
Political Web, page A1 … for 9:50 PM ET, September 13, 2005
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Top Items:

Andrew / Confirm Them:
Not an Encouraging Morning  —  I've looked over the transcript for today's morning session, and can make a few comments.  For me, the answers from Judge Roberts were not encouraging.  —  First of all, I thought that Senator Hatch's questioning was excellent.  Hatch pointed out that precedent is weakest in constitutional cases.
Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Democrats Prod Roberts on Abortion Stance  —  WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee John Roberts jousted with Democratic senators Tuesday at his confirmation hearing to be chief justice, dodging their attempts to pin down his opinions on abortion, voting rights and other legal issues.
Claire / e-Claire:
Cotillion Ball — 9/13 Edition  —  This has been an extraordinarily eventful week.  Katrina has brought echos of the trauma of 9/11, and the anniversary of 9/11 has brought another dimension to the response to Katrina.  —  Our Cotillion Ball members have covered many aspects of the week in thoughtful and evocative ways.
MaryKatharineHam /
Stronger Than You Think You Are  —  I'm hosting the Cotillion …
Discussion: sisu
Emily Beal / Portia Rediscovered:   Dancing Queens  —  This week, I have the honor and downright pleasure …
Zendo Deb / TFS Magnum:
Heroes: Everyday and Extraordinary People
Washington Post:
Bush Takes Responsibility for Katrina Failures  —  Bush's Approval Rating Drops To New Low in Wake of Storm  —  President Bush said today he takes responsibility for any government failures in dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and said the disaster exposed "serious problems" …
Bush: 'I take responsibility'  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush took responsibility on Tuesday for any failures in the federal response to Hurricane Katrina and acknowledged the storm exposed serious deficiencies at all levels of government four years after the September 11 attacks.
Discussion: and JunkYardBlog
White House:
President Welcomes President Talabani of Iraq to the White House  —  PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all.  It's an honor to welcome the first democratically elected President of Iraq to the White House.  I'm proud to stand with a brave leader of the Iraqi people, a friend of the United States, and a testament to the power of human freedom.
Gateway Pundit:
Iraqis Protest Terrorism as US Routs
Associated Press:
DeLay associates indicted in investigation  —  AUSTIN - Two associates of U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay were indicted Tuesday on additional felony charges of violating Texas election law and criminal conspiracy to violate election law for their role in the 2002 legislative races.
Jesselee / The Stakeholder:
Conspiracy Indictments for TRMPAC Boys
Discussion: ArchPundit
Lara Jakes Jordan / Associated Press:
Bush Takes Responsibility for Blunders  —  WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday that "I take responsibility" for failures in dealing with Hurricane Katrina and said the disaster raised broader questions about the government's ability to respond to natural disasters as well as terror attacks.
Deignan / Info Theory:
Bush Should Resign  —  In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, it is clear that President Bush failed and should resign.  —  If you share this sentiment, please comment here.  —  UPDATE 12 Sep 10:00 AM EST  —  Ted asks the obvious question, "What would Bush's resignation accomplish?"
Discussion: damnum absque injuria
La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:
'I Take Responsibility'  —  Well Mr. Bush, that's a lot …
Discussion: The Shape of Days
Matt Margolis / Blogs for Bush:
Roberts Hearings: Live Blogging Day 2  —  most recent updates on top...  UPDATE, 07:57 PM EDT: Official Transcript of Feingold's Questioning...  UPDATE, 06:32 PM EDT: Okay, well, C-SPAN is breaking away from the hearings... CNN, FOX, are not covering it now either.. so …
The MinuteMan / JustOneMinute:
Recapping Gretna  —  Gretna, a working class community connected to New Orleans by a bridge across the Mississippi, briefly caught the attention of the media and blogosphere last week.  Now, Chris Matthews is back with it, but we have also found a conflicting eye-witness version.
Discussion: QandO and Daily Pundit
George F. Will / Washington Post:
A Poverty of Thought  —  It took exactly one month — until the president's prime-time news conference of Oct. 11, 2001 — to refute the notion that Sept. 11 "changed everything."  When a reporter said, "You haven't called for any sacrifices from the American people," he replied, "Well …
Radio Blogger:
Slow Joe Biden can't tell the difference between the First Amendment and First Base.  —  Baseball comparisons were the theme of the day today in the John Roberts hearings.  After Judge Roberts gave a very even-toned opening statement yesterday, in which he compared a justice's role as that of an umpire …
Austin Bay Blog:
Katrina: Is it all about Cooper?  —  Powerline has a superb post on Anderson Cooper's CNN Katrina theatrics.  The powerline post indicates Cooper has done two things: he's cast himself in the role of moral arbiter- because he saw a dead body in New Orleans, and -because of his "rage"- made the story about him.
Paper: Internal docs show feds 'bungled' Katrina response  —  RAW STORY  —  As the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency stepped down yesterday, government documents surfaced showing that vital resources, such as buses and environmental health specialists …
Discussion: Shakespeare's Sister
U.S. Newswire:
Conyers Releases Non-Partisan Congressional Research Service Report on Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Report Confirms that Louisiana Took Necessary and Timely Steps  —  WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 /U.S. Newswire/ — Pursuant to a September 7 request by Representative John Conyers to review …
Confirmation Report  —  The Senate Judiciary Committee has complaints about judges.  For one thing, Republicans on the committee appear to think that "activist judges" are more dangerous to America than terrorism, hurricanes, and chemical weapons.  Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., vigorously condemns the …
Right Wing Nut House:
CARNIVAL OF THE CLUELESS #13  —  The Carnival is back!  —  GLENN REYNOLDS SAYS "DON'T MISS IT!" … (Ben Hur: 1959)  —  It may surprise you to learn that the #1 best selling work of fiction in the history of the United States - at least as far as a percentage of contemporary population …
Discussion: Brainster's Blog

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More Items:

James Pinkerton / Tech Central Station:
The MSM Bites Back!  —  Mainstream Media RIP?  Not yet.
Discussion: The LLama Butchers
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
THE REPUBLICAN WAR ON SCIENCE....Hurricane Katrina has taken …
A Movable Feast  —  For the true connoisseur of cynicism …
Growing land bulge found in Oregon
Dan Froomkin / Washington Post:
Was Kanye West Right?
Discussion: CNN
Christopher Hitchens /
George Galloway Is Gruesome, Not Gorgeous
Discussion: Kesher Talk
Jennifer Van Bergen /
Investigation finds Red Cross agreed to withhold Orleans aid, operates in tandem with Homeland Security
Think Progress:
Right-Wing Myths About Katrina, Debunked
Bush: 'I take responsibility' for federal failures on Katrina

Earlier Picks:

Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Supreme Blather  —  If I were running one of the cable networks …
Discussion: PostWatch
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Give the president his due.  His statement — the full transcript …
Bryan Caplan / EconLog:
Jeff Sachs Then and Now: Low Growth and Bad Policy in Africa
Discussion: SCSUScholars
Wretchard / The Belmont Club:
Write For Your Life  —  Most everyone knows someone …
Discussion: neo-neocon and Mere Rhetoric
Jcb / Part-Time Pundit:
BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES #115  —  Welcome to the 115th edition …
Discussion: the skwib
Ramesh Ponnuru / The Corner on National Review Online:
Cecilia M. Vega / San Francisco Chronicle:
As bodies recovered, reporters are told 'no photos, no stories'
E. J. Dionne Jr / Washington Post:
End of the Bush Era
Doug Struck / Washington Post:
45 Bodies Found In La. Hospital
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