
Political Web, page A1 … for 11:10 AM ET, January 10, 2006
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Top Items:

Dan Balz / Washington Post:
Despite Advocacy, Alito Is Not on Public's Radar Screen  —  Until Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) gaveled the confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. to order yesterday, the battle over Alito's nomination had been a shouting match between partisans.
Washington Times:
The closing of Ted Kennedy's mind  —  Something unusual happened on the way to this week's nomination hearings for Judge Samuel Alito: Reporters scoffed at the ridiculousness of Sen. Ted Kennedy.  Notably, one columnist called his antics "meandering and listless" and suggested Mr. Kennedy is beyond his prime.
Discussion: Baseball Crank
Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Alito Pledges to Do What the Law Requires
Discussion: Confederate Yankee
New York Times:
Alito Tells Senators That 'Rule of Law' Is Paramount
Adam Nagourney / New York Times:   Partisan Tenor of Alito Hearing Reflects a Quick Change in Washington
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:   Bipartisan Agreement: Roberts Was Just Terrific
George F. Will / Washington Post:
For the House GOP, A Belated Evolution  —  Before evolution produced creatures of our perfection, there was a three-ton dinosaur, the stegosaurus, so neurologically sluggish that when its tail was injured, significant time elapsed before news of the trauma meandered up its long spine to its walnut-size brain.
Jonathan Weisman / Washington Post:
Blunt, Boehner Remain as Field For Majority Leader Narrows
New York Times:
Ignoring Protests, Iran Resumes Nuclear Program  —  Defying its European partners and the United States, Iran reopened its vast uranium enrichment complex today, resuming nuclear activities that it suspended 14 months ago, according to the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency.
Jacqueline W. Shire / ABCNEWS:
Sources: Iran to Begin Enriching Uranium
Discussion: Stop The ACLU
Kip / A Stitch in Haste:
New VAWA "Annoying" Clause is Indeed Annoying — But Not to Blogs  —  The libertarian wing of the Blogosphere is very much abuzz about this report regarding an extension to the Violence Against Women Act to cyberspace: … Some hasty stitches:  —The relevant code section is 47 USC 223.
Roger Alford / Opinio Juris:
Most Popular Law Blogs  —  There is great commentary today at Prawfsblawg, Concurring Opinions, and Tax Prof Blog on the topic of law blogging.  In light of that discussion, I thought it might be interesting to know what are the most popular law blogs based on traffic reports available here.
Washington Post:
Lobby Firm Is Scandal Casualty  —  Abramoff, DeLay Publicity Blamed For Shutdown  —  One of Washington's top lobbying operations will shut down at the end of the month because of its ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former House majority leader Tom DeLay.
Reuel Marc Gerecht / Washington Post:
'Hearts and Minds' in Iraq  —  As History Shows, Ideas Matter More Than Who Pays to Promote Them  —  Once again we are confronted with stories about how the Pentagon and its ubiquitous private contractors are undermining free inquiry in Iraq.  "Muslim Scholars Were Paid to Aid U.S. Propaganda," reports the New York Times.
Discussion: Abu Aardvark and QandO
PM's sedation lowered further as arm, leg show movement  —  Physicians at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem treating Ariel Sharon are to further lighten his sedation on Tuesday after the prime minister responded Monday to pain stimulus and showed slight movement in his right arm and right leg.
Roland Flamini / UPI:
Corridors of Power: The lady was a spy  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 (UPI) — Susanne Osthoff, the German archeologist kidnapped by Iraqi gunmen on Nov. 25 and released before Christmas was connected with her country's intelligence service, the BND, and had helped arrange a meeting with a top member …
USA Today:
Most consider lobbying scandal a big deal, poll shows  —  WASHINGTON — Americans are paying close attention to the lobbying scandal in the Capitol and say corruption in government will play a big role in their vote for Congress in November — more important than Social Security, taxes, abortion or immigration.
Bo-Mi Lim / Associated Press:
Korean University Says Cloning Claim Faked  —  The now-disgraced South Korean researcher who stunned the scientific community with his claim to have cloned human embryonic stem cells faked his results, relying on "fabricated data," his university said Tuesday.
Carol D. Leonnig / Washington Post:
Russert Resisted Testifying on Leak  —  Lawyers for NBC News reporter Tim Russert suspected in the spring of 2004 that his testimony could snare Vice President Cheney's top aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, in a lie and Russert resisted testifying at the time about private conversations with Libby …
Peter S. Goodman / Washington Post:
China Set To Reduce Exposure To Dollar  —  SHANGHAI, Jan. 9 — China has resolved to shift some of its foreign exchange reserves — now in excess of $800 billion — away from the U.S. dollar and into other world currencies in a move likely to push down the value of the greenback …
Eric Lichtblau / New York Times:
Judges and Justice Dept. Meet Over Eavesdropping Program  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 - The Justice Department held an unusual closed-door briefing Monday for judges on a secret foreign-intelligence court in response to concerns about President Bush's decision to allow domestic eavesdropping without warrants.
Discussion: firedoglake
Christian Science Monitor:
Reporter abducted in Iraq  —  BAGHDAD AND PARIS - Jill Carroll, a freelance journalist currently on assignment for The Christian Science Monitor, was abducted by unknown gunmen in Baghdad Saturday morning.  Her Iraqi interpreter was killed during the kidnapping.

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More Items:

Jon Sarche / Associated Press:
Court Upholds Man's Mandatory Sentence
Discussion: ACSBlog and TalkLeft
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
RNC Blogger Forum: Day 2 Live Blog, Specter & Leahy
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Set A Lefty To Catch...
U.S. opening some private mail in terror fight
Edward Wyatt / New York Times:
Best-Selling Memoir Draws Scrutiny
Discussion: Simianbrain and Flopping Aces
Full Stop  —  Effective at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10 …
San Francisco Chronicle:
Police defuse bomb at Starbucks on Van Ness
Associated Press:
Lawmakers approve measure to suspend executions in New Jersey
Discussion: MyDD

Earlier Picks:

Clinical Cases / Clinical Cases and Images:
Grand Rounds  —  What is this?  —  Grand Rounds is a weekly summary …
New York Times:
I.R.S. Is Sued on Failure to Release Tax Data
Hi Everybody,  —  Referring to a comment by Mary: Hi Mary …
Toronto Star:
Tories surge in latest poll
Discussion: and Daimnation!
James Oberg / MSNBC:
Russian space city builds new route to heavens
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
RNC Blogger Forum: Surprise Visitors
Digby / Hullabaloo:
Freeping The Court  —  I watched the Roberts hearings …
MPs leaked Bush plan to hit al-Jazeera
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