
Political Web, page A1 … for 11:35 AM ET, October 24, 2005
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Top Items:

New York Times:
Republicans Testing Ways to Blunt Leak Charges  —  WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 - With a decision expected this week on possible indictments in the C.I.A. leak case, allies of the White House suggested Sunday that they intended to pursue a strategy of attacking any criminal charges as a disagreement …
Washington Post:
Inquiry as Exacting As Special Counsel Is  —  A Tough Investigation Is Also Praised as Nonpartisan  —  CHICAGO, Oct. 23 — Patrick J. Fitzgerald's final witness was behind bars, refusing to testify, and no one was budging.  Hunting for room to maneuver, the special counsel talked with one side, then the other.
John Fund / Opinion Journal:
What Went Wrong  —  Lessons the White House should learn from the Miers debacle.  —  President Bush has returned from a weekend in Camp David, where much of the discussion centered on the beleaguered nomination of Harriet Miers.  While the president is determined to press forward, the prognosis he received was grim.
Thomas M. DeFrank / NY Daily News:
Bushies feeling the boss' wrath  —  Prez's anger growing in hard times - pals  —  WASHINGTON - Facing the darkest days of his presidency, President Bush is frustrated, sometimes angry and even bitter, his associates say.  —  With a seemingly uncontrollable insurgency in Iraq …
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Letters Show Frist Notified Of Stocks in 'Blind' Trusts  —  Documents Contradict Comments on Holdings  —  Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) was given considerable information about his stake in his family's hospital company, according to records that are at odds with his past statements …
Bradley Graham / Washington Post:
Enemy Body Counts Revived  —  U.S. Is Citing Tolls to Show Success in Iraq  —  Eager to demonstrate success in Iraq, the U.S. military has abandoned its previous refusal to publicize enemy body counts and now cites such numbers periodically to show the impact of some counterinsurgency operations.
Hamza Hendawi / Associated Press:   Iraq Insurgency Shows No Signs of Abating
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Bush Choice Gets Criticisms Rare for Nominees to Court  —  WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 - On Oct. 22, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon nominated to the Supreme Court a corporate lawyer and former bar association president with no judicial experience.  On Dec. 6, his choice, Lewis F. Powell Jr., was confirmed with fanfare by a vote of 89 to 1.
Discussion: Washington Post
Associated Press:   Miers fails to sway skeptical senators
Mike Schneider / Associated Press:
Wilma Barrels Across South Florida  —  Hurricane Wilma plowed into southwest Florida early Monday with howling 125 mph winds and pounding waves, swamping Key West and knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of people as it began a dash across the state toward Miami and Fort Lauderdale.
Steven R. Weisman / New York Times:
On Trip to South, Rice Uses an Atypical Topic: Herself  —  BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 23 - At the University of Alabama this weekend, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice seemed taken aback when the chairwoman of the campus College Republicans asked for advice on how to prepare for a career in politics.
Gateway Pundit:
Condoleezza Shows Jack Straw Grits and Gridiron
Discussion: New York Times and Power Line
Katharine Q. Seelye / New York Times:
Protecting the Presidential Seal.  No Joke.  —  You might have thought that the White House had enough on its plate late last month, what with its search for a new Supreme Court nominee, the continuing war in Iraq and the C.I.A. leak investigation.  But it found time to add another item to its agenda …
Discussion: The Sideshow and The All Spin Zone
Michael Yon / Online Magazine:
Purple Fingers  —  Baghdad  —  The Perch  —  I was in Baquba during the January elections.  I'd hitched a ride with the US Army to a polling site.  There were bombs exploding, mortars falling, and hot machine guns.  The fact that the voting was going great despite the violence was something few people expected.
Ian / The Political Teen:
Howard Dean: Bush Basher and Hypocrite (VIDEO)  —  DNC Chairman Howard Dean appeared on This Week to discuss the Harriet Miers nomation, Iraq, a recent speech, and the Plame "leak" scandal.  —  Notes:  — Stephanopoulos shows two opinions on leaving Iraq: (1) Feingold says we should pull out by Dec. 2006.
Discussion: Oblogatory Anecdotes
Gateway Pundit:
All Quiet from The Quagmire  —  Listen carefully!  Do you hear that?  —  ** crickets chirping **  —  This past week we heard no comforting words of "occupation" from Cindy Sheehan (although she is planning more civil disobedience and Thanksgiving turkey in Crawford, Texas!) …
Discussion: The Peking Duck
What Should Democrats Do About Miers?  Beyond the Popcorn Strategy  —  What should the Democrats do about the Miers nomination?  Currently, the Democrats are engaged in a "popcorn" strategy.  Metaphorically speaking, they are sitting back, munching on popcorn, and enjoying the show as Republicans fight among themselves.
Discussion: ACSBlog
Michael Barone /
The error of a political indictment  —  For more than two years, many in the mainstream media have been buzzing about the prospect that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove or Vice President Chief of Staff Scooter Libby would be indicted for revealing the name of CIA officer Valerie Plame.
Fitzgerald's New Boss  —  Josh Marshall wonders what it might mean for the special prosecutor's case now that U.S. Attorney Paul McNulty has been nominated for the number-two job at the Justice Department.  I suspect the short answer is: nothing good.  —  McNulty, U.S. Attorney …

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More Items:

USA Today:
Bridge to irresponsibility
Washington Post:
Investigators Link Levee Failures to Design Flaws
Brazilians reject gun sales ban
Discussion: Secular Blasphemy
Gary Cruse / The Owner's Manual:
#100 Best of Me Symphony  —  What Not to Do in Australia wrote Osaka …
Discussion: Adam's Blog and Dodgeblogium
Blawg Review:
Carnival of the Capitalists #107  —  Blawg Review …
Discussion: The Alliance
Dglover / Beltway Blogroll:
A Back Seat For Bloggers  —  Every two years, a new crop …
Discussion: Pundit Review and Power Line
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Well, Incluuuude Him: Martin Joins Twain Pantheon
Discussion: Hit and Run
Mark Steyn / Chicago Sun Times:
Bush was right: Sometimes war is worth it

Earlier Picks:

Elisabeth Bumiller / New York Times:
All Is Just Fine in the White House These Days, or Is It?
Discussion: firedoglake and Daily Pundit
Lebanon.Profile / Lebanese Political Journal:
The Battle Over Syria - Don't Forget about Justice in Lebanon
New Yorker:
The Republican Rift
Dan Eggen / Washington Post:
FBI Papers Indicate Intelligence Violations
Brent Baker /
Spike Lee: "Not Far-Fetched" to Say New Orleans Levees Deliberately Destroyed
Discussion: Basil's Blog and Don Surber
Deborah Zabarenko / Reuters:
Iraq war foes ready for 2,000th US military death
Searching for Saviors in Strange Places
David Adesnik / OxBlog:
WHAT DEMOCRATS BELIEVE: Earlier this week I participated in a sort …
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