Top Items:
Woodward Apologizes to Post for Withholding Knowledge of Plame — Bob Woodward apologized today to The Washington Post's executive editor for failing to tell him for more than two years that a senior Bush administration official had told him about CIA operative Valerie Plame …
Pincus: Woodward 'Asked Me to Keep Him Out' of Plame Reporting — NEW YORK Walter Pincus, the longtime Washington Post reporter and one of several journalists who testified in the Valerie Plame case, said he believed as far back as 2003 that Bob Woodward had some involvement in the case …
National Security Adviser was Woodward's source, attorneys say — National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley was the senior administration official who told Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward that Valerie Plame Wilson was a CIA officer, attorneys close to the investigation and intelligence officials tell RAW STORY.
"Will Mr. Fitzgerald Now Say He Was Wrong?" — Bob Woodward tosses a spanner into the Plame leak chronology developed by Special Counsel Fitzgerald: … As noted by Libby's counsel, that does not jibe well with the assertion made by Mr. Fitzgerald at his press conference that "In fact …
Secular Blasphemy, Hugh Hewitt,, Balloon Juice, PostWatch and The American Mind
Bob Woodward Deposed by Fitzgerald — The Washington Post reports that reporter Bob Woodward was deposed by Patrick Fitzgerald on Monday for two hours. The big news is that Woodward was told by a "senior Administration official" about Joseph Wilson's wife working for the CIA as an analyst …
The Left Coaster, Hullabaloo, Talking Points Memo, Blinq, Daily Pundit, Media Blog on National … and The Washington Monthly
Hard Target by di — Hard Target … Here's some of that quality, balanced information from "Plan of Attack": … And then his codpiece exploded all over the living room. — I've been hearing all the television gasbags try to explain what impact this "bombshell" is going to have on Fitzgerald's case.
Testifying in the CIA Leak Case — On Monday, November 14, I testified under oath in a sworn deposition to Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald for more than two hours about small portions of interviews I conducted with three current or former Bush administration officials that relate …
Bobby Has a Secret — Atrios put up a post about Woodward's appearance …
Crooks and Liars
Parsing Woodward — A quick perusal of Woodward's statement gives …
The Next Hurrah
Taking the pajamas off — Now I'm even more confused about [Pajamas] Open Source Media. I just tuned in from Munich to their Rockefeller Center event and they're into a panel about fashion. The first person says she doesn't blog and thinks blogging is absurd and never reads them and is liberal …
David Corn, Media Blog on National …, Wizbang, TigerHawk, Peaktalk, Balloon Juice,, Ed, Decision '08 and L.A. Observed
Open Source Media: Start Spreading the News — I'll update this post with news and views (and photos) on Open Source Media later today. In the meantime, check out funnyman Scrappleface (blogging on WordPress now). — Live-blogging the launch! — Update (10:07 a.m.): I'm sitting in the Rainbow Room at 30 Rock with...bloggers!
Discussion:, Atlas Shrugs, Ed, The Original Blog, L.A. Observed, Peaktalk, baldilocks and The Truth Laid Bear
The 'Bridge to Nowhere' Is No More! — CNBC's Squawk Box is reporting that the "Bridget to Nowhere" has been officially defunded. However, this can only be seen as a small victory. The millions of dollars allocated for this pork project will go to the Alaska state government for them to spend …
Not So Fast — The blogosphere's buzzing with talk that the infamous …
ANDERSON COOPER 360 DEGREES — Severe Weather Pounds U.S.; New Allegations of Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Legitimate? ; Bodies of Hurricane Katrina Victims Still Being Found in New Orleans — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.
Black Bodies Remain Still.....Part II — Imagine this... You watch on TV the news that your mother's city has been destroyed by this latest disaster. For days you wait to hear from her. Days pass into weeks but still no word. Your hope of finding her alive fades.
AARP's America Is a Mirage — Sincerely, William D. Novelli, Executive Director — Among AARP's 36 million members, there must be many decent people who benefit from the 5 to 50 percent discounts offered on car rentals, hotel rooms and airline tickets. But I won't be joining, because AARP has become America's most dangerous lobby.
With Medicaid, Democrats Shirk Chance for Real Progress
U.S. Has Detained 83,000 in War on Terror — The United States has detained more than 83,000 foreigners in the four years of the war on terror, enough to nearly fill the NFL's largest stadium. The administration defends the practice of holding detainees in prisons from Afghanistan …
The Carnival of Feminists, Issue 3 — Welcome to The Carnival of Feminists! — Issue 3 is split into two sections: "1970s into 2000" and the "Editor's Feminist Cafeteria." — And I hope you're sitting comfortably, because it is a whopper! — First, though: why feminism?
Finally, Baseball's Steroid Policy Shows a Little Muscle — It's a rare thing when major league baseball players run scared. In this particular case, they've run scared from Congress. And the beneficiary is Bud Selig. Actually, the beneficiaries are Selig, the players themselves, and, certainly, the game.