
Political Web, page A1 … for 12:00 PM ET, October 4, 2005
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Top Items:

Randy E. Barnett / Opinion Journal:
Cronyism  —  Alexander Hamilton wouldn't approve of Justice Harriet Miers.  —  During the Clinton impeachment imbroglio, Alexander Hamilton's definition of "impeachable offense" from Federalist No. 65 was plastered from one end of the media to the other.  With the nomination of Harriet Miers …
Peter Baker / Washington Post:
Once More, Bush Turns To His Inner Circle  —  About two weeks ago, White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. told presidential counsel Harriet Miers to add another name to the Supreme Court selection process she was leading.  The new candidate: Harriet Miers.  —  "What do you mean me?" she asked, according to a colleague.
Patrick J. Buchanan / Human Events:
Miers' Qualifications Are 'Non-Existent'  —  Handed a once-in-a-generation opportunity to return the Supreme Court to constitutionalism, George W. Bush passed over a dozen of the finest jurists of his day — to name his personal lawyer.  —  In a decision deeply disheartening to those who invested …
Do You Trust Them?  —  Earlier I posted my reaction to the nomination of Harriet Miers.  Some very good friends of mine are disappointed, like Peter Robinson.  Other very serious conservative thinkers on matters involving the SCOTUS are disappointed, like Mark Levin.
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
A Bid for Confirmation, Rather Than Convictions  —  If President Bush's goal is to shift the Supreme Court in a more conservative direction, his nomination of White House counsel Harriet Miers yesterday signaled a desire to do so as quietly as possible.  The nomination appeared designed primarily …
S**t Sandwich Suprisingly Tasty; I Give It A B+  —  by Hugh Hewitt  —  I know what you're thinking: "Why should I try a s**t sandwich?"  I might have felt the same way a few days ago, but now I'm a believer.  —  I was chatting with an administration insider over the weekend.
Washington Post:
Conservative Republicans Divided Over Nominee
Discussion: ACSBlog and Wonkette
Dahlia Lithwick / Slate:   The New Kid  —  John Roberts' first day at school.
Patrick Ruffini '05:
Harriet Miers, Conservative
Opinion Journal:   Faith-Based Nominee
Hilary Hylton / Reuters:
DeLay indicted on two new charges  —  AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas grand jury on Monday indicted U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay on two new charges including money laundering, following a conspiracy indictment last week which forced him to step aside as the second-ranking Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Discussion: Begging to Differ
DeLay faces money laundering charge
New York Times:
Slowing Is Seen in Housing Prices in Hot Markets  —  A row of homes in Washington.  In Fairfax County, Va., homes for sale rose nearly 50 percent in August.  —  A real estate slowdown that began in a handful of cities this summer has spread to almost every hot housing market in the country, including New York.
Discussion: INDC Journal and Vodkapundit
Carol D. Leonnig / Washington Post:
Lawyer Casts Blame on Reporter for Time in Jail  —  Source Insists He Released Miller to Testify Last Year  —  A lawyer for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, said yesterday that New York Times reporter Judith Miller and her attorneys are responsible …
Kimberly Hefling / Associated Press:
Six Democratic War Vets Seek House Seats  —  WASHINGTON - Lawyer Patrick Murphy and five other veterans of the Iraq war are asking questions about President Bush's policies in Iraq as part of their broader Democratic campaigns to win congressional seats in next year's elections.
Discussion: AMERICAblog and Big Brass Blog
Lawrence Solum /
Federalist No. 76  —  In Number 76 of the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton wrote:  —  To what purpose then require the co-operation of the Senate?  I answer, that the necessity of their concurrence would have a powerful, though, in general, a silent operation.
Jon Dougherty / WorldNetDaily:
Oklahoma bomber had jihad material  —  Documents found in apartment of student who blew himself up  —  An Oklahoma University student who killed himself by detonating a bomb strapped to his body outside a packed stadium over the weekend was a "suicide bomber" in possession of "Islamic jihad" materials, according to a new report.
Bill Roggio / The Fourth Rail:
Enter Operation River Gate  —  The Anbar Campaign intensifies and Zarqawi's "Islamic Republic of Haditha" is in jeopardy.  The Coalition - including Iraqi Army units - have launched Operation Bawwabatu Annaher (River Gate) and are taking the fight to Haditha, Haqlaniyah and Barwana.
Discussion: The Belmont Club

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More Items:

Washington Post:
The President's Choice  —  IN REPLACING Justice Sandra …
Juan / Informed Comment:
Sunni Arabs Enraged at Law on 3-Province Veto  —  UN Begins Distributing Constitution
Discussion: The Next Hurrah
Greg Connors / Buffalo News:
A place for all things in moderation
Washington Post:
D.C. Red-Light Cameras Fail to Reduce Accidents
David Hammer / Associated Press:
Hackett to Challenge DeWine for Senate
Eric Auchard / Reuters:
Mayor sees wireless service as basic right
Chuck / You Big Mouth, You!:
Bush 43: Second Term Yips?
Discussion: One Hand Clapping

Earlier Picks:

Mark Steyn / Telegraph:
Making a pig's ear of defending democracy
Discussion: Donklephant and Dean's World
The Gray Tie:
Cotillion Tuesday
John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
My Favorite 40 Blogs For 2005 (Version 4.0)
Wayne Ezell /
Newspaper's war coverage falling short of the mark
Discussion: Rantingprofs and First Draft
The Machine Justice  —  I think it's kind of cute that so many …
The Australian:
Mark Steyn: Islamist way or no way
Discussion: Dr. Sanity
Simon & Schuster to Publish Anthology of Military Blogger Experiences
Discussion: Dadmanly
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