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10 Officers Shot as Riots Worsen in French Cities — PARIS, Monday, Nov. 7 - Rioters fired shotguns at the police in a working-class suburb of Paris on Sunday, wounding 10 officers as the country's fast-spreading urban unrest escalated dangerously. Just hours earlier, President Jacques Chirac called …

Got That "Ooo La La, Intifada" Feeling? — Well, there are very few things as amusing these days as watching the French grapple with their backyard intifada. The suburbs of Paris are now more dangerous than Jenin, and the French are getting their comeuppance for decades of snootiness …

Chirac vows order as French riots spread
NewsHog, Oblogatory Anecdotes, T. Longren, Ace of Spades HQ, and Washington Post

Democrat says Alito unlikely to face a filibuster — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key Democrat said on Sunday that he expects the full Republican-led Senate to vote on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito without the threat of a Democratic filibuster. — But Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware …

Filibuster Momentum Dying Out — The political momentum of a Democratic filibuster appears to have dissipated over the weekend after a momentary corrective earlier this week. Last weekend, two key GOP members of the Gang of 14 asserted that they would not only support the confirmation …

Why did the press swallow Massey's stories? — WASHINGTON — Media outlets throughout the world have reported Jimmy Massey's claims of war crimes, frequently without ever seeking to verify them. — For instance, no one ever called any of the five journalists who were embedded …

Is Jimmy Massey telling the truth about Iraq? — WASHINGTON — For more than a year, former Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey has been telling anybody who will listen about the atrocities that he and other Marines committed in Iraq. — In scores of newspaper, magazine and broadcast stories …

Transcript for November 6 — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: the vice president's former chief of staff, Lewis Libby, is arraigned in federal court. — (Videotape): — MR. THEODORE WELLS: He has declared that he wants to clear his good name.
The Huffington Post

The Intelligence War — LAST TUESDAY, Senate Democrats fired the opening shot in the coming battle over prewar intelligence on Iraq when Minority Leader Harry Reid took the Senate into a closed session. The offensive began in earnest this weekend with a New York Times article:
The Sideshow, The Agonist, The Washington Monthly, The Reaction, Decision '08 and The American Thinker

Court Choice Is Conservative by Nature, Not Ideology — In an office two doors away from Attorney General Edwin Meese III, Samuel A. Alito Jr. found himself at the heart of the Reagan revolution. He was a 35-year-old deputy assistant attorney general and it was 1985.

In Context: Day Two of Steel Curtain in Husaybah and the Anbar Campaign — Cpmbat operation continue in and around Husaybah as day two of Operation Steel Curtain completes. Fighting has been reported as both sporadic and alternatively intense. Marine Lt.Col. Dale Alford, commander of the 3rd …

Jennifer Aniston: Seven Things* I'd Rather Talk About ... Than the Men in (or Out) of My Life — My new movie, "Derailed." It's a really sexy psychological thriller with Clive Owen. I had never done a thriller before. It was hard to kiss Clive, but you know what?

SO FRIDAY WAS A PRETTY GOOD DAY.... Friday was a great day for two reasons. First, a 70 degree day in Chicago in November is a rare treat and needs to be properly savored. — [Wow, you're keeping up such a brave face after getting denied tenure—ed.] Well, that leads to the second …

EU to launch Palestinian police mission — The EU plans to announce on Monday that it will launch a three-year mission, starting January 1, to help the Palestinians build up a credible police force, EU officials said. — Officials said the decision by the EU foreign ministers …

Joe Wilson fumes over Vallely charges in WND — Demands retraction of statements alleging he 'outed' wife in Fox studio — WASHINGTON - Ambassador Joseph Wilson's attorney is demanding Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely retract a statement he made to WND that the man at the center of the CIA leak case …
The Strata-Sphere, The Mahablog, The American Street, QandO, Sister Toldjah, Media Lies, The American Thinker and Blogs for Bush

"Carnival Of Arnold" — Inaugural Edition — In the order they were received, and without further ado, we recommend you read the following: — Proposition 77: Vote Yes — by Eric's Grumbles Before The Grave — Excerpt: A history of the deal that lead to the 2000 Gerrymander …

Cheney Fights for Detainee Policy — As Pressure Mounts to Limit Handling Of Terror Suspects, He Holds Hard Line — Over the past year, Vice President Cheney has waged an intense and largely unpublicized campaign to stop Congress, the Pentagon and the State Department from imposing …
War and Piece

White House Tries to Keep Distance From Leak Case — WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 - In the hours before the Justice Department informed the White House in late September 2003 that it would investigate the leak of a covert C.I.A. officer's identity, Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary …

Alito's Dissents — Cass Sunstein had a Washington Post op-ed the other day in which he analyzed the cases in which Judge Alito dissented. (He had already presented the results of his study on a radio show, as discussed by Ann Althouse here). Sunstein summarized Alito's dissents like this: