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10 Officers Shot as Riots Worsen in French Cities — PARIS, Monday, Nov. 7 - Rioters fired shotguns at the police in a working-class suburb of Paris on Sunday, wounding 10 officers as the country's fast-spreading urban unrest escalated dangerously. Just hours earlier, President Jacques Chirac called …

Chirac vows to punish rioters — Riots, arson take new turn, spreads across country — PARIS, France (CNN) — As arson and violence spreads into regional France and central Paris, French President Jacques Chirac has vowed to crack down on the perpetrators.

Wake up, Europe, you've a war on your hands
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Is Jimmy Massey telling the truth about Iraq? — WASHINGTON — For more than a year, former Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey has been telling anybody who will listen about the atrocities that he and other Marines committed in Iraq. — In scores of newspaper, magazine and broadcast stories …

Why did the press swallow Massey's stories? — WASHINGTON — Media outlets throughout the world have reported Jimmy Massey's claims of war crimes, frequently without ever seeking to verify them. — For instance, no one ever called any of the five journalists who were embedded …

Democrat says Alito unlikely to face a filibuster — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key Democrat said on Sunday that he expects the full Republican-led Senate to vote on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito without the threat of a Democratic filibuster. — But Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware …
The Moderate Voice, The Politburo Diktat, The Reaction, The Strata-Sphere and Viking Pundit

Filibuster Momentum Dying Out — The political momentum of a Democratic filibuster appears to have dissipated over the weekend after a momentary corrective earlier this week. Last weekend, two key GOP members of the Gang of 14 asserted that they would not only support the confirmation …

The Intelligence War — LAST TUESDAY, Senate Democrats fired the opening shot in the coming battle over prewar intelligence on Iraq when Minority Leader Harry Reid took the Senate into a closed session. The offensive began in earnest this weekend with a New York Times article:
The Sideshow, The Huffington Post, The Reaction, » Outside The Beltway, Decision '08 and The American Thinker

Transcript for November 6 — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: the vice president's former chief of staff, Lewis Libby, is arraigned in federal court. — (Videotape): — MR. THEODORE WELLS: He has declared that he wants to clear his good name.

Rep. Tom Coburn: Body Language Soothsayer — Rep. Tom Coburn: Body Language Soothsayer — On MTP today, Sen. Tom Coburn said that because of his medical training he can tell if somebody is lying just by using their body language. — Video-WMP QT coming

Joe Wilson fumes over Vallely charges in WND — Demands retraction of statements alleging he 'outed' wife in Fox studio — WASHINGTON - Ambassador Joseph Wilson's attorney is demanding Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely retract a statement he made to WND that the man at the center of the CIA leak case …
The Mahablog, The American Street, The Strata-Sphere, QandO, Sister Toldjah, The American Thinker and Blogs for Bush

EU to launch Palestinian police mission — The EU plans to announce on Monday that it will launch a three-year mission, starting January 1, to help the Palestinians build up a credible police force, EU officials said. — Officials said the decision by the EU foreign ministers …

SO FRIDAY WAS A PRETTY GOOD DAY.... Friday was a great day for two reasons. First, a 70 degree day in Chicago in November is a rare treat and needs to be properly savored. — [Wow, you're keeping up such a brave face after getting denied tenure—ed.] Well, that leads to the second …

"Carnival Of Arnold" — Inaugural Edition — In the order they were received, and without further ado, we recommend you read the following: — Proposition 77: Vote Yes — by Eric's Grumbles Before The Grave — Excerpt: A history of the deal that lead to the 2000 Gerrymander …

3,000 protest Klan's rally of 14 — Klan favors banning gay marriage — Ten men and four women calling themselves members of the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan gathered at City Hall plaza Saturday for a brief and hugely contested rally against gay marriage.

Movies and Dreams... My parents, like many Iraqis of their generation and educational background, discouraged too much tv. When E. and I were younger, they were vigilant about the type of shows and movies we were allowed to watch. They didn't like for us to be exposed to propaganda- Arab …
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