Top Items:
Former Aide to DeLay Pleads Guilty in Conspiracy Case — WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 - Michael Scanlon, former aide to a powerful congressman and onetime partner of a wealthy lobbyist, pleaded guilty today to a federal conspiracy charge as part of a deal in which he agreed to cooperate with an investigation …
Ex-Aide to DeLay Pleads Guilty in Conspiracy — WASHINGTON — Michael Scanlon, a former partner of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to bribe public officials, a charge growing out of the government investigation of attempts to defraud Indian tribes and corrupt a member of Congress.
Talking Points Memo
The Revolution will be blogged, 5 — Vice President Dick Cheney's latest speech to the American Enterprise Institute takes on his media critics who chose to frame his recent remarks about Democratic war critics as an "attack" on their patriotism. A few excerpts:
Vice President's Remarks on the War on Terror — Washington, D.C. — THE VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, and thank you all very much. And thank you, Chris. It's great to be back at AEI. Both Lynne and I have a long history with the American Enterprise Institute, and we value the association …
CNN MARKS CHENEY: NETWORK FLASHES 'X' OVER VP'S FACE DURING LIVE SPEECH — At 11:04:45 AM ET Monday CNN was airing Vice President Dick Cheney's speech live from the American Enterprise Institute in Washington — when a large black 'X' repeatedly flashed over the vice president's face!
Declassified Pentagon Document Describes White Phosphorus As 'Chemical Weapon' — To downplay the political impact of revelations that U.S. forces used deadly white phosphorus rounds against Iraqi insurgents in Falluja last year, Pentagon officials have insisted that phosphorus munitions …
Neo-Con Kool-aid — Dick Cheney Speech Today — Neo-Con Kool-aid? — I'm a little under the weather so I'll leave the analysis up to you as you watch the Vice President and his speech on Iraq. Cheney did say a few things that were a little unnerving.
Armando: Zarqawi Wasn't a Problem — Ever willing to downplay any strides towards peace or a more stable Iraq, Armando at Daily Kos is downplaying the significance of Musab al-Zarqawi's possible death after a protracted gunbattle today in Mosul: … Will the death of Musab al-Zarqawi (if confirmed) put an end to all violence in Iraq?
Iraqi Leaders Urge a Timetable for Eventual Troop Withdrawal — Nov. 21 (Bloomberg) — Iraqi leaders, meeting at a reconciliation conference in Cairo, urged an end to violence in the country and demanded a timetable for the withdrawal of coalition troops from Iraq.
Look back, in pajamas — Edited by Glenn Reynolds, Chair, OSM Editorial Advisory Board — A CARNIVAL OF PRE-WAR INTELLIGENCE: WHAT WE KNEW, WHEN WE KNEW IT, AND WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN GOING INTO THE IRAQ WAR. — On Friday, OSM extended an open-invitation to bloggers everywhere …
This Blog Is Full Of Crap,, Classical Values, Daily Pundit and Marc Cooper
Genie In A Bottle by di — Genie In A Bottle — Nobody is going to ask me who should be hired at The New York Times to replace Judith Miller, but if they did I would say that they should hire the best and most unsung national security reporter in the country — Jason Vest.
Who Is Mean Jean's Marine? And Why Does He Think Murtha's A Coward? — On Friday, freshman Republican Rep. "Mean Jean" Schmidt mounted one of the fiercest, most personal assaults Congress has witnessed since Preston Brooks caned Charles Sumner to a bloody pulp in 1856.
PZ Myers … The link goes to Adams' version of a spat he (Adams) has been having with PZ Myers, of Pharyngula. Here is Myers' version. But what I really want to know is, under what description of reality does PZ Myers (a biology professor at the University of Minnesota at Morris …
There is No God — · I believe that there is no God. I'm beyond Atheism. Atheism is not believing in God. Not believing in God is easy — you can't prove a negative, so there's no work to do. You can't prove that there isn't an elephant inside the trunk of my car. You sure?
Rep. John Murtha Urged Somalia Pullout in '93 — After terrorists attacked U.S. troops in Mogadishu, Somalia 12 years ago, anti-Iraq war Democrat, Rep. John Murtha urged then-President Clinton to begin a complete pullout of U.S. troops from the region. — Clinton took the advice and ordered …