
Political Web, page A1 … for 3:45 PM ET, December 20, 2005
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Top Items:

Washington Post:
Vital Presidential Power  —  A U.S. president has just received word that American counterterrorist operatives have captured a senior al Qaeda operative in Pakistan.  Among his possessions are a couple of cell phones — phones that contain several American phone numbers.
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Why Didn't He Ask Congress?  —  The president's authorization of domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency contravened a statute's clear language.  Assuming that urgent facts convinced him that he should proceed anyway and on his own, what argument convinced him that he lawfully could?
Charles Lane / Washington Post:
White House Elaborates on Authority for Eavesdropping  —  Facing mounting criticism over use of the National Security Agency to listen to phone calls of suspected al Qaeda contacts in the United States without court approval, the Bush administration went public yesterday with its most detailed legal defense yet of the program.
National Review:
Clinton Claimed Authority to Order No-Warrant Searches  —  In a little-remembered debate from 1994, the Clinton administration argued that the president has "inherent authority" to order physical searches — including break-ins at the homes of U.S. citizens — for foreign intelligence purposes without …
Los Angeles Times:
Legal Test Was Seen as Hurdle to Spying
Bull Moose:
Big Brother W.?  —  The Moose doesn't think it's 1984.  —  The latest imbroglio over the revelation that the government eavesdropped into the international phone calls of U.S. citizens does not set the Moose's antlers on fire.  The Administration is going to have to offer a better explanation …
Greg Sargent / TAPPED:   THE MARSHALL PLAN.  Marshall Wittman argues that Dems …
Opinion Journal:
Thank You for Wiretapping  —  Why the Founders made presidents dominant …
Discussion: Carol Platt Liebau
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
WHAT IS THE NSA UP TO?....So what's the nature of the secret NSA bugging program?
Martha Raffaele / Associated Press:
Judge Rules Against Pa. Biology Curriculum  —  HARRISBURG, Pa. - "Intelligent design" cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling in one of the biggest courtroom clashes on evolution since the 1925 Scopes trial.
Jonathan Allen / The Hill:
Civil liberties don't matter much 'after you're dead,' Cornyn says on spy case  —  Senators launched new salvos in the battle over national security and civil liberties yesterday as recent revelations of domestic spying continued to color the chamber's stalemate on an extension of the anti-terrorism law known as the Patriot Act.
Bush: Secret wiretaps won't stop
Discussion: archy and Right Wing News
Eric Lichtblau / New York Times:
F.B.I. Watched Activist Groups, New Files Show  —  WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - Counterterrorism agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation have conducted numerous surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations that involved, at least indirectly, groups active in causes as diverse as the environment …
Evan Coyne Maloney / >bt: Brain Terminal:
Strike Shuts Down NYC Subways & Buses  —  20 December 2005 @ 3:43AM >> For the first time since 1980, the New York City public transit system is completely shut down due to a strike.  Transit Workers Union head Roger Toussaint made the announcement shortly after 3:00AM local time.
James Rainey / Los Angeles Times:
Critics Question Timing of Surveillance Story  —  The New York Times, which knew about the secret wiretaps for more than a year, published because of a reporter's new book, sources say.  —  The New York Times first debated publishing a story about secret eavesdropping on Americans as early as last fall …
Pentagon Labels Gay Kiss-In a 'Credible Threat'  —  WASHINGTON, DC - According to recent press reports, Pentagon officials have been spying on what they call "suspicious" meetings by civilian groups, including student groups opposed to the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on lesbian, gay and bisexual military personnel.
John / AMERICAblog:
Pentagon anti-terror investigators …
Stocking Stuffer Request  —  While everybody has their credit cards out buying a "secret Santa" moustache mug for their most hated colleague at the office, I wonder if some of you might want to throw a little cash my way while you're at it?  For reasons I haven't figured out, this blog is doing miserably at selling blog-ads.
Discussion: firedoglake and TBogg
Stalin's half-man, half-ape super-warriors  —  THE Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents.  —  Moscow archives show that in the mid-1920s Russia's top animal breeding scientist …

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More Items:

National Review:
A Friend at the Fed?  —  Unlike a lot of economists …
Jonathan Allen / The Hill:
Standoff over ANWR  —  Senate Republicans prepared a targeted version …
Philip Blenkinsop / Reuters:
Confusion follows relief over freed German hostage
Louis Sahagun / Los Angeles Times:
A Public Goodbye for Williams
Tyler Cowen / Marginal Revolution:
Who benefits from fair trade?
Discussion: Crescat Sententia
Kristen Breitweiser / The Huffington Post:
The King's Red Herring
New York Times:
Governments Tremble at Google's Bird's-Eye View

Earlier Picks:

Michael A. Fletcher / Washington Post:
President Takes the Offensive With Press
Discussion: Decision '08 and Daily Pundit
Mark Steyn / Telegraph:
Racism is bad - so is self-delusion
Victor Fouad /
Liberal strategy a dangerous mix of religion and politics
New York Times:
The Fog of False Choices
Associated Press:
Iran bans Western music
Doug Struck / Washington Post:
Shiite Alliance Leads In Partial Iraq Count
Discussion: PoliBlog
Hindrocket / Power Line:
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