Top Items:

White House Declines to Provide Storm Papers — WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 - The Bush administration, citing the confidentiality of executive branch communications, said Tuesday that it did not plan to turn over certain documents about Hurricane Katrina or make senior White House officials available …

New Tax Breaks for Medical Expenses — President Bush will propose that Americans be allowed to take tax deductions on more of their out-of pocket medical expenses, as part of an initiative the White House believes will rein in soaring health costs by shifting responsibility toward individuals …
EconLog, TAPPED, Marginal Revolution, ACSBlog, BrothersJudd Blog and Asymmetrical Information

Galloway may face serious fraud office investigation — George Galloway faces the prospect of a criminal investigation into his activities by the serious fraud office, which has collected evidence relating to the oil-for-food corruption scandal in Iraq. — A four-strong SFO team returned …

My pal the psychopath — Crawling ... George with Saddam Hussein's son, Uday
Kesher Talk

Google Agrees to Censor Results in China — Online search engine leader Google Inc. has agreed to censor its results in China, adhering to the country's free-speech restrictions in return for better access in the Internet's fastest growing market. — The Mountain View …
Discussion:, Vodkapundit, The Peking Duck, UNCoRRELATED, Democracy Project,, Caerdroia and EU Referendum

Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein today saying he doesn't support the troops. — It's another glaring example of why the Times is the worst newspaper in America: — 01-24stein.mp3 — HH: Welcome now Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times, columnist there. Hi, Joel. Welcome to the Hugh Hewitt Show.
Media Blog on National …, Hugh Hewitt, The Glittering Eye, Captain's Quarters, Patterico's Pontifications, Power Line, Gina Cobb, RedState, Dean's World, One Hand Clapping, Mark in Mexico, Flopping Aces, Michelle Malkin, Argghhh!, JunkYardBlog, Sister Toldjah, aaron, AMERICAN FUTURE, BLACKFIVE, The Sundries Shack, The Middle Ground,,,, Myopic Zeal, The Officers' Club, The Corner on National …, TigerHawk, the evangelical outpost, The RCP Blog, Brainster's Blog, Iowa Voice and Ed

ME, MYSELF, AND I(RAQ) — Hi, Joel Stein here.
Inside Larry's Head, Patridiot Watch, Right Wing News, BLACKFIVE, The Strata-Sphere and protein wisdom

Bush the Incompetent — Incompetence is not one of the seven deadly sins, and it's hardly the worst attribute that can be ascribed to George W. Bush. But it is this president's defining attribute. Historians, looking back at the hash that his administration has made of his war in Iraq …
The Sideshow, Norwegianity, The Mahablog, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Peking Duck and The All Spin Zone

Mr. Abramoff's Meetings — HERE ARE SOME things we know about Jack Abramoff and the White House: The disgraced lobbyist raised at least $100,000 for President Bush's reelection campaign. He had long-standing ties to Karl Rove, a key presidential adviser. He had extensive dealings …

Audit Describes Misuse of Funds in Iraq Projects — A new audit of American financial practices in Iraq has uncovered irregularities including millions of reconstruction dollars stuffed casually into footlockers and filing cabinets, an American soldier in the Philippines who gambled away cash belonging …

The stunning debacle on Iraq 'reconstruction'
Crooked Timber

Gonzales Says NSA Criticism Misleading — WASHINGTON - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales defended the Bush administration's domestic spying program Tuesday and suggested that some critics and news reports have misled Americans about the breadth of the National Security Agency's surveillance.

Iraqi insurgents unite against al-Qa'ida — BAGHDAD: Iraqi insurgents in the Sunni city of Ramadi have turned against their al-Qa'ida allies after a bomb attack killed 80 people, sparking tit-for-tat assassinations. — Residents yesterday said at least three prominent figures on both sides …
Jihad Watch

Darfur Descending — When I visited Darfur last May, I felt hopeful. Today I am pessimistic, unless a major new international effort is mustered in the coming weeks. — I visited a village whose people had returned after fleeing from violence and were living in relative safety …

Casey announces endorsement of Alito — WASHINGTON - Sen. Rick Santorum's leading Democratic challenger, Pennsylvania Treasurer Bob Casey, announced Tuesday that he endorses Judge Samuel Alito's confirmation to the Supreme Court. — For weeks, Republicans have called Casey "Silent Bob" …

Shut Up, They Explained — The left's regulatory war against free speech. — The rise of alternative media—political talk radio in the 1980s, cable news in the '90s, and the blogosphere in the new millennium—has broken the liberal monopoly over news and opinion outlets.

Men in Mexican Army Uniforms in Border Standoff, Official Says — SIERRA BLANCA, Texas — Men in Mexican military-style uniforms crossed the Rio Grande into the United States on a marijuana-smuggling foray, leading to an armed confrontation with Texas law officers, authorities said Tuesday.

Earle Probes Possible Cunningham-DeLay Tie — SAN DIEGO - The Texas prosecutor targeting Rep. Tom DeLay has issued a second round of subpoenas to businessmen here seeking records surrounding donations to the former Republican leader and disgraced former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

Democrats and Republicans Both Adept at Ignoring Facts, Study Finds — Democrats and Republicans alike are adept at making decisions without letting the facts get in the way, a new study shows. — And they get quite a rush from ignoring information that's contrary to their point of view.