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Reporting Lag In Cheney Shooting — (CBS/AP) Questions are being raised about why it took the Bush administration a full day to disclose the news that Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a companion on a weekend hunting trip. — The incident occurred Saturday but was not reported publicly …
White House Press Briefing Turns Into Shoutfest and Game of 'Gotcha' (VIDEO) — The White House Press Corps is hammering WH Press Secretary Scott McClellan over the Cheney hunting incident. The whole press event was a 20 minute reiteration-fest because McClellan had to explain the event several times.
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan — Response to a Question from the Briefing — MR. MCCLELLAN: Good afternoon, everyone. Let me begin with one update on the schedule today. The President will today — or today is submitting his 2006 Economic Report to the Congress.
Not a Laughing Matter — I'm going to out something from my childhood this morning: I grew up in West Virginia, and I used to go hunting with my dad as a kid. I never actually shot any animals — I was too much of a softie, and spent my time in the woods with my dad feeding peanuts …
Houston Chronicle, Editor and Publisher, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, No More Mister Nice Blog, Right Wing News, Mark in Mexico, News Blog, Pam's House Blend, archy, Amygdala, A MOCKINGBIRD'S MEDLEY, Wonkette, Soccer Dad, Crooks and Liars, The Rude Pundit, Brilliant at Breakfast, Majikthise, Norwegianity and The Majority Report
White House under fire in Cheney shooting accident — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush knew hours after Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fellow quail hunter but the White House came under fire on Monday for not making the information public until the next day.
No lights, no cameras, but plenty of action at the White House — The atmosphere can get pretty testy in the White House press briefing room from time to time. — But there were no cameras rolling in the Monday morning "gaggle'' today, the morning after news belatedly broke …
mediabistro, Daily Kos, News Blog, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Think Progress, Media Blog on National … and mediabistro
Republicans' Report on Katrina Assails Response — WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 — House Republicans plan to issue a blistering report on Wednesday that says the Bush administration delayed the evacuation of thousands of New Orleans residents by failing to act quickly on early reports that the levees had broken during Hurricane Katrina.
The Heretik, Balloon Juice, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, Mathew Gross, Bark Bark Woof Woof and Norwegianity
McClellan: Bush Told About Texas Shooting Saturday—But Not Cheney's Role — NEW YORK Reporters at White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan's Monday morning press "gaggle" peppered him with questions about the 18-hour delay in any word emerging on Vice President Cheney's shooting incident in Texas on Saturday.
AMERICAblog, Washington Post, IntoxiNation-News …, The Carpetbagger Report, Loaded Mouth and War and Piece
WHAT CHENEY MUST DO — This story is a very big deal …
The Sundries Shack, Donklephant, Booman Tribune, TalkLeft, Think Progress and Maverick Views
Outed CIA officer was working on Iran, intelligence sources say — The unmasking of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson by White House officials in 2003 caused significant damage to U.S. national security and its ability to counter nuclear proliferation abroad, RAW STORY has learned.
AL GORE SLANDERS AMERICA — Speaking from a country that sent us the majority of the 9/11 hijackers and from a conference that banned Denmark for daring to speak up against Islamist bullies, Al Gore this weekend blasted the United States for its "abuses" against Arabs:
Power Line, TigerHawk, Right Wing Nut House,, Blogs for Bush, protein wisdom, JunkYardBlog, The American Thinker, THE ASTUTE BLOGGER, Rantingprofs, Captain's Quarters, Sister Toldjah, TKS on National Review Online, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, The Sundries Shack, PunditGuy, Gateway Pundit, Hugh Hewitt, Clark Mountain Musings and The Strata-Sphere
Iraq Without a Gun — ERBIL, IRAQ - Until just a few months ago, Iraq was one of the last places in the world a normal person would want to fly into. Baghdad had the only international airport in the country, and you risked your life just taking a taxi to the kinda-sorta half-way "safe" Green Zone from the terminal.
The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta
WonderCon '06: Holy Terror, Batman! — Batman kicks Al Qaeda's ass. Frank Miller's talks about upcoming book. — February 12, 2006 - During his WonderCon panel, Frank Miller discussed his next graphic novel. Once again, Miller returns to the world of the Batman, this time with Holy Terror, Batman!.
Why Terrorist Activity Is Down — February 12, 2006: The annual Shia Ashura festival brings out the faithful in large numbers, and was banned when Saddam ruled. Since then, terrorists have attacked the Shia participants, killing 55 in 2005, and 181 in 2004. This year, the terrorists were unable to kill anyone.
kf Sweeps the Heartland! — Brokeback and the Bogus Breakout Meme. — Buried lede of the day? Deep in a piece on new Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner, former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey admits he opposes both the Iraq War and No Child Left Behind: