
Political Web, page A1 … for 2:45 PM ET, January 22, 2006
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Top Items:

David E. Sanger / New York Times:
Why Not a Strike on Iran?  —  DIPLOMATS around the world keep repeating the mantra: There is no military option when it comes to slowing, much less stopping, Iran's presumed ambitions to get the Bomb.  The Europeans say so.  The Chinese, who need Iran's oil, and the Russians …
Josef Federman / Associated Press:
Israeli Hints at Preparation to Stop Iran  —  JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's defense minister hinted Saturday that the Jewish state is preparing for military action to stop Iran's nuclear program, but said international diplomacy must be the first course of action.
Fareed Zakaria / Newsweek:
Time to Face Reality on Iran  —  At best, a military strike would set back Iran's program a few years, inflame public opinion there and unify the nation in its bid to go nuclear.  —  Jan. 30, 2006 issue - The huffing and puffing in Washington is so strong these days, it could start a gale.
Discussion: Decision '08
Philip Sherwell / Telegraph:
Iran extends nuclear plant in secret
Allah / Link Mecca:   Debka: Iran Plans Nuke Test
When George Met Jack  —  White House aides deny the President knew lobbyist Abramoff, but unpublished photos shown to TIME suggest there's more to the story … As details poured out about the illegal and unseemly activities of Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, White House officials sought …
Los Angeles Times:
States Step Up Fight on Abortion  — Anticipating a more conservative Supreme Court, lawmakers are proposing bans in hope of forcing the justices to revisit Roe vs. Wade.  —  INDIANAPOLIS — Taking direct aim at Roe vs. Wade, lawmakers from several states are proposing broad restrictions on abortion …
Discussion: Booman Tribune and ACSBlog
William Baude / New York Times:
States of Confusion  —  IT'S no longer just anti-abortion advocates who oppose Roe v. Wade.  These days, Roe's traditional critics are joined by a surprising and increasing number of people who are pro-choice but willing - in fact, eager - to have the ruling overturned.
Deborah Howell / Washington Post:
The Firestorm Over My Column  —  Nothing in my 50-year career prepared me for the thousands of flaming e-mails I got last week over my last column, e-mails so abusive and many so obscene that part of The Post's Web site was shut down.  —  That column praised The Post for breaking the story …
ReddHedd / firedoglake:
Oh, Look — Bloomberg Gets It Right  —  Ooooh, lookie.  An example of real, honest factual reporting.  With follow-up.  And numbers to back things up.  Good on ya, Bloomberg.  First, there's this: … The article goes on to say this: … Um, yeah.  He's a Republican lobbyist …
Glenn Greenwald / Unclaimed Territory:
Saddam copying Bush's talking points?  —  There are a few Bush-loving sites which are vehemently denying that GOP commentators compared Bush opponents with bin Laden by "pointing out" that bin Laden's latest message "sounds like" Democrats.  I am currently have a mini-debate with a couple …
Zachary Goldfarb / Washington Post:
As Elections Near, Officials Challenge Balloting Security  —  In Controlled Test, Results Are Manipulated in Florida System  —  As the Leon County supervisor of elections, Ion Sancho's job is to make sure voting is free of fraud.  But the most brazen effort lately to manipulate election results …
Brad / THE BRAD BLOG:   Washington Post Reports …
Demosophist / The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta:
The Iran Dilemma  —  Well, my first impulse after reading Strategic Forecasting's attempt to untie the Mullahs' Gordian Knot was that the Geneva Convention should have banned tortured logic.  The author of the report, George Friedman, believes that Iran isn't actually serious about developing a nuke.
John Cole / Balloon Juice:
Last Thoughts on Haleigh  —  In a long post/update on the sad case of Haleigh Poutre, Michelle Malkin laments the fact that no talk-show hosts or big media types have taken up the cause, and then dishonestly singles me out: … Some days, Michelle seems to exist only to make Bill O'Reilly look like a straight shooter.
Peter Beinart / Washington Post:
The Isolation Pendulum  —  Expect a Cyclical U.S. Retreat From World Affairs After the Iraq War  —  When Americans think about foreign policy, they often think in cycles.  In 1952 an academic named Frank Klingberg divided America's relations with the world into periods of "extroversion" …
RJ Eskow / The Huffington Post:
Found!  Al-Zawahiri's Poetry Notebooks  —  The world learned today that Al-Zawahiri writes poetry, but it was old news at the CIA.  They've known ever since a set of spiral notebooks was found on a park bench in Kandahar.  You know the kind: black and white speckles on the front, with a white box in the middle that says "My Notes."
Scott Rosenberg / Scott Rosenberg's Links & Comment:
What journalists can learn from software developers  —  One result of the whole Washington Post comments debacle is that, as Jay Rosen puts it, "We're going backwards in our ability to have a conversation with the Washington Post."  The Post circles its wagons against the barbarians …
The Kos is Either at Your Throat or at Your Knees  —  A NEW ARRIVAL IN THE SYCOPHANTS' HALL OF FAME TODAY IS Markos Alberto Moulitsas ("Screw 'Em") Zuniga, the hyperthyroid Janitor and lead ranter at The Daily Kos.  (Am I the only one who thinks that "The Daily 'Koz' " sounds like some sort of rough and clensing Serbian high colonic? )
Discussion: Mudville Gazette
Verena Dobnik / Associated Press:
Belafonte Continues Tirade Against Bush  —  NEW YORK — Entertainer Harry Belafonte, one of the Bush administration's harshest critics, compared the Homeland Security Department to the Nazi Gestapo on Saturday and attacked the president as a liar.  —  "We've come to this dark …
Dan Gerstein / Opinion Journal:
Base Dogma  —  Left-wing bloggers observe the Alito hearings from an alternative universe.  —  It's hard not to listen to the reviews of the Democrats' performance in the Alito hearings and come away thinking that much of our party is living in a parallel universe.
Lawrence Messina / Associated Press:
Rescuers Find Bodies of 2 W.Va. Miners  —  MELVILLE, W.Va. - Two men trapped in a West Virginia coal mine made a "valiant effort" to escape, but were blocked by scorching heat and thick smoke from a conveyor belt fire that also prevented rescuers from finding their bodies for two days, the director of the state mining agency said.
Discussion: PunditGuy and Confined Space
'The Situation with Tucker Carlson' for Jan. 19th  —  Read the transcript to the Thursday show  —  Guest: Jeb McMahon, H. Alexander Robinson, Michael Jacobson  —  JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST, "SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY": That is all the time we have.  THE SITUATION with Tucker Carlson starts right now.
Discussion: Crooks and Liars
Brendan Smialowski / Newsweek:
Politics: No Longer Lying Low, 'Rove Is in the House!'  —  After months out of the limelight, Karl Rove is back and circulating  —  Jan. 30, 2006 issue - The Republican National Committee organized a forum for conservative bloggers earlier this month, telling attendees they'd be briefed …
Discussion: Captain's Quarters

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More Items:

Harry De Quetteville / Telegraph:
Assad says Israel had Arafat killed
Jane Hamsher / firedoglake:
Late-Nite FDL: C-Team To the Rescue
Mohammed / IRAQ THE MODEL:
Iraq needs months to form the new government, Iraqi militants turn against al-Qaeda.
Discussion: A Blog For All
Washington Post:
U.S. Funds Enter Fray In Palestinian Elections
Noel Sheppard /
Media Ignore Iranian President's Call For Europe to Take Back Jews From Israel
Dave Schuler / The Glittering Eye:
The debate on Iran
The Wege / Norwegianity:
Comparisons and transitions  —  Atrios is right: Jamison Foser …

Earlier Picks:

Hindrocket / Power Line:
Discussion: TBogg and The Heretik
Associated Press:
Activists Seek to Evict Souter From Home
New York Times:
More Attacks and Meetings on a Program Under Fire
Discussion: The Sideshow and AMERICAblog
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Liberal Misstep On Anti-Americanism
Robert Pear / New York Times:
Medicare Woes Take High Toll on Mentally Ill
David Kamp / New York Times:
Male Like Me  —  Don't judge this book by its cover.
MB Williams / Wampum:
The 2005 Koufax Awards: Best New Blog
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