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Voters Reject Schwarzenegger's Bid to Remake State Government — The governor's four ballot proposals, the foundation of his sweeping plans for change in Sacramento, are halted at the polls. — In a sharp repudiation of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Californians rejected all four …
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Corzine Prevails in a Nasty Governor's Race in New Jersey — Jon S. Corzine, a liberal Democrat who parlayed his wealth and experience as a Wall Street executive into victory for the United States Senate five years ago, won election yesterday as New Jersey's 52nd governor.

Kaine Wins in Va. Gubernatorial Race — Democrat Timothy M. Kaine defeated Republican Jerry W. Kilgore in today's election for governor of Virginia, riding the popularity of outgoing Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) and dissatisfaction with the Bush administration in a state that typically votes Republican in national elections.
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Democrat Kaine Wins in Virginia — Continuation Of Centrist Path Prevails Over Kilgore — Virginians elected Democrat Timothy M. Kaine yesterday as the state's next governor, choosing him to continue the centrist legacy of popular Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) and rejecting the Republican candidate …

Defeats for G.O.P. Come at a Sensitive Time — WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 - After months of sagging poll ratings, scandal and general political unrest, the Republicans badly needed some good news in Tuesday's elections for governor. What they got instead was a clear-cut loss in a red state …

Corzine Defeats Forrester To Become N.J. Governor — Bloomberg Wins Easily; Texas Passes Gay-Marriage Ban — Democrat Jon S. Corzine last night won the New Jersey governorship, after surviving a wild hazing from Republican Douglas Forrester and a bitter ex-wife in the closing days of a free-spending contest.
Captain's Quarters

Schwarzenegger Hits Snag at Polling Place
THE BRAD BLOG, AGITPROP, Needlenose, Pharyngula, Swing State Project, Hotline On Call, The All Spin Zone and Boing Boing

Evolution Slate Outpolls Rivals — All eight members up for re-election to the Pennsylvania school board that had been sued for introducing the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in biology class were swept out of office yesterday by a slate of challengers who campaigned against the intelligent design policy.

GOP Leaders Urge Probe in Prisons Leak — Congress's top Republican leaders yesterday demanded an immediate joint House and Senate investigation into the disclosure of classified information to The Washington Post that detailed a web of secret prisons being used to house and interrogate terrorism suspects.

Tough Times for the 'Sissy Six' — It's in vogue on Capitol Hill these days to belong to a club. Senators negotiating a compromise over judicial nominees call themselves the "Gang of 14." When congressional leaders go to the White House, they are "the Big Five."

Democrats Are Locked Out of City Hall for 4 Straight Terms — Michael R. Bloomberg was re-elected mayor of New York by a historic margin yesterday, beating back Fernando Ferrer's attempt to build a multiethnic coalition and giving Republicans a fourth straight victory over a Democratic Party …

A Mayor Unleashed, Poised to Offer an Even Broader Agenda
The Moderate Voice

A Triumph For Warner, And a Guide For His Party — Virginia's quadrennial search for a governor featured neither charismatic personalities nor dominant policy initiatives. But Democrat Timothy M. Kaine's resounding victory over Republican Jerry W. Kilgore nonetheless provided important political lessons …

White House Gambles That Boosting Kilgore Will Pay Off for Bush
Democratic Veteran

Why Immigrants Don't Riot Here — France's rigid economic system sustains privilege and inspires resentment. — The French political response to the continuing riots has focused most on the need for more multicultural "understanding" of, and public spending on, the disenchanted mass in the country's grim banlieues (suburbs).
The Moderate Voice,, Dissecting Leftism, Blogs, Ed and The Anchoress

Who Is Lying About Iraq? — Among the many distortions, misrepresentations, and outright falsifications that have emerged from the debate over Iraq, one in particular stands out above all others. This is the charge that George W. Bush misled us into an immoral and/or unnecessary war in Iraq …

Apparent End of Dover School Board Reign of Error — Just days after the close of testimony in the Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School Board case, the people got a chance to put in their two cents via school board elections, choosing between the — with their "intelligent design policy", or the

Classified Report Warned on C.I.A.'s Tactics in Interrogation — WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 - A classified report issued last year by the Central Intelligence Agency's inspector general warned that interrogation procedures approved by the C.I.A. after the Sept. 11 attacks might violate some provisions …

St. Paul mayoral race: Coleman defeats Kelly — St. Paul voters punished Mayor Randy Kelly on Tuesday for standing with President Bush a year ago, denying the Democrat a second term in Minnesota's capital city. — Former City Council member Chris Coleman, also a Democrat …