
Political Web, page A1 … for 2:30 PM ET, February 11, 2006
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Top Items:

Charles Hurt / Washington Times:
Carter allowed surveillance in 1977  —  Former President Jimmy Carter, who publicly rebuked President Bush's warrantless eavesdropping program this week during the funeral of Coretta Scott King and at a campaign event, used similar surveillance against suspected spies.
Al Franken / The Huffington Post:   Reflections on the Wellstone Memorial and the King Funeral
Jonathan Alter / Newsweek:
The Shoe (Bomb) on the Other Foot  —  President Bush's revelation about a foiled bomb plot shows the dangers of declassification for purely partisan purposes.  —  Feb. 10, 2006 - Poor Porter Goss.  First, the longtime Florida congressman leaves his safe seat to become director of the CIA …
Discussion: Fafblog! and The Mahablog
Arianna Huffington / The Huffington Post:
On Fear, Lizard Brains, and 1984
Discussion: TalkLeft
Juliet Eilperin / Washington Post:
Censorship Is Alleged at NOAA  —  Scientists Afraid to Speak Out, NASA Climate Expert Reports  —  NEW YORK, Feb. 10 — James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who sparked an uproar last month by accusing the Bush administration of keeping scientific information from reaching the public …
Eric Lipton / New York Times:
Ex-FEMA Leader Faults Response by White House  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 — Michael D. Brown, the former federal emergency management chief who became a ridiculed symbol of the Bush administration's flawed response to Hurricane Katrina, returned in anger to Capitol Hill on Friday and lashed back at his former superiors.
Daily Kos:
The NOAA & the White House
Discussion: Pacific Views
Associated Press:
Starr accused of sending fake clemency pleas  —  Prosecutors: Ex-independent counsel fabricated letters on inmate's behalf  —  SAN FRANCISCO - Lawyers for a death row inmate, including former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr, sent fake letters from jurors asking California's governor …
Discussion: firedoglake
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Bob Barr, Bane of the Right?  —  You could find just about everything at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference this week: the bumper sticker that says "Happiness is Hillary's face on a milk carton," the "Straight Pride" T-shirt, a ride on an F-22 Raptor simulator at the Lockheed exhibit …
Stephanie Simon / Los Angeles Times:
Their Own Version of a Big Bang  — Those who believe in creationism — children and adults — are being taught to challenge evolution's tenets in an in-your-face way.  —  WAYNE, N.J. — Evangelist Ken Ham smiled at the 2,300 elementary students packed into pews, their faces rapt.
Discussion: PoliBlog and Once Upon a Time
Wonder Woman / A North American Patriot:
Oh Ann!  —  "If you're going to be a conservative in America, you can't be a pussy!"  —  Ann Coulter made an over the top speech to a packed room — In fact, I was relegated to watching it on the tv feed from bloggers row, because the room was bursting at the seams.
Diana Jean Schemo / New York Times:
In Small Town, 'Grease' Ignites a Culture War  —  FULTON, Mo. — When Wendy DeVore, the drama teacher at Fulton High here, staged the musical "Grease," about high school students in the 1950's, she carefully changed the script to avoid causing offense in this small town.
Discussion: THE NEWS BLOG
Paul Kiel /
The Daily Muck  —  We've got a story up today about a trip organized by Jack Abramoff you've never heard about.  —  In February, 1999, Rep. Don Young (R-AZ) led a Congressional Delegation to the Marshall Islands, one month after the Marshalls hired Abramoff.
Philip Shenon / New York Times:
E-Mail Notes Say Lobbyist Met President Many Times
Discussion: The Huffington Post
Vikas Bajaj / New York Times:
U.S. Trade Deficit Sets Record, With China and Oil the Causes  —  The United States trade deficit widened to a record $726 billion in 2005, the government reported yesterday, adding more fuel to the increasingly partisan debate between advocates of further globalization and those who contend …
Los Angeles Times:
Abramoff's Charity Began at Home  — The lobbyist admits he used nonprofits to evade taxes, pad his pockets and bribe officials.  —  WASHINGTON — In his own way, disgraced super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff engaged in many charitable endeavors over the course of his decade-long career as a Washington insider.
Discussion: IntoxiNation-News …
La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:
CPAC: Endangered Species, Bloggers, Etc.  —  I'm coming to you live from CPAC.  I met a member of an endangered species: a single, straight, black, socially conservative, Christian man (and he reads my blog - excellent).  Did I mention that he was single?  —  I couldn't resist uploading …
Stephen F. Hayes / Weekly Standard:
Paul Pillar Speaks, Again  —  IN A BREATHLESS front-page, above-the-fold article in today's Washington Post, Walter Pincus reports that a former senior CIA official named Paul Pillar accuses the Bush administration of "misusing" intelligence to take the country to war in Iraq.
Associated Press:
Three More Lawmakers Linked to Abramoff  —  WASHINGTON - Three members of Congress have been linked to efforts by lobbyist Jack Abramoff and a former General Services Administration official to secure leases of government property for Abramoff's clients, according to court filings by federal prosecutors on Friday.
Discussion: Daily Kos
Pakistan Daily Times:
VIEW: Modernity and protests by Muslims —Farish A Noor  —  Islamist NGOs, parties, movements, civil society groups, media outlets and politicians have mobilised Muslims and got them on the streets to demonstrate the will of the Muslim masses and — more importantly — the power of the Muslim dollar
Discussion: lgf

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More Items:

Xan / CorrenteWire:
It's Official: We're a Threat!
John Daniszewski / Los Angeles Times:
Book Casts Doubt on Case for War
Belle Waring / John & Belle Have A Blog:
Oh, I'm Sorry. …
Alan Cooperman / Washington Post:
Air Force Eases Rules on Religion
Dasselaar / Zacht Ei:
Dutch people united in their defense of freedom of speech
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
RNC Chief Defends Domestic Wiretaps
Olivier Guitta / Weekly Standard:
The Cartoon Jihad
Confederate Yankee:
Send in the Clown  —  The Daily Kos kids are holding …

Earlier Picks:

Tom Paine / Silent Running:
Podcast discovers actual moderate Muslim
New York Times:
Official Resigns Public TV Post
Ryan Lizza / The New Republic:
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Blog Readership Bogged Down
Robert / Jihad Watch:
"Freedom of expression is Western terrorism"
Francoalemán / Barcepundit:
REMEMBER THE LETTER by Zapatero and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan …
Discussion: Free Thoughts
Pew Research Center:
Summary of Findings  —  Nine months before the midterm elections …
Discussion: MyDD
Chris Warshaw / Blog for America:
Settling the Score  —  There is a Democrat from Texas in Congress …
Discussion: Off the Kuff and firedoglake
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