Top Items:

Galloway may face serious fraud office investigation — George Galloway faces the prospect of a criminal investigation into his activities by the serious fraud office, which has collected evidence relating to the oil-for-food corruption scandal in Iraq. — A four-strong SFO team returned …

My pal the psychopath — Crawling ... George with Saddam Hussein's son, Uday — CELEB Big Brother prat George Galloway is today exposed in his revolting true colours — fawning before Saddam Hussein's murderous son Uday. — An astonishing video shown in part on the Sun TV Bulletin depicts Galloway …

Democrats in Md. Try to Limit Fallout Of Gay Union Case — Parties Try to Curb Ruling's Effect on Chance in Election — Maryland Democrats concerned about the political fallout from last week's court ruling on same-sex marriage are considering a plan to block any final court ruling …

Alito Confirmation Seems All but Assured
Dohiyi Mir

On Party Lines, Panel Approves Alito for Court

DOWDIFYING BEN FRANKLIN — Take a close look at the protest banner held up by a petulant bunch of Georgetown University kids who disrupted a speech by Attorney General Al Gonzales defending the NSA's terrorist surveillance program yesterday: — Notice anything missing?

Bush the Incompetent — Incompetence is not one of the seven deadly sins, and it's hardly the worst attribute that can be ascribed to George W. Bush. But it is this president's defining attribute. Historians, looking back at the hash that his administration has made of his war in Iraq …
The Sideshow, The Mahablog, Norwegianity, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Peking Duck and The All Spin Zone

Mr. Abramoff's Meetings — HERE ARE SOME things we know about Jack Abramoff and the White House: The disgraced lobbyist raised at least $100,000 for President Bush's reelection campaign. He had long-standing ties to Karl Rove, a key presidential adviser. He had extensive dealings …

Google Agrees to Censor Results in China — SAN FRANCISCO - Online search engine leader Google Inc. has agreed to censor its results in China, adhering to the country's free-speech restrictions in return for better access in the Internet's fastest growing market.

Google to Set up Spike Strip on the Information Superhighway

Al Qaeda's Big Boast — IF Osama bin Laden's aim in releasing an audiotape was to gauge his enemies' reaction, he must have been gratified to find that America's leaders and opinion-makers understand him little better than they did on 9/11. The proof is in how his offer of a "long-term truce" was treated.

Bush to visit spy agency, defend surveillance — Sen. McCain, uncertain if president exceeded authority, welcomes hearings … WASHINGTON - President Bush heads to the National Security Agency on Wednesday for another speech defending his controversial spying program …

White House Declines to Provide Storm Papers — WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 - The Bush administration, citing the confidentiality of executive branch communications, said Tuesday that it did not plan to turn over certain documents about Hurricane Katrina or make senior White House officials available …
Balloon Juice, Think Progress, The Carpetbagger Report, Attytood, Shakespeare's Sister, PoliBlog, IntoxiNation-News …, The Left Coaster, The Heretik, scout prime, No More Mister Nice Blog, TAPPED, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Road To Surfdom, AGITPROP, Linkmeister, Middle Earth Journal, The Huffington Post, Martini Republic, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES and Oliver Willis

New Tax Breaks for Medical Expenses — President Bush will propose that Americans be allowed to take tax deductions on more of their out-of pocket medical expenses, as part of an initiative the White House believes will rein in soaring health costs by shifting responsibility toward individuals …
EconLog, MyDD, Think Progress, Marginal Revolution, TAPPED, ACSBlog, Democracy Project, Las Vegas Gleaner, Needlenose, BrothersJudd Blog and Mia Culpa

Iraqi insurgents unite against al-Qa'ida — BAGHDAD: Iraqi insurgents in the Sunni city of Ramadi have turned against their al-Qa'ida allies after a bomb attack killed 80 people, sparking tit-for-tat assassinations. — Residents yesterday said at least three prominent figures on both sides …
Jihad Watch

Darfur Descending — When I visited Darfur last May, I felt hopeful. Today I am pessimistic, unless a major new international effort is mustered in the coming weeks. — I visited a village whose people had returned after fleeing from violence and were living in relative safety …

Democrats Are Worrying Over Clinton in 2008 — Senator Clinton's emergence as the early and perhaps prohibitive favorite for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 is fueling anxiety among Democratic strategists and operatives who are worried she would lose to a Republican in the general election.

AG's memo raises questions on Patriot Act — Suggests it's not needed for domestic spying — WASHINGTON — A footnote in Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales's 42-page legal memo defending President Bush's domestic spying program appears to argue that the administration does not need Congress …

After Subpoenas, Internet Searches Give Some Pause — Kathryn Hanson, a former telecommunications engineer who lives in Oakland, Calif., was looking at BBC News online last week when she came across an item about a British politician who had resigned over a reported affair with a "rent boy."

WaPo Chattiness — They've put the page up at the Washington Post where we'll be chatting tomorrow so you can already stop by and leave any questions you might want to ask the illustrious panel of Jim Brady, Jay Rosen, Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Jarvis and me. They say the moderator …

Shut Up, They Explained — The left's regulatory war against free speech. — The rise of alternative media—political talk radio in the 1980s, cable news in the '90s, and the blogosphere in the new millennium—has broken the liberal monopoly over news and opinion outlets.