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The Revolution will be blogged, 5 — Vice President Dick Cheney's latest speech to the American Enterprise Institute takes on his media critics who chose to frame his recent remarks about Democratic war critics as an "attack" on their patriotism. A few excerpts:
Vice President's Remarks on the War on Terror — Washington, D.C. — THE VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, and thank you all very much. And thank you, Chris. It's great to be back at AEI. Both Lynne and I have a long history with the American Enterprise Institute, and we value the association …
Armando: Zarqawi Wasn't a Problem — Ever willing to downplay any strides towards peace or a more stable Iraq, Armando at Daily Kos is downplaying the significance of Musab al-Zarqawi's possible death after a protracted gunbattle today in Mosul: … Will the death of Musab al-Zarqawi (if confirmed) put an end to all violence in Iraq?
CIA Veterans Condemn Torture — Among the fundamental conceits of the architects of the Bush administration's war on terrorism is that heavy-handed interrogation is useful, even necessary, to get any information that will protect the American people, and that such interrogation techniques …
Neo-Con Kool-aid — Dick Cheney Speech Today — Neo-Con Kool-aid? — I'm a little under the weather so I'll leave the analysis up to you as you watch the Vice President and his speech on Iraq. Cheney did say a few things that were a little unnerving.
Scanlon, Abramoff `Backroom Guy,' Points Probers at DeLay, Ney — Nov. 21 (Bloomberg) — For more than a year, Michael Scanlon has been a shadowy presence behind former partner Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist at the center of a corruption probe. Now, Scanlon may help prosecutors raise the investigation to a higher level.
Hatred blinds U.S. to truth: Journalist — Four years after 9/11 and the "crazy zeitgeist" that permeated the United States, most Americans have still not learned to know their enemies instead of just hating them, U.S. political journalist Chris Matthews says.
Declassified Pentagon Document Describes White Phosphorus As 'Chemical Weapon' — To downplay the political impact of revelations that U.S. forces used deadly white phosphorus rounds against Iraqi insurgents in Falluja last year, Pentagon officials have insisted that phosphorus munitions …
Look back, in pajamas — Edited by Glenn Reynolds, Chair, OSM Editorial Advisory Board — A CARNIVAL OF PRE-WAR INTELLIGENCE: WHAT WE KNEW, WHEN WE KNEW IT, AND WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN GOING INTO THE IRAQ WAR. — On Friday, OSM extended an open-invitation to bloggers everywhere …
Iraqi Leaders Urge a Timetable for Eventual Troop Withdrawal — Nov. 21 (Bloomberg) — Iraqi leaders, meeting at a reconciliation conference in Cairo, urged an end to violence in the country and demanded a timetable for the withdrawal of coalition troops from Iraq.
G.M. to Cut 30,000 Jobs and Close 12 Facilities in 3 Years — DETROIT, Nov. 21 - General Motors said it would cut up to 30,000 jobs and close a dozen automobile and parts factories and distribution centers in the next three years in an effort to stem the company's billion-dollar losses.
Who Is Mean Jean's Marine? And Why Does He Think Murtha's A Coward? — On Friday, freshman Republican Rep. "Mean Jean" Schmidt mounted one of the fiercest, most personal assaults Congress has witnessed since Preston Brooks caned Charles Sumner to a bloody pulp in 1856.
At Least Ezra Pound was Nuts — I never "got into" Vonnegut, or "dug" his work like my "buds," several of whom pronounced his work as "intense," so I am not particularly bothered to find he applauds suicide bombers, and thinks they experience "an amazing high."
Clayton Cramer's BLOG, The Volokh Conspiracy, Ed, The Bad Hair Blog, Ace of Spades HQ and PoliBlog
ACLU suing over ouster from event — Action taken on part of 2 people booted from Bush speech — The American Civil Liberties Union is taking up the case of two of the three people ejected from a presidential appearance in Denver over a bumper sticker and has named a federal bureaucrat in Denver as the mystery man who ousted them.
The Situation: Monday, November 21 — Editor's Note: The Situation Report is a running log of dispatches, quotes, links and behind-the-scenes notes filed by the correspondents and producers of CNN's Washington Bureau. Watch "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer on CNN 4 p.m. ET to 6 p.m. ET and 7 p.m. ET to 8 p.m. ET weekdays.
Did Texas execute an innocent man? — Eyewitness says he felt influenced by police to ID the teen as the killer — Texas executed its fifth teenage offender at 22 minutes after midnight on Aug. 24, 1993, after his last request for bubble gum had been refused and his final claim of innocence had been forever silenced.