
Political Web, page A1 … for 6:05 AM ET, February 18, 2006
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Top Items:

Alec Baldwin / The Huffington Post:
Will They Go to Court?  —  So, I suppose the question is...what kind of civil trial will we see, or not see, between Cheney and Whittington?  Whittington is certainly no stranger to a court room and to civil litigation.  Will Cheney pay him off, preemptively?  Will they go to court?
Harry Whittington's hospital statement  —  Man shot by Vice President Cheney says accidents happen … MSNBC TV … Good Afternoon.  —  All of you in the media have been very patient in waiting for me to make my appearance here.  I hope you understand.
Discussion: firedoglake and Say Anything
Lynn Brezosky / Associated Press:
Hospital Discharges Man Shot by Cheney  —  CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - The lawyer shot by Vice President Dick Cheney during a hunting trip was discharged from a hospital Friday and told reporters he was deeply sorry for all the trouble Cheney had faced over the past week.
Maria Newman / New York Times:
Man in Line of Fire Expresses Sorrow for Cheney's Troubles  —  Harry M. Whittington, who became embroiled in a drama that has consumed Washington when he was shot last weekend by Vice President Dick Cheney, emerged from the hospital today to say that he is "deeply sorry" for all that the vice president "has gone through this week."
Man shot by Cheney: 'Accidents do and will happen'  —  Vice president notes Whittington's recovery in Wyoming speech  —  CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (CNN) — Harry Whittington said Friday he was sorry for what Dick Cheney and his family have "had to go through" after the vice president shot him in a weekend hunting accident.
Associated Press:
Cheney Gets Ovation From Wyo. Legislature
Discussion: State of the Day and THE NEWS BLOG
New York Times:
Senate Chairman Splits With Bush on Spy Program  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 — The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Friday that he wanted the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping program brought under the authority of a special intelligence court, a move President Bush has argued is not necessary.
Glenn Greenwald / Unclaimed Territory:
The Long Hard Slog  —  There are lots of people who appear to be morbidly depressed — to the point of conceding defeat — as a result of yesterday's unilateral obstruction by the incomparable White House shill Sen. Pat Roberts of the long-planned and long-promised investigation …
Pakistan Daily Times:
Clinton urges EU to convict publishers of caricatures  —  ISLAMABAD: Former US president Bill Clinton on Friday condemned the publication of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) caricatures by European newspapers and urged countries concerned to convict the publishers.
Mark / Mark in Mexico:
Pakistan reports Clinton says "convict publishers" of Muhammed Cartoons
Discussion: Ace of Spades HQ
Jeanne / Body and Soul:
Talents  —  Can I just say I am so grateful to Barbara for writing this?  —  I've been slogging around some of my favorite blogs today, feeling dumber than I have since 1970, which is the last time I attempted to understand algebra.  —  Unlike Barbara, I don't think I was born with the math component of my brain missing.
Italian court: Not a virgin?  Sex crimes aren't as serious  —  Mussolini's granddaughter slams all-male court after recent rulings  —  ROME, Italy (Reuters) — Sexually abusing a teenager is less serious a crime if the girl is not a virgin, Italy's higher court said on Friday …
Matt Stoller / MyDD:
Ned Lamont, the Political Entrepreneur  —  I don't normally ask for this, but please forward this post far and wide to everyone you know, especially people in Connecticut.  It's really important to get as many people on Ned Lamont's email list as possible, since this is a small universe of voters.
Shawn Wasson /
In New York No Less … Nacirema points out that this sign is a rerun!:  —  Contact: -Tell Them How You Feel.  —  Video of a similiar protest from the Islamic Thinkers Society last week.  —  ***Cindy Sheehan Protest Sign Ideas Contest***  —  Also: Photo- Eye for an eye in Iran.
Rumsfeld: Al Qaeda has better PR  —  Says U.S. government still functions as 'five and dime' store  —  NEW YORK (Reuters) — The United States lags dangerously behind al Qaeda and other enemies in getting out information in the digital media age and must update its old-fashioned methods, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Friday.
White House:
President Discusses Global War on Terror Following Briefing at CENTCOM  —  THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all.  Please be seated.  Thanks for the warm welcome.  Thanks for the warm weather.  (Laughter.)  It's nice to be back here.  I just came from MacDill, where I was talking to General Abizaid …
Man Without Honor  —  Greg Hallenbeck was like many men of his generation.  He had to work hard to get a good start in life.  A tough, stocky kid, part Sioux Indian, he managed to get to the University of Washington in the teeth of the Great Depression.  —  By that time his parents were separated.

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More Items:

Ten die in Libya cartoon clash
Stephen Holden / New York Times:
The Quiet Resolve of a German Anti-Nazi Martyr
Humanitarians for Hamas
Trevor Butterworth / Financial Times:
Time for the last post  —  On a winter-cold morning last autumn …
Alan Gray /
Republican Sues Bush, Cheney, NSA, TSA for Illegal Surveillance, Wiretapping
John Riley / Newsday:
More are questioning port transfer
Andrew Purvis /
Avoid Whatever Offends You
Saddam Translator: ABC Reinterpreted Tapes

Earlier Picks:

Martin Jacques / Guardian:
Europe's contempt for other cultures can't be sustained
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
The Latest Fitzgerald Filings
Discussion: firedoglake
Diagram in Cheney's accident report wrong
Bill Nienhuis / PunditGuy:
NYT Lobs Another Airball at Wal-Mart
The Religious Left  —  Glenn Reynolds has an interesting post …
Guy Dinmore / Financial Times:
Iraq economy falls below pre-war levels
The Sandmonkey / Rantings of a Sandmonkey:
Breaking News: Egyptian Ambassador to Denmark replaced!
Discussion: Atlas Shrugs
William Lobdell / Los Angeles Times:
Bedrock of a Faith Is Jolted
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