Top Items:

More European Papers Print Cartoons of Muhammad, Fueling Dispute With Muslims — COPENHAGEN, Feb. 1 — Broadening a debate that has set Europe against the Islamic world, several European newspapers on Wednesday reprinted cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in an unflattering light …

Anger Over Drawings Spreads Among Muslims

Cartoon Rage vs. Freedom of Speech
Dr. Sanity, Danske øjne …, Atlas Shrugs, The American Princess and Israel news and commentary …

Offending Cartoons Reprinted
Rantingprofs, The Politburo Diktat, UPI, All Things Beautiful, ParaPundit and ¡No Pasarán!

Budget Cuts Pass By a Slim Margin — Poor, Elderly and Students to Feel Pinch — The House yesterday narrowly approved a contentious budget-cutting package that would save nearly $40 billion over five years by imposing substantial changes on programs including Medicaid, welfare, child support and student lending.

Lobbying Changes Divide House GOP — Just two weeks after House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) pledged to pass far-reaching changes to the rules of lobbying on Capitol Hill, House Republican members pushed back hard against those proposals yesterday, charging that their leaders are overreacting to a growing corruption scandal.

House Approves Budget Cutbacks of $39.5 Billion — WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 — House Republicans eked out a victory on a $39.5 billion budget-cutting package on Wednesday, with a handful of skittish Republicans switching their votes at the last minute in opposition to reductions in spending on health and education programs.

Republican Referendum — Something new, or same-old, same-old? — House Republicans vote for a new Majority Leader today, and whom they pick will tell us a lot about how they view the performance of this Congress so far. Are they proud of the record amount of pork-barrel spending?

The Capitol's Tempest in a T-Shirt — Chief Apologizes for Ejections at State of Union — Two T-shirts — one black, the other heather gray — spotted in the House gallery the night of the president's State of the Union speech caused a major ruckus on Capitol Hill.

When does the "self-correcting" blogosphere start to self-correct?
protein wisdom, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Hullabaloo, The Moderate Voice, A Blog For All, The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta, QandO, PBD and The Heretik

Not So Free Speech — In the kabuki theatre world of GWB Productions …
The American Street, AMERICAblog, The Carpetbagger Report, THE BRAD BLOG and The Heretik

Bush's Goals on Energy Quickly Find Obstacles — WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 — The energy proposals set out on Tuesday by President Bush quickly ran into obstacles on Wednesday, showing how difficult it will be to take even the limited steps he supports to reduce the nation's reliance on foreign oil.

Alito Splits With Conservatives on Inmate — WASHINGTON - New Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito split with the court's conservatives Wednesday night, refusing to let Missouri execute a death-row inmate contesting lethal injection. — Alito, handling his first case, sided with inmate Michael Taylor …

Senate Panel Rebuffed on Documents on U.S. Spying — WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 — The Bush administration is rebuffing requests from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for its classified legal opinions on President Bush's domestic spying program, setting up a confrontation in advance …

Republicans Were Masters In the Race to Paint Alito — Democrats' Portrayal Failed to Sway the Public — On the night of Sunday, Oct. 30, the White House team charged with getting Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s nomination through the Senate got a first look at the nominee.

Joint Chiefs Fire At Toles Cartoon On Strained Army — In a protest with an unusual number of high-level signatures, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and each of its five members have fired off a letter assailing a Washington Post cartoon as "beyond tasteless."

Evangelical Filmmakers Criticized for Hiring Gay Actor — WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 — Christian ministers were enthusiastic at the early private screenings of "End of the Spear," made by Every Tribe Entertainment, an evangelical film company. But days before the film's premiere …

Ex-Aide Libby Wants Classified Materials — WASHINGTON — Lawyers for a former top White House aide want access to classified intelligence briefings to show that he had more pressing matters on his mind than lying about leaking the identity of a CIA operative to get even with her husband for criticizing President Bush.
JustOneMinute, The Reality-Based Community, Associated Press, Daily Kos,, The Left Coaster and The Next Hurrah

'St. Jack' and the Bullies in the Pulpit — John Danforth Says It's Time the GOP Center Took On The Christian Right — Jack Danforth wishes the Republican right would step down from its pulpit. Instead, he sees a constant flow of religion into national politics.

Scoring SCOTUS — Alito and the Democrats — Judge Sam Alito was confirmed today, as expected. The final vote was 58 to 42. The voting list is here. — This past weekend saw a unified effort in the blogosphere to engage readers in a call to action.
The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta

Jimmy Carter: Give Hamas a chance — Former president says U.S. should not cut off aid to Palestinians — (CNN) — Hamas deserves to be recognized by the international community, and despite the group's militant history, there is a chance the soon-to-be Palestinian leaders could turn away from violence …