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Wake up, Europe, you've a war on your hands — Ever since 9/11, I've been gloomily predicting the European powder keg's about to go up. ''By 2010 we'll be watching burning buildings, street riots and assassinations on the news every night,'' I wrote in Canada's Western Standard back in February.
Betsy's Page, The Daily Demarche,, MaxedOutMama, Clive Davis, A Blog For All, In the Bullpen, Israel news and commentary …, The Belmont Club, Power Line, The Glittering Eye, Tel-Chai Nation, Gates of Vienna, Chateau d'If, The Right Coast, The Brussels Journal, Weapons of Mass Destruction, T. Longren, The Right Place, Telegraph, Catallarchy, Six Meat Buffet and Sister Toldjah

French police find petrol bomb factory — Police last night found a petrol bomb factory in a southern suburb of Paris, on France's tenth and worst consecutive night of violence. — 1,300 vehicles were torched on — France's worst night of violence so far
Captain's Quarters,, Red Hot Cuppa Politics, Roger L. Simon, Tim Blair, Daily Pundit and Secular Blasphemy

French Ministers Meet Under Growing Pressure From Riots — PARIS, Nov. 6 - The French government met in emergency session today to confront rioting that worsened on its 10th night, sweeping into the heart of Paris from suburbs with large Arab and African populations.

Rage on Rue Picasso
BBC, Austin Bay Blog, The Belmont Club, New York Times, Conservative Cat, ¡No Pasarán! and Chateau d'If

The Intelligence War — LAST TUESDAY, Senate Democrats fired the opening shot in the coming battle over prewar intelligence on Iraq when Minority Leader Harry Reid took the Senate into a closed session. The offensive began in earnest this weekend with a New York Times article:
The Sideshow, The Huffington Post, Decision '08, » Outside The Beltway, The Reaction and The American Thinker

Report Warned Bush Team About Intelligence Doubts — WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 — A top member of Al Qaeda in American custody was identified as a likely fabricator months before the Bush administration began to use his statements as the foundation for its claims that Iraq trained Al Qaeda members …

Newly Released Data Undercut Prewar Claims — In February 2002, the Defense Intelligence Agency questioned the reliability of a captured top al Qaeda operative whose allegations became the basis of Bush administration claims that terrorists had been trained in the use of chemical …

Is Jimmy Massey telling the truth about Iraq? — WASHINGTON — For more than a year, former Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey has been telling anybody who will listen about the atrocities that he and other Marines committed in Iraq. — In scores of newspaper, magazine and broadcast stories …

Why did the press swallow Massey's stories? — WASHINGTON — Media outlets throughout the world have reported Jimmy Massey's claims of war crimes, frequently without ever seeking to verify them. — For instance, no one ever called any of the five journalists who were embedded …

Joe Wilson fumes over Vallely charges in WND — Demands retraction of statements alleging he 'outed' wife in Fox studio — WASHINGTON - Ambassador Joseph Wilson's attorney is demanding Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely retract a statement he made to WND that the man at the center of the CIA leak case …

EU to launch Palestinian police mission — The EU plans to announce on Monday that it will launch a three-year mission, starting January 1, to help the Palestinians build up a credible police force, EU officials said. — Officials said the decision by the EU foreign ministers …

Democrat says Alito unlikely to face a filibuster — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key Democrat said on Sunday that he expects the full Republican-led Senate to vote on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito without the threat of a Democratic filibuster. — But Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware …

3,000 protest Klan's rally of 14 — Klan favors banning gay marriage — Ten men and four women calling themselves members of the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan gathered at City Hall plaza Saturday for a brief and hugely contested rally against gay marriage.

If Bush and the White House Won't or Can't Fight Back, Maybe It's Time Karl Rove Should Leave — Something is seriously out of whack when Democrats and the Left Loonies throw wave after wave of "Bush Lied/Kids Died" attacks for days on end and the Bush administration responds with .... an …

SO FRIDAY WAS A PRETTY GOOD DAY.... Friday was a great day for two reasons. First, a 70 degree day in Chicago in November is a rare treat and needs to be properly savored. — [Wow, you're keeping up such a brave face after getting denied tenure—ed.] Well, that leads to the second …

Major Offensive Hits Insurgents on Iraqi Border — HUSAYBA, Iraq, Nov. 5 - Thousands of American and Iraqi troops laid siege on Saturday to this town near the Syrian border in one of the largest military assaults since American-led forces stormed the guerrilla stronghold of Falluja last year, Marine Corps officials said.

Investigate the CIA — An "outing" was the result of either incompetence or an effort to undermine the White House. — In a surprise, closed-door debate, Senate Democrats last week demanded an investigation of pre-Iraq War intelligence. Here's an issue for them: Assess the validity …

Voter Anger Might Mean an Electoral Shift in '06 — Public Voices Dissatisfaction Over Iraq War, Economy — One year before the 2006 midterm elections, Republicans are facing the most adverse political conditions of the 11 years since they vaulted to power in Congress in 1994.