
Political Web, page A1 … for 12:10 AM ET, January 23, 2006
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Top Items:

Crooks and Liars:
Russert channels Hannity  —  Why is Russert asking this question to Obama at all?  It's clearly an RNC talking point that the Sean Hannity's of the media thrive on to deflect any negative press away from Bush.  As Digby notes: … Nope.  Why would Russert ask something like that?
Discussion: James Wolcott
Transcript for January 22  —  Barack Obama, James Carville, Paul Begala & Mary Matalin  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: This United States senator has just returned from a fact-finding mission to Iraq and the Middle East and has now become the Democrats' point man for lobbying reform.
Jane Hamsher / firedoglake:
Why is Russert Asking Obama About Harry Belafonte?  —  What the hell is Tim Russert asking Barack Obama to express his opinion about Harry Belafonte for?  Harry Belafonte said George Bush was the "greatest terrorist in the world" this week, but it was virtually identical to a comment he made two weeks ago in Chile.
Discussion: The Political Teen
Peter Daou / The Huffington Post:
Why Did Russert Ask Obama About Harry Belafonte?
Faultlines in Iraq's Islamist Insurgency  —  Groups vow to fight al-Qaeda, and Zarqawi's attempts to unite the insurgency  —  The location of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaeda in Iraq's commander, and the state of the Islamist insurgency have been recent topics of conversation.
Discussion: In the Bullpen
Mohammed / IRAQ THE MODEL:
Iraq needs months to form the new government, Iraqi militants turn against al-Qaeda.  —  Reactions to the results announced yesterday varied from one party to another but in general it seems that the results were welcomed outside Iraq more than inside as politicians here re still have the task …
Fareed Zakaria / Newsweek:
Time to Face Reality on Iran  —  At best, a military strike would set back Iran's program a few years, inflame public opinion there and unify the nation in its bid to go nuclear.  —  Jan. 30, 2006 issue - The huffing and puffing in Washington is so strong these days, it could start a gale.
Discussion: Decision '08
The Other Big Brother  —  The Pentagon has its own domestic spying program.  Even its leaders say the outfit may have gone too far.  —  Jan. 30, 2006 issue - The demonstration seemed harmless enough.  Late on a June afternoon in 2004, a motley group of about 10 peace activists showed …
When George Met Jack  —  White House aides deny the President knew lobbyist Abramoff, but unpublished photos shown to TIME suggest there's more to the story … As details poured out about the illegal and unseemly activities of Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, White House officials sought …
Steven Erlanger / New York Times:
U.S. Spent $1.9 Million to Bolster Palestinian Faction's Image  —  JERUSALEM, Jan. 22 - The United States spent about $1.9 million of its yearly $400 million in aid to the Palestinians on dozens of quick projects before this week's elections to bolster the governing Fatah faction's image …
William Saletan / New York Times:
Three Decades After Roe, a War We Can All Support  —  EVERY year, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, pro-lifers add up the fetuses killed since Roe and pray for the outlawing of abortion.  And every year, pro-choicers fret that we're one Supreme Court justice away from losing "the right to choose."
Christopher Stern / Washington Post:
The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet  —  Do you prefer to search for information online with Google or Yahoo?  What about bargain shopping — do you go to Amazon or eBay?  Many of us make these kinds of decisions several times a day, based on who knows what — maybe you don't like bidding …
Discussion: The Doc Searls Weblog
Philip Sherwell / Telegraph:
Iran extends nuclear plant in secret  —  Iran has secretly extended the uranium enrichment plant at the centre of the international controversy over its resumption of banned nuclear research earlier this month, satellite imagery has revealed.  —  Seven buildings have been erected around …
Allah / Link Mecca:
Debka: Iran Plans Nuke Test
Michelle Malkin:
JOHN F. KERRY: THE "F" STANDS FOR FAILURE  —  Many security experts believe that the success of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is vital to our security here at home.  Not Sen. John Kerry.  Here's what he said to George Stephanopoulos on This Week earlier today:
John / AMERICAblog:
Tell NBC not to cave to the bigoted American Family Association  —  Gang, please do this action alert now.  —  NBC is under attack by the bigoted American Family Association for airing a new TV show that - God forbid - includes gay characters and Christian characters who aren't perfect in the eyes of the AFA.
Bob Geiger /
The Koufax Awards Are Here  —  The first round of nominations for Best New Blog in the Koufax Awards was just announced and, thanks to whoever nominated me, I'm there!  (I nominated firedoglake, Pensito Review and Taylor Marsh.)  —  Why not myself?  Because the Koufax Awards are the honor coveted …
Ian / The Political Teen:
SNL Spoofs Nagin, Clinton, Jesse Jackson, And Anderson Cooper (VIDEO)  —  RAY NAGIN: Anderson, let me make it clear, I'm a crazy person.  —  As always, Darrell Hammond does a great job portraying Jesse Jackson with his body language and voice.  —  And, whoever did Hillary Clinton was great also:
Discussion: Stop The ACLU
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
HOWELL AND ABRAMOFF....One of the least appealing aspects of the blogosphere is its obsession with "media criticism," most of which, upon examination, turns out to have about as much heft and substance as a Krispy Kreme donut.  Just in the past day or two, for example, I've come across …
John Cole / Balloon Juice:
Last Thoughts on Haleigh  —  In a long post/update on the sad case of Haleigh Poutre, Michelle Malkin laments the fact that no talk-show hosts or big media types have taken up the cause, and then dishonestly singles me out: … Some days, Michelle seems to exist only to make Bill O'Reilly look like a straight shooter.
Discussion: Malkin(s)Watch
Atrios / Eschaton:
Abramoff  —  I imagine that there are some out there who wonder why a factual error in an ombudsman's column combined with the dismissive attitude about complaints pisses people off so much.  It's very simple.  Time and time again those of us who pay attention see how right wing narratives grow to dominate ongoing news stories.
The Devil's Excrement:
Opposition marches through Caracas, crowd quite large  —  The opposition march was quite succesfull, I was suprised at the size of the crowd today as you can see on the left from the podium where the speakers were addressing the crowd.  In the picture on the left you can not see the end of the corw as far as it goes.
Mark Kilmer / RedState:
What happened on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows  —  Sunday, January 22, 2006.  —  What I learned this week is that Bush should ask Congress for permission, Bush is dividing the nation, and BushLied™.  —  Barak Obama on MTP insisted that Jack Abramoff and the problem of lobbyists writing bills is a uniquely "Republican sin."
Discussion: Betsy's Page and Viking Pundit

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More Items:

Tom Watson:
The U.N. Cowers  —  Bowing to pressure from the regime …
Raymond Hernandez / New York Times:
Clinton Fires. Bush Replies. Guess Why.
Medium Lobster / Fafblog!:
In Which Once Again The Medium Lobster Must Save …
Neil Shakespeare:
Discussion: Ezra Klein and The Heretik
Geoffreystone / The University …:
Why the Senate Should Not Confirm Samuel Alito
Crooks and Liars:
Maddow Fights Back  —  Rachell gets pissed because Carlson …
Discussion: Ezra Klein, PinkDome and MyDD
WaPo Hazel Shocked to discover
Marc Schulman / AMERICAN FUTURE:
Effective Forward Deployment

Earlier Picks:

Ian / The Political Teen:
Reynolds, Huffington, Zuckman Discuss Abramoff, Gore, and Murtha (VIDEO)
Pieter Dorsman / Peaktalk:
Denise Grady / New York Times:
Struggling Back From War's Once-Deadly Wounds
Discussion: Mudville Gazette
Bob Geiger /
No Joke: Bush Proclaims Today "National Sanctity of Human Life Day"
ReddHedd / firedoglake:
Oh, Look — Bloomberg Gets It Right
Harry De Quetteville / Telegraph:
Assad says Israel had Arafat killed
Jane Hamsher / firedoglake:
Late-Nite FDL: C-Team To the Rescue
Discussion: Jesus' General
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