
Political Web, page A1 … for 4:05 PM ET, November 2, 2005
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Top Items:

Don Surber:
Linkfest For Nov. 2, 2005  —  Today marks the first anniversary of George Walker Bush's historic re-election.  He drew more votes than any president.  Ever. 62 million.  —  LaShawn Barber remembered!  As did  —  Blogs for Bush.  —  In celebration, permalink this to your post.  Post a trackback.
La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:
One Year Ago Today...
Discussion: Sister Toldjah
Pat / Brainster's Blog:   Last November 2nd  —  What a roller coaster ride it was.
Matt Margolis / Blogs for Bush:
Victory: One Year Later
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Mad About You  —  In the genteel club that is the United States Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) had a screaming temper tantrum yesterday.  —  Minutes after his Democratic counterpart, Harry Reid (Nev.), used a surprise parliamentary maneuver to throw the Senate into a rare closed session …
New York Times:
Partisan Quarrel Forces Senators to Bar the Doors  —  WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - Democrats forced the Republican-controlled Senate into an unusual closed session on Tuesday over the Bush administration's use of intelligence to justify the Iraq war and the Senate's willingness to examine it.
Dana Priest / Washington Post:
CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons  —  Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11  —  The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe …
Meteor Blades / The Next Hurrah:   Secret Prisons in Secret Places
Max Boot / Los Angeles Times:
Plamegate's real liar  —  'SCOOTER" LIBBY'S indictment was not exactly good news for the White House, but it could have been a lot worse.  Feverish speculation had been building that Karl Rove would soon be "frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs," as Valerie Plame's bombastic hubby, Joe Wilson, had hoped.
New York Times:
Remember That Mushroom Cloud?  —  The indictment of Lewis Libby on charges of lying to a grand jury about the outing of Valerie Wilson has focused attention on the lengths to which the Bush administration went in 2003 to try to distract the public from this central fact …
Discussion: MSNBC, The Anchoress and Dr. Sanity
David W. Moore / Gallup:
Alito's Ratings Similar to Miers', Lower Than Roberts'  —  Majority says Supreme Court nominee should be rejected if opposed to Roe v. Wade  —  PRINCETON, NJ — Americans greet the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court with about the same degree …
David S. Broder / Washington Post:
President Pushover  —  Under other circumstances, President Bush's choice of Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court would have been seen as a bold move by a strong president with a clear policy objective.  By choosing a man of superior intellectual heft and an indelible record of conservative views …
Christine Ollivier / Associated Press:
Chirac Warns of Firm Hand for Rioters  —  PARIS - French President Jacques Chirac, intervening after six nights of rioting in housing projects outside Paris, called Wednesday for calm and said authorities will use a firm hand to curtail what may become a "dangerous situation."
Discussion: Betsy's Page
Riots flare for sixth night outside Paris
Discussion: Wizbang, Tim Blair and Gateway Pundit
New York Times:
G.O.P. Reaches to Other Party on Supreme Court Pick  —  WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - Facing deep Democratic skepticism over the choice of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. for the Supreme Court, the Bush administration turned quickly on Tuesday to moderate Democrats who could be crucial to the confirmation …
Discussion: Taegan Goddard's … and PoliBlog
Michelle Malkin:
"OTHERS HAVE DIED FOR MY FREEDOM.  NOW THIS IS MY MARK."  —  ***scroll for updates...a soldier responds...***  —  "OTHERS HAVE DIED FOR MY FREEDOM.  NOW THIS IS MY MARK."  —  These are words you did not read in the New York Times.  They are the words of the late Corporal Jeffrey B. Starr …
Discussion: Mike's Noise and Donklephant
Michelle Malkin /
All the news that's fit to omit
Discussion: TigerHawk and Power Line
Boston Globe:
Alito writing backed privacy, gay rights  —  PRINCETON, N.J. — As a senior at Princeton University, Samuel A. Alito Jr. chaired an undergraduate task force that recommended the decriminalization of sodomy, accused the CIA and the FBI of invading the privacy of citizens …
CALLING ALL BLOGGERS - "GREEN LIGHT!!!  GO!!!"  —  "At that time I had no use of either hand.  I know how humbling it is, how humiliating it feels.  And I know how much better I felt, how amazingly more functional I felt, after Soldiers' Angels provided me with a laptop and a loyal reader provided me with the software.
Marty Lederman / Balkinization:
Battle Royale at the Pentagon: David Addington v. Common Article 3  —  As I have previously explained, perhaps the single most important turning point in the torture and abuse scandals was the President's determination, on February 7, 2002, that the United States would no longer uniformly abide …
Bull Moose:
Romney  —  The Moose weighs in on the re-litigation of the war.  —  Yesterday's Senate action demonstrated that the Democratic minority can stage creative political theater.  It is good for the Republican majority to be hornswaggled once and a while.  The Democrats also forced the Republicans …
Discussion: Oliver Willis
Jeff Jacoby / Boston Globe:
The good news from Iraq is not fit to print  —  WHAT WAS the most important news out of Iraq last week?  —  That depends on what you consider ''important.  " Do you see the war against radical Islam and Ba'athist fascism as the most urgent conflict of our time?
Discussion: Rantingprofs

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More Items:

Country Needs You, Iraq Tells Saddam's Officers
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Meet the New Elite
Discussion: Below The Beltway
Houston Chronicle:
Perry, White thrash FEMA
Laylan Copelin / Austin American-Statesman:
DeLay to get new judge  —  Next fight will be over site for trial.
Jeffrey Goldberg / New Yorker:
BREAKING RANKS  —  What turned Brent Scowcroft against the Bush Administration?
Ann Althouse / Althouse:
"A remarkable pattern" of "almost uniformly conservative" dissents?
Discussion: INDC Journal and Hit and Run
Mickey Kaus / Slate:
Pardon My Perjury  —  The secret of Scooter's confidence?
Robert J. Samuelson / Washington Post:
Fiscal Phonies  —  The scramble by congressional Republicans …
Discussion: TAPPED and Below The Beltway

Earlier Picks:

Washington Post:
FDIC Chairman to Oversee Storm Recovery
Discussion: Rantingprofs
Murray Waas / whatever already!:
Exclusive: Senate Democrats consider pressing …
Discussion: The Left Coaster and TalkLeft
Ron Fournier / Associated Press:
Newsview: Bush Allies Say He's Lost His Way
James Taranto / Opinion Journal:
Best of the Web  —  The Boy Who Cried Bork  —  Predictably …
Discussion: Power Line and Benedict
Pieter Dorsman / Peaktalk:
Los Angeles Times:
Nominee Has Some Unexpected Supporters
Discussion: Confirm Them and Betsy's Page
Ramita Navai / Times of London:
Iran sacks diplomats in purge of reformers
Discussion: Harry's Place
Jonathan Weisman / Washington Post:
DeLay Loath to Doff His Leadership Hat
Discussion: Blogs and Facing South
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