
Political Web, page A1 … for 5:50 AM ET, January 9, 2006
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Top Items:

CNN LATE EDITION WITH WOLF BLITZER  —  Interview With Shimon Peres; Interview With Benjamin Netanyahu  —  THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT.  THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.  —  WOLF BLITZER, HOST: It's 11:00 a.m. in Washington, 8:00 a.m. in Los Angeles, 6:00 p.m. here in Jerusalem and 7:00 p.m. in Baghdad.
John Amato / Crooks and Liars:
Dean issues Smack-down on Wolfie  —  They are trying so hard to link Democrats to Abramoff's scandal that on today's Late Edition, Howard Dean almost set Wolfie's beard on fire.  —  Video-WMP Video-QT (transcript)  —  Blitzer has been doing much better as an interviewer lately …
Transcript for January 8  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday-with ethical charges swirling, Congressman Tom DeLay will not return as House majority leader.  Washington lobbyists and fund-raiser Jack Abramoff pleads guilty to fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion.
Bush trying to round up all photos of President with Abramoff  —  RAW STORY  —  Aides to President George W. Bush are trying to identify all the photos that may exist of the President and lobbyist Jack Abramoff together, TIME's White House Correspondents Mike Allen and Matt Cooper report in Monday editions, RAW STORY has learned.   Time: FBI email says Abramoff case 'far from over'
Gateway Pundit:
40 0f 45 Democratic Senators Took Abramoff Money!
Discussion: Ace of Spades HQ and Flopping Aces
Atrios / Eschaton:
Beard Transcript
Jane Roh / Fox News:
Democrats Hit Possible Snag Ahead of Alito Hearings  —  A key witness to the character of Judge Samuel A. Alito has been removed from the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats' testimony list, has learned.  —  Stephen R. Dujack, editor of The Environmental Forum magazine …
Steve Bainbridge /
Alito: What the NY Times Editorial Didn't Tell You  —  The NY Times editorial Judging Samuel Alito didn't say much for the self-professed paper of record's ability to put claims in context.  Let's help them out.  The NY Times says: … Here's what the NY Times didn't tell you:
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Issues and (Possible) Answers: A Primer on the Alito Hearings  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 - When Judge John G. Roberts Jr. appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September for hearings on his nomination to the Supreme Court, all of the participants were largely improvising.
Discussion: Confirm Them and ScrappleFace
Charles Babington / Washington Post:
Democrats Ready to Go After Alito
David S. Broder / Washington Post:
Alito's Challenge  —  The two names uppermost on the minds …
Discussion: Legal Fiction
How to Stay Out of Power  —  Why liberal democrats are playing too fast and too loose with issues of war and peace  —  House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat, engaged in a small but cheesy bit of deception last week.  She released a letter, which quickly found …
Hindrocket / Power Line:
72 HOURS: WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE?  —  We've been getting emails …
The Big Trunk / Power Line:
WHAT THE TIMES HAS WROUGHT  —  Time has posted Joe Klein's …
Paul Caron / TaxProf Blog:
Blogging: Scholarship or Distraction?  —  Here is a report on Friday's panel at the AALS annual meeting sponsored by the Section on Scholarship on Blogging: Scholarship or Distraction?  The program described the session as follows: … After moderator Dennis M. Patterson (Rutgers-Camden) …
Ian James / Associated Press:
In Caracas, Belafonte Calls Bush Terrorist  —  Belafonte Calls Bush 'Greatest Terrorist in World,' Praises Chavez in Venezuela  —  CARACAS, Venezuela Jan 8, 2006 — The American singer and activist Harry Belafonte called President Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world" …
Mary Williams Walsh / New York Times:
More Companies Ending Promises for Retirement  —  The death knell for the traditional company pension has been tolling for some time now.  Companies in ailing industries like steel, airlines and auto parts have thrown themselves into bankruptcy and turned over their ruined pension plans to the federal government.
His year in Iraq  —  Some say Paul Bremer's service laid the groundwork for possible democracy in the Middle East, others see him as a poster child for America's mismanagement of the war … Raging fires, looting, chaos, and destruction: That was the scene when Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III first laid eyes on Baghdad.
Selcan Hacaoglu / Associated Press:
Report: Man Who Shot Pope to Be Freed  —  A court has approved the release from prison the man who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981, saying he completed his sentence for crimes he committed in Turkey, the semiofficial Anatolia news agency reported Sunday.  —  Mehmet Ali Agca was extradited …
David Rose / Observer:
Scandal of force-fed prisoners  —  Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes, admits Guantánamo Bay doctor  —  New details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed …
The Times Misquotes the Roadmap  —  In a front page story in the New York Times today, Jerusalem Bureau Chief Steven Erlanger breaks with Times policy by acknowledging that Palestinians, and not just Israelis, have obligations under the Road Map for Peace.  Bravo!  Bravo!
Steven Erlanger / New York Times:   With Sharon Ill, Palestinians Face Own Travails
Saddam's terror training camps - and how Stephen Hayes misses the mark  —  Stephen Hayes is reporting that Saddam's regime was running three separate training facilities in Iraq - in Samarra, Ramadi, and Salman Pak - graduating 2,000 foreign terrorist every year from 1999 to 2002.

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More Items:

Associated Press:
Vengeful mouse sets house ablaze
Discussion: Althouse
Associated Press:
Utah Theater Cancels 'Brokeback Mountain'
Discussion: Prairie Weather
Mark Kilmer /
What happened on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows
Discussion: Betsy's Page
Iraq US helicopter crash kills 12
Melissa Kite / Telegraph:
No identity card? You could be fined £2,500
Glenn Reynolds /
The InstaPundit - Dr. Helen Podcast
Discussion: Dr. Helen and Michelle Malkin
David Tell / Weekly Standard:
The Worst of Times  —  WHAT IF THE CIA OR FBI should catch wind …
Discussion: Varifrank
Jamie Wilson / Guardian:
Iraq war could cost US over $2 trillion, says Nobel prize-winning economist

Earlier Picks:

Jeff Goldstein / protein wisdom:
Grieving Mom Cindy Sheehan …
Jonathan Mahler / New York Times:
The Bush Administration vs. Salim Hamdan
Discussion: SCOTUSblog
The Left Coaster:
No proteins for wisdom, it seems
The wit and wisdom of Tony Banks
Discussion: Crooked Timber and Biased BBC
Dave Johnson / Seeing the Forest:
DOES Everybody Do It?  —  You're reading a lot about a corruption scandal in Washington.
Discussion: Rook's Rant
Nicholas Wapshott / Independent:
Get out of MySpace, bloggers rage at Murdoch
Joe Gandelman / The Moderate Voice:
A Blogger Gets A "Death Threat" (UPDATED II)
Zbigniew Brzezinski / Washington Post:
The Real Choice in Iraq
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