
Political Web, page A1 … for 5:45 PM ET, October 2, 2005
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Top Items:

Washington Post:
Role of Rove, Libby in CIA Leak Case Clearer  —  Bush and Cheney Aides' Testimony Contradicts Earlier White House Statement  —  As the CIA leak investigation heads toward its expected conclusion this month, it has become increasingly clear that two of the most powerful men in the Bush administration …
Judd / Think Progress:
Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal  —  Near the end of a round table discussion on ABC's This Week, George Stephanopoulos dropped this bomb: … This would explain why Bush spent more than an hour answering questions from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.
Michael Isikoff / Newsweek:
CIA Leak: 'Awkward' Talk Helps Free Miller From Jail  —  Oct. 10, 2005 issue - New York Times reporter Judy Miller broke her silence and agreed to testify before a federal grand jury last week.  This followed tense, often acrimonious negotiations that began after special Justice Department …
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Will Fitzgerald Attempt A Conspiracy Indictment?  —  Most of us have wondered why Judith Miller's testimony about Scooter Libby held such importance to special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald that he allowed her to walk away from a contempt charge merely to provide what appears to be corroborative testimony …
As CIA leak probe passes Rove, Cheney is eyed, lawyer says
Discussion: firedoglake
Mark / Decision '08:
The Most Painful Correction of All Time  —  Paul Krugman can rest easy - he will not be forced by Gail Collins into personally admitting the error behind his continued stubborn insistence that he got the story right on the 2000 Florida recounts despite widespread evidence to the contrary.
Tim Worstall:
New York Times Corrections Policy.  —  Gail Collins has a piece in the New York Times today about corrections to op ed pieces.  This is obviously a response to the Public Editor's (Byron Calame) concerns expressed in his web page four days back.  —  It isn't the specifics of which facts that were corrected which is of most interest.
Michelle Malkin:
Discussion: Don Surber
EU Rota:   MSM: Erratum  —  In a bid to help that paper of record in it's new …
Don / The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid:
Discussion: Et Tu Bloge and Power Line
Bali bombs 'were suicide attacks'  —  Suicide bombers carried out the attacks on three Bali restaurants that killed at least 19 people, a senior Indonesian anti-terror official has said.  —  Maj Gen Ansyaad Mbai said the remains of three bombers were found at the scenes in the tourist areas of Jimbaran and Kuta.
Discussion: Secular Blasphemy and normblog
Olivier Guitta / The Counterterrorism Blog:   Indonesia giving in to Radical Islam?
Tim B. / Tim Blair:
BOMB AFTERMATH  —  Newcastle's Jennifer Williamson …
Discussion: Peaktalk
Bali bomb attacks claim 26 lives
Kit Jarrell /
Drop Zone - 10/01/05  —  Welcome October!  Let's get started with today's open post deliciousness.  —  World Net Daily has a fantastic article on the ACLU and its hatred for America.  Key quote: … Excuse me?  Let me tell you how many heads would roll if my son was put into a seminar like that at school.
Basil / Basil's Blog:
Try one of these specials with your weekend brunch:
Discussion: Jo's Cafe, Point Five and Public Eye
The Florida Masochist:   Someone should write President Bush a memo
Michael Stickings / The Moderate Voice:
The Bill Bennett fiasco (update)  —  Click here for my analysis of the Bill Bennett story.  Here's an update on the response from the White House and Capitol Hill: … But Bennett has been standing firm: … Well, perhaps.  There certainly has been misrepresentation of his "view," …
Callimachus / Donklephant:
Bennett's Race Problem, and Mine
Discussion: protein wisdom
Smantix / Six Meat Buffet:
Bill Bennett: Sir, You Are No Chris Rock
Discussion: Booker Rising
The Gray Tie:
Round The Reader - Saturday Edition
Discussion: The Huffington Post
Marcus Mabry / Newsweek:
Finding His Floor  —  The new NEWSWEEK Poll finds President Bush's support holding steady despite the DeLay indictment.  But even the party faithful are starting to question the GOP.  —  Tough times: House Speaker Dennis Hastert (left) and interim Majority Leader Roy Blunt at a press conference last week after DeLay's indictment
Pre$$titutes & Polls: A Self-Perpetuating Loop
Discussion: Crooks and Liars
Lt. Gen. David Petraeus speaks at Princeton  —  The festivities surrounding the 75th anniversary of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School For Public and International Affairs continued yesterday with a speech by Lt. General David Petraeus (M.P.A. '85, Ph.D. '87).
Evan Coyne Maloney / >bt: Brain Terminal:
Bucknell Accusing Students of Lying?  —  I've gotten reports from a large number of people who have been expressing their displeasure with a Bucknell administrator who called three students into her office to discuss the inappropriateness of the phrase "hunting terrorists."
Discussion: The Volokh Conspiracy
Washington Post:
Housing Promises Made to Evacuees Have Fallen Short  —  Red Cross to Halt Hotel Stipends in 2 Weeks, And Hundreds of Shelters Have Closed  —  Two weeks before President Bush's mid-October goal for moving Hurricane Katrina victims out of shelters, more than 100,000 people still reside …
Discussion: The Mahablog
Jesselee / The Stakeholder:
Rahm vs. Reynolds on MTP: Clear Cut Victory  —  Following the Chris Matthews show this morning, where 8 of his 12 pundits surveyed predicted a Democratic takeover of the House and Senate, Rahm Emanuel showed America why the Democratic alternative will prevail.
Discussion: The Huffington Post

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More Items:

Gateway Pundit:
Bomb Blast at University of Oklahoma!
Discussion: Power Line
The Man / GOP and the City:
Rangel Unhinged: Part 87
Mark Tapscott /
Data Shows Military Recruits …
Discussion: The Word Unheard
Michelle Malkin:
Andy McCarthy / The Corner on National Review Online:
GOOD NEWS FOR SEN. FRIST  —  The weekend edition of the Wall …
Reenforce / California Conservative:
25-To-Life: A Clear And Present Danger

Earlier Picks:

San Francisco Chronicle:
Google offers S.F. Wi-Fi — for free
Discussion: Prometheus 6
How Tuvia Grossman got to be a "Palestinian"
Discussion: Ed
Wall Street Journal:
Disney Rethinks Reaching Audiences
Associated Press:
Man charged with murder after girl, 4, found
Bradley Graham / Washington Post:
Rumsfeld Defends Iraqi Forces
Bachman / Public Eye:
EU Insists On International Control Of The Internet
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