Top Items:

The Firestorm Over My Column — Nothing in my 50-year career prepared me for the thousands of flaming e-mails I got last week over my last column, e-mails so abusive and many so obscene that part of The Post's Web site was shut down. — That column praised The Post for breaking the story …
The Sideshow, Gateway Pundit, AMERICAN FUTURE, CorrenteWire, Brad DeLong's Semi …, Flopping Aces, Decision '08, Crooks and Liars and Daily Kos

Transparency at the Post: Q & A with Jim Brady of > Live Discussions
QandO, The Washington Note, The Huffington Post, Flopping Aces and skippy the bush kangaroo

BeKos Kerry Says So — Massachusetts Senator and failed Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry, writing on Daily Kos: … Right. Because had George W simply strapped on the chaps, cowboyed up, and put a slug in bin Laden's belly as promised, al Qaeda would have dried up and blown away …
The Next Hurrah, Left I on the News, Dr. Sanity, Sigmund, Carl and Alfred and Dean's World

The Kos is Either at Your Throat or at Your Knees — A NEW ARRIVAL IN THE SYCOPHANTS' HALL OF FAME TODAY IS Markos Alberto Moulitsas ("Screw 'Em") Zuniga, the hyperthyroid Janitor and lead ranter at The Daily Kos. (Am I the only one who thinks that "The Daily 'Koz' " sounds like some sort of rough and clensing Serbian high colonic? )
Mudville Gazette

Israeli Hints at Preparation to Stop Iran — JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's defense minister hinted Saturday that the Jewish state is preparing for military action to stop Iran's nuclear program, but said international diplomacy must be the first course of action.
A Blog For All, BrothersJudd Blog, Outside The Beltway, BlondeSense, PunditGuy and Clayton Cramer's BLOG

When George Met Jack — White House aides deny the President knew lobbyist Abramoff, but unpublished photos shown to TIME suggest there's more to the story … As details poured out about the illegal and unseemly activities of Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, White House officials sought …

As Elections Near, Officials Challenge Balloting Security — In Controlled Test, Results Are Manipulated in Florida System — As the Leon County supervisor of elections, Ion Sancho's job is to make sure voting is free of fraud. But the most brazen effort lately to manipulate election results …

States of Confusion — IT'S no longer just anti-abortion advocates who oppose Roe v. Wade. These days, Roe's traditional critics are joined by a surprising and increasing number of people who are pro-choice but willing - in fact, eager - to have the ruling overturned.

Belafonte Continues Tirade Against Bush — NEW YORK — Entertainer Harry Belafonte, one of the Bush administration's harshest critics, compared the Homeland Security Department to the Nazi Gestapo on Saturday and attacked the president as a liar. — "We've come to this dark …

What journalists can learn from software developers — One result of the whole Washington Post comments debacle is that, as Jay Rosen puts it, "We're going backwards in our ability to have a conversation with the Washington Post." The Post circles its wagons against the barbarians …

Rescuers Find Bodies of 2 W.Va. Miners — MELVILLE, W.Va. - Two men trapped in a West Virginia coal mine made a "valiant effort" to escape, but were blocked by scorching heat and thick smoke from a conveyor belt fire that also prevented rescuers from finding their bodies for two days, the director of the state mining agency said.

Rove's Strategy is Out, What's Ours? — I'm in a bleak, weary mood laced with caffeine, but nonetheless I will press ahead in some self-absorbed quest of futility: I want to know how the Democrats are going to win Congress in 2006. Yes, both the House and Senate.

Iran & the Bomb 2: Iran's Missiles — This is second part in a three part series on Iran's nuclear capabilities that I am writing at the urging of Noah Shachtman from DefenseTech. (Read Part 1). — Once upon a time, Persian scientists spent their considerable talents making the world a better place …

Joe Klein is "all opinion and very little information" — Time Magazine's Joe Klein appeared on CNN last night and said "I bow to nobody in, in my disdain for bloggers. They're all opinions and very little information." What a truly incredible statement from person like Klein - one of America's foremost fact-averse pundits.

A Million Dollars Worth of Irony — Back in June, I mentioned a reality show called "Welcome to the Neighborhood," in which three white, self-described "Christian" families in Texas got to pick their new neighbors from among a group of minority families, including an African-American family …

Medicare Woes Take High Toll on Mentally Ill — Stephen Starnes, 49, has paranoid schizophrenia and is a resident at Dayspring Village, a Florida assisted living center for the mentally ill. — HILLIARD, Fla., Jan. 16 - On the seventh day of the new Medicare drug benefit …

The Real Truth About Bush's "War On Terror" — Karl Rove, who himself is a threat to national security, revealed that the GOP will make national security a central issue in 2006. Who better to reveal the Republicans' Orwellian plan that the man who probably leaked highly classified national security secrets …

Liberal Misstep On Anti-Americanism — Canada may suddenly be hip with Americans, but it might surprise people on both sides of the border that Americans still retain some popularity among Canadians. The Washington Post reports on the upcoming Canadian election today by covering the backlash …

READ THIS ONE SOMEDAY, SENATOR... John Kerry says he follows blogs. As does Theresa. They ought to enjoy the Medley, then, since I'm apparently one of the few remaining liberal bloggers who still think the Senator would make a good president. He must like blogs — he has his own Daily Kos diary now, and he's pissed off:

Just You Keep It Up — There is a very good reason the Democratic Party in America is, for all intents and purposes, in serious decline; and there is a very good reason I will continue to use my miniscule influence to highlight the bile coming from the Angry Left.

MISS OKLAHOMA WINS — The Miss America pageant has suffered a bit of a come-down, and departed the networks this year for Country Music Television. The pageant tried to spruce itself up by moving to Las Vegas and putting on a more contemporary swimsuit competition.

Male Like Me — Don't judge this book by its cover. It features two photographs of the author, Norah Vincent. In the first, she's a brassy, attractive woman with short, upswept hair and a confident smirk on her face. In the second, she's done up in man drag, with poindexter eyeglasses, a day's worth of stubble and a necktie.

Activists Seek to Evict Souter From Home — CONCORD, N.H. — Angered by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that sided with a Connecticut city that wanted to seize homes for economic development, a group of activists is trying to get one of the justices who voted for the decision evicted from his own home.

PlameGate: Libby and the Government At Odds Over Discovery — The Government and lawyers for Lewis "Scooter" Libby filed a discovery status report today with the court. Here are the items in contention (from the court filing): — 6. It is the position of the defense …