
Political Web, page A1 … for 5:35 PM ET, January 10, 2006
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Top Items:

John O'Sullivan / Chicago Sun Times:
Dems off to bad start at Alito hearings  —  If the Democrats seriously wish to secure the rejection of Judge Samuel Alito's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, then they made a very bad start with Monday's hearings.  Only by making Alito deeply unpopular with the American people …
William Branigin / Washington Post:
Alito Seeks to Distance Himself From Previous Abortion Statements  —  Nominee Faces Senators in Second Day of Hearing  —  Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr., facing tough questioning on the second day of his Senate confirmation hearings, distanced himself today from a statement …
Bill Mears / CNN:   Alito fields questions on abortion, executive power
Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Alito Says He'd Keep 'An Open Mind'
Discussion: Donklephant and Maverick Views
National Review:
The Abramoff Scandal (R., Beltway)  —  Republicans are looking for "their" John McCain.  The popular Arizona maverick is already a Republican, of course.  But the GOP needs a McCain in the "Keating Five" sense.  Back in 1990, Senate Democrats roped McCain into the scandal over savings …
George F. Will / Washington Post:
For the House GOP, A Belated Evolution  —  Before evolution produced creatures of our perfection, there was a three-ton dinosaur, the stegosaurus, so neurologically sluggish that when its tail was injured, significant time elapsed before news of the trauma meandered up its long spine to its walnut-size brain.
USA Today:
Most consider lobbying scandal a big deal, poll shows  —  WASHINGTON — Americans are paying close attention to the lobbying scandal in the Capitol and say corruption in government will play a big role in their vote for Congress in November — more important than Social Security, taxes, abortion or immigration.
Jennifer McKee /
Burns says Democrats behind Abramoff scandal
Discussion: Left in the West and Daily Kos
Carol D. Leonnig / Washington Post:
Russert Resisted Testifying on Leak  —  Lawyers for NBC News reporter Tim Russert suspected in the spring of 2004 that his testimony could snare Vice President Cheney's top aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, in a lie and Russert resisted testifying at the time about private conversations with Libby …
Jason Leopold /
Fitzgerald Maintains Focus on Rove  —  Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is said to have spent the past month preparing evidence he will present to a grand jury alleging that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove knowingly made false statements to FBI and Justice Department investigators …
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:   A Crumb For The Plamaniacs  —  The WaPo teases us with a near non-story …
Jeffrey Toobin / New Yorker:
NAME THAT SOURCE  —  Why are the courts leaning on journalists?
Discussion: TalkLeft
Fred Kaplan / Slate:
GI Schmo  —  How low can Army recruiters go?  —  Three months ago, I wrote that the war in Iraq was wrecking the U.S. Army, and since then the evidence has only mounted, steeply.  Faced with repeated failures to meet its recruitment targets, the Army has had to lower its standards dramatically.
Paul Caron / TaxProf Blog:
Most Popular Law Blogs by Law Professors  —  OpinioJuris has an interesting ranking of the most popular law blogs based on traffic reports on The Truth Laid Bare.  These traffic stats are imperfect, as they do not cover some popular law blogs (e.g., Legal Theory Blog, The Right Coast …
Michael J. Totten:
Send Me to Iraq  —  It's time for me to go to Iraq.  —  I am not going to embed with the military.  While it sounds exciting (as well as terrifying), I'm only going to be there a few weeks.  War correspondence isn't something a person does for two weeks.  —  Instead I'm going to the part of Iraq most journalists ignore: the North.
David E. Sanger / New York Times:
Bush Issues Stark Warning to Democrats on Iraq Debate  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 - President Bush issued an unusually stark warning to Democrats today about how to conduct the debate on Iraq as midterm elections approach, declaring that Americans know the difference "between honest critics" …
Chris Bowers / MyDD:
Is Alito Lying About Concerned Alumni for Princeton?  —  Well, yes, he is lying, but I wanted to ask other people the same question.  So, during the lunch break, I went down to the press area with Tim Tagaris, armed with only a single question:  —  "Do you believe Judge Alito is telling …
Christopher Hitchens / Slate:
The Bush Bombshell  —  Did the president propose to take out Al Jazeera?  —  Tomorrow morning, in a court in London, two men will appear to face charges under Britain's Official Secrets Act.  The first man, David Keogh, a former employee of the Cabinet Office, is accused of unlawfully handing …
Washington Post:
Record Share Of Economy Is Spent on Health Care  —  Rising health care costs, already threatening many basic industries, now consume 16 percent of the nation's economic output — the highest proportion ever, the government said yesterday in its latest calculation.

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More Items:

New York Times:
I.R.S. Limited Tax Refunds of Poor, Congress Is Told
Discussion: MaxSpeak, TaxProf Blog and philly
Brendan / Brendan Calling from the Underground:
In Which Christine Flowers Makes a [Greater] Fool of Herself
Daryl Lindsey /
Ahmadinejad's Appetite for Self-Destruction
Matt Richtel / New York Times:
A Night to See the Stars Actually Wearing Clothes
Kevin Zeese /
National Security Agency mounted massive spy op …
Michael D. Shear / Washington Post:
Warner's Triumphant Legacy No Easy Feat
Sen. Clinton Says Lack of Body Armor is 'Unforgivable'
RenaRF /
Kate O'Beirne Can Drop Dead.

Earlier Picks:

al-Qaeda Attacks the Iraqi Police
Blunt, Boehner Share Broad Network of Lobbyist Ties With DeLay
Ellen Knickmeyer / Washington Post:
In Ambush Lasting Seconds, U.S. Reporter in Iraq Becomes Hostage
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Focus of Hearings Quickly Turns to Limits of Presidential Power
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Set A Lefty To Catch...
Washington Times:
The closing of Ted Kennedy's mind
Peter S. Goodman / Washington Post:
China Set To Reduce Exposure To Dollar
Discussion: Pacific Views
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