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Prosecutor in leak case seeks indictments against Rove, Libby, lawyers close to case say — Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has asked the grand jury investigating the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to indict Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" …

CIA leak probe has Washington waiting — No announcements expected today — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA operative's identity could hand up charges as early as today, but Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is not expected to make any public …

Poll: Few doubt wrongdoing in CIA leak — Neighbor, former official questioned with grand jury set to expire — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Only one in 10 Americans said they believe Bush administration officials did nothing illegal or unethical in connection with the leaking of a CIA operative's identity …

Treasongate: The Real Significance of the Niger Uranium Forgery Stories in La Repubblica — Laura Rozen at War and Piece has helpfully provided links to two blog posts that offer translated versions of the breaking stories on the forged Niger documents in the Italian paper La Repubblica.

Nigergate: The Great Nuclear Centrifuge Scam
Crooked Timber

Five people killed in Hadera suicide bombing — A suicide bomber exploded in the open air market in the coastal city of Hadera a little before 4 P.M. Wednesday afternoon, killing five people and wounding 30 others. — Five people were said to be in serious condition; another four sustained moderate wounds.

DEMONIZING CONDI — ***scroll down for updates...345pm EDT flash: THE PHOTO HAS BEEN REMOVED from USA Today's site with an editor's note...reax from readers here...I'll be talking about more unhinged examples of Condi hatred next week. More details here. Check out the photo of Condoleezza Rice …

Student's deployment brings home Iraq war to Bowdoin College campus — BRUNSWICK — On Dec. 1, Alex Cornell du Houx, a 21-year-old Bowdoin College senior from Solon will head to Iraq for approximately 10 months as part of the Alpha 1st Company Battalion of the Marines.

In Speeches From 1990s, Clues About Miers Views — Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers said in a speech more than a decade ago that "self-determination" should guide decisions about abortion and school prayer and that in cases where scientific facts are disputed and religious beliefs vary, "government should not act."

Bill Would Allow Second Attempts at Federal Death Sentence — If all 12 members of a jury in a capital case in federal court cannot agree on whether to impose the death penalty, a convicted defendant is automatically sentenced to life in prison. — But that may be about to change.

2,000: A bogus number, a bitter cause — The anti-war Left couldn't wait for the death of the 2,000th soldier in Iraq. Peace activists have been gearing up for protests, vigils, and other events this week to mark the completely bogus milestone. Why 2,000?

Vice President for Torture — VICE PRESIDENT Cheney is aggressively pursuing an initiative that may be unprecedented for an elected official of the executive branch: He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans. "Cruel, inhuman and degrading" …

Senator Kerry's Speech at Georgetown University — Excerpts of remarks as prepared for delivery — Kerry speaks from his heart and conscience on Iraq: — "A few weeks ago I departed Iraq from Mosul. Three Senators and staff were gathered in the forward part of a C-130.

Americans for Better Justice — As regular readers know, I've written an extraordinary amount about Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Early on, my primary purpose was reportorial—to use my locational advantage to provide information and context for people outside of Dallas.
Discussion:,,,, The Heretik and David Frum's Diary …

Change At The Top At CBS News — (CBS) CBS News President Andrew Heyward announced Wednesday he would be leaving his post when his contract expires at the end of the year. Heyward will be replaced by CBS Sports President Sean McManus. — "After nearly ten years in this job …

"Not One of Us" and the Politics of the Miers Vote for Senators — In a lengthy Wall Street Journal story this morning on Federalist Society executive director Leonard Leo's support for Harriett Miers, there is a featured quote from the Cato Institute's Roger Pilon: — From an e-mail this morning:

Skipping Bush's Va. Speech Isn't a Snub, Kilgore Says — Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Jerry W. Kilgore has decided not to attend President Bush's appearance in Norfolk on Friday, saying it is not a campaign-related event and that he has other plans 11 days before the election.

Better To Be Wrong Than Gutless — If my blog hosting service is willing, I will post my *PURELY SPECULATIVE* guesses in the Plame leak investigation: — Karl Rove walks - no indictment, nada. Jeralyn Merritt, who has been doing a superb job on this, keeps the flame flickering for a …

Mood is sour on Bush, Congress — Poll finds discontent with both parties — WASHINGTON — Americans are increasingly critical of President Bush and dissatisfied with the Republicans who have controlled Congress for a decade, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll finds.

New York Times Reporter Miller Is in Talks Over Her Job Status — Move Follows Public Break — With the Newspaper; — Severance Package Discussed — New York Times reporter Judith Miller has begun discussing her future employment options with the newspaper, including the possibility …