
Political Web, page A1 … for 5:40 PM ET, October 5, 2005
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Top Items:

George F. Will / Washington Post:
Can This Nomination Be Justified?  —  Senators beginning what ought to be a protracted and exacting scrutiny of Harriet Miers should be guided by three rules.  First, it is not important that she be confirmed.  Second, it might be very important that she not be.
Harold Meyerson / Washington Post:
The Right's Dissed Intellectuals  —  You could cut the disappointment with a knife.  "This is the moment for which the conservative legal movement has been waiting for two decades," David Frum, the right-wing activist and former Bush speechwriter, wrote on his blog a few moments …
Washington Post:
Strong Grounding in the Church Could Be a Clue to Miers's Priorities  —  One evening in the 1980s, several years after Harriet Miers dedicated her life to Jesus Christ, she attended a lecture at her Dallas evangelical church with Nathan Hecht, a colleague at her law firm and her on-again, off-again boyfriend.
Steve Bainbridge /
The Case Against Harriet Miers: The Baseball Analogy
Discussion: Newsday and Radio Blogger
Lott: 'Not comfortable' with Miers' nomination  —  Miss. Senator says he'll need more information before supporting nominee  —  Add Senator Trent Lott (R-Miss.) to the list of Republicans not entirely pleased with President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
Cillizzac / The Fix:
Miers Nomination: The Gang Meets
Discussion: Taegan Goddard's …
The Big Trunk / Power Line:
Discussion: Confirm Them and Vodkapundit
Michelle Malkin /
The coffee-and-donuts defense  —  President Bush tells us …
Discussion: Michelle Malkin
Tony Blankley /   High Court politics
Poll: Support for Miers not as high as that for Roberts  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — Americans, particularly conservatives, are less supportive of President Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court than they initially were for his nomination of John Roberts, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Tuesday night.
Mark Blumenthal / Mystery Pollster:
FIRST MIERS REACTION FROM GALLUP  —  This morning brings a new Gallup/CNN/USAToday poll conducted Monday and Tuesday evenings (10/3-4) with reaction to the Harriet Miers nomination.  Both the USAToday and CNN stories emphasize that Americans are less enthusiastic about Miers …
Bomber's Roommate Held Briefly After Attack  —  NORMAN, Okla. — The Pakistani roommate of a man authorities said died when he detonated an explosive device outside a crowded football stadium was led in handcuffs from a party shortly after Saturday's explosion, the head of an Islamic student group said.
Erin Neff / Las Vegas Review-Journal:
Son of former president to challenge Ensign in 2006  —  Jack Carter, the son of former President Carter, said Tuesday he plans to run against John Ensign for the U.S. Senate next year.  —  Carter, 58, and his wife, Elizabeth, have lived in Las Vegas since 2003, operating the investment consulting firm Carter Global.
Qassim Abdul-Zahra / Associated Press:
Sunnis Drop Threat to Boycott Referendum  —  BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's parliament voted Wednesday to reverse last-minute changes to rules for next week's referendum on a new constitution after the United Nations said they were unfair.  Sunni Arabs responded by dropping their threat to boycott …
David R. Sands / Washington Times:
Army takes control of Iran nukes  —  Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has placed the military firmly in control of his nation's nuclear program, undercutting his government's claim that the program is intended for civilian use, according to a leading opposition group.
Laylan Copelin /
Prosecutor reveals third grand jury had refused DeLay indictment  —  Newly impaneled grand jury returned money-laundering charge within hours  —  A Travis County grand jury last week refused to indict former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay as prosecutors raced to salvage their felony case against the Sugar Land Republican.
Bob Brigham / Swing State Project:
DCCC Incumbent Protection Message on Iraq  —  Two months ago today, David Sirota rightly blasted the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for a disconnect on Iraq: … In the two months since the infamous DCCC Chair Rahm Emanuel sent this memo, more than 150 US troops …
Meghan Clyne / New York Sun:
Senate Will Probe Saudi Distribution Of Hate Materials  —  WASHINGTON - The American government is demanding that Saudi Arabia account for its distribution of hate material to American mosques, as the State Department pressed Saudi officials for answers last week and as the Senate later …
Los Angeles Times:
Bush Says Social Security Overhaul Is Stalled  —  He cites a lack of public support for his plan.  More pressing now is the hurricane recovery.  —  WASHINGTON — President Bush acknowledged Tuesday for the first time that his plan to restructure Social Security, once his top second-term domestic priority …
Discussion: The Left Coaster
Sir Humphrey's:
AP and Reuters photographer Bilal Hussein colludes with insurgents  —  This is both disgusting and absurd.  I was flicking through a Yahoo Photos thread called "US Military" when I came across six photos of the same small group of 'insurgents' posing for the photographer.
Dane fights for state-funded sex  —  A disabled Danish man is fighting for the state to pay for him to have a prostitute visit him at home.  —  Torben Hansen, who has cerebral palsy, which severely affects his speech and mobility, believes his local authority should pay the extra charge …
Tangled Bank #38  —  Welcome to Tangled Bank, Issue 38!  It is a great pleasure to bring this edition to you, which has 41 fabulous contributions (if I counted correctly), so there is something here for everyone.  Regular readers will notice that there are quite a few women, "non-Americans" …
Discussion: the skwib
Public Dig coming in October!  —  Register for this fall event.  —  Gary Zimmerman presents Dr. Baugh with a complete scroll of Isaiah.  This scroll is from Russia and is about 90 years old. … By Billy R. Caldwell, Ph.D. Geologist  —  Billy Caldwell has been a Geologist for over 50 years …

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More Items:

John / AMERICAblog:
The White House is hiding Karl Rove - they know something's coming...
Discussion: Presstitutes and Daily Kos
Kaimipono D. Wenger / Concurring Opinions:
Registration  —  A few years as a securities litigator has taught …
John Podhoretz / The Corner on National Review Online:
Times of London:
Senior British official blames Iranians for UK troop deaths
Tom & Katie Expecting a Baby
Associated Press:
Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Oregon's Assisted-Suicide Law
Discussion: TAPPED
If You Love Something, Get Rid of It: Nick and Jessica to Divorce
Anne Applebaum / Washington Post:
The Rumor Mill
Discussion: Harry's Place
Ruth Gledhill / Times of London:
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible
Discussion: Southern Appeal

Earlier Picks:

National Review:
SCOTUS Rumble  —  The conventional wisdom in Washington …
Austin Bay /
The Fear Market is Down  —  On Oct. 12, 2002, terror bombers …
Jonah Goldberg / The Corner on National Review Online:
Glenn Kessler / Washington Post:
Talking Points Aside, Bush Stance on Palestinian State Is Not a First
Liz Sidoti / Associated Press:
Warner Challenges Frist Over Stalled Bill
Shailagh Murray / Washington Post:
Storms Show A System Out Of Balance
Washington Post:
News of Pandemonium May Have Slowed Aid
Bill / PunditGuy:
One Year  —  PunditGuy is one year old today.
Discussion: protein wisdom
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