
Political Web, page A1 … for 8:55 PM ET, September 9, 2005
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Top Items:

FEMA Director to Be Out Soon, Sources Say  —  Under Scrutiny, Mike Brown to Leave Post  —  Sept. 9, 2005 — Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown, under criticism due to his management of Hurricane Katrina as well as reported discrepancies on his resume …
Joe Gandelman / The Moderate Voice:
Brown Is Relieved Of His Hurricane Relief Post
Shaun Waterman / Washington Times:
Cops trapped survivors in New Orleans  —  Police from surrounding jurisdictions shut down several access points to one of the only ways out of New Orleans last week, effectively trapping victims of Hurricane Katrina in the flooded and devastated city.  —  An eyewitness account …
Glenn Reynolds /
Discussion: Daimnation!
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Clueless Memorial Design, Take 2  —  The designers of the Flight 93 memorial at the impact site unveiled their effort yesterday.  In what seems to be a typical case of cluelessness among memorial designers, the site will prominently feature the religious symbol of the attackers themselves (via Michelle Malkin):
Rod Dreher / The Corner on National Review Online:
THE COST OF CRONYISM  —  It would be very wrong, I believe, to let the ignominious Michael Brown be the scapegoat for FEMA's sins.  Check out this front-pager from the WaPo.  Turns out that a raft of FEMA's top leaders have little or no emergency management experience …
Glenn Reynolds /
CRONYISM AT FEMA: … I have to say I agree with Rod Dreher, who writes: … Yes.  It's not that these guys have campaign ties — it's that they don't seem to have anything else.  What's sad is that if Bush were packing the NEH or NEA with people like that, there'd probably have been an outcry.
Jerry Markon / Washington Post:
Court Rules U.S. Can Indefinitely Detain Citizens  —  Ruling Comes in the Case of 'Enemy Combatant' Jose Padilla  —  A federal appeals court ruled today that the president can indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil in the absence of criminal charges, holding that such authority …
Lyle Denniston / SCOTUSblog:
Padilla's detention upheld
Discussion: Balkinization and Power Line
Washington Post:
Head of Federal Katrina Relief Effort Replaced  —  Death Toll May Not Be as High as Originally Feared  —  Authorities in New Orleans today wrapped up a search for survivors of Hurricane Katrina and launched a concerted operation to recover the bodies of people who perished in the flooding caused …
Dwight / DomeBlog:
DeLay to evacuees: 'Is this kind of fun?'  —  U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's visit to Reliant Park this morning offered him a glimpse of what it's like to be living in shelter.  —  While on the tour with top administration officials from Washington, including U.S. Secretary …
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
The Party of Performance  —  In the aftermath of Katrina, there's an opening for a different kind of politics in America.  The new politics isn't about values; it isn't about settling scores.  It's about performance.  It's about putting a wounded, shaken country back on its feet …
Matthew Yglesias / TAPPED:
STRANGE NEWT RESPECT.  You may have noticed something of an outbreak …
Discussion: Brendan Nyhan
Hindrocket / Power Line:
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, GUYS  —  Today is September 9, the first anniversary of "Rathergate."  It was at 7:51 on the morning of Sept. 9, 2004, that Scott hit the "save" button on the original version of "The Sixty-First Minute," that discussed the 60 Minutes program on President Bush's National Guard service …
Discussion: mediabistro and Ed
April Castro / Associated Press:
DeLay Organization Indicted in Texas  —  AUSTIN, Texas - A political organization formed by House Majority leader Tom DeLay and a prominent Texas business group face charges of taking illegal corporate money during the 2002 legislative campaigns.  —  DeLay, R-Texas, was not indicted …
Discussion: Shakespeare's Sister
Erwin Seba / Reuters:
Texas groups linked to DeLay indicted in scandal
Discussion: and Donklephant
Admiral takes over Katrina relief  —  FEMA chief recalled to Washington to prepare for future storms  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen will replace FEMA director Michael Brown as the on-site head of hurricane relief operations in the Gulf Coast, Homeland Security …
Discussion: Scared Monkeys
FEMA director Brown recalled to Washington
Discussion: PunditGuy
The Liberal Avenger:
FREEDOM WALK DOG TAGS  —  The liberal blogosphere will be well represented at this weekend's Freedom Walk in Washington, DC in the form of the Reverend Mykeru.  —  Mykeru shared the excitement of his walker's gift package with me... The highlight?  A set of cheap stamped metal toy dog tags...
Discussion: Pandagon
Thomas / The Galvin Opinion:
FORGOTTEN NATIONAL TRAGEDY: BILL CLINTON AND 1,000 DEATHS IN THE "CHICAGO HEAT WAVE" OF 1995  —  Hillary Clinton has called for a "Katrina Commission."  How come she never called for a commission to investigate why at least 1,000 Americans died in a 1995 heat wave when her husband was president?
Tony Snow /
The Over-Responders  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Hurricane Katrina not only covered New Orleans in toxic goo, it also flushed out a large, vocal and potentially pestilential cadre of First Over-Responders.  —  Rep. Bob Wexler set the stage just minutes after the first levee burst by accusing President Bush of gross incompetence.
Discussion: QandO and Daily Pundit

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More Items:

Associated Press:
Final base-closing report criticizes Pentagon
Jesselee / The Stakeholder:
The Shame  —  From WSJ's Washington Wire (sub req'd):
Discussion: Pandagon
Rod Dreher / The Corner on National Review Online:
Mark Leibovich / Washington Post:
Senator Bears Witness And Bares Emotions
Will Wilkinson / Tech Central Station:
Storms of Stupidity on the Op-Ed Pages
Discussion: Hit and Run
Daniel Gross / Slate:
It's So Fine To Be a Refiner
Thomas M. DeFrank / NY Daily News:
Storm rages over Katrina relief chief
Hitting the Wall  —  There are still a lot of things …
Jerry Markon / Washington Post:
N.Va. Man Indicted in Plot Against Bush

Earlier Picks:

Stephen Green / Vodkapundit:
A Rant  —  Each time I complain about official Republican policy …
'Islamic mafia' accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Hughes Is Varnishing the Nation's Tarnish
David Skolnick /
U.S. Rep. Ryan declines to run against DeWine
Russ / MemoryBlog:
Infectious Disease Research in and Around New Orleans
Discussion: Defense Tech and Making Light
USA Today:
A compassionate Bush was absent right after Katrina
Jonah Goldberg / The Corner on National Review Online:
THE PELOSI DISAPPOINTMENT  —  I feel a bit sorry for liberals …
Steve Fainaru / Washington Post:
For a U.S. Platoon in Iraq, Merciless Missions
Petula Dvorak / Washington Post:
Tight Constraints on Pentagon's Freedom Walk
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