
Political Web, page A1 … for 5:10 AM ET, September 11, 2005
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Top Items:

The Liberal Avenger:
WINGNUT OUTRAGE OVER FLIGHT 93 MEMORIAL  —  Let's build a memorial to the tragedy and heroism of 9/11's Flight 93 which crashed in a field in rural Shanksville in Western Pennsylvania!  What a great idea!  —  A committee was formed of surviving 9/11 family members, people from the community and designers/architects.
Paula Reed Ward / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Flight 93 memorial decried as Islam symbol  —  Memorial's crescent shape criticized as inappropriate  —  There's a growing outcry that one element of the newly chosen Flight 93 National Memorial represents Islam and is a slap in the face to the passengers and crew members who died on the hijacked plane four years ago.
Discussion: The Huffington Post
Sealing Them In  —  A couple of days ago I wrote about the "single worst decision" that was made in the wake of the hurricane.  I was wrong; there were actually two horrible decisions that created one horrible Catch-22.  —  The first part of the catch was the decision to keep relief workers with food and water out of the city.
Marcus Mabry / Newsweek:
Eye of the Political Storm  —  A new NEWSWEEK poll suggests President Bush could become Katrina's next casualty.  —  Sept. 10, 2005 - Hurricane Katrina claimed her first political casualty Friday.  Michael Brown, the head of FEMA, the federal disaster readiness and response agency …
Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts  —  FEMA taps Halliburton subsidiary, Shaw Group, Bechtel for cleanup  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief …
Will Lester / Associated Press:
President's Approval Rating Dips Below 40  —  WASHINGTON - President Bush's job approval has dipped below 40 percent for the first time in the AP-Ipsos poll, reflecting widespread doubts about his handling of gasoline prices and the response to Hurricane Katrina.
Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans  —  New Orleans - Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans.  Some of the mercenaries say they have been "deputized" …
Anita Kumar / St. Petersburg Times:
'Average' past trails troubled FEMA chief  —  WASHINGTON - In 2002, a pair of FBI agents showed up at a small, well-known law firm near Oklahoma City, asking questions about Mike Brown, a former employee being considered for a job at the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Gordon Russell / Times-Picayune Breaking News Weblog:
Mayor Nagin speaks out  —  In a stark reminder of how drastically Hurricane Katrina has impacted the lives of New Orleanians, Mayor Ray Nagin has purchased a home for his family in Dallas and enrolled his young daughter in school there.  —  Nagin, who spoke with The Times-Picayune by telephone from Dallas …
Discussion: BuzzMachine, Hullabaloo and PunditGuy
William L. Taylor / New York Review of Books:
John Roberts: The Nominee  —  The most intriguing question about John Roberts is what led him as a young person whose success in life was virtually assured by family wealth and academic achievement to enlist in a political campaign designed to deny opportunities for success to those who lacked his advantages.
Atlas Shrugs:
SHOTGUN SEAN - POSTERBOY FOR NRA/SECOND AMENDMENT  —  I don't even have a category for this moron.  Thank G-d for the New York Post though, they run images the MSM wouldn't dare.  —  "Actor Sean Penn lugs a shotgun through the flooded streets of New Orleans as if he is starring in an action thriller - but he is not.
Kathryn Cramer:
FEMA Needs to Tell People What It Intends for Their Homes  —  I had a fairly thorough look through the FEMA website, and no where could I find any mention of any plans to tell people FEMA's intentions for their homes.  There are instructions for registering a claim with FEMA …
Discussion: Making Light and Feministe
Seattle Times:
Local FEMA chief had little disaster experience  —  John Pennington, the official in charge of federal disaster response in the Northwest, was a four-term Republican state representative who ran a mom-and-pop coffee company in Cowlitz County when then-Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn helped him get his federal post.
Minneapolis Star Tribune:
Nick Coleman: The new American experiment: No heart  —  Everyone is playing the blame game on Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans, and we at the top end of the Mississippi River can join the fun by pointing fingers close to home.  —  Part of what drowned New Orleans is a political ideology determined …
Discussion: Power Line and Sadly, No!
Jack Shafer / Slate:
Chief Justice Rehnquist's Drug Habit  —  The man in full.  —  As we usher the 16th chief justice of the United States to his celestial reward, let us remember him in full.  He labored successfully to return power to the states, treated colleagues with warmth and respect …

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More Items:

Ian / The Political Teen:
9/11 - Never Forget  —  The people who committed these acts …
Tim Reid / Times of London:
Powell regrets 'mess' of Iraq
Discussion: The Reaction
Washington Times:
New Orleans ignored its own plans
Discussion: Power Line
Randy Barnett / Opinion Journal:
Rehnquist's Legacy  —  Will the "New Federalism" survive the Roberts court?
Discussion: Power Line
THE SITUATION ROOM  —  Hurricane Katrina: The Aftermath.
Jon Sawyer / St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Great uniter Bush now fails to inspire U.S., world
Glenn Harlan Reynolds /
Watch Out Hollywood  —  The entertainment industry's real threat …
Discussion: Roger L. Simon
James Taranto / Opinion Journal:
Best of the Web  —  Justice Dinh  —  Now that President Bush …
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt
Craig Crawford /
Craig Crawford's 1600: The Whiplash Effect

Earlier Picks:

Andrew / xymphora:
Apartheid America and the Right of Return
Discussion: Seeing the Forest
Matt Labash / Weekly Standard:
Notes from Under Water
Discussion: The American Scene
Brian DeBose / Washington Times:
Blacks fault lack of local leadership
Robert E. Pierre / Washington Post:
New Orleans Mayor Faces Tough Questions
Ewen MacAskill / Guardian:
World summit on UN's future heads for chaos
Discussion: Steve Clemons
Thomas Roeser / Chicago Sun Times:
If he runs for president in '08, Rudy can't fail
Jonathan Finer / Washington Post:
Security Contractors in Iraq Under Scrutiny After Shootings
Discussion: Body and Soul
Washington Post:
Death Toll of 10,000 Now Called Unlikely
Discussion: protein wisdom
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