
Political Web, page A1 … for 11:25 PM ET, December 24, 2005
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Top Items:

Michelle Malkin:
THE NEW YORK TIMES STRIKES AGAIN  —  Bush's "impeachable crimes"...  Yes, the New York Times continues to show its disregard for our nation's security, publishing additional classified information about the NSA's much-hyped surveillance program.  Now it's a report that the NSA program traced …
Right Wing Nut House:
THE WARRANTLESS GEIGER COUNTER  —  I'm having a very difficult time this morning maintaining my composure.  Well, let me put it this way - a harder time than normal.  The reason is this latest kerfluffle over pointing scientific instruments at the homes and businesses of Muslim Americans …
Charlie Savage / Boston Globe:
Wiretaps said to sift all overseas contacts
Discussion: Defense Tech and Daily Kos
Thomas G. Donlan /
Unwarranted Executive Power  —  The pursuit of terrorism does not authorize the president to make up new laws  —  AS THE YEAR WAS DRAWING TO A CLOSE, we picked up our New York Times and learned that the Bush administration has been fighting terrorism by intercepting communications in America without warrants.
Discussion: Liberty Street
Daily Kos:   Merry Christmas from Barron's
Ritholtz / The Big Picture:
Barron's: Investigate a possible impeachable offense
Jonathan Saltzman / Boston Globe:
Student's tall tale revealed  —  Confesses fabricating US surveillance story  —  It rocketed across the Internet a week ago, a startling newspaper report that agents from the US Department of Homeland Security had visited a student at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth …
Tim B. / Tim Blair:
Glenn Reynolds /
ANOTHER HOMELAND SECURITY HOAX: … I'm disturbed tremendously …
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Ellen Knickmeyer / Washington Post:
U.S. Airstrikes Take Toll on Civilians  —  Eyewitnesses Cite Scores Killed in Marine Offensive in Western Iraq  —  RAMADI, Iraq — U.S. Marine airstrikes targeting insurgents sheltering in Iraqi residential neighborhoods are killing civilians as well as guerrillas along the Euphrates River …
Bradley Graham / Washington Post:
Military Confirms Surge in Airstrikes  —  U.S. airstrikes in Iraq have surged this fall, jumping to nearly five times the average monthly rate earlier in the year, according to U.S. military figures.  —  Until the end of August, U.S. warplanes were conducting about 25 strikes a month.
Discussion: Eric Umansky and Needlenose
Jack Straw / Times of London:
Have a little faith in the 'C' word  —  I don't know where the idea about offending other faiths by using 'Christmas' came from, but it's mad  —  THE CHRISTMAS CARD I sent out as Blackburn's MP is a proper one.  It was designed by Anna Souroullas (Year 3 of Holy Souls RC Primary School) …
Discussion: One Hand Clapping
Killing of Iraq Kurds 'genocide'  —  A court in The Hague has ruled that the killing of thousands of Kurds in Iraq in the 1980s was an act of genocide.  —  The ruling came in the case of Dutch trader Frans van Anraat, who was given a 15-year sentence for selling chemicals to Saddam Hussein's regime.
Discussion: PoliBlog and Mediacrity
New York Times:
Alito's Zeal for Presidential Power  —  With the Bush administration claiming sweeping and often legally baseless authority to detain and spy on people, judges play a crucial role in underscoring the limits of presidential power.  When the Senate begins hearings next month on Judge Samuel Alito …
Wall Street Journal:
A Holiday in Wartime  —  Writing from his position in Iraq, Capt. Noah Hanners says he and his troops will have no choice on Christmas Day but to carry out the normal yet dangerous tasks of an army at war.  Still, Capt. Hanners is thinking about marking the holiday in his own quiet way …
Discussion: Austin Bay Blog, Kesher Talk and QandO
Washington Post:
U.S. Monitored Muslim Sites Across Nation for Radiation  —  Clandestine FBI and Energy Department teams have monitored private property in the United States for signs of radiation without warrants, U.S. officials said yesterday.  —  Officials said the monitoring, which intensified after the Sept. 11 …
Discussion: AMERICAN FUTURE and Macsmind
Mohammed / IRAQ THE MODEL:
More on election results crisis; Talabani has an initiative.  —  The different parties in conflict over the election results continued to make more statements in defense of their positions today.  —  Jawad al-Maliki of the Dawa Party said in a press conference for the UAI that talking …
Discussion: Gateway Pundit
Jamie Wilson / Guardian:
Stars turn backs on America's troops in Iraq  —  · Danger and anti-war stance keep celebrities away  —  · Shows now depend on Christian hip-hop groups  —  During world war two American troops away from home for Christmas were entertained by Marlene Dietrich, Bing Crosby and the Marx Brothers.
Knight Ridder:
Iraqi court disqualifies prominent Sunni candidates  —  BAGHDAD, Iraq - An Iraqi court has ruled that some of the most prominent Sunni Muslims who were elected to parliament last week won't be allowed to serve because officials suspect that they were high-ranking members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party.
David Boaz / Reason:
The Bridges are Back  —  Alaska's Congressional delegation celebrates the Season of Taking  —  Whether you've gotten a card or not, rest assured that Alaska thanks you for the $454 million Christmas present.  Remember those "bridges to nowhere" that were finally taken out of the federal budget?
Discussion: Balloon Juice and Ace of Spades HQ

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More Items:

John / AMERICAblog:
NSA Web site says it's a violation of the 4th Amendment to spy on Americans
Discussion: Liberty Street
William M. Arkin / Early Warning:
The Curious Section 126 of the Patriot Act
Alec Russell / Telegraph:
Alistair Cooke's bones stolen by transplant gang
Discussion: Betsy's Page
Faiz / Think Progress:
Novak: I Had Better Sources Than Bush On Iraq
Benjamin Wallace-Wells / The Washington Monthly:
KOS CORRECTION... After we put up an online link yesterday …
Discussion: MyDD, Coyote Blog and QandO
New York Times:
The President and the Rule of Law (7 Letters)
Discussion: AmbivaBlog
Charles Duhigg / Los Angeles Times:
Pricing of Music Downloads Is Probed

Earlier Picks:

James Taranto / Opinion Journal:
Best of the Web
Tom Paine / Silent Running:
Podcast assaults Christmas, insults pretty much everyone... |
Crooks and Liars:
Novak: What are you guilty of?
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire:
Bush Gains Haven't Helped Republicans
Discussion: Alternate Brain
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS....This single paragraph from the New …
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