Top Items:

US Christian broadcaster says Sharon's stroke divine retribution — US evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for "dividing God's land" of Israel, igniting his latest trademark controversy. — As the Israeli prime minister battled for life …
David Corn, Right Wing Nut House, baldilocks, Tammy Bruce, A Chequer-Board of Nights … and TigerHawk

Iranian President Hopes Sharon Perishes — TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's president said Thursday he hoped for the death of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the latest anti-Israeli comment by a leader who has already provoked international criticism for suggesting that Israel be "wiped off the map."

A Calamity for Israel — The stroke suffered by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could prove to be one of the great disasters in the country's nearly 60-year history. As I write this, Sharon's condition remains uncertain, but the severity of his stroke makes it unlikely that he will survive, let alone return to power.

Senators to Demand Full Answers From Alito — Democrats Signal Willingness to Delay Final Vote on Supreme Court Confirmation — Senate Democrats warned Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. yesterday to expect pointed questions at next week's hearing, and said they may postpone …

At Hearings, Democrats Plan to Call Critics of Alito's Integrity

Democrats Don't Plan Alito Filibuster
Elephants in Academia

After Abramoff, a GOP Scramble — DeLay's House Colleagues Anticipate a Leadership Shake-Up — An internal battle is underway among House Republicans to permanently replace Rep. Tom DeLay (Tex.) as majority leader and put in place a new leadership lineup that is better equipped to deal with the growing corruption scandal.

Prosecutor Broadens DeLay Inquiry — Data on GOP Donation to U.S. Family Network Demanded — The Texas prosecutor who secured an indictment of Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) on money-laundering charges broadened the scope of his inquiry into election spending yesterday, demanding documents related …

Let Me Help With This Non-Denial — Was Christiane Amanpour spied upon? Andrea Mitchell asked James Risen the following question, which later disappeared from the NBC transcript: … CNN has followed up, and this is at their website: … Let me help - even though Ms. Amanpour was not …

Republican Senator Defends Briefings on Domestic Spying
Captain's Quarters

Iraq Facing Hurdles, U.S. General Warns — CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Jan. 4 - The top American operational commander in Iraq has offered a sober assessment of the hurdles facing a new Iraqi government, voicing concerns that sectarian rivalries and incompetence could cripple major ministries …

Up to 130 Killed in Iraq, Drawing a Shiite Warning — BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 5 - Attacks by suicide bombers killed as many as 130 people in Karbala and Ramadi on Thursday, rekindling fears of a return to mass sectarian killings after a relative lull and prompting Iraq's most powerful Shiite political faction …

Bush and Former Cabinet Members Discuss Topic No. 1: Iraq — WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 - Colin Powell said nothing - a silence that spoke volumes to many in the White House today. — His predecessor, Madeleine Albright, was a bit riled after hearing an exceedingly upbeat 40-minute briefing …
White House, Amygdala, BAGnewsNotes, The Heretik, The Next Hurrah, Brad DeLong's Semi … and Dependable Renegade

Wal-Mart Web Site Makes Racial Connections — Wal-Mart apologized yesterday after its retail Web site directed potential buyers of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Planet of the Apes" DVDs to also consider purchasing DVDs with African American themes.
AMERICAblog, Crooks and Liars, Middle Earth Journal, firedoglake, Air America Radio and TalkLeft

Hard Times At The LA Times — Michael Hiltzik mans the Golden State blog at the LA Times, and he decides to go after Patterico, a long-time LA Times critic. — Ironists will applaud Mr. Hiltzik's effort - here is the smallest of samples: … Emphasis added - try to square the criticism …
Patterico's Pontifications

On Partisan Criticism of the Press (Part One)
Patterico's Pontifications

FISA Gotcha! — What if President Bush had actually gone to the court created by the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act? — Imagine if, instead of relying on his own constitutional authority, he had done the thing his detractors now insist he should have done.

Iran absent from nuclear meeting — Iran failed to attend a meeting in Vienna to discuss its decision to resume nuclear fuel research, the UN's nuclear watchdog says. — The International Atomic Energy Agency said a meeting with Iranian delegates scheduled for Thursday never took place and no new meeting was planned.

Jose Padilla's First Appearance — I attended Jose Padilla's first appearance today in the Southern District of Florida. Magistrate Judge Barry Garber presided. The lead Miami prosecutor on the case is Russell Killinger, a well-respected veteran in the Southern District of Florida.

Where Are the USC Championship T-Shirts? — They might be going to Haiti. — Listen to this story on NPR's Day to Day. — On Wednesday night, Texas beat USC 41-38 to win the Rose Bowl and college football's national championship. After the game, Longhorns players paraded around …

Chief Among the Silliness — The University of Illinois must soon decide whether, and if so how, to fight an exceedingly silly edict from the NCAA. That organization's primary function is to require college athletics to be no more crassly exploitative and commercial than is absolutely necessary.

Muslim group avoids Holocaust Day — The Muslim Council of Britain, the country's main Muslim organisation, has decided to maintain its boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day. — The MCB's policy is not to take part in the UK's commemorations of the mass murder of Jews because it does not mention non-Jewish victims of genocide.