A Pithy Summary of Bush Press Conference Remarks on Social Security — Via Dan's Not Exactly Must-See TV, this perfect...

Bush Backs Abortion Measure
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
President Bush is urging the Senate to take up a bill passed by the House this week that makes it a federal crime — complete with possible fines and jail sentences — for doctors or other adults to help patients under 18 evade parental-notification requirements by crossing state lines for an abortion.
Medium Lobster: Wombs of State — The Medium Lobster is only mildly pleased to see the House pass a new bill making it a federal crime...
Michelle Malkin: SQUASHING THE "THERE'S A WAR ON" MEME — I was going to comment on this curious post at Instapundit, which seems to take...
Mipe @ThinkProgress: "The Grandmother Incarceration Act" — President Bush, "who comments on only a small fraction of bills that pass either...

CPS fix outranks gay issue, Perry says
  By / Houston Chronicle   —   Permalink 
Legislators writing the final version of a bill overhauling the state's Child Protective Services system will kill a controversial provision that would prohibit homosexuals from being foster parents, Gov. Rick Perry predicted Thursday.
Charles Kuffner: Well, if push comes to shove, Governor Perry would prefer privatizing CPS to stigmatizing gay foster parents.
Byron LaMasters: The Houston Chronicle reports: [snipped quote] Well, it's not obvious to Robert Talton.

A Gambler Decides to Raise the Stakes
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
President Bush made a huge gamble last night in a bid to restore momentum to his flagging proposal to restructure Social Security — and to his presidency.
Noam Scheiber: So, as the newspapers suggest this morning, this is a huge risk for the White House.
Taegan Goddard: Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that Bush the gambler is betting the rest of his political capital on his social security plan and "doubled down on his bet" just last night.

Frist Offers Compromise on Judicial Posts
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, April 28 - Trying to head off a showdown in the Senate over judicial confirmations, Senator Bill Frist, Republican of Tennessee, the majority leader, proposed a compromise that would allow the minority party to block lower-court appointees if Democrats agreed to give up the power to block nominees for appeals courts and the Supreme Court.
Baldilocks: The former vice president made this remark before a gathering in reference to the on-going...
Pudentilla: drive for democracy update: [snipped quote] a friendly reminder: have you pledged to donate your five bucks to the howard's dnc the day the kitten killer goes nuclear?
Jesse Taylor: Compromises, Compromises — Bill Frist offers a 'compromise' on judicial nominations - Democrats can ride the free...

Video (Games) Killed the Media Stars
  By / TCS   —   Permalink 
As everyone knows, the videogame industry has eclipsed the movie industry in terms of total revenues. Still, in terms of cultural impact and influence, movies still predominate. Yet that could be changing.
How do I know that such change is in the Zeitgeistal wind?
Amanda Marcotte: Blah, Blah, I Rock The New Paradigm Like Whoa — Weird, weird, weird James Pinkerton article today that, although it...
Glenn Reynolds: JAMES PINKERTON writes that videogames may be killing the media stars: [snipped quote] I think that the structure of videogames is inherently more positive than movies.
Ed Driscoll: Glenn Reynolds links to this James Pinkerton article from Tech Central Station on Hollywood and videogames.

Gov. Praises 'Minuteman' Campaign
  LAT   —   Permalink 
SACRAMENTO — Calling the nation's borders dangerously porous, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday praised the private "Minuteman" campaign that uses armed volunteers to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the U.S.
Clayton Cramer: Schwarzenegger Praises Minutemen; the Reconquista — There are a number of areas where Schwarzenegger and I disagree—in...
Pudentilla: gutter grazing — [snipped quote] will the kind of folks who make up the miniscule men campaign actually accept ahnuld as...
Greg @TheTalentShow: One-Term Arnie — Schwarzenegger doesn't have a chance in hell of getting reelected after a remark like this : "Calling...

'Inside Politics' Anchor Woodruff Leaving CNN
  Netscape Communications Corp   —   Permalink 
NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - CNN correspondent Judy Woodruff will leave the network and daily journalism when her contract expires in June.
Woodruff has worked at the network's Washington bureau for 12 years and hosts the weekday afternoon "Inside Politics."
Betsy Newmark: Judy Woodruff is leaving Inside Politics. I never saw the appeal in her bland liberalism.
John Cole: Gbye, Judy — Personally, I liked Judy Woodruff. I will miss her. I liked Bernard Shaw, too.

'What, Me Worry?'
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
One of America's most important entrepreneurs recently gave a remarkable speech at a summit meeting of our nation's governors. Bill Gates minced no words. "American high schools are obsolete," he told the governors. "By obsolete, I don't just mean that our high schools are broken, flawed and underfunded.
Susan Madrak: TRADE SCHOOLS — Why, oh why does Tom Friedman have a column gig - and I don't? [snipped quote] You know what seems to have slipped under old Tom's radar here?
Atrios: Worst Metaphor Ever — Doesn't anyone (cough editors cough) have the guts to tell Friedman that his new central metaphor is his worst one yet?
Tom Maguire: In Another Country — Tom Friedman informs us, presumably with a straight face, that George Bush has no domestic vision...

Bush would trim benefits of well-to-do
  Boston Globe   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — President Bush, in a prime-time effort to reverse the perception that his Social Security plan is faltering, last night proposed cutting currently promised future Social Security benefits for higher-earning workers, modeling the idea on a plan put forward by a Boston investment company executive.
Orrin Judd: COME, LET US REASON TOGETHER: Bush would trim benefits of well-to-do: Stands by his Social Security plan with talk in...
Josh Marshall: Beantown Bamboozled Bad by Bush! Headline of article in the Boston Globe: "Bush would trim benefits of well-to-do."

Press Conference of the President
  White House   —   Permalink 
THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Tonight I will discuss two vital priorities for the American people, and then I'd be glad to answer some of your questions.
Millions of American families and small businesses are hurting because of higher gasoline prices.
Donald Luskin: DETAILS BEGIN TO EMERGE — President Bush moved the ball forward in his prime-time press conference last night,...
Lorie Byrd: It is unimaginable that Bill Clinton would have voiced such strong support for anything with as little support shown in the polls as there is for personal, private accounts.
K. J. Lopez: LAST NIGHT — Read or watch the press conference here. Based on many conversations this morning, many of you will want that.
Judd @ThinkProgress: Bush Redefines "Better Off" — Last night, President Bush talked about cutting Social Security benefits for "people who are better off."
Orrin Judd: MORE: Press Conference of the President (George W. Bush, 4/28/05, The East Room) "THE PRESIDENT: Good evening.
Michelle Malkin: MAKING FISCAL CONSERVATIVES CRINGE — From tonight's Bush press conference, regarding the dreadful No Child Left Behind...
Also: James Joyner

Congress Passes Budget With Cuts in Medicaid and in Taxes
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, April 28 - The House and Senate broke a lengthy impasse over federal spending Thursday night, narrowly adopting a $2.56 trillion federal budget for 2006 that aims to trim the growth of Medicaid by $10 billion over five years, add $106 billion in tax cuts and clear the way for oil drilling in an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
Riggsveda @Corrente: In light of the just-passed Congressional budget (the first in 2 years), which promises to be just as horrible as we've...
Pudentilla: eye of the needle "congress passes budget with cuts in medicaid and in taxes - washington, april 28 - the house and...
John Cole: Social Security — My take on Social Security is that it is pretty irresponsible to go on national television proposing...

A Misfit Sister, and Life Lessons She Inadvertently Imparts
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
This isn't going to be easy. If you're going to even think about watching "Riding the Bus With My Sister," which appears Sunday on CBS, you're going to have to know what it's about. And once you find out, instantly, you're going to form a heartless first impression.
Ace: Rosie's Magical Retard Epic: "Profoundly Embarassing" — Allah (who actually tipped me to the Hitchhiker's review below,...
Ann Althouse: Virginia Heffernan writes: [snipped quote] Maybe we can finally draw the line and say if it's just an actor playing...

A Private Obsession
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
American health care is unique among advanced countries in its heavy reliance on the private sector. It's also uniquely inefficient. We spend far more per person on health care than any other country, yet many Americans lack health insurance and don't receive essential care.
Tom Maguire: Krugman On Ideology — Classic wisdom from the Earnest Prof: "You see, America is ruled by conservatives, and they have...
Barbara O'Brien: And don't miss E.J. Dionne, "Bush the Egghead," and Paul Krugman, "A Private Obsession." Brilliant as ever. Update: More comments.

House GOP Plans Social Security Draft
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
"/ President Bush warned Democratic critics not to "play politics as usual" with his call for sweeping program changes including curtailment of some benefits.
Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Calif., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, told reporters he envisioned legislation that "won't just be a Social Security bill."
Steve Soto: Cue the fat lady... Update: Heading towards the eventual political hari-kari that Rove demands of DeLay and Hastert to...
Jayson @PoliPundit: A short time after running that headline, the AP changed it. The current version of the headline/article is here.

  New York Post   —   Permalink 
April 29, 2005 — DISGRACED former White House reporter/male escort Jeff Gannon can't believe no one has invited him to tomorrow's White House Correspondents Dinner. "It seems to me to be odd to exclude the one person who has brought more attention to the White House press corps than anyone else in years," Gannon tells PAGE SIX's Jared Paul Stern.
Garrett M. Graff: Prom Dates: The Final (?) Installment — InviteGannon.jpgThe New York Post's Page Six updates on Jeff Gannon's attempt...
Roger Ailes: James Guckert Gets Pissy — [snipped quote] If only the Powerline boys had a table and a spare $200.
Jim Romenesko: Additional items for April 29, 2005 > Publisher who sits on school board leaks info to his reporter (CharObs) > Actor...

Hundreds of Photos Of Caskets Released
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
From a row of silhouetted hearses on a rain-drenched tarmac to a convoy of olive-green trucks each bearing a casket, hundreds of images of flag-draped coffins of American service members killed at war were released by the Pentagon this week in response to a lawsuit.
McQ: Prepare for a "casket" orgy — The Pentagon has finally released photos of flag draped coffins arriving at Dover AFB as...
Cori Dauber: More Images of Coffins Released — Another FOIA request, which led to a lawsuit, ultimately led to the release of hundreds of photographs of caskets being repatriated.
Jim Romenesko: Pentagon releases over 700 photos of fallen soldiers' coffins — Washington Post University of Delaware professor Ralph Begleiter's October 2004 lawsuit spurred the action.

Romney, Kerry make top 5 of presidential poll
  Boston Globe   —   Permalink 
Governor Mitt Romney and US Senator John F. Kerry each ranked fifth in a poll of Washington insiders that assessed the chances of the potential presidential candidates in 2008.
Hugh Hewitt: This "insiders' poll" puts George Allen ahead of all other would-be Bush-successors, which is pretty persuasive.
McQ: From a poll of what are described as "Washington insiders", the dream list of candidates for 2008.

Two Detail Bolton's Efforts to Punish Dissent
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
A former senior Bush administration official told Senate staff members yesterday that John R. Bolton, the president's nominee for ambassador to the United Nations, sought to punish two State Department officials for disagreeing with him on nonproliferation issues, congressional sources said.
Steve Clemons: Dafna Linzer's informative Washington Post article on the same subject is available here.
Laura Rozen: More on John Wolf's and Alan Foley's interviews with Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff yesterday, from the Washington Post's Dafna Linzer.

Bush vs. The Press
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Why have Bush's numbers reached the lowest point of his presidency?
Everyone's got a theory, just as everyone is now floating a theory on whether he helped himself at last night's rarity of a prime-time press conference.
Garrett M. Graff: Howard Kurtz landed a good angle this morning with his online column, beginning by quoting the LA Times lead on last...
Nick Gillespie: A snippet: [snipped quote] Whole thing here.

Democrats scorn Frist offer
  By / Washington Times   —   Permalink 
Majority Leader Bill Frist publicly offered a compromise to Democrats yesterday in a last-ditch effort to avoid a "nuclear" showdown in the Senate over judicial nominees.
However, the Senate's top Democrat immediately expressed doubt about the proposal, calling it "a big wet kiss to the far right."
Hugh Hewitt: Harry Reid's instant reaction to Bill Frist's proposal to allow every judicial nominee an up-or-down vote telegraphs the...
John @PowerLine: Harry Reid's response, as reported by the Washington Times, was childish and incoherent.

Congress Passes Budget With Cuts in Medicaid Growth and in Taxes
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, April 28 - The House and Senate broke a lengthy impasse over federal spending Thursday night, narrowly adopting a $2.56 trillion federal budget for 2006 that aims to trim the growth of Medicaid by $10 billion over five years, add $106 billion in tax cuts and clear the way for oil drilling in an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
Chris Bowers: I Agree With Tom DeLay — Frightening, but it's true: [snipped quote] I have to agree with Tom DeLay on this one,...
Kevin Drum: A SHINY NEW BUDGET....Here's your new Republican budget: [snipped quote] Attaboy!
Brad DeLong: (Republican Congress Edition) Kevin Drum notes the Republican Congress in action: The Washington Monthly: A SHINY NEW...

Sergeant Sentenced to Death for Killing Two Officers in Iraq
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
FORT BRAGG, N.C. , April 28 — A military jury on Thursday sentenced Sgt. Hasan Akbar to die for the 2003 murders of two officers in a grenade attack at an Army camp in Kuwait during the opening days of the Iraq invasion.
James Joyner: Sergeant Sentenced to Death for Killing Two Officers in Iraq (AP - WaPo, p.
Dean Esmay: Akbar Sentenced to Death by Dean Sgt. Hasan Akbar, who set off a grenade in order to kill his fellow soldiers, has been sentenced to death.

Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
BERLIN Apr 28, 2005 — Why are toads puffing up and spontaneously exploding in northern Europe? It began in a posh German neighborhood and has spread across the border into Denmark.
"The crows are clever," said Frank Mutschmann, a Berlin veterinarian who collected and tested specimens at the Hamburg pond.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Now, it seems, that the mystery may be solved: Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads [snipped quote] That's just not right.
Michael Froomkin: Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads. Please note that this is filed under "Science" not humor, because it's apparently true.
Jeralyn Merritt: They're still in Germany, but may be moving into Denmark. Dave Cullen of Conclusive Evidence can't look away and is following the gruesome story.

Transcript of President Bush's Press Conference
  NYT   —   Permalink 
Following is the text of President Bush's news conference as transcribed by CQ Transcriptions, Inc.
BUSH: Good evening. Tonight I will discuss two vital priorities for the American people, and then I'd be glad to answer some of your questions.
Jesse Taylor: Ice Chips — I watched Bush's press conference on TV with the sound off and closed caption on, which was a lot like watching softcore porn and reading the script alongside it.
Joe Gandelman: You can read the transcript of the President's wide-ranging press conference here. It was called ostensibly to talk about Social Security, and Bush did that.
Eugene Oregon: I'm Guessing it was A and B — A reader going by the name Winthrop Maine has submitted the following point [snipped quote] For the record, A and B are not mutually exclusive.
Norbizness: Wow. Here's the transcript, with alterations and severe compacting, of course. — BUSH: Good evening.
Steve Soto: Read the text of Bush's press conference tonight, and you'll see that despite the announcements today from the White...
Oliver @LiquidList: Politics: "No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer...Sham On" — From the The Preemption tonight.

Ex-Official Describes Dispute With Bolton Over Intelligence
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, April 28 - A former senior intelligence official, who was responsible for coordinating American intelligence assessments, directed his staff in 2003 to strongly resist assertions that John R. Bolton sought to make about Syria's weapons programs in Congressional testimony, the official, Robert L. Hutchings, said in an interview on Wednesday.
Steve Clemons: The New York Times' Douglas Jehl has an excellent summary of the John Wolf and Robert Hutchings interviews here.
Rich Lowry: Today again he writes about how Bolton might have THOUGHT about saying things that the intelligence community didn't support, but then didn't.
Tbogg: Another day, another revelation about Bolton...from members of Republican administrations: A former senior intelligence...
Laura Rozen: Here's some background from a reader on Bolton and Wolf. More from Doug Jehl.

Salazar says he misspoke in calling Focus "anti-Christ"
  By / Denver Post   —   Permalink 
Washington - Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar said Wednesday that he regretted calling Focus on the Family "the anti-Christ," saying he had misspoken.
Salazar uttered the theological term, popularized in the 1970s movie "The Omen," in an interview with a Colorado Springs television station about his war of words with the conservative Christian group.
Captain Ed: After waiting a couple of days for a miracle to deliver him unto the Lord, the Right Reverend Salazar finally figured...
John @PowerLine: The Least Gracious Apology of the Week... ...was delivered by Ken Salazar, Democratic Senator from Colorado.
Gary Farber: More here. [snipped quote] I think he was closer the first time. Read The Rest Scale: 2.5 out of 5 if you want a tad more detail and background.

S.D. talk-show host, fans take immigration demands to D.C.
  By / San Diego Union-Tribune   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - LaVerne Hidden no longer wanders her Dulzura property without a gun. A.D. McFarlane wants to ensure that his six grandchildren can find jobs. And a Chula Vista woman who goes only by "Mary" is annoyed when she hears store clerks speaking Spanish.
Randall Parker: The "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" rally in Washington DC of immigration restrictionist talk show hosts and some of their...
Tbogg: Well if San Diego didn't tip her off... Local radio racist Roger Hedgecock takes his local band of slackjawed rubes...

Bush Pushes for Soc. Sec., Energy Bills
  AP   —   Permalink 
"/ Social Security and energy legislation and confirm his controversial court nominees Thursday night, prodding lawmakers to act on an ambitious second-term agenda.
"I'm not surprised that some are balking at doing hard work," Bush said of the Republican-controlled Congress.
Greg @TheTalentShow: Bush's Bad Move — The Preznit really blew it this time : [snipped quote] The best attack the Republicans have had against the Democrats lately1 is that they "don't have a plan".
Joe Gandelman: Bush Shifts On Social Security And Away From James Dobson — It was not a political tsunami, but some significant shifts...

House Passes Budget That Cuts Medicaid
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - The House narrowly passed a $2.6 trillion budget Thursday evening that would cut back the Medicaid health care program for the poor for the first time since 1997 in a step toward trimming federal deficits.
McQ: Headline from AP: "Congress Passes Budget That Cuts Medicaid" Well two slight problems here.
Susan Madrak: That's why they're trying to chip away at the foundation - just as they're doing now with Medicaid: "WASHINGTON - The...
Hunter @DailyKos: House Passes Budget Plan, 214-211, Senate Passes 52-47 — The House just passed a compromise budget plan worked out between House and Senate Republicans.

Exxon Mobil Shares Dip Despite Profit Jump
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
DALLAS - Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded energy company, reported that first-quarter profits surged 44 percent as high prices for oil and natural gas more than offset declining production.
Norbizness: Also today (thanks to South Knox Bubba): First quarter 2005 profits: Exxon/Mobile: Up 44%; BP: Up 35%; Shell: Up 42%; Unocal: Up 69%; Marathon: Up 26%.
SK Bubba: Where your gas dollars go — First quarter earnings: Exxon/Mobile: Up 44% BP: Up 35% Shell: Up 42% Unocal: Up 69% Marathon: Up 26%

Jury Returns Death Sentence in GI Killings
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
"/ Iraq invasion, a barrage that prosecutors said was triggered by religious extremism.
Sgt. Hasan Akbar, who gave a brief, barely audible apology hours earlier, stood at attention between his lawyers as the verdict was delivered. He showed no emotion.
Jeralyn Merritt: Military Jury Returns Death Verdict — The evidence was he is legally sane because he understood the consequences of his...
Charles Johnson: Death Penalty for Hasan Akbar — Hasan Akbar, the American Muslim who murdered his fellow soldiers at the start of the Iraq invasion, has been sentenced to death.

Court denies Limbaugh's appeal
  CNN   —   Permalink 
(CNN) — The Florida Supreme Court has turned down conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh's request to review a lower court decision that the state could seize his medical records.
In a 4-3 decision, the court said it would not consider a motion for rehearing.
Talking Dog: The Florida Supreme Court (by a 4-3 vote) decided to uphold the right of prosecutors to seek Rush Limbaugh's medical...
Jeralyn Merritt: Rush Limbaugh Loses Appeal Over Medical Records — Rush Limbaugh lost his medical records appeal.
James Joyner: Florida Supreme Court Denies Rush Limbaugh Appeal — Court denies Limbaugh's appeal (CNN) [snipped quote] While I'm...

Frist Won't Budge on Filibuster Demands
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
"/ President Bush's past or present nominees to federal appellate court benches or the Supreme Court.
"Throughout this debate, we have held firm to a simple principle, judicial nominees deserve up-or-down votes," Frist said.
Commissar: It looks like the Senate Republicans are holding firm on the filibuster issue.
Joe Gandelman: Frist Compromise: More Debate Time But No Filibuster — Message from Senator Bill Frist to Democrats: I'll give you debate time but absolutely no filibuster.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Early Reporting on the Frist Offer — Via the AP: Frist Won't Budge on Filibuster Demands - Yahoo!
Captain Ed: Frist Stands Firm, Sets No Timetable — Senator Bill Frist reiterated today that the Republicans would accept no...
Jayson @PoliPundit: Frist is demanding, as he should, that all of Dubya's appeals court nominees must receive up or down floor votes.

Salazar regrets 'Antichrist' barb
  By / Rocky Mountain News   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Sen. Ken Salazar said Wednesday he regrets referring to Focus on the Family and its founder James Dobson as "the Antichrist" - a term among the worst slurs in Christianity.
Dale Franks: Sen Ken Salazar (D-CO) now says that he "regrets" referring to Dr. James Dobson and the "Focus on the Family" organization as "The Antichrist".
Glenn Reynolds: OOPS: [snipped quote] If the Republicans are overplaying the religion card, well, so are the Democrats, in a different way.
K. J. Lopez: DOBSON IS NOT THE "ANTI-CHRIST" — Ken Salazar "regrets" having said he was.
John Cole: The AntiChrist — Nice: "Sen. Ken Salazar said Wednesday he regrets referring to Focus on the Family and its founder...
Orrin Judd: Salazar regrets 'Antichrist' barb (M.E. Sprengelmeyer, April 28, 2005, Rocky Mountain News) [snipped quote] How are they ever going to appeal to Evangelicals?

Scary Stuff
  NRO   —   Permalink 
There's a real venom on the Left against conservative Christians.
Harper's Magazine's May cover stories about "The Christian Right's War On America," frightened me, although not the way Harper's meant them to.
Captain Ed: Stanley Kurtz writes at length about this same phenomenon in National Review Online, specifically taking on Chris...
The Poorman: It's going to be a long one, so let's hop right in: Scary Stuff.
Jesse Taylor: It's Not Hate If You Didn't Mean To Say It — Stanley Kurtz decries the left's description of the Christian Right's War On Everything.
Stanley Kurtz: THE DEMS' CHRISTIAN STRATEGY — Yesterday, I suggested that the Harper's cover story could signal the start of a larger campaign against conservative Christians.
Barbara O'Brien: The first Big Lie Kurtz is pushing is that criticism of the Christian Right amounts to a criticism of Christians, which is garbage.
Tom Paine: And the Left is trying to criminalise anyone who disagrees with them.
Also: Vox Day

Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors
  CBS News   —   Permalink 
(CBS) A college production tells the story of Matthew Sheppard, a student beaten to death because he was gay.
And soon, it could be banned in Alabama.
Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle.
Jim Dallas: There's fascism and then there's Fascism — Good Lord, if you're going to ban and/or burn books, at least do it for a good reason.
Edward _: Banning Books in Alabama — I'll tolerate just about any kind of crap the right-wing extremists in this country can...
Stirling Newberry: Which word has too many syllables in it for the crank head Darwin denying porn monkeys that make up the Republican Party?
Andrew Stuttaford: As CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new...
Ted @CrookedTimber: Mr. Snicket, Alabama would like a word with you Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle.
Cookie Jill: "as cbs news correspondent mark strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters."

Anchor Judy Woodruff Leaving CNN in June
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
Judy Woodruff, the anchor of CNN's "Inside Politics," is leaving the network when her contract expires in June.
Woodruff, 58, said Thursday that she hoped to teach, write and work on long-form documentaries. She'll also be a consultant and occasional contributor to CNN.
Amanda Marcotte: CNN: Revolution — Judy Woodruff leaving CNN in June. (Wasn't Crossfire canceled months ago? Why is it still on the air?)
Jim Romenesko: Woodruff to leave CNN when her contract expires in June — Associated Press Woodruff Judy Woodruff says she hopes to teach, write and work on long-form documentaries.
Taegan Goddard: Woodruff Quits CNN — Anchor Judy Woodruff will leave CNN, the AP reports. The cable network [snipped quote] Link | Related News
Brian Stelter: CNN Offered Woodruff A New Contract... "This gives me the opportunity to sit back, take a deep breath and think about what I want to do," Judy Woodruff tells the Associated Press.
K. J. Lopez: JUDY WOODRUFF is leaving CNN. Inside Politics might be the only CNN show I watch.

Exploding toads in Germany: blame the crows
  AFP   —   Permalink 
BERLIN (AFP) - Toads have been exploding by the hundred in Germany because they are being attacked by crows, a veterinary surgeon revealed.
Animal welfare workers and veterinarians had reported that as many as 1,000 toads had swelled to bursting point and exploded in recent days, propelling their entrails up to a metre (three feet) into the air.
Jan Haugland: Crows blamed for exploding toads — A veterinarian thinks he has the answer to why as many as a hundred toads have...
Steve Bainbridge: From the Case Files of the EARI — Remember Dave Barry's Exploding Animal Research Institute? Add toads to the list.
Jeralyn Merritt: And Instapundit makes a connection between the toads and the Salazar/Dobson feud. Question though: Who's the toad and who's the crow?
Glenn Reynolds: A plague on both of their houses, I say. But only one of the minor ones, like the frogs. UPDATE: No, not these frogs.

GOP 30 pick up a knife
  The Hill   —   Permalink 
Reps. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.) and John Sweeney (R-N.Y.) have been meeting with 30 House Republicans over the past few weeks to coordinate a more aggressive strategy to defend Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), according to a Republican source familiar with the meetings.
Sam Rosenfeld: Still, a complementary Hill story on 30 House Republicans who have been planning a far more aggressive, down-and-dirty...
Cookie Jill: time to go to the "mattresses"...rethugs declare ethics war oh..yeah...this reeks of civility [snipped quote] have you...
ArchPundit: GOP 30 pick up a knife — And threaten to commit suicide if Tom DeLay continues to be attacked. Shrug.
Josh Marshall: From The Hill: [snipped quote] Lest anyone forget, both Feeney and Sweeney had high-profile roles in the Florida 2000 travesty.

Local Listeners Tune Out Talk Radio
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
What a difference an election makes. No, we're not talking about the fortunes of a rich and powerful democracy. This is about talk radio. And even in the nation's capital, post-election, people seem to have had their fill of politically oriented talk on the airwaves.
John Hawkins: Nah, It's Just The Offseason An article at the WAPO about declining talk show ratings has been drawing some attention around the blogosphere: What a difference an election makes.
Joe Gandelman: Political Talk Radio In DC Is Giving Listeners A Big, Fat Headache — Bad news for Rush, Sean, Michael, Randi and Al:...
Jim Romenesko: Additional items for April 28, 2005 > Lehrer: "NewsHour" is going through a big re-examination (low) (CNN) >...
Ann Althouse: Here's a piece in the Washington Post about how people in Washington don't listen to talk radio much anymore.
James Joyner: Local Listeners Tune Out Talk Radio (WaPo, C1) [snipped quote] One wonders how these ratings compare to comparable periods.
Jeff Jarvis: Talk OD : Radio ratings in Washington indicate an OD on political talk radio.

Bush to unveil 'specific' ideas on Social Security
  AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - President Bush is ready to begin talking with Congress and the public about specific steps he supports to ensure the future of Social Security and will announce his ideas during a prime-time news conference Thursday.
Ace: Basically, Bush wants to cut the rate of growth in benefits for the top 70% of wage earners, while allowing the bottom 30%'s benefits to grow faster.
Steve Soto: OK, we are now being told that Bush will devote the first 10-12 minutes of his press conference tonight to finally offer...
Brian Stelter: > "The White House asked television networks to broadcast the news conference, scheduled for 8 p.m. ET in the East Room of the White House," the AP reports.

'Smoking gun' on humans and global warming claimed
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
Using ocean data collected by diving floats, U.S. climate scientists released a study Thursday that they said provides the "smoking gun" that ties manmade greenhouse gas emissions to global warming.
Delivered to Your Inbox Each Week!
The Most "WOW!"
Norbizness: Today: "There can no longer be genuine doubt that humanmade gases are the dominant cause of observed warming," said Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Cookie Jill: flipper's getting toasty — [snipped quote] what part of disaster can't you understand, awol?
Steve Soto: This study, conducted by scientists from W's own government, pretty much ends the debate that there isn't enough science...

List of Iraqi Cabinet members approved
  CNN   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — After three months of a political stalemate, Iraq's National Assembly approved a list of Cabinet members Thursday to form a new government.
Five positions have been filled temporarily after talks failed to produce a compromise.
Juan Cole: Iraqi Cabinet — More details of the new Iraqi cabinet are now out. The big and rather ominous surprise is that Ahmad Chalabi is the temporary Petroleum Minister.
Rich Lowry: IRAQ GOVERNMENT... mostly set. Very good news.
Roger L. Simon: The controversial Ahmed Chalabi has, according to the BBC, been named Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq - not to mention Acting Oil Minister.

Republican Leader Offers Compromise on Judges
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Bill Frist offered a compromise in a battle over President Bush's judicial nominees, but a top Democrat called it a "wet kiss" to the right wing.
Joe Gandelman: The latest is Frist's compromise, as reported by Reuters: "Frist's proposal seeks to avert a showdown over Republican...
RJ Eskow: The Great Compromise — The 'liberal media' are widely reporting that Bill Frist is offering Harry Reid a 'compromise' on judges.

An American Travesty
  By / American Spectator   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — Al Gore saved this country once already from attacks on the judiciary, and he'll do it again. That's what he told a fervent MoveOn crowd yesterday afternoon at a Capitol Hill hotel ballroom.
Betsy Newmark: David Holman takes a close look at Al Gore's speech the other day about how, if the Republicans get rid of the...
Lorie Byrd: But even I evidently know more about American history than Al Gore does - and Betsy makes quite the fool of him.

Woodpecker Thought to Be Extinct Is Sighted in Arkansas
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 28 - The ivory-billed woodpecker, a magnificent bird that ornithologists had long given up for extinct, has been sighted in the watery tupelo swampland of a wildlife refuge in Arkansas, scientists announced today.
Chris Mooney: UPDATE: The New York Times seems to be leading the pack, billing the Ivory-Billed on the front page of its website and...
Ann Althouse: The Lord God bird lives. Thrilling! A grown man breaks into sobs when he realizes what he has seen. Beautiful!
Orrin Judd: NOT UNSELECTED AFTER ALL: Woodpecker Thought to Be Extinct Is Sighted in Arkansas (JAMES GORMAN, 4/28/05, NY Times)...

Female amputees make clear that all troops are on front lines
  By / USA Today   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — On June 19, Lt. Dawn Halfaker and soldiers from her military police platoon were on a reconnaissance patrol in Baqouba, Iraq, when a rocket-propelled grenade exploded inside their armored Humvee, grievously wounding two of the soldiers inside.
Donald Sensing: "Is this what America wants?" Army military police 1st.
Tarek @LiquidList: While I remain dubious about its approach to news, I have seen enough good reporting come through the paper to know that it's available there.
James Joyner: Female amputees make clear that all troops are on front lines (USA Today, p. 1) "On June 19, Lt. Dawn Halfaker and...

Iraq parliament approves cabinet, government formed
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, April 28 (Reuters) - Iraq's parliament approved a cabinet of ministers on Thursday, forming Iraq's first democratically elected government in more than 50 years.
By an overwhelming majority, the 275-seat National Assembly approved the list of names put forward by Shi'ite Islamist Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.
Steve M.: "Iraq Parliament Approves Cabinet, Government Formed," Reuters, 4/28/05 [Scott] Ritter had one other memorable encounter with Chalabi.
Laura Rozen: Via Atrios, Chalabi acting oil minister. More from Reuters. And, now that his old friend and former INC intel chief Aras Habib Karim is back from Tehran, what's his role?
Jan Haugland: Iraq has a democratically elected cabinet — Iraq finally has a new government: Iraq's parliament approved a cabinet of...
Atrios: OOOOIIILLLLL — The precious. "BAGHDAD, April 28 (Reuters) - Iraq's parliament approved a cabinet of ministers on...

Bush to Announce Social Security Plans
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
"/ Social Security and will announce his ideas during a prime-time news conference Thursday.
Bush was also using the formal question-and-answer session with reporters — his first in the evening in over a year — to talk about skyrocketing gas prices.
Josh Marshall: According to afternoon wire reports, at the president's primetime press conference tonight, he will finally tell the...
Cernig: President Bush is to address the nation tonight, in his first live press conference in over a year.

Economy Grows at Slowest Pace in Two Years
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Buffeted by rising energy prices and weakened consumer and business spending, the economy grew at an annual rate of just 3.1 percent in the first quarter. The slowest pace of expansion since in two years was evidence of a new "soft patch."
Steve Soto: Thursday Morning Quick Hits And Outrages — First Quarter GDP rose at 3.1%, its slowest rate in two years.
Laura Rozen: "MORE SIGNS ECONOMY is weakening: Economy grows at slowest pace in two years," the AP reports. Scary.
Jayson @PoliPundit: "Economy Grows at Slowest Pace in Two Years" and "Dow Loses 128 Points on Weak GDP Report" raged the Associated Depressed. {gasp} It's gloom.

GOP Leaders Reach Tentative Deal on Budget
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Top congressional Republicans reported agreement Thursday on a budget that envisions $10 billion in Medicaid savings over the next five years and at least $70 billion in tax cuts.
"/ Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Steve Soto: GOP House and Senate leaders this morning agreed in principle on a budget plan that contains $10 billion in Medicaid...
Jayson @PoliPundit: BTW: Here's the liberal media's account.
Joe Gandelman: The AP gives these details on the tentative deal: "House and Senate Republican leaders have reached tentative agreement...

Red Stars
  NRO   —   Permalink 
Fellow travelers' walk of shame.
Until people began to figure out the awful truth, I used to get regular mass e-mails from friends and acquaintances who assumed I was naturally on their side about various issues so dear to lefty hearts.
Eugene Volokh: Hollywood Communists: Cathy Seipp has a very good column on this.