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Kerry Urges Alito Filibuster, but His Reception Is Cool — WASHINGTON, Jan 26 — Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts could not attend the Senate debate on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. on Thursday. He was in Davos, Switzerland, mingling with international business …

Sen. Kerry calls for filibuster of Alito — Unclear if Massachusetts Democrat has votes needed to block nominee — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN's Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday.
Hullabaloo,, RedState, Associated Press,, The Moderate Voice, Stop The ACLU, PSoTD, Althouse, The Left Coaster, The Democratic Daily Blog, firedoglake, The Reaction, Centerfield, protein wisdom, Michelle Malkin, QandO, Bench Memos …, The Washington Monthly, Making Light, INDC Journal, Below The Beltway, AMERICAblog, Elephants in Academia, PC Free Zone, The Truth Laid Bear, Pardon My English, GOP Bloggers, JunkYardBlog, TalkLeft, Sadly, No!, Enlighten-NewJersey, The Green Knight, Confederate Yankee, and Ground State

Filibuster Alito — Do I support a filibuster? The answer is yes. — Yesterday Senator Kennedy and I spoke with our colleagues about it. I don't have a shred of doubt in my opposition to Sam Alto's nomination. I know Senator Kennedy does not either. He has truly been a great leader in the effort to oppose Judge Alito.

Democrats Split Over Filibuster On Alito — Several prominent Democratic senators called for a filibuster of Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s Supreme Court nomination yesterday, exposing a deep divide in the party even as they delighted the party's liberal base. — The filibuster's supporters …

SEN. BYRD: THE PEOPLE WERE APPALLED (VIDEO) — Sen. Robert Byrd took to the Senate floor earlier today to criticize the manner in which the Alito hearings were conducted. Watch this and file it under "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." — Download the video (.wmv file)

Prosecutor Will Step Down From Lobbyist Case — WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 — The investigation of Jack Abramoff, the disgraced Republican lobbyist, took a surprising new turn on Thursday when the Justice Department said the chief prosecutor in the inquiry would step down next week because he had been nominated …

THE DAY AFTER — [Note: This was originally posted at 3 a.m. EST, and has been updated several times to reflect ongoing developments. The most recent update was posted at 10:45 p.m. EST.] — It looks like all yesterday's analysis and exit polls may have been worthless.

Hamas rules out talks with Israel
Opinion Journal, Israel news and commentary …, Decision '08, Clarity & Resolve and Solomonia

How do you like your democracy now, Mr. Bush?
Associated Press, Hullabaloo, Israel news and commentary …, Marc Cooper and The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta

Defense Lawyers Seek Prosecution Data on Reporters in Leak Case — WASHINGTON, Jan 26 — Lawyers for Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff asked a federal judge on Thursday to order the prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case to turn over all documents in his possession related …

Iran Wants Direct Civilian Flights To The US — Iran has asked the United States to allow direct flights between the two countries after a break of more than two decades, a senior civil aviation official said on Thursday. — The request comes as the United States and its European Union allies …
Generation Why?

Irony Alert: Tim Russert to Lecture on Ethics (Get Your Tickets Now!) — Our Russert Watch post about college phenom Luke Russert co-hosting an XM sports show with James Carville — and our mockery of Papa Tim using his Meet the Press podium to oh-so-coyly flack for his boy's radio show — hit a nerve.
firedoglake,, mediabistro, News Blog, Betsy's Page and Outside The Beltway

James Frey on Oprah: Live-Blogging the Live Feed — So James Frey is appearing on Oprah this afternoon, but we're lucky to have an honest-to-God sneak preview for you (the show is taping live, right now, in Chicago). We'll keep updating this post as the show progresses.
Associated Press, Blinq, La Shawn Barber's Corner,, Debbie Schlussel and Right Side Redux

Gore accuses big oil of bankrolling Tories — Election laws only allow $1,000 corporate donations — Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore has accused the oil industry of financially backing the Tories and their "ultra-conservative leader" to protect its stake in Alberta's lucrative oilsands.

Using Our Fear — Once upon a time we had a great wartime president who told Americans they had nothing to fear but fear itself. Now we have George W. Bush, who uses fear as a tool of executive power and as a political weapon against his opponents. — Franklin D. Roosevelt tried his best …

Broadcaster says serious news at risk — The anchorman whose boss once characterized him as ice compared with his successor's fire was anything but chilly in the impassioned speech he delivered Tuesday at The Society of the Four Arts. — "Truth no longer matters in the context of politics and …

Karl Rove on Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid — "...this president treats the opposition with dignity and respect. You'll notice that he has never, for example, said anything regarding the Democratic leadership that could come close to the venom and the anger and the rage …