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White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm — WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bush administration officials said they had been caught by surprise when they were told on Tuesday, Aug. 30, that a levee had broken, allowing floodwaters to engulf New Orleans.
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Ex-CIA Official Faults Use of Data on Iraq — Intelligence 'Misused' to Justify War, He Says — The former CIA official who coordinated U.S. intelligence on the Middle East until last year has accused the Bush administration of "cherry-picking" intelligence on Iraq to justify a decision …
Former FEMA Director to Testify About Katrina — Denied Executive Privilege, Brown Plans to Discuss Communications With Bush — Michael D. Brown, the former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was rebuffed in his request for a claim of executive privilege and plans to testify …
The RCP Blog
Lobbyist Told Reporter of Nearly a Dozen Contacts With Bush — President Bush met lobbyist Jack Abramoff almost a dozen times over the past five years and invited him to Crawford, Tex., in the summer of 2003, according to an e-mail Abramoff wrote to a reporter last month.
Loose Lips Sink Spies — AT the Central Intelligence Agency, we are more than holding our own in the global war on terrorism, but we are at risk of losing a key battle: the battle to protect our classified information. — Judge Laurence Silberman, a chairman of President Bush's commission …
JustOneMinute, QandO, Dr. Sanity, California Conservative, GOP Bloggers, No More Apples, Betsy's Page and Media Blog on National …
Can We Talk? — If al Qaeda phones, tell them we can't take the call. — Let's start with the one thing we know for sure about the Bush administration's program to listen to al Qaeda's phone calls into and out of the United States: It's dead. — After all the publicity of the past two weeks …
Bush Gives New Details of 2002 Qaeda Plot to Attack Los Angeles — WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — President Bush offered new information on Thursday about what he said was a foiled plot by Al Qaeda in 2002 to fly a hijacked airplane into the tallest building west of the Mississippi …
Bush Details 2002 Plot to Attack L.A. Tower — Intelligence Officials Play Down Importance of Case, Attribute Remarks to Politics — President Bush, under pressure from Congress, defended his campaign against terrorism yesterday, offering for the first time a vivid account of a foiled al Qaeda plot …
First Draft, The Carpetbagger Report, King of Zembla, Brilliant at Breakfast and Democratic Veteran
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Althouse, White House, Power Line, California Conservative, sisu, Blogs for Bush and Daniel W. Drezner
Ex-Cheney Aide Testified Leak Was Ordered, Prosecutor Says — WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — I. Lewis Libby Jr., the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, told a grand jury that he was authorized by his "superiors" to disclose classified information to reporters about Iraq's weapons capability …
Libby Testified He Was Told To Leak Data About Iraq — Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff testified that his bosses instructed him to leak information to reporters from a high-level intelligence report that suggested Iraq was trying to obtain weapons of mass destruction, according to court records in the CIA leak case.
Libby: White House 'Superiors' OK'd Leaks
TalkLeft,, The Huffington Post, Andrew Sullivan, The Reaction and The Reality-Based Community
Small typo, big headache — A typo in the budget-reconciliation bill may give congressional Democrats another shot at making political hay out of the $39 billion deficit-reduction measure President Bush signed yesterday. — Democratic leaders could block an attempt by Republicans to correct …
Patriot Act Compromise Clears Way for Senate Vote
Bloggers: an army of irregulars — World Affairs correspondent, BBC News website — For many in the "mainstream media", as bloggers call us, weblogs are at best a nuisance and at worst dangerous. — They are seen as the rantings and ravings either of the unbalanced or the tedious.
Harry's Place
Smearing Harry Reid — Checking the latest headlines at Yahoo! News a few minutes ago, I was shocked to read that "Reid Aided Abramoff Clients, Records Show." Immediately, I clicked on it to get the story. My first impression was that, unless I wanted to be a complete and total hypocrite …
Curse of the Moderates — As much of the Islamic world erupts in a studied frenzy over the Danish Muhammad cartoons, there are voices of reason being heard on both sides. Some Islamic leaders and organizations, while endorsing the demonstrators' sense of grievance and sharing their outrage …
Academy to Referee Climate-Change Fight — Scientists' Group Agrees — To Congressional Request to Study — Temperature-History Charting — Seeking to resolve a scientific dispute that has taken on a rancorous political edge, the National Academy of Sciences said it had agreed …