
Political Web, page A1 … for 9:20 PM ET, December 19, 2005
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Top Items:

Orin Kerr / The Volokh Conspiracy:
LEGAL ANALYSIS OF THE NSA DOMESTIC SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM: Was the secret NSA surveillance program legal?  Was it constitutional?  Did it violate federal statutory law?  It turns out these are hard questions, but I wanted to try my best to answer them.  My answer is pretty tentative …
National Review:
Why Bush Approved the Wiretaps  —  In the days since the revelation that President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to bypass, in certain cases of suspected al Qaeda activity, the special court set up to provide warrants for national-security wiretaps, the question has come up repeatedly: Why did he do it?
David Stout / New York Times:
Bush Says U.S. Spy Program Is Legal and Essential  —  WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - President Bush offered a vigorous and detailed defense of his previously secret electronic-surveillance program today, calling it a legal and essential tool in the battle against terrorism and saying that whoever disclosed it had committed a "shameful act."
Discussion: War and Piece and Simianbrain
Senator Byrd: No President is Above the Law
Bush says leaking spy program a 'shameful act'
Daniel J. Solove / Concurring Opinions:
Beyond His Power: Bush's Authorization of Warrantless NSA Surveillance
Associated Press:
Bush Says U.S. Spy Program Is Essential and Legal
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt
Dr. Walid Phares / Front Page Magazine:
Undermining the War at Home
Discussion: In the Bullpen
Bush: U.S. must think, act differently  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush held a year-end news conference in the White House on Monday.  The president followed up on his Sunday night speech on Iraq, addressed the controversy surrounding the Patriot Act and took questions on those and other subjects.
Washington Post:
Discussion: Let Freedom Ring
Digby / Hullabaloo:
Checks And Balances  —  I'm hearing various pundits discuss …
Discussion: The Mahablog and TAPPED
Scott Shields / MyDD:   Off the Deep End
Iraq speeches, election don't help Bush  —  New poll: A majority doesn't approve of his handling of Iraq  —  CNN — President Bush's approval ratings do not appear to have changed significantly, despite a number of recent speeches he's given to shore up public support for the war in Iraq and its historic elections on Thursday.
Washington Post:
President's Approval Rating Rebounds  —  President Bush's approval rating has surged in recent weeks, reversing what had been an extended period of decline, with Americans now expressing renewed optimism about the future of democracy in Iraq, the campaign against terrorism and the U.S. economy …
Gary Langer / ABCNEWS:
Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings Climb
Joshua Roberts / Newsweek:
Bush's Snoopgate  —  The president was so desperate to kill The New York Times' eavesdropping story, he summoned the paper's editor and publisher to the Oval Office.  But it wasn't just out of concern about national security.  —  Bush says he had 'legal authority' to permit …
Media Matters for America:
Couric pitted constitutional scholars versus "Americans" who "don't want another September 11" … On the December 19 broadcast of NBC's Today, host Katie Couric asked NBC News Washington bureau chief Tim Russert whether the debate over the Bush administration's secret use of domestic surveillance without …
Democrats plan sharp rebuke of pre-war intelligence, Iraq war in massive new congressional report  —  House Judiciary Committee Democrats, spearheaded by Congressman John Conyers (D-MI), are set to release possibly the sharpest congressional critique to date surrounding Iraq, RAW STORY has learned.
Discussion: THE BRAD BLOG and Pensito Review
John / AMERICAblog:
Did Bush domestic spy program eavesdrop on American journalists?  —  I had an interesting discussion this morning with DC political consultant Marc Laitin.  We both came to the conclusion that it sounds like Bush's super-secret illegal domestic spying program may be targeting US journalists …
Judith / Kesher Talk:
Welcome to the RINO Carnival  —  Welcome to the 20th RINO Sightings Carnival!  (RINO sightings is cancelled for Christmas/Hanukkah week, and returns January 2nd at Louisiana Libertarian.)  (You can check out other carnivals at the uber-carnival site, and submit posts to any of them at Conservative Cat.)
Discussion: Dr. Sanity
Edward Wong / New York Times:
Early Results Show Religious Groups Leading in Iraqi Vote  —  BAGHDAD, Iraq, Dec. 19 - Early voting results announced by Iraqi electoral officials today indicated that religious groups, particularly the main Shiite coalition, had taken a commanding lead, with nearly two-thirds of the ballots having been counted.
Discussion: Needlenose

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More Items:

Juan Forero / New York Times:
Coca Advocate Wins Election for President in Bolivia
Congressman calls for Bush impeachment
Columnist for Egyptian Government Daily: The Nazis Did Not Massacre the Jews
Discussion: Dr. Sanity
New York Times:
Letting Down Lebanon  —  Syria is getting away with murder in Lebanon …
Lionel Tiger / Opinion Journal:
You've Got Male  —  How about a little fair play in the battle of the sexes?
Discussion: Dr. Helen
Nasser Karimi / Associated Press:
Iran's President Bans Western Music
Michael J. Totten:
Nasser's Biggest Crime
The Sun:
Mind of a madman  —  IRAQI tyrant Saddam Hussein has made a series …

Earlier Picks:

Cheney Roars Back on Spying, Torture, Iraq
Business Wire:
The National Law Journal Selects …
Operation Moonlight, with a Twist
Jackson Diehl / Washington Post:
In the Mideast, Democratic Momentum
Leon H /
Yes, but Did the President Break the Law?
Discussion: Left in the West and Pandagon
David E. Sanger / New York Times:
In Sunday Speech, Bush Is More Humble, but Still Firm
John McIntyre /
Have The Democrats Walked Into a Trap......Again?
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