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CIA leak prosecutor sees new grand jury proceedings — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said in court filings that the ongoing CIA leak investigation will involve proceedings before a new grand jury, a possible sign he could seek new charges in the case.
firedoglake, The Left Coaster, No End But Victory, TalkLeft, Decision '08, The Carpetbagger Report and Shakespeare's Sister
A Prosecutor Out Of Control — I'm not talking about Patrick Fitzgerald.
Blogs for Bush
Post Executive Editor Discusses Woodward — Reporter's Silence in CIA Leak Case Scrutinized — Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie Jr. was online Friday, Nov. 18, at 10 a.m. ET to discuss Bob Woodward 's revelation that he may have been the first reporter told of Valerie Plame 's identity as a CIA operative.
Hullabaloo, AMERICAblog, The Sideshow, Media Blog on National …, Poynter Online, blogs4God, News Blog, Slate, mediabistro, azerbic, Steve Clemons, Rook's Rant, Wonkette, Secular Blasphemy and firedoglake
About our name — Some OSM readers have expressed consternation over our new company name, so please let us take a moment to explain—in the spirit of full disclosure—the story of its origin. At the outset, we formed a company under the masthead "Pajamas Media," after that now-famous remark …
Words — I learned a few things from Judith Miller's speech …
Dennis The Peasant
Phony Theory, False Conflict — 'Intelligent Design' Foolishly Pits Evolution Against Faith — Because every few years this country, in its infinite tolerance, insists on hearing yet another appeal of the Scopes monkey trial, I feel obliged to point out what would otherwise be superfluous …
I took Saddam's cash, admits French envoy — By Francis Harris in Washington and David Rennie in Brussels — One of France's most distinguished diplomats has confessed to an investigating judge that he accepted oil allocations from Saddam Hussein, it emerged yesterday.
Senior French Aide To Annan Confesses Saddam Bribery
Ace of Spades HQ
US Democrat calls for Iraq pullout — A senior member of the US Democratic Party has called for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, rejecting White House attacks on critics of the war. — The call from Representative John Murtha of Pennsylvania, a leading Democrat voice on military issues …
Voter ID memo stirs tension — Sponsor of disputed Georgia legislation told feds that blacks in her district only vote if they are paid to do so. — The chief sponsor of Georgia's voter identification law told the Justice Department that if black people in her district "are not paid to vote …
The mask comes off Georgia's voter-ID law
Daily Kos
Three Bombings in Iraq Kill More Than 90 — Hotel Housing Journalists, And Two Mosques North of Baghdad Targeted — BAGHDAD, Nov. 18 — Suicide bombers killed at least 90 worshipers Friday inside two Shiite Muslim mosques northeast of the capital near the Iranian border …
Associated Press, The Strata-Sphere, protein wisdom, CALIFORNIA YANKEE and The American Thinker
Bombers Kill at Least 65 Inside Two Shiite Mosques in Iraq
Professor Threatens Conservative Student — *** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATES *** — It's common knowledge that America's colleges and universities are havens for extreme liberalism. Most of them, however, still make some attempt to make it look like they offer a place where students can learn, explore, and make up their own minds.
Scanlon Charged With Conspiracy to Defraud — WASHINGTON — In a widening scandal on Capitol Hill, the government charged a partner of lobbyist Jack Abramoff on Friday with defrauding Indian tribes of millions of dollars in a scheme that lavished golf trips, meals and campaign donations on a member of Congress.
A Platform for 2006: Dream Big, Democrats — Impeach the Secretary of Defense and all other responsible parties for incompetence and criminal negligence in the prosecution of the war in Iraq — A Constitutional Right to Privacy — A Higher Minimum Wage — Universal Health Care
AP's Sidoti Questions Murtha's Support For The Military — An astute reader sent us this astonishing quote from an AP article by Liz Sidoti: "A U.S. field commander in Iraq countered calls by a usually pro-military congressman for withdrawal of Americans fighting there Friday …
You don't have to be an amnesiac to be a Democrat, buddy, but it helps — PERHAPS THE biggest weapon in the arsenal of America's critics is carefully selective amnesia. Conveniently forgetting important historical facts enables tactical amnesiacs to make claims about US policy that seem …
Does the Absence of Fathers Cause ADHD? — In a controversial new book, Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm, the authors point out a study that showed ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) might be related to a lack of a positive father figure.