
Political Web, page A1 … for 8:15 AM ET, February 16, 2006
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Top Items:

Washington Post:
Vice President Cheney Interviewed by Fox News  —  Eisenhower Executive Office Building 2:01 P.M. EST  —  Q Mr. Vice President, how is Mr. Whittington?  —  THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, the good news is he's doing very well today.  I talked to him yesterday after they discovered the heart problem …
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Brit Hume, Cheney's Choice For a Straight Shooter  —  Brit Hume was in his morning staff meeting at Fox News yesterday when his cell phone rang.  It was Dick Cheney.  —  The network's Washington managing editor had been pressing for the interview that every news organization was hotly pursuing …
Peggy Noonan / Opinion Journal:
Hit Refresh?  —  Why Bush may be thinking about replacing Cheney.  —  The Dick Cheney shooting incident will, in a way, go away.  And, in a way, not—ever.  Some things stick.  Gerry Ford had physically stumbled only once or twice in public when he became, officially, The Stumbler.
Discussion: Greg's Opinion and Althouse
Brit Hume / Fox News:
Exclusive Interview With V.P. Dick Cheney  —  This is a partial transcript of "Special Report With Brit Hume" from Feb. 15, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.  —  BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS HOST: Mr. Vice President, how's Mr. Whittington?  —  DICK CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES …
Editor and Publisher:
Cheney on TV: Takes Blame for Shooting But 'Unapologetic' About Aftermath, Admits Drinking One Beer at Lunch  —  NEW YORK In an exclusive interview with Fox News' Brit Hume this afternoon, Vice President Dick Cheney took full responsibility for shooting his hunting companion, who has until now been pictured as the guilty party.
New York Times:
Silence Broken as Cheney Points Only to Himself  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 —Vice President Dick Cheney broke a four-day silence on Wednesday about his accidental shooting of a hunting partner, saying he took full responsibility for the incident while vigorously defending his decision to delay releasing news about it until the next day.
Discussion: Bark Bark Woof Woof
Associated Press:
Text of Dick Cheney's Interview on Fox
Discussion: News Hounds and Althouse
ReddHedd / firedoglake:
Cheney Speaks  —  Fox has played a first clip from the Brit Hume interview.
Discussion: Wampum
Arianna Huffington / The Huffington Post:
Cheney Talks, the Coverup Continues
Arianna Huffington / The Huffington Post:
Karl Rove's Connection to the Cheney Shooting
Discussion: The Mahablog and Adventus
EXCLUSIVE: The Secret Tapes — Inside Saddam's Palace  —  ABC News Obtains 12 Hours of Recordings of Saddam Hussein Meeting With Top Aides  —  Feb. 15, 2006 — ABC News has obtained 12 hours of tape recordings of Saddam Hussein meeting with top aides during the 1990s, tapes apparently recorded in Baghdad's version of the Oval Office.
George F. Will / Washington Post:
No Checks, Many Imbalances  —  The next time a president asks Congress to pass something akin to what Congress passed on Sept. 14, 2001 — the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) — the resulting legislation might be longer than Proust's "Remembrance of Things Past."
Vadkins / QT Monster's Place:
Able Danger Hearing - Liveblogging  —  UPDATE: AJ Strata is now writing his analysis of today's hearings.  His AD analyses are always top drawer and I'm sure this will be no exception.  Be sure to read the whole thing.  —  I will be liveblogging the Able Danger/Strategic Forces Subcommittee hearing at 2:30 PM today, in this post.
Richard Williamson /
Report: Bush Spent $1.4 Billion on 'Spin'  —  DALLAS — The Bush administration spent $1.4 billion in taxpayer dollars on 137 contracts with advertising agencies over the past two-and-a-half years, according to a Government Accountability Office report released by House Democrats Monday.
Discussion: Donklephant and AMERICAblog
Dan Eggen / Washington Post:
Justice Dept. Role in Eavesdropping Decision Under Review  —  The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility has opened an internal investigation into the department's role in approving the Bush administration's warrantless domestic eavesdropping program, officials said yesterday.
Discussion: Unclaimed Territory
Washington Post:
The Legal Woes Of Rep. Jefferson  —  Probe of La. Democrat Provides Fodder for GOP  —  Around Washington, Rep. William J. Jefferson nurtured a reputation as a serious, even wonkish, lawmaker, a grade-school dropouts' son who graduated from Harvard Law School and was elected Louisiana's first black congressman since Reconstruction.
Discussion: MyDD and Betsy's Page
Ben Smith / New York Observer:
Will Mike Run For President As Sane Perot?  —  Back in the late 1990's, Mike Bloomberg was just another media mogul and Kevin Sheekey was a young aide floating a crazy idea: that his boss would run for Mayor of New York.  —  Now Mr. Bloomberg is Mayor, and Mr. Sheekey …
Discussion: Donklephant and TAPPED
Congressional Report On Katrina: First Look  —  At 2:00 this afternoon, the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina will release its final report after more than five months of investigation.  POPULAR MECHANICS obtained excerpts of a draft copy of the report last night.
Discussion: JunkYardBlog and Say Anything

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More Items:

Glenn Reynolds /
The Glenn and Helen Show: Bill Frist on Avian Flu, and Bloggers on Everything
David Rennie / Telegraph:
'Weed out textbooks offensive to Muslims'
Discussion: Silent Running
Associated Press:
Chertoff Admits Katrina Response Fumbled
In Their Own Words: Reading the Iraqi Insurgency
Los Angeles Times:
Abramoff Bragged of Ties to Rove

Earlier Picks:

John O'Neil / New York Times:
Rice to Ask for $75 Million to Promote Democracy in Iran
Digby / Hullabaloo:
"I'm The Guy Who Pulled The Trigger"
Allan Dowd / Reuters:
Plans for US draft dodger sculpture revived
David Hammer / San Diego Union-Tribune:
Hackett's departure from Ohio Senate race highlights gulf between old, new politics
John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
My Favorite 40 Bloggers For 2006 (Version 1.0)
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