
Political Web, page A1 … for 1:00 PM ET, December 19, 2005
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Top Items:

Pajamas Media:
From the Oval Office to the blogs  —  Michelle Malkin liveblogged Bush's prime time speech in the Oval Office last night, and blogs started commenting right after it ended:  —  Instapundit: "[O]ne big thing struck me: In this national televised speech, Bush went out of his way to take responsibility for the war.
Gateway Pundit:
After Only 1,000 Days, Bush Takes Credit for Iraq  —  "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction... Saddam may well hide his most lethal weapons in mosques, schools and hospitals.  If our forces attempt to strike such targets …
White House:
President's Address to the Nation  —  THE PRESIDENT: Good evening.  Three days ago, in large numbers, Iraqis went to the polls to choose their own leaders — a landmark day in the history of liberty.  In the coming weeks, the ballots will be counted, a new government formed …
Jonathan Chait / The New Republic:
A SURPRISE IN BUSH'S IRAQ SPEECH:  —  I am not, to say the least, a fan of President Bush.  But a portion of his speech tonight genuinely moved me and made me think more highly of him.  It was the part where he addressed opponents of the Iraq war, said he understand their passion but asked …
Deacon / Power Line:   THE SPEECH  —  Here, via NRO, is the text of the president's speech …
Washington Post:
Gonzales Defends Eavesdropping Program  —  Congress 'Authorized' Domestic Surveillance in Iraq War Resolution, Claims Attorney General  —  Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales this morning defended the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping operation, saying it derived its legality …
Reuters:   Gonzales: War powers authorized eavesdropping
William M. Arkin / Early Warning:
9/11 Gone Wild  —  Yesterday's New York Times editorial on National Security Agency spying in the United States refers to "your mail and your e-mail" and "your telephone conversations" being monitored.  —  The connotation of course is that the "you" is some New York Times reading Cappuccino …
Ezra Klein / TAPPED:
ONE QUESTION.  Over at The Washington Post's Early Warning, William Arkin sniffs:
Discussion: Eschaton
Contra Costa Times:   Congress demands hearings on secret surveillance in U.S.
Tom Shales / Washington Post:
From the Oval Office, a Call to See the Light at the End of the Tunnel  —  Determined to sound determined, President Bush addressed the nation on the troublesome subject of Iraq in a 16-minute speech last night from the Oval Office.  Grim-faced, yet with a trace of anxiety in his eyes …
Peter Baker / Washington Post:
Bush Brings More Realistic View of War to Forefront
Betsy / Betsy's Page:
Tom Shales gives his typical anti-Bush reaction to one of Bush's speeches.
Bulldogpundit /
Live Blogging The Bush Presser  —  We "liveblogged" the Bush presser, and you can see our live recap by clicking "Read More".  In general, the message was obvious on both the Patriot Act and the "spying" - It's my job to protect the American people, and I'm using whatever I'm doing to do that.
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt
Michael A. Fletcher / Washington Post:
President Gives Both Reassurance, Warnings on Iraq  —  'Victory or Defeat' Are Only Options, He Says  —  President Bush last night hailed Thursday's Iraqi elections as a vital step toward stabilizing that nation, but warned that despite the political progress more violence lies ahead …
David Finkel / Washington Post:
U.S. Ideals Meet Reality in Yemen  —  On the first day, which would turn out to be the best day, the one day of all 180 days when everything actually seemed possible, the president of Yemen hadn't yet dismissively referred to an American named Robin Madrid as an old woman.
David Finkel / Washington Post:   A Struggle for Peace in a Place Where Fighting Never Ends
Florida Gov. Bush Expresses Concern About State Election Systems in Light of Leon County Hack Test  —  Counters Previous Positions by both the Acting Secretary of State and Voting Machine Company Diebold  —  Over the weekend, at least two reports out of mainstream Florida papers …
Bush: U.S. must think, act differently  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush held a year-end news conference in the White House on Monday.  The president followed up on his Sunday night speech on Iraq, addressed the controversy surrounding the Patriot Act and took questions on those and other subjects.
John McCain: Bush Right to Use NSA  —  Sen. John McCain disappointed Democrats on Capitol Hill on Sunday by defending the Bush administration's decision to use the National Security Agency to monitor a limited number of domestic phone calls in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.
Oliver Poole / Telegraph:
Iraqis in former rebel stronghold now cheer American soldiers  —  In the low-slung concrete buildings of Tal Afar, a city built on dirty sand and mud, George W Bush sees the potential for military success in Iraq.  —  In recent weeks it has been one case study the American president …
Discussion: Captain's Quarters
John / AMERICAblog:
Did Bush domestic spy program eavesdrop on American journalists?  —  I had an interesting discussion this morning with DC political consultant Marc Laitin.  We both came to the conclusion that it sounds like Bush's super-secret illegal domestic spying program may be targeting US journalists …
Discussion: Pam's House Blend
John McIntyre /
Have The Democrats Walked Into a Trap......Again?  —  The political pendulum is swinging back towards President Bush.  The President's approval rating has a pattern of dipping when he takes his Crawford vacation every August then bouncing back in September upon his return to Washington.

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More Items:

Washington Post:
GOP Leaders Agree to $41.6 Billion Spending Cut
David Kaspar / Davids Medienkritik:
Stern: "America is Destroying the West"
Harold Bloom, super-literate, vs. and George Bush, semi-literate
US News:
About Those Side Pockets on a Cow
Paul Martin / Washington Times:
Sunnis ready to cooperate with U.S.
Discussion: Let Freedom Ring
Alex Kozinski / Cato Unbound:
CALL ME A PANGLOSSIAN  —  Okay, so call me Panglossian …
Bill Quick / Daily Pundit:
Sam Clemens
Discussion: Dean's World
Hope Yen / Associated Press:
Lawmakers Call for Domestic Spying Probe

Earlier Picks:

Pete Yost / Associated Press:
Bush Argues the Case for Staying in Iraq
Blame the Americans and Praise the Result
Sharon aide: PM's condition improved, he looks excellent
New York Times:
Transit Union Tries New Tack on Pensions
Joe Keohane / Boston Globe:
Public enemy  —  Sinclair Lewis's 1935 novel 'It Can't Happen …
Discussion: Pacific Views and Needlenose
Walter Pincus / Washington Post:
Pentagon's Intelligence Authority Widens
Vladimir Bukovsky / Washington Post:
Torture's Long Shadow
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