
Political Web, page A1 … for 2:15 PM ET, January 31, 2006
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Top Items:

Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Senate Confirms Alito to Supreme Court  —  Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. became the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice on Tuesday, confirmed with the most partisan victory in modern history after a fierce battle over the future direction of the high court.  —  The Senate voted 58-42 …
David Stout / New York Times:
Alito Is Confirmed for Supreme Court in 58-42 Vote  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 — Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has been widely praised for his intellect and integrity but both admired and assailed for his conservative judicial philosophy, was confirmed today as the 110th justice in the history of the Supreme Court.
Senate confirms Alito for Supreme Court  —  58-42 vote was most partisan for top court nominee in recent history  —  WASHINGTON - Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. - the son of an Italian immigrant and a longtime lawyer, prosecutor and judge - won Senate approval Tuesday to become the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice.
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Two Nominee Strategies.  One Worked.  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 — The week before his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. e-mailed the text of his opening statement to the White House.  It included very little about his legal thinking, dwelled at length on his family …
Senate confirms Alito to the Supreme Court  —  WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Senate confirmed Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court on Tuesday by a vote of 58-42, a day after an attempt by some Democratic senators to block his nomination fizzled.  —  Alito, who will be the court's 110th justice …
Thomas Ferraro / Reuters:
Senate confirms Alito to high court  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A sharply divided U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, backing a second conservative nominated by President George W. Bush in his effort to move the nation's highest court to the right.
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Final Senate Vote on Alito Is Scheduled for This Morning
Discussion: The Heretik and Althouse
Alito sworn in as member of Supreme Court
Digby / Hullabaloo:
"It Is The Only Way We Can Live"
Fred Barbash / Washington Post:   Alito Sworn In as Supreme Court Justice
Peter Applebome / New York Times:
Coretta Scott King, 78, Widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dies  —  Coretta Scott King, first known as the wife of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., then as his widow, then as an avid proselytizer for his vision of racial peace and non-violent social change, has died, her sister in law, Christine King Farris, said this morning.
Discussion: scout prime
John Bazemore / MSNBC:
Coretta Scott King dead at 78
La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:   Coretta Scott King, 1927-2006
Associated Press:
Coretta Scott King dies at 78
Discussion: Outside The Beltway
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Tasting Victory, Liberals Instead Have a Food Fight  —  The new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds congressional Democrats in the best position they've held in 14 years, besting President Bush and Republican lawmakers on Iraq, the economy, health care, immigration, ethics and more.
Stephanie Mansfield / Washington Times:
Liberal activists promote a ruckus to silence Bush
Carol D. Leonnig / Washington Post:
Gonzales Is Challenged on Wiretaps  —  Feingold Says Attorney General Misled Senators in Hearings  —  Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) charged yesterday that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales misled the Senate during his confirmation hearing a year ago when he appeared to try to avoid answering …
Mousa Abu Marzook / Washington Post:
What Hamas Is Seeking  —  DAMASCUS, Syria — A new era in the struggle for Palestinian liberation is upon us.  Through historic fair and free elections, the Palestinian people have spoken.  —  Accordingly, America's long-standing tradition of supporting the oppressed's rights to self-determination should not waver.
Hindrocket / Power Line:
ANOTHER IMPRUDENT DEM  —  As the Democratic Party continues its slide into disrepute, there doesn't seem to be any bottom in sight.  Here is the latest smear from the Dems: candidate Coleen Rowley has published a despicable slander of my own Congressman and friend, John Kline, depicting him as a Nazi.
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
The Godwin Candidate  —  I live in Minnesota's second Congressional …
Discussion: Shot In The Dark
The Fear That Kills  —  Appalling new evidence reveals that female soldiers serving in Iraq made fatal decisions in their attempts to avoid rape.  —  Tools  —  COMMENT NOW  —  In a startling revelation, the former commander of Abu Ghraib prison testified that Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez …
Matt Stoller / Open Letter To Chris Matthews:
Chris Matthews accuses Sen. Kennedy of molesting Judge Alito's wife  —  Yes, it's that bad.  After his on-the-air gay-bashing, his creepy stereotyping of Latinos, his incredibly offensive comparisons of peaceful Americans to Osama bin Laden, and his ever-growing right-wing bias, MSNBC's Chris Matthews has gone off the deep end.
Jeff Goldstein / protein wisdom:
New Zawahiri tape shows terror-leader defiant, predicting more US defeats (rough translation from the original; with thanks to Jim Zorn)  —  Additional reporting here, here, and here.  See also, Stop the ACLU, Conservababes, Gameshout, Opinion Bug, Jawa Report, Michelle Malkin …
Michael Rogers / BlogActive:
Mister Senator...  This post will be read by thousands and thousands of people... It's directed at ONE person. … Ladies and Gentlemen.... if they want a cultural war, I'll give them a f**king cultural war.  Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy 2006.  Entry continues below this advertisement
Paul Kiel /
Auction House  —  The Daily Muck  —  Maybe we'll start calling this The Daily Doolittle.  —  Yesterday, I brought word of an AP story that Doolittle had interceded on behalf of two of tribes in 2003 by writing letters to Interior Secretary Gale Norton.  I wondered how Rep. John Doolittle …
Jane Hamsher /
Roasting the Post  —  Readers are still waiting for the Washington Post to apologize for stifling their comments and labeling them 'hate speech.'  —  When Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell published the false claim on January 15 that Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff gave money to Democrats …

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More Items:

Chris Bowers / MyDD:
Polling Project, Fifth Release
'Commander in Chief' Pulled from ABC Lineup
George F. Will / Washington Post:
The State Of Our Cynicism
Discussion: Below The Beltway
Washington Post:
Zawahiri Taunts Bush After Attack Misses Him
Nico / Think Progress:
The Truth About Health Savings Accounts
Greg Mitchell / Editor and Publisher:
Sliming a Famous Muckraker: The Untold Story
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Wounded Newsmen Show Slow Recovery
Jodi Rudoren / New York Times:
Trial Opens in Challenge to Law Over Teenage Sex
Discussion: Amygdala and Althouse

Earlier Picks:

Cathy Young / Boston Globe:
Haleigh Poutre is no Terri Schiavo
Discussion: INDC Journal and The Y Files
Dr. Rusty Shackleford / The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta:
Another Jill Carrol Hostage Video Emerges
New York Times:
Bush Will Use Address to Focus on Alternative Fuels and Nuclear Plants
New York Times:
And in This Corner, Fed Choice Is Blip on Some Senators' Radar
Steven R. Weisman / New York Times:
China and Russia Support Sending Iran Case to U.N.
Houston Chronicle:
Judge seats jury in Enron trial
Discussion: Off the Kuff and TalkLeft
Debbie Schlussel:
Stolen Land?: Earwax, B.O. More Proof "Native" Americans Not Native
Jim Lindgren /
The Volokh Conspiracy
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