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The Honorable John P. Murtha — War in Iraq — (Washington D.C.)- The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. The American public is way ahead of us. The United States and coalition troops have done all they can in Iraq, but it is time for a change in direction.
Blogs for Bush, Mudville Gazette, No End But Victory, Blinq, The Mahablog,, TAPPED and Crooked Timber

Hawkish Democrat Calls for Iraq Pullout — WASHINGTON - An influential House Democrat who voted for the Iraq war called Thursday for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, another sign of growing unease in Congress about the conflict. — "It is time for a change in direction …

MURTHA BREAKS — Don't know how many of you caught Rep. John Murtha's very angry, very moving speech just now in which he called on the White House to institute an immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. CNN didn't air the entire thing, but as I listened to it, I could feel the ground shift.

Pentagon starts trying to swift boat Cong. Murtha — Well, that didn't take long. — Anonymous sources (read: cowards) at the Pentagon are already telling CNN that Murtha, a 37-year Marine, is being "irresponsible" by alerting folks to the fact that our military is "suffering" …

Senior Democrat calls for U.S. troops to leave Iraq — Rep. Murtha: 'U.S. and coalition troops have done all they can' — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Warning that other global threats "cannot be ignored," Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, a leading adviser on defense issues …

Influential House Democrat Wants Immediate Iraq Withdrawal — WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 - An influential House Democrat called the Iraq campaign "a flawed policy wrapped in illusion" today as he called for the immediate withdrawal of United States troops, intensifying an already bitter debate on Capitol Hill.

Abraham Lincoln Bush — The Democratic Party crossed a line today for which there is no turning back. They have gone from being the Loyal Opposition to the Party of Appeasement. The Surrender Iraq movement propped up the alleged hawk John Murtha and had him deliver the tearful call for retreat on behalf of the GIs.

Plame's husband wants Post to probe Woodward — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Joseph Wilson, the husband of outed CIA operative Valerie Plame, called on Thursday for an inquiry by The Washington Post into the conduct of journalist Bob Woodward, who repeatedly criticized the leak investigation without disclosing his own involvement.
The Reaction, firedoglake, The Anonymous Liberal, Michelle Malkin, TalkLeft, firedoglake, The Anonymous Liberal, Macsmind and Crooks and Liars

15 Questions for Bob Woodward — 1. If you didn't tell your editor, Len Downie, about the CIA leak because you were so afraid of being subpoenaed, why did you supposedly tell Walter Pincus? Did you trust Pincus but not Downie? — 2. Why were you afraid of being subpoenaed in 2003?
azerbic, Discriminations, JustOneMinute, firedoglake, TalkLeft, mediabistro and The Reaction

A Star With Multiple Roles Now Faces Questions of Conflict Among Them
The Anonymous Liberal, Media Blog on National …, azerbic, AMERICAblog, Wonkette and Gawker

House Democrats Defeat Spending Bill — WASHINGTON - Legislation to fund many of the nation's health, education and social programs went down to a startling defeat in the House Thursday, led by Democrats who said cuts in the bill hurt some of America's neediest people.

Remember — please remember — 'Boogie to Baghdad' — I have to admit that I have failed miserably in my small effort to make the words "Boogie to Baghdad" part of the national conversation on ties between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's Iraq. — In case you don't remember, "Boogie to Baghdad" …

About Our Name — We are OSM. A gentleman named Christopher Lydon has an excellent web site called Open Source. He uses that as his corporate name, but not as his trade name. His URL is RADIOopensource, and he's given up - which we and our lawyers confirmed before we chose our name.

U.S. Plans to Widen Inquiry Into Iraqi Prisoner Abuse — BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 17 - American investigators plan to work with an Iraqi commission to widen an inquiry into prisoner torture and abuse by scrutinizing all Iraqi-run detention centers across the country, American officials said today.

A lie for a just cause — STOP ME IF YOU'VE heard this already. But there are people out there — honest, decent, sincere people and deranged moonbats, too — who think that George W. Bush lied about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. No, seriously, it's true. "Bush lied, people died" is one of their catchier slogans.
The Washington Monthly, Hullabaloo, Lean Left, Brad DeLong's Semi …, Pandagon and Marc Cooper

NAACP chief makes switch to GOP — For decades, Republicans have struggled to reach out to black Americans. But now in Orange County, the GOP has to reach no further than the NAACP. — As of this week, Derrick Wallace, head of Orange County's NAACP, has switched parties — to become a Republican.