Top Items:
U.K. charges official with leaking Blair memo — Document allegedly says PM dissuaded Bush push for attack on Al-Jazeera — LONDON - A civil servant has been charged under Britain's Official Secrets Act for allegedly leaking a government memo that a newspaper said Tuesday suggested …
Shakespeare's Sister, The Big Pharaoh, The Left Coaster, Fact-esque and Middle Earth Journal
U.S.: Al-Jazeera bomb story 'outlandish' — British paper: Blair talked Bush out of airstrike on network — LONDON, England (CNN) — The White House characterized as "outlandish" Tuesday a British newspaper report that President Bush once discussed bombing the headquarters …
Key Bush Intelligence Briefing Kept From Hill Panel — Ten days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush was told in a highly classified briefing that the U.S. intelligence community had no evidence linking the Iraqi regime …
U.S. Indicts Padilla After 3 Years in Pentagon Custody — WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 - Jose Padilla, an American citizen held without charge for more than three years as an enemy combatant, has been indicted in what the federal authorities said today was a plot to "murder, kidnap and maim" people overseas.
Happy Furry Puppy Story …
Padilla Indicted — Today the U.S. government formally indicted Jose Padilla, an American citizen arrested in the United States who had been held as an enemy combatant for three years outside the reach of the criminal justice system. — Originally the Justice Department claimed that Padilla …
CNN Caught Off-Guard; Recording Proves Damaging 'X' Over Vice President's Face was Intentional Says Team Hollywood — Contact: Jane Redding of Team Hollywood Inc., 310-289-2143 — SANTA MONICA, Calif., Nov. 22 /U.S. Newswire/ — The following statement concerning CNN's airing of an 'X …
Project LOGIC
CNN X Intentional — UPDATE: Bill Quick of Daily Pundit …
JunkYardBlog, Part-Time Pundit, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Gina Cobb, Argghhh! and
The Dan Report, The Strata-Sphere, Suitably Flip, IMAO, The Political Teen, Stop The ACLU, Moonbattery, Hugh Hewitt, Digital Warfighter, Flopping Aces, mediabistro, The World Wide Rant, A Blog For All, Point Five, Six Meat Buffet, GOP and the City, Wonkette, IntoxiNation-News …, Classical Values, Gates of Vienna and World O'Crap
A Thanksgiving Cotillion Ball — I'm hosting this week's ball. I'm not going to mess around with some fancy smancy introduction. It's Thanksgiving week, you figure it out. — On with the cornucopia of entries from The Cotillion. — Armies of Liberation has a first for the blogosphere.
Armies of Liberation
Atta in Prague? — An Iraqi prisoner holds the answer to this 9/11 mystery. — PRAGUE—On Oct. 27, 2001, the New York Times reported (erroneously) that 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta "flew to the Czech Republic on April 8 and met with [an] Iraqi intelligence officer," helping to give credence to the so-called Prague connection.
The Corner on National …, Blogs for Bush, The American Thinker, A Blog For All and Power Line
Zarqawi's Bad Week — Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the al Qaida chieftain in Iraq, has had a bad week. If it turns out Zarqawi was among seven al Qaida leaders killed in Mosul Saturday, it'll have been a really bad week. But even if Zarqawi got away again, it's been a rotten week for him.
Congresswoman Jean Schmidt Talks With Local 12 — STATEMENT FROM CONGRESSWOMAN JEAN SCHMIDT Washington, DC - — Last week as I returned to the Capitol Building after attending a funeral at Arlington National Cemetery for a local fallen Marine, I found out that the Democrats had just announced …
On Torture (updated) — Given the impromptu discussion over torture that broke out in the comments of my last WP post, I thought now might be a good time to devote a dedicated post to the subject. To begin, here's Thomas Sowell, from "Tortured Reasoning":
The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta, Vodkapundit, The Y Files, Balkinization, Loaded Mouth, The Moderate Voice and Amygdala
Tortured reasoning — Some people seem to see nothing between zero and infinity.
Sadly, No!
FOF Brings 'Ex-Gay' Crusade To Macy's Parade — (New York City) Focus on the Family has announced plans to distribute 5,000 balls during Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to promote a website it operates that claims homosexuality is a disorder that can be changed through faith.
Carnival of Liberty XXI — Wow! Hard to believe how quickly this year has flown - here it is Thanksgiving already! Well, if you need some fodder for conversation around the turkey table that is sure to generate lively discussion, you've come to the right place.
The Death Pool — Pajamas Media, née Open Source Media, née Pajamas Media, nee Tulips Advertising, have we come to this? A death pool? Well, this blog is proof of it. So far, many have expressed their displeasure with the project at virtually every stage of its organization …
"A Man for All Seasons": I Give the Devil Benefit of Law for My Own Safety's Sake — Yesterday evening, I went to another in a series of dinners and movies hosted by Margaret Carlson, Washington political commentator and Editor-at-Large of The Week Magazine, and this relatively new newsy weekly, The Week.