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Learning from Dear Leader — (updated below - updated again, several times) — I disagree with lots of things which Cindy Sheehan says but if the circumstances of her arrest last night at the State of the Union speech are anything like what she describes them as being (h/t Lis Riba), then her arrest is completely disgraceful.
The Mahablog, Guardian, Balloon Juice, Associated Press, The Heretik, Say Anything, firedoglake and AMERICAblog

SHAME ON LYNN WOOLSEY — Rep. Lynn Woolsey is the member of Congress reportedly responsible for giving Cindy Sheehan access to the State of the Union address last night. When it comes to whether she knew Sheehan would pull the stunt she pulled, Woolsey has absolutely no plausible deniability.

State Of The Union: Live Blog
Discussion:, Right Wing News, Gay Patriot, The Hotline's Blogometer, The Strata-Sphere, Stop The ACLU, Modern Fabulousity,, Drumwaster's Rants, Sadly, No!, bRight & Early, The Online Magazine …, Macsmind, The Political Pit Bull, Weapons of Mass Discussion, and Hyscience

France enters Muslim cartoon row — A French newspaper has reproduced a set of Danish caricatures depicting the Prophet Muhammad that have caused outrage in the Muslim world. — France Soir said it had published the cartoons to show that "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society.

French newspaper reprints Muhammad cartoons — Under the headline "We have the right to caricature God," a French newspaper today reprinted the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that have ignited extraordinary anti-Danish protests, death threats and boycotts across the Muslim world.

Let's boycott the boycott — Even though the Danes …
Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs, Diggers Realm, The Big Pharaoh and The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta

Bush Stretches to Defend Surveillance — The president's justification for his spy program has disputable roots, as do some of the facts and figures he put forth in his speech. — WASHINGTON — President Bush received a roaring ovation Tuesday for his prime-time defense of wiretapping phone calls without warrants.
The Washington Monthly

New Justice's First Challenge: Clap On or Clap Off? — Samuel A. Alito Jr., barely eight hours into his job as a Supreme Court justice, had to make a series of important rulings as he sat in the House chamber for last night's State of the Union address. — For instance: How enthusiastically would he applaud for President Bush?

Alito Vote May Be Decisive in Marquee Cases This Term
The Heretik

A Speech Both Stately And Stolid — Whether George W. Bush is, at best, the worst president since Herbert Hoover — as a seemingly sizable number of Americans appear to believe — he acquitted himself fairly well and came off as basically competent when he delivered his fifth State of the Union speech last night.

KERRY CLAIMS: 53% OF CHILDREN DO NOT GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL — Sen. John Kerry claimed this morning on NBC TODAY that 53% of America's children do not graduate from high school — a claim that raised eyebrows in the NBC control room, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

The Case for Joe Biden — A long time political consultant argues that the senior senator from Delaware is the Democrat's best shot — Jan. 31, 2006 - There are several ways we choose our presidents. During the primaries, we may vote for the person who looks as if he or she will perform best …

SOTU Critics Room — EDITOR'S NOTE: National Review Online asked a group of experienced experts for their take of the president's State of the Union address immediately after the speech or in the wee hours after. Here's what they had to say. — DANIEL CASSE

President Bush's State of the Union Address
The Washington Monthly, Unclaimed Territory, Confederate Yankee, Althouse, Outside The Beltway, PSoTD, The Reaction, Blogs for Bush, neo-neocon, Sirotablog, The RCP Blog, Obsidian Wings, Blinq, Hit and Run, The Education Wonks, The Road To Surfdom, The Carpetbagger Report, Suitably Flip, PunditGuy, Gina Cobb, Comments From Left Field, The Indepundit,, Your Right Hand Thief, Running Scared, A Lady's Ruminations, Power Line, Wonkette, Below The Beltway, In the Bullpen, New York Times, The Political Pit Bull and EU Referendum

SECURITY & TERRORISM — Some US troops question Woodruff coverage — WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 (UPI) — The American media stood up and took notice when an improvised explosive device grievously injured an ABC News crew Sunday. — In Iraq, and throughout the military, there is sympathy …

DeLay's defense fund in red — Congressman raised $590,000 last year but still owes hundreds of thousands more — WASHINGTON - Embattled U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay raised more money for his legal defense in 2005 than ever before but still owes hundreds of thousands of dollars to lawyers, according to documents released Tuesday.

Bush's New Ally: France? — PARIS — Once every five or six weeks, a French presidential adviser named Maurice Gourdault-Montagne flies to Washington to meet with his American counterpart, national security adviser Stephen Hadley. They spend several hours coordinating strategy on Iran …

President panders to anti-manimal lobby! Dr Moreau flees country in rage! — I didn't listen to the State of the Union Address last night, preferring to maintain my equanimity by attending a talk on quantum physics, but I knew I could trust my readers to email me with choice weird science bits.
The Washington Monthly