
Political Web, page A1 … for 10:05 PM ET, December 20, 2005
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Top Items:

Noahmax / Defense Tech:
WIRETAP MYSTERY: SPOOKS REACT  —  A few current and former signals intelligence guys have been checking in since this NSA domestic spying story broke.  Their reactions range between midly creeped out and completely pissed off.  —  All of the sigint specialists emphasized repeatedly …
William M. Arkin / Early Warning:
Inside NSA's World  —  Every day, the National Security Agency intercepts and records more that 650 million "events" worldwide: radar signals, radio and data transmissions, satellite, cell and land-line telephone calls, faxes and e-mail and text messages and chats over the Internet.
Bruce Fein / Washington Times:
. . . unlimited?  —  According to President George W. Bush, being president in wartime means never having to concede co-equal branches of government have a role when it comes to hidden encroachments on civil liberties.  —  Last Saturday, he thus aggressively defended the constitutionality …
Charles Lane / Washington Post:
White House Elaborates on Authority for Eavesdropping  —  Facing mounting criticism over use of the National Security Agency to listen to phone calls of suspected al Qaeda contacts in the United States without court approval, the Bush administration went public yesterday with its most detailed legal defense yet of the program.
Michael McGough / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Specter will question Alito on legality of NSA spying
Discussion: IntoxiNation-News …
ReddHedd / firedoglake:   Cheney to Founding Fathers:
Jeff Goldstein / protein wisdom:
NSA kerfuffle: redux (UPDATED)  —  Drawing on remarks from both the President and the Attorney General yesterday—and on the responses I was reading around the blogosphere—I began to suspect that the divisions we're seeing in the debate over executive authority to authorize domestic surveillance …
Washington Post:
Vital Presidential Power
Greg Sargent / TAPPED:   THE MARSHALL PLAN.  Marshall Wittman argues that Dems …
New York Times:
Judge Bars 'Intelligent Design' From Pa. Classes  —  HARRISBURG, Pa. — "Intelligent design" cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling in one of the biggest courtroom clashes on evolution since the 1925 Scopes trial.
Judge rules against 'intelligent design'  —  'Religious alternative' to evolution barred from public-school science classes  —  HARRISBURG, Pa. - In one of the biggest courtroom clashes between faith and evolution since the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, a federal judge barred …
Discussion: Pharyngula
Martha Raffaele / Associated Press:
Judge Rules Against Pa. Biology Curriculum  —  HARRISBURG, Pa. - "Intelligent design" cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling in one of the biggest courtroom clashes on evolution since the 1925 Scopes trial.
Henry Weinstein / Los Angeles Times:
Federal Judge Rules Against 'Intelligent Design'
Jonathan Allen / The Hill:
Civil liberties don't matter much 'after you're dead,' Cornyn says on spy case  —  Senators launched new salvos in the battle over national security and civil liberties yesterday as recent revelations of domestic spying continued to color the chamber's stalemate on an extension of the anti-terrorism law known as the Patriot Act.
Larry McShane / Associated Press:
Court Fines NYC Transit Union $1M a Day  —  NEW YORK - Commuters trudged through the freezing cold, rode bicycles and shared cabs Tuesday as New York's bus and subway workers went on strike for the first time in more than 25 years and stranded millions of riders at the height of the Christmas rush.
Right Wing Nut House:
JONATHAN ALTER IS A PIG  —  Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this?  Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill?  SNOWBALL!  (The pig Napoleon in Orwell's Animal Farm)  —  Newsweek's Jonathan Alter is a pig.  But not just any pig.
Stocking Stuffer Request  —  While everybody has their credit cards out buying a "secret Santa" moustache mug for their most hated colleague at the office, I wonder if some of you might want to throw a little cash my way while you're at it?  For reasons I haven't figured out, this blog is doing miserably at selling blog-ads.
Stalin's half-man, half-ape super-warriors  —  THE Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents.  —  Moscow archives show that in the mid-1920s Russia's top animal breeding scientist …
Jon / Pensito Review:
Clinton-Hater Toensing Laughs - Literally - at Idea of Investigating Bush's Allegedly Illegal Spying on U.S. Citizens  —  New lows in hackery: During the 1990's, Victoria Toensing and her husband, Joe diGenova, made over 300 appearances on cable television in the service of the Republican agenda …
John Amato / Crooks and Liars:   James Bamford punks Victoria Toensing
Ezra Klein / TAPPED:
WHY BIG BROTHER NEEDS FRIENDS.  The emerging consensus is that Bush's program is really a high-tech, wide-net data mining operation.  The NSA, either through Echelon or another technology, is intercepting vast quantities of domestic electronic communication data, then subjecting …
Associated Press:
Donors Underwrite DeLay's Deluxe Lifestyle  —  WASHINGTON — As Tom DeLay became a king of campaign fundraising, he lived like one too.  He visited cliff-top Caribbean resorts, golf courses designed by PGA champions and four-star restaurants _ all courtesy of donors who bankrolled his political money empire.

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More Items:

Matt Stoller / MyDD:
Why am I picking on Obama? Because We Need Him.
Discussion: Beltway Blogroll
Why Checks and Balances Help Fight Terror
Discussion: The Sideshow
Analog vs. Digital Snooping: Is This Bush's Distinction?
Jonathan Weisman / Washington Post:
House Voting More Often in the Wee Hours
Byron York / The Corner on National Review Online:
Doug Struck / Washington Post:
Sunnis Allege Fraud, Demand New Iraq Elections
Pentagon Labels Gay Kiss-In a 'Credible Threat'

Earlier Picks:

Los Angeles Times:
Legal Test Was Seen as Hurdle to Spying
National Review:
A Friend at the Fed?  —  Unlike a lot of economists …
Jonathan Allen / The Hill:
Standoff over ANWR  —  Senate Republicans prepared a targeted version …
Philip Blenkinsop / Reuters:
Confusion follows relief over freed German hostage
Louis Sahagun / Los Angeles Times:
A Public Goodbye for Williams
Tyler Cowen / Marginal Revolution:
Who benefits from fair trade?
Discussion: Crescat Sententia
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