
Political Web, page A1 … for 12:40 PM ET, February 16, 2006
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Top Items:

Peggy Noonan / Opinion Journal:
Hit Refresh?  —  Why Bush may be thinking about replacing Cheney.  —  The Dick Cheney shooting incident will, in a way, go away.  And, in a way, not—ever.  Some things stick.  Gerry Ford had physically stumbled only once or twice in public when he became, officially, The Stumbler.
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Brit Hume, Cheney's Choice For a Straight Shooter  —  Brit Hume was in his morning staff meeting at Fox News yesterday when his cell phone rang.  It was Dick Cheney.  —  The network's Washington managing editor had been pressing for the interview that every news organization was hotly pursuing …
Thomas Sowell /
Spoiled brat media  —  The first revolt of the American colonists against their British rulers was immortalized by Ralph Waldo Emerson as "the shot heard round the world."  Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident has now become the shot heard round the Beltway.
Discussion: Tammy Bruce
AOL News:
Rove Pushed Cheney to Talk  —  (Feb. 16) — President Bush's top political aide, Karl Rove, pushed Vice President Dick Cheney to speak publicly about shooting a fellow hunter, sources tell CBS News.  —  Rove worried the vice president's silence on the issue was becoming a political problem …
Los Angeles Times:
Critics See a White House Failure to Communicate
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt and The Mahablog
Matea Gold / Los Angeles Times:   Critics slam Cheney's interview choice
John McIntyre / The RCP Blog:
Dumping Dick Cheney?
Discussion: Right Wing News and Gina Cobb
Radio Blogger:
Helen Thomas hangs up on Hugh Hewitt.  —  The dean of the White House press corps, known lovingly around the Hugh Hewitt Show as Aunt Bethany...  appeared on the program a little while ago, and it didn't end well, with Ms. Thomas hanging up on Hugh.  Here's how it went:  —  02-15thomas.mp3
Can Cheney Declassify At Will?  —  Eschaton asked if this claim by Dick Cheney about his declassification authority, from his "interview" by Fox News, was true: … So, is that true?  —  Not exactly.  —  The executive order that Cheney is referring to is one that Bush issued in March 2003 …
Pete Yost / Associated Press:
Cheney Says He Can Declassify Secrets  —  WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney says he has the power to declassify government secrets, raising the possibility that he authorized his former chief of staff to pass along sensitive prewar data on Iraq to reporters.
Discussion: Scrutiny Hooligans and AMERICAblog
Ralph Blumenthal / New York Times:
From Arrival to Errant Shot, a Timeline of Cheney's Hunting Accident  —  HOUSTON, Feb. 15 — Harry M. Whittington had just made two great shots — "a double, two birds with two shots" — recalled Pamela Pitzer Willeford.  He had dropped back to retrieve the quail and, she said, "the vice president and I started walking forward."
Discussion: Norwegianity
Todd J. Gillman / Dallas Morning News:
VP accepts blame in shooting accident
George F. Will / Washington Post:
No Checks, Many Imbalances  —  The next time a president asks Congress to pass something akin to what Congress passed on Sept. 14, 2001 — the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) — the resulting legislation might be longer than Proust's "Remembrance of Things Past."
Thomas E. Ricks / Washington Post:
The Lessons of Counterinsurgency  —  U.S. Unit Praised for Tactics Against Iraqi Fighters, Treatment of Detainees  —  TALL AFAR, Iraq — The last time the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment served in Iraq, in 2003-04, its performance was judged mediocre, with a series of abuse cases growing out of its tour of duty in Anbar province.
Linda Greenhouse / New York Times:
Court Veteran Remembers a Scary Start  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 — No one will blame Justice Stephen G. Breyer if he flashes back more than 11 years to his own challenging start on the Supreme Court when Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. is ceremonially sworn in there on Thursday.
France steps up rhetoric on Iran  —  France has for the first time explicitly accused Iran of using its nuclear programme as a cover for clandestine military nuclear activity.  —  Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy told French TV no civilian programme could explain Iran's activity.
USA Today:
Senate aide's spouse gets a windfall  —  WASHINGTON — Sen. Arlen Specter helped direct almost $50 million in Pentagon spending during the past four years to clients of the husband of one of his top aides, records show.  —  Specter, R-Pa., used a process called "earmarking" …
Discussion: QandO
Warren Hoge / New York Times:
U.N. Report Calls for End to Guantánamo Detentions  —  UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 16 — United Nations human rights investigators called on the United States today to shut down the Guantánamo Bay camp and give detainees prompt trials or release them.
Discussion: TAPPED and TalkLeft
Stephen F. Hayes / Weekly Standard:
The New Documents  —  FOR MORE than a year, THE WEEKLY STANDARD has sought the release of documents captured in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We have pressured Pentagon officials, cajoled intelligence analysts, listened to would-be whistleblowers, interviewed Iraqis and filed numerous Freedom …

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Byron York / The Corner on National Review Online:
Yost / Michigan Football Forum:
'Bama Riots Over Bear Bryant Cartoons
Tim Chapman /
Assistant Majority Leader Shadegg?
Blogging: for Love or Money?
Tristero / Hullabaloo:
Herbert's Right. Dammit.
Frank Phillips / Boston Globe:
Poll finds Patrick and Reilly running even among Democrats
MB Williams / Wampum:
The 2005 Koufax Awards: Best Writing

Earlier Picks:

Dan Eggen / Washington Post:
Justice Dept. Role in Eavesdropping Decision Under Review
EXCLUSIVE: Saddam Transcript — 'Terrorism Is Coming'
Glenn Reynolds /
The Glenn and Helen Show: Bill Frist on Avian Flu, and Bloggers on Everything
Washington Post:
The Legal Woes Of Rep. Jefferson
Discussion: MyDD and Betsy's Page
Vadkins / QT Monster's Place:
Able Danger Hearing - Liveblogging
In Their Own Words: Reading the Iraqi Insurgency
Ben Smith / New York Observer:
Will Mike Run For President As Sane Perot?
Discussion: Donklephant and TAPPED
Richard Williamson /
Report: Bush Spent $1.4 Billion on 'Spin'
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