
Political Web, page A1 … for 8:40 PM ET, September 29, 2005
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Top Items:

Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Senate Confirms Roberts As Chief Justice  —  WASHINGTON - John Glover Roberts Jr. won confirmation as the 17th chief justice of the United States Thursday, overwhelmingly approved by the Senate as the jurist to lead the Supreme Court through turbulent social issues for generations to come.
Roberts confirmed as chief justice  —  Bush poised to name O'Connor replacement  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — Judge John Roberts was easily confirmed Thursday to be the 17th chief justice of the United States, winning Senate approval with a solid majority.  —  He is expected to be sworn in to the post later in the day.
Fred Barbash / Washington Post:
Roberts Confirmed by Senate  —  The Senate confirmed John Glover Roberts Jr. as chief justice of the United States, replacing the late William H. Rehnquist, the mentor for whom he clerked.  The vote was 78-22.  —  Justice John Paul Stevens, the senior associate justice who has been performing …
Matt Margolis / Blogs for Bush:   Roberts Confirmation Vote (Live Blogging)
Mark Noonan / Blogs for Bush:
Do the Democrats Want a Civil War?  —  As our Sister Toldjah noted earlier, the "indictment" of Tom Delay is entirely bogus - from what I've read, Tom Delay didn't know about the perfectly legal transaction he is accused of conspiring to make.  We have now left entirely the field …
Oliver Willis:
Democrats Want To Lose
Discussion: Ezra Klein and Pam's House Blend
John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
It's Time For Tom DeLay To Go — Part 2
Discussion: Reuters
Will Franklin /   The Ole Blogroll.  —  In the interests of keeping the blogroll healthy …
The DeLay Indictment  —  YESTERDAY'S indictment of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on charges of conspiring to violate Texas campaign finance laws won't come as a surprise to anyone who's watched the Texas Republican operate over the years.  In his drive to consolidate Republican power …
Hindrocket / Power Line:
WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT?  —  There is a lot to be said about Ronnie Earle's indictment yesterday of Tom DeLay—and, by the way, a corrupt DA like Earle can procure an indictment of pretty much anyone he chooses, so I refuse to give Earle cover by attributing the indictment to the grand jury …
Discussion: Think Progress and Random Fate
Greg Mitchell / Editor and Publisher:
Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Photos  —  NEW YORK A federal judge ruled today that graphic pictures of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison must be released over government claims that they could damage America's image.  Last year a Republican senator conceded that they contained scenes of …
Matthew Yglesias / TAPPED:
MORE GOOD NEWS SUPPRESSED BY THE MSM.  The other day, American forces in Iraq killed Abu Azzam who we were told was the number two al-Qaeda commander in the country, deputy to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi himself.  Newsweek reports that the dead man was, in fact, no such thing.
Laurence Simon / This Blog Is Full Of Crap:
Carnival of the Vanities #158 - Avignon Edition  —  Once again, a piss-poor pathetic and lazy blogger has managed to get a slot for the Carnival of the Vanities and posted something that calling it "half-assed edition" would be an insult to people with just half an ass.I linked them once in my outburst …
Discussion: Point Five and Wizbang
Geoffrey Allen Cole / EXPATRIOTS UNITED:
Shakespeare's Sister:
Sacked and Begging  —  (This post will stay at the top for awhile; new posts below.)  —  Well, all the joy I felt yesterday has evaporated in record time.  Last night, Mr. Shakes and I got a notice that our property tax had been increased 100% on our matchbox of a house, and effectively immediately …
Ezra Klein / TAPPED:
OP-ED PAGE TRENDS.  Over at Duncan Black's place yesterday, historian Rick Perlstein, now at work on a book on Richard Nixon's southern strategy and the political dimensions of recent racial tensions, finally gave up circulating his post-Katrina op-ed to newspapers and put it to pasture on the blogs.
Discussion: Hullabaloo, THE NEWS BLOG and Eschaton
Richard Norton-Taylor / Guardian:
Forthright civil servant to be PM's security adviser  —  ·Job put in spotlight by Iraq weapons dossier furore  —  ·Mandarin hit headlines for frank view on scandal  —  Sir Richard Mottram, hitherto renowned in Whitehall for supposedly telling a colleague "We're all completely f**ked …
Discussion: OxBlog and Clive Davis
The Brussels Journal:
First Trio "Married" in The Netherlands  —  The Netherlands and Belgium were the first countries to give full marriage rights to homosexuals.  In the United States some politicians propose "civil unions" that give homosexual couples the full benefits and responsibilities of marriage.
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
The blogs Kevin is referring to are run by, how shall I say this, rather young bloggers.  ("Immature" might be another word, "naive" another, "downright silly sometimes" another).  —  I don't mind the silliness every once in a while, after all its not like conservatives are adverse to this type of thing …
Mike Musgrove / Washington Post:
Like Video Games?  Now You Can Major in Them  —  Video game school.  —  Sounds like a joke, right?  Sort of like "School of Rock"?  —  But check out the back pages of a gamer magazine, any gamer magazine, and you'll find — among the ads from Electronics Boutique and the mini-reviews …
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Jeff Miller /
Bush's plunging popularity bodes ill for Santorum  —  Being aligned with president not a good thing, poll finds.  —  WASHINGTON |  President Bush's falling approval ratings are casting a shadow over Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum's bid for a third term, a new Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll found.
Discussion: CapitolBuzz and Daly Thoughts

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More Items:

Tony Mauro /
Court to revisit campaign-finance debate
Discussion: Election Law
The Path of the Righteous Man
Isambard Wilkinson / Washington Times:
An Islamic guide on how to beat your wife
Discussion: TigerHawk
Felicity Barringer / New York Times:
U.S. to Ban Imports of Beluga Caviar
Discussion: Crescat Sententia and TAPPED
Suzanne Gamboa / Associated Press:
DeLay Must Appear in Austin on Charge
USA Today:
Former Marine in media glare as he joins Al-Jazeera
Rosie Murray-West / Telegraph:
Animal activists target children's nursery
Discussion: Tim Worstall and
Julia Day / Guardian:
US forces 'out of control', says Reuters chief
Discussion: Attytood

Earlier Picks:

Associated Press:
Three Car Bombs Explode in Iraqi City, Killing at Least 40
Marc Morano / CNSNews:
Black Voter Suppression Blamed for Weak Katrina Response
Aids virus 'could be weakening'
New Orleans Times-Picayune:
Nagin forced Compass out
Discussion: Mark in Mexico
Nancy A. Youssef / Knight Ridder:
Opposition to Iraqi constitution weakening
Soldiers still waiting for armor reimbursements
Hero's return for Labour heckler
Discussion: democracy guy and Hit and Run
Washington Times:
Gov. Blanco gets no Katrina questions
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