
Political Web, page A1 … for 4:05 PM ET, January 15, 2006
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Top Items:

Niall Ferguson / Telegraph:
The origins of the Great War of 2007 - and how it could have been prevented  —  Are we living through the origins of the next world war?  Certainly, it is easy to imagine how a future historian might deal with the next phase of events in the Middle East:  —  With every passing year …
Robert Tait / Observer:
West is in dark ages, says Iran's President  —  Leader threatens retaliation if the US and EU continue to try to block nuclear programme  —  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the hardline President of Iran, launched an angry tirade against the West yesterday, accusing it of a 'dark ages' mentality …
Anne Penketh / Independent:
Iran: The nuclear nightmare  —  Tehran's defiance sparks fears of a regional showdown  —  The confrontation between Iran and the West deepened yesterday as both sides hardened their positions over the Islamic republic's nuclear programme.  —  The foreign ministers of Britain …
Discussion: The Heretik and The Left Coaster
Diplomacy and Force  —  Interview: The United Nations' top inspector …
Discussion: american footprints
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:   Have We Given Up On Iran?  —  That's what The Scotsman reports …
Hope Yen / Associated Press:
Feinstein Warns Against Alito Filibuster  —  WASHINGTON - A Democrat who plans to vote against Samuel Alito sided on Sunday with a Republican colleague on the Senate Judiciary Committee in cautioning against a filibuster of the Supreme Court nominee.  —  "I do not see a likelihood of a filibuster …
Discussion: First Draft
Remembering May, the 'gang of 14' and the vindication of various people  —  The New York Times surrendered this morning.  On its front page we read the headline "Glum Democrats Can't See Halting Bush On Courts."  The opening paragraphs say it all: … From altitude, the Democrats are losing …
Los Angeles Times:
All about Alito (or not)
Discussion: How Appealing
William Tucker / Weekly Standard:
The Smear that Failed  —  OF ALL THE SMEARS AIMED at Supreme …
Discussion: The Y Files
Washington Post:
Confirm Samuel Alito
Kristen Mack / Houston Chronicle:
Only half those who voted for him in '04 would do so again, poll finds  —  A criminal indictment and continuing investigations have severely eroded support for U.S. Rep Tom DeLay in his district, most notably among Republicans who have voted for him before, according to a Houston Chronicle poll.
Poll shows embattled DeLay trailing in Texas race
Discussion: The All Spin Zone
Associated Press:
Poll: DeLay Losing Support in Own District
Discussion: AMERICAblog
Washington Post:
U.S. Strike On Al Qaeda Top Deputy Said to Fail  —  Thousands Protest After Attack In Pakistan Leaves 17 Dead  —  KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 14 — Pakistani officials said Saturday that a U.S. missile strike intended to kill al Qaeda deputy Ayman Zawahiri had missed its target but had killed 17 people …
Tim F. / Balloon Juice:
Wishful Thinking  —  Von at Obsidian Wings has noble and timely sentiments about Iran: … Then he links to a Q-and-O post which sniffs indignantly at lefty bloggers who've done some prognosticating about how the Iran imbroglio will pan out.  In a classic example of rhetorical dishonesty …
Discussion: Obsidian Wings
New York Times:
The Imperial Presidency at Work  —  You would think that Senators Carl Levin and John McCain would have learned by now that you cannot deal in good faith with a White House that does not act in good faith.  Yet both men struck bargains intended to restore the rule of law to American prison camps.
John / AMERICAblog:
Just fire the Democrats, please.  All of them  —  From tomorrow's NYT: … Ok, let's get a few things straight:  —  1. Yes, Virginia, the country won't just spontaneously rise up in opposition to President Bush.  You need to actually LEAD the country, you need to actually CONVINCE Americans that Bush is wrong and you are right.
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
In Shadegg's Race, a Nod to the '94 Revolution  —  He grew up around Barry Goldwater, arrived in Washington with the "Contract With America" crowd, boycotted one of President Bill Clinton's State of the Union speeches and is more conservative on some issues than President Bush.
Mark Steyn / Chicago Sun Times:
Ham-handed Dems didn't lay a glove on Alito  —  I find it, as grave somber Senate Democrats like to say, "troubling."  Indeed, I find it not just "troubling" but sad that a party once so good at "the politics of personal destruction" has got so bad at it.  The last time they had a Supreme Court nominee …
Los Angeles Times:
'Marshall Plan' for Iraq Fades  —  Once the $18.6 billion for reconstruction is spent, the nation might have to rely on private investment.  'No pain, no gain,' a U.S. official says.  —  BAGHDAD — After more than 2 1/2 years of sputtering reconstruction work, the United States' "Marshall Plan" …
Nick Cohen / Observer:
'Galloway can no longer count on the indulgence of polite society'  —  The first series of Big Brother in 2000 drew a long howl of disgust from the British intelligentsia.  Martin Amis said it proved that meritocracy was dead - because 'now you can become famous without having any talent by abasing yourself on a TV nerdothon'.
Francis Elliott / Independent:
MI5 will get new powers to bug MPs  —  Furious cabinet revolt as Blair gives green light for security services to spy on elected representatives  —  Tony Blair is preparing to scrap a 40-year ban on tapping MPs' telephones, despite fierce Cabinet opposition, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

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More Items:

Richard Silverstein / Tikun Olam-תק×& bull;ן עו×&oelig ;×:
Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards, Ideologically-Slanted?
Time to do the John Galt thing, Wal-Mart
Discussion: Dean's World
David Smith / Observer:
Americans save British hostage no one knew was missing
Discussion: Argghhh!
Arthur Herman / New York Post:
HAVE THEY NO DECENCY ?  —  January 15, 2006 — ARROGANCE and TV …
Sarah Kershaw / New York Times:
A Protest, a Spy Program and a Campus in an Uproar
Judd / Think Progress:
Specter: If Bush Broke The Law With Warrantless Spying, Impeachment Is A Remedy
John Kerry lauds free power for farmers
Nancy Pelosi / Washington Post:
The Gap in Intelligence Oversight
Discussion: Decision '08

Earlier Picks:

Jamie Whyte / Times of London:
You support Health & Safety? What have you been smoking?
Saddam judge 'resigns from trial'
Discussion: Reuters and Flopping Aces
Patrick McGreevy / Los Angeles Times:
Land Seized for Animal Shelter May Be Sold to Developer-Donor
Jeffrey Gettleman / New York Times:
The Stress of Guarding the Couch
Brown speech promotes Britishness
Annie Jacobsen / WomensWallStreet:
Not All Shoes Are Created Equal
Renwick McLean / New York Times:
U.S. Bars Spain's Sale of Planes to 'Antidemocratic' Venezuela
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